Islamic Village Podcast



Audio, and Video Archive of courses and events arranged by IV [Islamic Village]. The podcasts are designed as a resource for the students attending the courses or for review by students who were unable to attend. We aim to provide as much of the material free of charge to people. Most important is that people have easy access to valuable lessons.However, everything comes at a cost, and we welcome any donations which will go a long way to maintaining the podcasts and further courses.Simply click on the Paypal Donate button below and follow the instructions. You do not need a paypal account to donate.Jazakum Allah Khair


  • Fiqh of Jumah [Muktaser Quduri]

    29/09/2010 Duración: 01h19min

    Bab Salaat al Jumah, Kitab as Salaat | Mukhtaser al Quduri Using the Classical manual of Hanafi law, Mukhtaser al Quduri, Shaykh Atabek explores the fiqh issues and conditions surrounding the friday prayer. Naturally there are questions and answers. Does the khutba need to be in arabic? Is Jumah outside the Jami mosque valid? and more   if you have any questions feel free to post a message and we will endeavor to get it answered.

  • Surah ad Duha [Hamza an Khalaf]

    26/09/2010 Duración: 01min

    Beautiful recitation according to the riwaya of Hamza 'an khalaf by Shaykh Abdur-Rashid Sufi. Commonly we hear recitations according to the Mubarak riwayah of Hafs ['an 'Asim] and at times Warsh but it is rare to hear much of the other beautiful styles which number 7 [and some say 10] If you want to hear more from this Qari or specific Surahs then post a request in the comments section and i wll do my best to oblige.

  • Mandhumah al Bayquniyy [Audio Only]

    26/09/2010 Duración: 03h10min

    Shaykh Atabek explains the famous poem that forms an introduction to the science of hadith. In a little of 3 hrs The Hadith Classification, Terminology and nomenclature are covered. A must listen for anyone lookin got take their Islamic studies further.

  • ibn Juzayy al Kalbi's Tasfiyyat al Qulub

    09/03/2010 Duración: 45min

    Ibn Juzayy al Kalbi's Tasfiyyat al Qulub [part 1] Imam Zaid Shakir explains Ibn Juzayy's masterful work on purification of the heart and highlights the relevance of the wisdoms contained within the text to our lives today.

  • Sunnah & Bid'ah

    07/03/2010 Duración: 01h13min

    Sunnah & Bid'ah by Shaykh Nuh Ha Mim Keller   A classic exposition on the true understanding of Sunnah & Bid'ah - two terms plagued by misunderstanding. Whilst not a new talk by any means the issues contained within and moreover the principles illustrated could not be more relevant for people today. 

  • Love & Marriage | Shaykh Abdul Aziz Ahmed

    06/03/2010 Duración: 51min

    Love & Marriage | Shaykh Abdul Aziz Ahmed A beautiful Dars about the spirit of marriage and relationships in Islam. It constitutes a welcome departure from the obsession of legal rights in marriage and guides us to reflect upon the true nature of our souse and the practical realities of how we should deal with each other. Shaykh Abdul Aziz Qualified as a teacher from Leicester University in 1984, Abdul Aziz Ahmed was born and raised in Nottingham, UK. He has taught in England, Scotland, USA, Africa and Saudi Arabia. His specialty is Special Needs and Language. His Islamic Studies have taken him to Tunisia, Yemen, Hijaz, Turkey & East Africa. His teachers include the late Shaykh Habib Ahmed Mashur Al-Haddad (Jeddah), Shaykh Abdul Rahman Al-Kitamy (Kenya), Sidi Fethullah Gulen (Turkey), and Shaykh Abul Qasim ibn Zein Qayrawan (Tunisia). He also spent 10 years with Shaykh Mahmud Galal from Al-Azhar (Cairo). He has also translated a number of books including Risala al Jamia of Ahmed ibn Zayn al Haba

  • Time to Unify

    06/03/2010 Duración: 57min

    An insightful lecture delivered by Imam Zaid Shakir on the subject of unity.

  • Time to Change - Imam Zaid Shakir

    13/01/2010 Duración: 02h53min

    TimeToChange - ImamZaidShakir Delivered in Birmingham [UK] in 2000 as part of the Islamic Village lecture series, Imam Zaid delivers an important message to the grassroots. Almost 3hrs of audio with extensive Questions & Answers dealing with key issues. This is the first time it has been made available as a free download. we pray that we all benefit, and of course change. 

  • Dajjal & The New World Order -Imam Hamza Yusuf

    09/11/2009 Duración: 02h19min

    A classic thought provoking talk delivered over a decade ago by Imam Hamza Yusuf. The lecture encourages the listener to re-examine the world around them and see it from a whole new angle.

  • Seerah 2 [audio only]

    07/11/2009 Duración: 01h47min

    Shaykh Ibrahim revisits some of the topics covered in the Introduction. Then, the session deals with the blessed lineage of the Prophet {Peace & Blessings Upon Him and His Family]. and the Immense expectation of his coming among the monks and monotheists

  • Quduri | Sifat as Salaat [end] and bab qadha'il fawa'it

    02/11/2009 Duración: 01h23min

    This Audio only podcast completes the chapter on sifat as salaat and the makruhaat and nullifiers of prayer. It also covers the chapter on making up missed prayers.

  • Quduri | Salaat

    19/10/2009 Duración: 01h52min

    Audio only recording Covering Prayer in congregation Aspects that make the prayer defective, disliked or invalid