“As lively, thorough, and engaging as the team it chronicles” (Nathaniel Friedman), Betaball is a compelling look at how the Golden State Warriors embraced savvy...
“The definitive story” (Tyler Kepner, The New York Times baseball columnist) of Yankees slugger Aaron Judge’s incredible, unparalleled run to break Roger...
“The incomparable and mysterious Sandy Koufax is revealed…. This is an absorbing book, beautifully written.” —Wall Street Journal “Leavy has hit it...
From the voice of Fenway Park comes a collection of sixty-four humorous and nostalgic poems celebrating the Boston Red Sox.A commonwealth institution and popular local television...
The team that refused to give up their manager in his final season A comeback that changed baseball After thirty-three seasons managing in Major League Baseball, Tony La Russa...
The writing team that delivered the bestselling Faithful, about the 2004 Red Sox championship season, takes listeners to the ballpark again, and to a world beyond.Dean Evers, an...
Meet the Robertsons in this personal behind-the-scenes look at the stars of the exploding A&E® show Duck Dynasty®.What do faith, family, ducks, and money have in common?...
The sports world according to Michael Rapaport—actor, Top 50 podcaster, award-winning film maker, and sports fanatic—from the greatest and downright worst athletes,...
One of the leading performance consultants in America, Dr. Bob Rotella has tutored some of golf's greatest players including Nick Price, Tom Kite, David Duval, and Brad Faxon. Now...
From the bestselling author of Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect and the preeminent golf psychologist to the game’s top players comes the defining guide to mastering the...