Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Ep 32: Part 2 of "Are you in the habit of absorbing other people’s energy?"



#32 | August 27, 2021 Part 2 of "Are you in the habit of absorbing other people’s energy?" Energy is the fundamental source that allows you to move through life and realize your full potential. It operates on several levels, including not just the body but also memory, thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. A well-maintained energy field is an essential aspect of keeping balanced and free from disease. Boundary Setting Tips and Tools so you can retain your boundaries and remain energized, calm, grounded, aligned and in abundance. 1. If you practice Reiki as soon as you wake up Turn on Reiki. 2. Mindfully pause and disengage energetically from what you’re doing. This can be done in taking a simple deep breath and saying a word or phrase that is helpful to you. I use the words “be present". Anything that helps bring you into present time in your own body and separate from whatever it is that’s happening. 3. Say your name silently to yourself or if you can to out loud, to help bring you back into your own ex