Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 234:04:59
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Welcome to the Inspiring You Show where we talk about tips and tools for healing, share transformational stories and offer Energy Healing Meditations!


  • Ep 74: Reiki Equinox Activation

    20/03/2022 Duración: 56min

    Ready for the Equinox peak this weekend?  Higher light is already streaming in...And the Equinox Gateway is open from about March 13th-21st. The doors are open for you to anchor light and blessings into your personal life experience and for the collective. Through open hearts to consciously step into the Zero Point Field of Pure Potentiality to anchor divine light and frequency from the higher dimensions, into the physical realm for the highest good! This is a powerful shift point that is available for you! Whether its with these activations, or in some other way, set aside some time to feel into the energy and embrace the waves of change and transformation this Equinox Gateway brings!

  • Ep 73: The Art of Holding Sacred Space

    20/03/2022 Duración: 34min

    Ep 73: The Art of Holding Sacred Space

  • Ep 72: Short Mindful Reiki Grounding Meditation

    10/03/2022 Duración: 08min

    Ep 72: Short Mindful Reiki Grounding Meditation

  • Ep 71: B.R.A.I.N.S - A Tool for Self-Healing

    10/03/2022 Duración: 40min

    Ep 71: B.R.A.I.N.S - A Tool for Self-Healing

  • Ep 70: Metta Meditation: Envisioning Peace for Ukraine and the World

    08/03/2022 Duración: 18min

    When the world seems full of problems that are bigger than us, there is something we can do. We know there are a lot of people who have a heavy heart from the violence that is taking place in Ukraine, as well as other areas around the world. In these times, it feels like there is nothing we can do yet is that really true? Have you ever heard of the Maharishi Effect? It’s the idea that individual brain waves can affect the collective consciousness. The exact science on how the brain waves of a small meditating group can affect the actions of the greater population hasn’t been fully explained, yet there are nearly 50 studies have been done on the subject and have been reported in prestigious publications.  The Maharishi Effect: How group meditations create world peace: A group of meditators creates a large field of positive energy in the field of consciousness, which can support clearing and then transmuting the negativity of the environment. Negative social trends are reversed into positive trends. A

  • Ep 69: I am no longer “making do”!

    02/03/2022 Duración: 44min

    I am no longer “making do”!

  • Ep 68: Reiki Affirmation Meditation: I AM Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally

    01/03/2022 Duración: 29min

    Ep 68: Reiki Affirmation Meditation: I AM Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally This meditation can support retraining the brain. Please remember your unconscious mind learns through repetition so if you can repeat the affirmation to yourself.  Affirmations neutralize resistance to our highest good. Affirmations purify our thoughts and rewire our brains so that we think, feel and then experience that nothing is ever impossible. We can shift into miracle mindset.  Everything is energy. We can learn to attract health, abundance and all that we need by working with energy. for our highest good.  By affirming our ability to attract, allow, or generate health, wealth, abundance in all forms we are increasing our ability to open new channels of experience and magnetize health, wealth, abundance through new and existing channels for our highest good.  Feel free to listen to as often as you need. The content is also light-encoded.  If you wish to receive Reiki, simply

  • Ep 67: Mindful Moment: Generating Grace

    28/02/2022 Duración: 08min

    Ep 67: Mindful Moment: Generating Grace

  • Ep 66: Reiki & Dowsing Energy Healing for Ukraine

    28/02/2022 Duración: 38min

    Ep 66: Reiki & Dowsing Energy Healing for Ukraine

  • Ep 65: 02/22/22 Diamond Light Activation Reiki Meditation

    23/02/2022 Duración: 30min

    Ep 65: 02/22/22 Diamond Light Activation Reiki Meditation

  • Ep 64: 2222 Beneficial Portal & Dowsing Energy Healing

    23/02/2022 Duración: 52min

    Ep 64: 2222 Beneficial Portal & Dowsing Energy Healing

  • Ep 63 Leo Full Moon Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

    18/02/2022 Duración: 47min

    Ep 63 Leo Full Moon Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

  • Ep 62: Shift Your perspective, Heal Your Body and Change Your life!

    08/02/2022 Duración: 02h19min

    #62 | February 7, 2022 Shift Your perspective, Heal Your Body and Change Your life! Shifting your perspective can be helpful. A change in perspective might give you a new way to interpret your problems and find solutions. This might in turn give you a different way to manage life's challenges and navigate its twists and turns with greater awareness and even ease. There's a well-known saying that perception is reality. How we see something becomes our truth, which can sometimes be self-limiting. Perceptions are influenced by a number of factors: experience, personal values, judgments, information (as well as lack of information), family, society perceptions as well as possible cultural and so much more. Yet, it is possible to expand our perception of situations, events, and behaviors by clearing, releasing from a fixed mindset to allow an opening to then have an expansiveness to support changing our perspective. Changing perspectives can be lifechanging and lead healing your body and changing your life fo

  • #61: Aquarius New Moon Lunar New Year Reiki Meditation

    02/02/2022 Duración: 01h03min

    #61 | January 31, 2022 Aquarius New moon Lunar New Year Reiki Meditation If you've been wanting for a celestial clean slate, your wait is over. The Aquarius New Moon on January 31/February 1 brings the start of the Lunar New Year, and it's giving us the chance for a fresh start, both personally and in the collective sense. This new moon is also happening on the same day as the Lunar New Year, which is the real start of the year for those who practice Chinese astrology. The "new year, new me" vibes here will be extra powerful.  New moons always usher in new beginnings, and this particular one is supercharged with optimistic, forward-moving, change-the-world energy thanks to these two retrogrades coming to an end. The Aquarian lunation asking us "to vibrate at your highest potential," In Chinese astrology, the lunar new year represents a turn in the wheel of the zodiac and a shift into the year of the water tiger. In the year of the water tiger, we are encouraged to follow our instincts and make bold choic

  • #60: How to Shift from a Scarcity to an Abundance Mindset

    29/01/2022 Duración: 49min

    #60 | January 28, 2022 How to Shift from a Scarcity to an Abundance Mindset Have you ever paid attention to your thoughts for a day? Are your thoughts generally fearful, negative, focused on what you don’t have? Or are they generally hopeful, beneficial, inspiring, problem solving, encouraging, focused on the things you do have and fill you with appreciation and gratitude allowing you to feel heart centered and expansive? Do you feel like everything is working against you? Everyone including the Universe is conspiring against you? Or, do you feel like the Universe is there to help you? When you can see your life and career from a more abundant place, you’ll create more abundance. It starts with a deep and profound sense of our own inherent worth. When we believe that we deserve to have enough, and that there is more than enough to go around, this abundance mindset creates more opportunities, more creativity, and more possibilities for us to make an impact and do good in the world. Learn even more about How to

  • #56: Elevating your Consciousness: Part 3

    27/01/2022 Duración: 38min

    #56 | January 26, 2022 Elevating your Consciousness: Part 3 What is the 3rd Dimension of consciousness? The Third Dimension is locked in a time/space and cause/effect or duality paradigm.  3rd Dimensional Reality - Physical Realm: You might think that the Third Dimension refers to the things you see, such as the house, the tree, the animal. In this dimensional context, these things are seen as part of form that which has shape, mass, texture and weight. Form is also present in the Fourth Dimension and to some degree in the Fifth. But in these higher dimensions, things are more light-filled, not as dense as they are in the Third. We can know we’re experiencing the Fourth Dimension when we have moments of spiritual awakening and experiences of heart opening. Other times, it can happen when we’re simply feeling clear and quiet inside. Everything within and around us feels lighter, less rigid. There’s a sense of spaciousness and upliftment. The Fifth Dimension has been described as the dimension of Love, of

  • #55: Elevating your Consciousness: Part 2

    27/01/2022 Duración: 54min

    #55 | January 26, 2022 Elevating your Consciousness: Part 2 Fear, anxiety, pain, suffering, struggle, lack, etc exist in lower dimensions of consciousness of form. One would have to be in a slower, denser rate of vibration to be in that experience. It is understood that is what is part of that experience, which is why from a higher perspective there is not a right and wrong like we think of it. There are different dimensions of consciousness. The things that are going on in our world where there is prejudice and separation and fear and fighting exist in a dimension of consciousness where there is separation and black and white and right or wrong. With free will, you have the ability to clear from an experience to then elevate your consciousness to a higher perspective. This then releases you from the duality of 3D to a higher state of being. The more conscious a person is the less they have a fixed attitude on any subject. When one is caught in limiting beliefs, subconscious programs and patterns like fear or

  • #54: Elevating your Consciousness: What does that even mean?

    27/01/2022 Duración: 36min

    #54 | January 26, 2022 Elevating your Consciousness: What does that even mean? Our Consciousness is in constant conversation with the Universe. This is how our reality is formed through us and around us. Today, take a mindful moment to actively check into the conversation with the Universe. If you need to, change the conversation based on what you authentically desire from your heart. Remember, reality moves through you. What you do daily matters to your creation of reality. It can be shaped by what is imprinting into your energy field. What you watch, what books you read, what music you listen to, the conversations you have, etc. Remember, it is your sacred space, your energy so you can always clear and choose a new experience. But, the key is to become aware so you can choose to shift from lower vibrational aspects to a more beneficial reality. There are different states of consciousness and what exists within those states of consciousness—the best way I can say it to you: it is your vibration, your vi

  • #53: Yes, you do have a Divine Mission!

    26/01/2022 Duración: 31min

    #53 | January 26, 2022 Yes, you do have a Divine Mission! Yes, you do have a Divine Mission! You are here to help create a new paradigm for yourself and humankind. You are here as love in action to help raise the consciousness levels.  You are light in physical form here to create your life experience and everything you intended it to be. So just know that whether you have been on your path your entire life or you’re just beginning to really awaken to all of this and the power within you - this is your time to start living your purpose in the most meaningful and fulfilling way. It’s time to live your destiny and embark on your own personal journey to living in higher dimensions of existence where new possibilities and potentials for your life are waiting for you. Press play to tune in to hear your Divine Mission!

  • #52: Introduction to Mindfulness + Short Meditation

    24/01/2022 Duración: 21min

    #52 | January 26, 2022 Introduction to Mindfulness + Short Meditation Life can get really challenging. I mean, whether it's just dealing with your day at work ,at home, whether it's trying not to react in a negative way when feeling triggered, or to even watching the news or to the larger environment around. It can be difficult sometimes to just be in the present moment, enjoy your life and not get stressed about it. And that's what mindfulness meditation can help you learn how to do. But what is Mindfulness? This is how Buddhist meditation teacher and clinical psychologist, Tara Brach defines it, Mindfulness is a way of paying attention moment-to-moment to what's happening within and around us without judgment. So, said differently, when we attend to the moment-to-moment flow of experience, and recognize what's happening…fully allowing it, not adding judgment or commentary, then we are cultivating a mindful awareness. And Meditation is the deliberate training of attention. So, when you do a mindfulness medit

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