The Jolly Sailor is a fast paced comedy pirate adventure involving five friends. The story revolves around William who is shy and studious, and he didn't know he had a past and...
Edward Edson Lee (1884-1944), who wrote under the pen name of Leo Edwards, was a popular children's author in the 1920s and 1930s. He wrote five series of books, including the...
The book is about the Victorian period. After a brief historical introduction, the study guide offers a quick account of the main literary trends in every genre and supplies...
Kazan is Curwood's most endearing and popular novel, about a part husky, part wolf struggling to survive in the harsh Canadian wilderness. He is constantly torn between the...
Study Guide… is a collection of notes that introduce students – and not only students – to poems, novels or plays written in English. They facilitate learning...
The Abyssinian cat is one of the oldest feline breeds.Defined for its movements like the miniature puma, it attracts the gattophiles of the whole world with its elegant aesthetic...
Study Guide … is a collection of notes that introduce students – and not only students – to poems, novels or plays written in English. They facilitate learning...
Richard Diamond, Private Detective is a detective drama which was on radio from 1949 to 1953 and on television from 1957 to 1960. Dick Powell starred in the Richard Diamond,...
In English composition, a writer should make a careful selection of words and style to use to convey his message more effectively. Although the same message can be said in...