‘Typhus’ is a deeply personal short story by Chekhov, about a young man, Klimov, returning home on a train while suffering from a terrible illness. The tale begins with...
‘Beauties’ is a short story by Chekhov that tells the tale of a young schoolboy travelling through the countryside with his grandfather on a sweltering summer day. The boy is...
‘In the Graveyard’ is a tale that is at once both hopeful and hopeless in which Anton Chekhov explores the tragedies of life with a comic touch. The short story opens with...
First published in 1887, ‘A Bad Business’ is a supernatural ghost story from famous Russian author Anton Chekhov. An encounter between a graveyard’s night-watchman and a...
Yakov Ivanov is a seventy-year-old coffin maker and fiddler who hates Jews. Rothschild is a poor Jewish flautist, who plays in the village orchestra. When Yakov’s wife, Martha,...
In the time of paranoia and religious fanaticism, one young woman's life falls into the hands of two very misguided men.
Smirnov is scared of being robbed. To compensate and deter the cabman from attacking him, he blusters on in a comical way about his fighting abilities, the three revolvers he...
The Cherry Orchard is one of the best known plays by the prolific Russian dramatist Anton Chekhov. It has been translated into practically all languages and is part of the classic...
Ivan Chervyakov, a petty government official, while in the theatre, sneezes right upon the head of a man sitting in front of him, who happens to be a high-ranking government...
Nellie, a young and pretty girl, dreaming day and night of being married, gazes into a looking-glass. In the mirror her future husband emerges and they live together through days...