Plughitz Live Special Events (audio)



If you are looking for special events coverage of the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Anime Weekend Atlanta (AWA) or any other major convention around the country, look no further. The staff of PLuGHiTz Live travel all over the country to bring you news, reviews and previews. Special shows air throughout the week of the events and can be found in this feed as well as exclusive interviews and sneak peeks right from the show floors. PLuGHiTz Live is a proud member of the Tech Podcast Network and is part of the PLuGHiTz Live! Family of content. For more information, inquiries or if you'd like to have PLuGHiTz Live appear, cover or produce content at your event, please visit or reach out to


  • Nutrix AG: Unveiling a game-changing cortisol sensor @ CES 2024

    15/01/2024 Duración: 07min

    In modern society, one of the few constants is stress. Whether it's a big presentation at work, a growing family, financial concerns, or even a business trip to Las Vegas for CES, stressors are everywhere. Our bodies respond to this stress in a few ways, including by releasing certain hormones into the body. Being able to measure and track these hormones can help you track and properly respond to the stressors we live through every day. Nutrix AG has a sensor to do just that.What is Nutrix AG?Maria Hahn, CEO & Founder of Nutrix AG, introduces a revolutionary technology in the field of healthcare - cortisol monitoring using artificial intelligence (AI). She explains the game-changing nature of their Swiss cortisol monitoring sensor and its integration with their digital health platform.Cortisol is a stress hormone, and the sensor developed by Nutrix AG allows individuals to monitor their cortisol levels easily and conveniently. The process involves placing a small saliva sample on the sensor, which is then

  • Triple4s smart pepper spray: Revolutionizing self-defense @ CES 2024

    15/01/2024 Duración: 05min

    Self-defense has remained fairly unchanged for a long time, regardless of the advancements in other industries. For personal protection, there are a small number of non-lethal protections, but few of them are as effective as Mace. The problem is that standard pepper spray is only an in-the-moment solution - for now. That is where Triple4s comes in.About Triple4sMatt Rogien, the founder of Triple4s, introduced a groundbreaking innovation in the self-defense industry - connected pepper spray. This high-tech device, powered and manufactured by Mace, aims to revolutionize the way individuals protect themselves and notify others in emergency situations.The inspiration behind this innovative product came from Matt Rogien's personal experiences. With family members who frequently faced dangerous situations while commuting in South Side Chicago, Rogien wanted a way to ensure their safety and provide immediate assistance when needed. Thus, the brainchild of Triple4s was born.What is Triple4s?The Triple4s pepper spray

  • CES 2023: Tech Podcasts Network's Annual Top Picks

    31/05/2023 Duración: 14min

    Every year, the hosts from the shows represented in the Tech Podcasts Network's CES coverage get together and award their Top Picks for the show.Vasco ElectronicsDon Baine the Gadget ProfessorVasco Electronics makes a series of language translation devices. These devices allow you to communicate with people around you even if you don't speak the language. Their newest device is tiny - coming in well under the size of a modern smartphone. The size makes it easy to carry around with you on an international vacation, business trip, or hanging out with a group of friends who speak different languages.The device comes with free internet access that works across most of the globe. This allows for access to the entire language database and translation matrix nearly wherever you go. This is good because the system currently supports over 100 languages, with the ability to add new languages with time.VoltSafeScott Ertz from PLUGHITZ LiveOne of the things that has become a normal sight at CES is standards. Whether it's

  • CES 2023: Tech trends & takeaways from the Tech Podcasts Network team

    31/05/2023 Duración: 21min

    To end CES 2023, the Tech Podcasts Network hosts sat down to discuss their experiences. From exciting products that we want to buy for ourselves to trends across the industry, we covered a lot of ground in a very small amount of time.Technology costs are decreasingTechnology costs are decreasing at a rapid rate, and this is especially true when it comes to technology used in the broadcasting industry. Just a few years ago, broadcasters needed to purchase expensive equipment and insure it for up to $75,000. Now, however, much of the equipment needed to broadcast can fit into a single Pelican case, and the cost of the entire studio is much less than a single component used to be.The team discussed how the organization used to need to ship 24 boxes of equipment to the show floor to broadcast, but now they only need to bring two roller bags, one suitcase, and a Pelican case. This is a drastic decrease in the amount of equipment needed to broadcast, and the cost of the equipment is much lower as well. The LED ligh

  • Twinkly: Design and engineering breaking the holiday mold @ CES 2023

    31/05/2023 Duración: 14min

    Twinkly LED lights have revolutionized the way people can decorate for any occasion. From the Pope's Christmas tree in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican to pumpkins on a Christmas tree, Twinkly LED lights have made it possible for anyone to customize their own decorations.Twinkly LED lights for any occasionTwinkly LED lights are app-based, run on a network, and are easy to set up and use. Brandon Brooks, the integrations and support manager for Twinkly, explains that the technology that sets Twinkly apart from its competitors is the ability to map the lights in minutes from a phone. This mapping technology allows users to create custom content and sound reactions.The Twinkly LED lights are available in both retail and commercial lines. The retail line is available starting at $50 and is perfect for everyday use. The commercial line is IP 65 rated and is perfect for large-scale projects, such as running sponsorship logos or company logos.The possibilities are endless with Twinkly LED lights. With the ability t

  • Essence Group: IoT solutions for security and healthcare @ CES 2023

    26/05/2023 Duración: 15min

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly growing technology that is revolutionizing the way we live. IoT solutions for safety are becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to protect themselves and their families. IoT solutions can be used to monitor environmental conditions, detect falls, provide medical assistance, and more. Essence Group produces IoT devices for various industries around the world.SmartCare - Aging in Place TechnologyFor many seniors, living alone can become a challenge. However, giving up your autonomy can be a big change that many refuse to accept. For this, Essence has SmartCare, a line of connected devices to allow seniors to age in place. SmartCare devices include a wristband, an in-home monitor, and an app that helps both seniors and their caregivers keep track of vital signs. This way, seniors can maintain their independence while still maintaining the security they need. SmartCare devices can also be used to detect falls or other medical emergencies so help can be disp

  • Syntech: High quality accessories that don't break the bank @ CES 2023

    26/05/2023 Duración: 11min

    Finding quality accessories for electronics can be a challenge. With the prevalence of online shopping, it can be difficult to know what you're getting, and it's even harder to get something that looks good and works well. Fortunately, there are companies like Syntech that are dedicated to providing quality accessories for electronics that look good and work well.Quality accessories for electronicsSyntech was founded by Edward, a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley. He noticed that, while there were great electronics on the market, there weren't many good accessories to go with them. He wanted to create something better, and so he started Syntech to provide quality accessories for electronics.Syntech has a wide range of products, from cables and adapters to chargers, charging cables, and even USB-C 4-in-1 hubs. All of their products have been designed with quality in mind, with aluminum designs and braided cables that are designed to last. Syntech also has a strong supply chain management syste

  • Wireless Power Consortium: Qi 2 and Ki Cordless Kitchen @ CES 2023

    26/05/2023 Duración: 13min

    Wireless charging is a revolutionary technology that has made it easier than ever to charge our mobile devices. With the Wireless Power Consortium's Qi standard, it is now possible to charge our phones, tablets, and other devices without the need for cords and cables. With the Ki cordless kitchen, they are bringing the concept into the most important room in the home.Wireless charging made easyThe Qi 2 standard is the next generation of wireless charging technology, and it is designed to make the process even more efficient. The standard features a magnetic power profile similar to Apple's MagSafe, which ensures a perfect alignment between the phone and the charger. This means that there is no loss of energy, resulting in faster charging and more efficient use of energy.In addition, the Qi 2 standard also features authentication, which helps to ensure that the device being charged is compatible with the charger. This helps to prevent any potential damage to the device and allows for a smoother charging experi

  • Smart Sleep Guardian's accuracy for sleep monitoring @ CES 2023

    25/05/2023 Duración: 10min

    Improving the quality of life for seniors is an important issue that many people are passionate about. There are a variety of ways to do this, but one of the most innovative and promising is the use of technology. One example of this is the Smart Sleep Guardian, a device that provides detailed information about a person's sleep, heart rate, respiration, and stress level.Improve the quality of life for seniorsThe Smart Sleep Guardian is an all-in-one sleep assistant that uses bio radar to sense a person's chest movements caused by respiration and heartbeat. This device is able to identify problems related to sleep, such as obstructive sleep apnea, and provide customized solutions to help improve sleep quality. The device is designed to be placed on a nightstand and has a coverage range of up to five feet, so it can be used by a single person or a couple.The Smart Sleep Guardian is powered by a 24G frequency, which allows for extremely accurate measurements. This frequency is similar to that of Wi-Fi, meaning t

  • Healables: A wearable device to change pain management @ CES 2023

    25/05/2023 Duración: 07min

    Pain is a common problem for many people, especially those who suffer from chronic conditions. Fortunately, there is a new technology that can help reduce pain: microcurrents. Microcurrents are tiny electrical currents that are 1,000 times smaller than an ampere. They can be used to stimulate muscles and reduce pain without the need for medication or invasive treatments. Healables Digital Health has taken the concept and brought it to consumers.Reduce pain with microcurrentsHealables Digital Health is a company based in Jerusalem that has developed a wearable device that uses microcurrents to treat pain. Their device is a smart textile that is designed to be worn on the arm, leg, or foot. It is made of a washable material that contains electrodes that deliver the microcurrents to the area of pain. The device is designed to reduce the recovery time for athletes, improve the walking ability of seniors, and boost performance for all users.The microcurrents are delivered through the electrodes in the textile and

  • Motion Pillow can help people get relief from snoring @ CES 2023

    25/05/2023 Duración: 06min

    Snoring is a common problem that affects many people, and it can cause a variety of health issues. Fortunately, there is a new product on the market that is designed to help reduce snoring: the Motion Pillow. This innovative pillow is designed to detect when a person is snoring and then reposition their head to open the airway and stop the snoring without waking them up.Reduce snoring with Motion PillowSnoring typically occurs when a person is lying on their back, and the muscles in the upper airway relax and fall into the trachea, causing turbulent breathing. This can be a major disruption for both the snorer and their partner. The Motion Pillow is designed to prevent this disruption by learning the individual's snoring sound and then adjusting the head position to open the airway.The Motion Pillow is a soft, memory foam pillow that is certified to be safe and comfortable. It has removable foam inserts that can be used to adjust the height of the pillow, so you can find the most comfortable position for your

  • JordiLight: A new flashlight idea designed for adventurers @ CES 2023

    23/05/2023 Duración: 07min

    Are you an outdoor adventurer looking for a reliable, versatile flashlight? Look no further than JordiLight, the adventure utility flashlight that combines the features of a handheld flashlight, headlight, and lantern in one device. With its mobile app, you can store up to nine different colors and three different brightness levels, making it perfect for any situation.The JordiLight has a built-in magnetometer, giving you the ability to show directions using a compass. JordiLight also features an SOS mode that activates automatically when it detects a fall or an impact and sends an emergency message to an emergency contact. It's waterproof, so you can take it scuba diving as well.The light has an impressive battery life. With all the LEDs on full intensity, it gives out 3,600 lumens, while on 15% intensity with all the LEDs on, it gives you nine hours of light.For outdoor adventurers, construction workers, and security personnel, JordiLight is the perfect tool to have on hand. With its versatile features and

  • Introducing Irides: A live outdoor webcam database @ CES 2023

    23/05/2023 Duración: 06min

    Technology has come a long way in recent years, allowing us to access information that was once only available to the privileged few. Now, with the help of Irides, a company founded by Brian Schell, anyone can access live outdoor web cameras for a mere $10 a year.Access live cameras for $10/yearIrides has taken the task of collecting and organizing all of the freely available live outdoor web cameras, from traffic cameras to resort cameras, and put them into one single database in one format. This makes it easier and more efficient for people to access the information they need. Furthermore, the data can be used for a variety of machine learning applications.For example, Irides has developed an algorithm that can detect whether snow is sticking to a road or not. This can be used to create a route planning feature that takes into account traffic sensors as well as snow and ice on the roads. The company is also exploring the possibility of using the data to track wildfire smoke.Irides has compiled a database of

  • LapLok: The world's first retrofit laptop security device @ CES 2023

    23/05/2023 Duración: 05min

    The world of technology is ever-evolving, and with it comes new and innovative ways to stay secure. LapLok is a revolutionary new product that provides physical laptop security for the work-from-anywhere world. Developed by TechLock Solutions, LapLok is the world's first retrofitting physical laptop security device.Security for the new business worldSince the beginning of 2020, the world has changed a lot. One of the biggest changes has come about in the way we work. Some jobs require that you be in person - it's hard to ring up groceries from home, for example. For many other industries, however, working from home has become the normal situation. In fact, many companies have given up their offices entirely or scaled them back significantly.When you don't have to be in a particular place to work, it means you can work from nearly anywhere. Many people have begun traveling during the week - working during the day and exploring at night. This means finding a place to work during the day, though. This can be at

  • Make it Home Safe: A smartphone app for safer traffic stops @ CES 2023

    20/05/2023 Duración: 11min

    Traffic stops can be stressful and potentially dangerous situations for drivers. It is important to stay safe during traffic stops, especially for women and people of color who may be more likely to experience profiling and aggression from law enforcement. Thankfully, there is now an app designed to make this situation easier and safer called Make it Home Safe.Stay safe during traffic stopsMake it Home Safe is a smartphone application that provides real-time remote identity during traffic stops. This app was created by Carlton Vreen and his wife Pamela after Carlton experienced two instances of being pulled over and strip-searched due to being profiled as a drug dealer. The app allows drivers to put their information into the hands of the officer before he or she approaches the vehicle on foot. This includes license, insurance, registration, any special instructions, and even disabilities, like autism or hard of hearing.The app also provides safety features for drivers, such as one-button instant 911 dialing

  • App-Elles's platform for fighting gender-based violence @ CES 2023

    20/05/2023 Duración: 06min

    Gender-based violence is a serious issue that affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It is a form of discrimination and oppression that affects women, men, and children around the world. Unfortunately, due to the widespread nature of gender-based violence, it can be difficult to prevent and address. Fortunately, there are a variety of solutions available to help combat this issue, such as App-Elles.Help prevent gender-based violenceOne way to help prevent gender-based violence is through the use of technology. App-Elles is designed to provide users with the ability to contact three personal contacts in the case of emergency, danger, or distress. This app also has an SOS function that can be heard on the opposite end, allowing the person to pick up and see where you are and get your GPS coordinates. Additionally, there are buttons that allow you to qualify the event and provide help if needed, as well as a 911 button that is pre-dialed.Education and awarenessAnother way to help prevent gender-ba

  • TCL QM8 Mini LED TV boasts unrivaled display quality @ CES 2023

    20/05/2023 Duración: 05min

    At CES 2023, TCL was at the forefront of innovation with their QM8 television. The new television is intended to sit at the top of the company's impressive TV lineup, as well as it should. But, because it is a TCL television, it is also intended to be affordable for those looking for a large 8K television.Innovative TVs at TCLThis flagship mini LED TV is using high-bright Pro Ultra Mini LED display, with twice the peak nits of brightness and five times the local dimming zones. With over 2,300 local dimming zones, it is the most of any 4K mini LED TV on the market. It also uses QLED Quantum Dot technology for color, providing a beautiful display that takes your breath away.The QM8 features an 8K resolution and advanced AI-powered upscaling, making it one of the best Smart TVs on the market. The TV also comes with a full suite of entertainment apps and streaming services, giving users access to thousands of movies and shows right out of the box. Additionally, the QM8 is extremely energy efficient, using up to 7

  • NXTWEAR S: The next generation of viewing experiences @ CES 2023

    19/05/2023 Duración: 12min

    Watching movies privately anywhere is now possible with the NXTWEAR S wearable display glasses. Developed by RayNeo, this device features an equivalent 130-inch big high-resolution screen at four meters away, providing a super wide and immersive viewing experience. Perfect for gamers who want a private setting, or for those who want to enjoy a cinematic audio-visual experience without going to the cinema, this device allows users to have their own personal theater.A virtual movie theater at homeThe glasses have a micro OLED display which provides a very good image brightness and resolution, comparable to what you would experience in a cinema. It also has a whisper mode which cancels sound leakage, so that only the user knows what they are listening to. This makes it perfect for those who want to keep their communication confidential, as they can plug it into their laptop and only they will be able to see what is being displayed on the glasses.The device does not require any external power, as long as the phon

  • j5create: A 360-degree AI-powered conference webcam @ CES 2023

    19/05/2023 Duración: 12min

    AI-powered webcams are becoming increasingly popular for use in meetings, as they are capable of providing a more comprehensive and immersive experience for users. With the j5create 360 AI-powered webcam, users can now enjoy a more engaging and interactive experience than ever before.AI-powered webcam for meetingsThe j5create 360 AI-powered webcam is designed to detect when people are speaking and when they are looking at a certain time so that it can magnify and zoom in at the same time for different people. This allows for a more comprehensive experience, as multiple people can be seen from different angles in a 360-degree space. The camera also includes AI technology, which allows it to track and understand where people are seated. This is done with the use of boxes that identify the person, which are clearly marked in blue.In addition to the AI technology, the j5create 360 AI-powered webcam also includes a mode button, which allows users to configure the view on screen to showcase people from different an

  • j5create Wormhole: Working with multiple computers easily @ CES 2023

    19/05/2023 Duración: 08min

    In today's world, technology has made it easier than ever to work from multiple locations and devices. From laptops to desktops, it is now possible to seamlessly switch between them with the help of a Wormhole device from j5create. This device bridges two computers together, allowing for the extension of a display from one computer to the other, as well as the ability to transfer data and files with the snap of a finger.Seamlessly switch desktopsThe Wormhole device is a plug-and-play device, meaning no external drivers are needed. It is capable of connecting via USB-C but also comes with a USB Type-A adapter in case one of the devices is older. Once the device is plugged in, all that is needed to switch between desktops is to press the middle mouse button. This will move the mouse to the other desktop, allowing for the transfer of files with a right-click.The Wormhole device is beneficial for a variety of people, such as software engineers, artists, and even the CEO of a company. It allows for seamless switch

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