St Andrew Cape



This is the podcast for St. Andrew in Cape Girardeau, MO. It will include weekly sermons, random thoughts about following Jesus, and other things we think you might enjoy.


  • Season 5, Episode 20 - Drop The Chains


    Welcome back! This week we're looking into teachings that sound freeing on the surface, but ultimately end up enslaving us. We also look at the flip side- things we typically think of as restrictive, but can actually set us free. Also on this episode we continue our quest of identifying and debunking self-empowerment messaging and how our conscience plays a role in all of this. Lastly, tune in to find out the number of mini-sermons pastor John can squeeze into one podcast. Spoiler alert: it's more than two! Have a great day, and thanks for listening!

  • Season 5, Episode 20 - Always Teaching


    Have a listen as our podcast crew gets in front of (or is it behind?) the microphones to discuss the implications of how our actions are always teaching something to somebody. We also dive into some ways to increase our discernment, not only out in the world, but also in Christian settings. Also, John V. has yet to figure out how to end a podcast without being socially awkward. Enjoy!

  • Season 5, Episode 19 - On The Mountain Top


    Looking at the beauty of God's creation can tell us a lot about Him, but can it tell us everything we need to know? In the week's episode we examine Psalm 19:1-14 and discuss both general revelation and specific revelation. Enjoy!

  • Season 5, Episode 18 - Annoyed


    Do you find yourself annoying others when sharing the Gospel? Do you ever wish you had the power to heal others like the Apostles? What insights do you have about the great commission? Let's take a look at these questions and more in this week's episode. Also, a garden hose discussion, because why not? Enjoy! 

  • Season 5, Episode 17 - How Are We The Body?


    The church is often referred to as the body. What does that even mean? How are we the body of Christ?

  • Season 5, Episode 16 - Clothing Thoughts


    Do you own your possessions or do they own you? Let's spend some time discussing how the early church reoriented their lives around the gospel, and how we can as well.

  • Season 5, Episode 15 - More to the Story


    Who doesn't crave more to the story? Let's look at the event of Pentecost in Acts 2, and how the incredible story of the Gospel was compelled and transformed them as they gathered then, and still compels and transforms us today.  

  • Season 5, Episode 14 - Resurrection Eggs


    He is risen! He is risen indeed, ALLELUJAH!  Happy Easter!  Take a few minutes with us to celebrate the living hope we have through Jesus Christ our Risen Savior!

  • Season 5, Episode 13 - The Lamb and the Donkey


    Since this week is Holy Week, we spend some time on Matthew's account of Jesus's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and why there is more to the story than palm branches and hosannas.  Stick with us to the end for some exciting updates about missions here at St. Andrew, and ways you can be involved!

  • Season 5, Episode 12 - Up a Lazy River


    This week we look at the story of Naaman being healed of leprosy and draw parallels to ways we see a fight for control in our own lives.  

  • Season 5, Episode 11 - Who Is the Original?


    This week we entertain the question of "Who is the original, Batman or Robin... Elijah or Elisha? and discuss why the actual 'Original' really matters.

  • Season 5, Episode 10 - Make More Apple Trees


    Have you ever thought about WHO you are teaching and WHAT you are teaching them? This week as we look at Elijah and Elisha's final moments together, we discuss how the Gospel calls for replication, and the implications of what we are teaching others in our lives.

  • Season 5, Episode 9 - The Fear Gear


    What revives, comforts and restores us when we experience hardships, fear and despair like Elijah did?  

  • Season 5, Episode 8 - Shaded Truths


    Plenty of us love a good buffet, but do we recognize when we frequent the spiritual buffet, our 'favorites' of Christianity are amongst many 'shaded truths' that can end up on our plate as well?  Let's unpack that!

  • Season 5, Episode 7 - The Raven and the Bear


    We are diving into 1 Kings for a while, looking at two prophets that God sends to His people.  We are JUST getting started on some great conversations!

  • Season 5, Episode 6 - What To Do With Dry Bones


    What is it about the influence of culture that left the Israelites (and those before them) back THEN, that still leaves humanity TODAY, with propensity to replace God's truth, His word and methods of salvation/restoration, with our own versions of truth.

  • Season 5, Episode 5 - Radical Sabbath


    What does it mean to observe the Sabbath?  If God commands us to remember it, why is it so hard today, in 2024, for us to habituate ourselves to taking an entire day just to do so?

  • Season 5, Episode 4 - Live, Work...Serve?


    What if we reshaped our approach to living and working through the framework of service?  Is money what is standing in our way?

  • Season 5, Episode 3 - The Comparison Game


    We are in week two of our Good Work series, discussing how playing the comparison game can rob us of the joy and perspective of our work as worship.  Do you find yourself playing the comparison game as well?

  • Season 5, Episode 2 - New Year, New Season!!


    What a great start to the new year with some new voices joining us as we dive into a conversation about what in the world the concept of 'Good Work' might even mean. Could that really be God's plan for His creation? Check out Michelle and John's business at

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