Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 230:05:02
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Welcome to the Inspiring You Show where we talk about tips and tools for healing, share transformational stories and offer Energy Healing Meditations!


  • #44: Mindfulness Meditation to support releasing Pain and Discomfort

    17/11/2021 Duración: 17min

    #44 | November 16, 2021 Mindfulness Meditation to support releasing Pain and Discomfort Sitting in a way that's comfortable for you, closing your eyes, and collecting your attention with a few nice, full breaths. Taking some moments to let the attention scan the body. And just noticing if there's any areas of particular discomfort. If there is an area where there's unpleasant sensations calling your attention, just to bring a receptivity there. Noticing what happens as you begin to be present with those sensations. Press play to tune in for this Mindfulness Meditation. 

  • Ep 43: Scorpio New Moon Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

    05/11/2021 Duración: 50min

    #43 | October 04, 2021 Scorpio New Moon Reiki Energy Healing Meditation  This one is best done between October 26-November 12, 2021. Ah yes, once again we are in the energy of the “New Moon”. This energy begins 3 days before the actual event, the 4th day ~ being its most potent energetic moment and then the 3 days afterwards, as the moon moves away from this phase. Each month the lunar cycles of both the full moon and the new moon give us the opportunity to manifest what we want in life or to release those things that do not serve us and process them out. A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. Sun conjunct Moon gives an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. So this is an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question. The new moon is the birthing cycle of the moon’s various phases. We want to use the energy of the New Moon to support us. The New Moon Reiki Meditation is a time to

  • #42: Bite size chat on consciousness, energy and light!

    02/11/2021 Duración: 09min

    #42 | October 02, 2021 Bite size chat on consciousness, energy and light!  So consciousness and energy are different. Energy and light, feel to you possibly like the same thing - usually people will say, "I felt it". And so essentially when you use the word “energy”, you are talking about the source energy, that creates worlds that is always available to you. And oftentimes when you talk about the light, it's more about your light or the expression of energy that you are in the world. Consciousness is what moves energy into form. Your focused attention. You holding holographic images in your force field of consciousness is what allows the particles of infinite creation, energy to move into form, you are creator within your own creation. what is meant by consciousness moves energy into form. You are also created within your own creation, which is why consciousness moves light into life. The light that you are - so that you can fully experience - your power to create your life, your world, your reality, wh

  • Ep 41: November Energy Update

    02/11/2021 Duración: 39min

    #41 | October 01, 2021 November Energy Update Press play to tune in!

  • Ep 40: October Energy Update

    24/10/2021 Duración: 13min

    Ep 40: October Energy Update

  • Ep 39: Happy Equinox & Mindful Reiki Meditation

    23/09/2021 Duración: 59min

    Ep 39: Happy Equinox & Mindful Reiki Meditation

  • #38: Pisces Full Moon Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

    20/09/2021 Duración: 45min

    #38 | September 20, 2021 Pisces Full Moon Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation The Full Moon happens September 20th then days later the Equinox occurs on September 22, 2021. Well within the orb of influence of this Full Moon...  The energy of both of these events is already "in the air" and is exceptionally strong right now! The doors are open for you now to anchor incredible light and blessings into your personal life experience. Just remember, that while the energy is so supportive... That doesn't necessarily mean it's comfortable. In fact... This Full Moon can bring a potent energy for release, for highest good! Pay attention to what is arising within you! Where are you triggered? Whatever comes up now does so for clearing, transmutation or healing. The deep release you can possibly experience in today’s session will empower you to release and rise from past painful patterns and lessons so you can open heartedly claim the bountiful blessings this upcoming Equinox Gateway will bring. This i

  • Ep 37: How does it all mindfully work: Human/Soul/Consciousness

    20/09/2021 Duración: 57min

    #37 | September 20, 2021 How does it all mindfully work: Human/Soul/Consciousness More and more people seem to be talking about uplevelling, expanding, elevating and allowing more consciousness yet how does it work in the human?  By using the word "work", I mean this in a discerning way and not getting caught in the mind to "actually do work" and to try to "figure it all out" yet to clear any non-remembrance to allow the consciousness to be downloaded for the knowingness to become grounded in the human experience for highest good.  The fundamental building blocks upon which to expand into the multi-dimensional experience stems from one's ability to embrace the full spectrum of human emotion. To find roots deep into the core physical reality, not the reality one was conditioned to believe as all there is, but reality as an unknown potential.   Conceptually one can agree that to feel to heal…yet sometimes it is more complicated than it seems for the human.  Recently, many of my clients have

  • Ep 36: Mindfulness of Thoughts

    20/09/2021 Duración: 21min

    #36 | September 20, 2021 Mindfulness of Thoughts Just as it’s possible to direct attention to the breath, to body sensations, or to sounds, the same mindful loving awareness can be directed to observe thought. To experiment and understand this, try a one-minute practice of counting your thoughts. You will notice picture thoughts and words thoughts. Some people think primarily in images, others in words, and some have the audio and visual thoughts coming together. Just notice. There might also be very soft thoughts that come in the background saying things like “there haven’t been many thoughts yet." Your job for this mindfulness meditation is to sit for one minute, and simply number the thoughts when they appear. As soon as you notice this thought, name it gently according to its predominant quality. You can use simple notes like planning, remembering, judging, worrying, imagining, or fearful thought, happy thought, interesting thought, creative thought, painful thought, and so forth. Simply naming and acknow

  • Ep 35: Throat Chakra Affirmation Reiki Meditation

    20/09/2021 Duración: 27min

    #35 | September 17, 2021 Throat Chakra Affirmation Reiki Meditation Chakras play a role in the flow of energy in your body. Running from the base of your spine to the top of your head, the seven main chakras. each correspond to specific nerve bundles and organs in your body. When one or more of your chakras becomes blocked or unbalanced, it’s thought to have an impact on your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. What are Chakras? We all have energy centers, or chakras, in our body. In Sanskrit, a chakra is also known as a wheel or disk of spinning energy. This energy corresponds to nerve bundles and major organs. Ideally, your chakras stay open and balanced, allowing them to function well. But life happens — and for one reason or another, our chakras can become unbalanced or blocked. This can cause physical or emotional symptoms related to the blocked chakra. Throat Chakra The throat chakra (also known as Vishuddha) located near the region of the throat is associated with speech, hearing, commun

  • Ep 34: Virgo New Moon Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

    07/09/2021 Duración: 59min

    #34 | September 06, 2021 Virgo New Moon Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation New Moons always represent the start of a new lunar cycle. They are a time where energy draws inward. We can use this inward flow of energy to retreat within, to reflect, but to also think about what we wish to draw into our lives as well. The Virgo New Moon on September 6, 2021, sends mixed waves of energy. Whenever a lunar cycle offers energy like this, it is always important to be patient with yourself and to tune in and connect with whatever feels right for you. Under the September New Moon, we may find ourselves feeling a little all over the place, but if we can remember to use this flow of inward energy, we may find ourselves feeling more grounded and present under the opening of this new lunar cycle. There is this sense of adventure surrounding this New Moon, but there is also a deeper energy at play too, guiding us to connect with our inner child and to think about our generational or ancestral wounds. There is an energy o

  • Ep 33: September Energy Update

    05/09/2021 Duración: 56min

    #33 | September 04, 2021 September Energy Update When I woke up on September 1, I felt a distinct energetic difference in the air. Are you feeling it too? Change is stirring within the Earth!  Nature offers such profound wisdom for us as we journey through life. Embrace the power of change and letting go. Whether you're in the Northern Hemisphere and feeling the first stirrings towards Autumn... Or in the Southern Hemisphere observing the first signs of the Earth waking up and moving into Spring...  We're now experiencing one of those magical points of the year where Nature is seasonally rebalancing! This is a powerful time for us to harmonize our energies with the One Divine Source flowing through All That Is!  Pay attention and tune into Mother Earth's wisdom of effortlessly moving through change to bring this very energy of re-balancing, ease and willingness to flow through change in your own life. Breathe in the new levels of light and open your heart

  • Ep 32: Part 2 of "Are you in the habit of absorbing other people’s energy?"

    28/08/2021 Duración: 37min

    #32 | August 27, 2021 Part 2 of "Are you in the habit of absorbing other people’s energy?" Energy is the fundamental source that allows you to move through life and realize your full potential. It operates on several levels, including not just the body but also memory, thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. A well-maintained energy field is an essential aspect of keeping balanced and free from disease. Boundary Setting Tips and Tools so you can retain your boundaries and remain energized, calm, grounded, aligned and in abundance. 1. If you practice Reiki as soon as you wake up Turn on Reiki. 2. Mindfully pause and disengage energetically from what you’re doing. This can be done in taking a simple deep breath and saying a word or phrase that is helpful to you. I use the words “be present". Anything that helps bring you into present time in your own body and separate from whatever it is that’s happening. 3. Say your name silently to yourself or if you can to out loud, to help bring you back into your own ex

  • Ep 31: Are you in the habit of absorbing other people’s energy?

    28/08/2021 Duración: 29min

    #31 | August 27, 2021 Are you in the habit of absorbing other people’s energy? Energy is the fundamental source that allows you to move through life and realize your full potential. It operates on several levels, including not just the body but also memory, thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. A well-maintained energy field is an essential aspect of keeping balanced and free from disease. Does being around certain people cause you to feel drained, agitated or confused? If so, it’s possible you’re losing your “energetic boundaries.” Energetic boundaries are subtle, invisible, and profoundly felt. Losing them happens when you merge with other people’s feelings and you lose your sense of self. At some point, we all need to become responsible for our energy fields. So, here are tips on how to let go of the programming of absorbing other’s people’s energy. Remember, humans, it is a process to practice. If you have had the pattern of being a sponge out there in the world, it will take some practice to learn new wa

  • Ep 30: Aquarius Full Moon Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

    22/08/2021 Duración: 58min

    #30 | August 22, 2021 Aquarius Full Moon Reiki Energy Healing Meditation *You can do this meditation 3 days prior the Full Moon and up until 3 days after the Full Moon.  August 22, 2021, brings the second Aquarius Full Moon of the year. Full Moons light up the night sky, illuminating all that is dark. They can be a symbol for the illumination of a higher and greater truth that allows us to find closure and free ourselves from all that is no longer necessary, for highest good.  It is also a time to remember that all your past triumphs and successes exist as energy. They surround you and support you, and are there to be used by you under the light of the Full Moon. Tune in to the energy under the August Full Moon and use it to clear, release, surrender, let go and to welcome the new chapter that patiently awaits, for your highest good.  This Reiki energy healing meditation is designed to help you embrace your own inner water-bearer so you can clear cords of attachment that are no longer serving.

  • Ep 29: Kundalini Meditation for a Calm Heart

    16/08/2021 Duración: 19min

    #29 | August 16, 2021 Kundalini Meditation for a Calm Heart Experience a new level of inner peace with this practice from the tradition of Kundalini yoga & meditation. Breathe your way to a new sense of calm. This soothing breath practice (pranayama) relieves anxiety and promotes calmness and mental clarity. Kundalini Meditation is an active and energizing practice which involves moving awareness through the chakras and allowing the awakening of consciousness within ourselves.  The home of the subtle force of prana is in the lungs and heart. The left palm is placed at the natural home of prana and creates a deep stillness at that point. The right hand that brings you to action and analysis, is placed in a receptive, relaxed mudra in the position of peace. This posture induces the feeling of calmness. It creates a still point for the prana at the Heart Center. Emotionally, this meditation adds clear perception to your relationships with yourself and others. If you are upset at work or in a personal re

  • Ep 28: Do you feel tired? Are you experiencing Social Hangover?

    16/08/2021 Duración: 24min

    #28 | August 16, 2021 Do you feel tired? Are you experiencing Social Hangover? Often clients come to me with wanting to have their fatigue healed. They feel so tired and depleted. The first step is to figure out what is going on with their energy levels, why the possible energy leak, what is potentially causing the exhaustion and from there do an energy clearing and healing to rejuvenate, replenish and bring the system back into harmony and balance.  Since May I have started to see a trend in some of my sessions. I thought this was an interesting topic to share and can be helpful to you if you are experiencing similar symptoms of fatigue, exhaustion, and depletion. It started with some clients in May who went on vacation with another couple.  My client came back more exhausted than when she left. She said "I am so exhausted". I asked her if she was sleeping. She said, "I am sleeping more than ever. The kids were at camp so I was able to enjoy the time with my partner and the other couple. I did have

  • Ep 27: Healing the Heart Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

    11/08/2021 Duración: 44min

    #27 | August 10, 2021 Healing the Heart Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Meditation will help you to connect with your heart chakra. This chakra holds the center of love, empathy, and compassion. Anahata is the Sanskrit name and means ‘unstruck sound’ and is represented by the element is air and the color green. Like love, air surrounds and sustains us, in this life. Anahata is the chakra of positive energy, connecting the lower chakras to the higher ones. When it is opened fully, the heart chakra becomes a channel for Universal Compassion — our True Self. It is here in this space that we invite the infinite love to flow through us, allowing it to heal ourselves and others. The lesson of the heart is that we must fully love and accept ourselves before we can love and accept others. There is a center in the body where love and spirit are joined, and that center is the heart. It is your heart that aches or fills with love, that feels compassion and trust, and that seems empty

  • #26: Dowsing Energy Healing to Clear Victim Archetypes

    10/08/2021 Duración: 48min

    #26 | August 10, 2021 Dowsing Energy Healing to Clear Victim Archetypes I often get asked about books that I would recommend. In this video on instagram/facebook, I shared one of the latest books that I had read. I received a lot of DMs on how helpful and how this learning helped so many people that I thought I would share the audio on the podcast. So here it is! When I pick up #selfdevelopment books, I am not a passive reader.  I like to think about how I can utilize information that resonates with my human from a book to support expanding my awareness, consciousness, and growth mindset.  Before, I start reading a book, I do a Reiki Energy Healing Meditation. I turn on Reiki and set an intention, then mindfully read then do a self-dowsing energy healing session. Mindfully Reading with intention can change your life and be transformational. Reading is the easiest way to continue the learning process, increase empathy, boost creativity, change the way we think and live. and support expanding you

  • Ep 25: Lion’s Gate New Moon Activation Meditation

    09/08/2021 Duración: 57min

    #25 | August 08, 2021 Lion’s Gate New Moon Activation Meditation Every year around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called the Lion's Gate. It happens when the Sun is in Leo and when the Sun, Earth, and the star Sirius are aligned, beaming a surge of light. With this peak of energy, there is an immense potential for accelerated awakening.  At its essence, the Lions Gate energy influx is all about empowering you to claim your Highest Truth and power as a spirit of Love and Freedom. And yes, this is the powerful potential and opportunity right here and now.  The Lions Gate Energy is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. It's called the Lion's Gate because it occurs in the astrological sign of Leo (the Lion). As a Zodiac Sign, Leo is associated with the heart center and represents the individualized expression of the Divine. The Leo energy is the perfect stage to anchor the ascensi

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