Roll Play



Each episode of Roll Play will feature a different and unique Dungeons & Dragons scenario which has been presented to the Host by the players in the previous episode. This could be a word, a year, a place, a film, anything at all! Our skilled Host then comes up characters, story and a mission to help guide the players through their hour long adventure.


  • Roll Play - Episode 7 - Stranded

    12/09/2016 Duración: 58min

    This adventure finds our injured party stranded in a sinking car after running off the road. With no memories or supplies and a rapidly diminishing air supply, what will they do?

  • Roll Play - Episode 6 - Women's Institute Summer Fete

    26/08/2016 Duración: 01h21min

    England, 1967 - in the swinging Sixties the Women’s Institute is still going strong, even more so with trend of younger more independent women joining the organisation both to meet other women, and to uphold the more traditional aspect of the WI.In the small town of Countenance a group of WI members prepare the upcoming County Fete. Countenance’s WI has failed to win any prizes in the past ten years in the face of the talent of the Women’s Institute groups from the three surrounding villages: Mountain Greens, Cirrus Hill, and Satanic Mills. However, this year, headstrong and cunning Penelope and her gang of friends have set out to win all three of the prizes at this year's fete in the name of Countenance’s WI! Their start point is to consult the ever-wise matriarch of Countenance’s WI… Mama Cass…

  • Roll Play - Episode 5 - Sorry for the Clip Show

    19/08/2016 Duración: 01h08min

    In this episode Martin takes a stand to entirely create an adventure and characters on his own! Will this bold plan work or will it quickly get abandoned and begin a clip show recapping the first few episodes in the series.....

  • Roll Play - Episode 4 - Zeppelin Pirates

    12/08/2016 Duración: 01h08min

    Welcome to Roll Play! Each episode of Roll Play will feature a different and unique scenario which has been presented to the Host by the players in the previous episode. Our skilled Host then comes up characters, story and a mission to help guide the players through their adventure.Episode 4 - "Zeppelin Pirates"In an alternate world where the ground has been blasted to dust as a mysterious cataclysm known only as “The Event”, mankind has turned to the skies. Drifting amongst the clouds, are great cities held aloft with great sails and balloons. Airships and zeppelins travel from city to city in intricate trade routes far above the ground. And preying on these trade ships, are the fearless Zeppelin Pirates! We join such a crew high amidst the clouds as they find themselves in an adventure of revenge, horror, intrigue and great personal sacrifice...- You can check out more Roll the Dice content at

  • Roll Play - Episode 3 - Tales from the Oracle: 01

    05/08/2016 Duración: 01h12min

    Welcome to Roll Play! Each episode of Roll Play will feature a different and unique scenario which has been presented to the Host by the players in the previous episode. Our skilled Host then comes up characters, story and a mission to help guide the players through their adventure.Episode 3 - "Tales from The Oracle: 01"In a break from our normal style, this week we welcome guests to take part in the first story from "Tales from the Oracle" in which our DM fully controls the scenario and story in a more traditional RP play-through. Our players wake up in a strange cavern full of pods, with no memory of what came before and must band together to explore their new surroundings...- You can check out more Roll the Dice content at

  • Roll Play - Episode 2 - Rogue Lunch: A Star Wars Story

    28/07/2016 Duración: 01h10min

    Welcome to Roll Play! Each episode of Roll Play will feature a different and unique scenario which has been presented to the Host by the players in the previous episode. Our skilled Host then comes up characters, story and a mission to help guide the players through their adventure.Episode 2 - "Rogue Lunch: A Star Wars Story"It's coffee time in the break room on the Death Star when a rebel attack breaks out. Jarrad Davani, the architect for the Death Star is enjoying an fine espresso made by the expert barista Wilhelm Kataain. Whilst his companion droid and storm trooper guard quibble and try to outsmart each other, there is a hidden agenda amongst the group....- You can check out more Roll the Dice content at

  • Roll Play - Episode 1 - Trump Wins the Election

    22/07/2016 Duración: 01h43min

    Welcome to Roll Play! Each episode of Roll Play will feature a different and unique scenario which has been presented to the Host by the players in the previous episode. Our skilled Host then comes up characters, story and a mission to help guide the players through their adventure.Episode 1 - "Trump wins the election"In the future of 2020 we are coming to the end of the first reign of Hillary Clinton, the world is in ruins. After the 2017 Mexican Inquisition, the moves of American nationals are watched constantly by their Hispanic overlords. Clinton has become but a pawn of these foreign powers. A release of a weaponised Zika virus has shrunk the brains of US citizens even further, making them docile and easy to control.However, in this grim future, our heroes have a chance to save the world, a rag-tag band of scientists and soldiers hiding out in the underwater ruins of Japan (now Neo-Atlantis) have hatched a plan to travel back in time and make sure that Donald Trump is elected president, and the UK leaves