Story Embers Podcast



A podcast dedicated to guiding and inspiring Christian storytellers to glorify God with excellent craftsmanship. Published once a week with episodes covering all areas of story craft, including plot, theme, characters, poetry, narrative art, and more. Hosted by Grace Livingston.


  • How the Bible Inspires a Writer’s Creativity

    17/06/2024 Duración: 29min

    If the Bible reveals a creative God, how does His Word inspire and expand a writer’s creativity?In today’s episode, Daeus, Lori, and Martin explore how to ground your creative life in Scripture and how to depict characters who both are and aren’t walking in truth.They also share some examples of stories that engage with Scripture without coming across as preachy.Show notes:- Comment on this episode on our blog!- Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more! ( credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music ( Support the Show.Support the Show.

  • The Concept of Coming Home within Christian Fiction

    21/05/2024 Duración: 22min

    Every human heart feels the longing for heaven. And for us as Christians, the anticipation of coming home to heaven one day is a unique theme we can poignantly wrestle with in our fiction. We can explore the tension we feel between the now of being called to live for Christ in an imperfect world, and the not yet of longing to witness the new heavens and new earth one day, in all its God-given beauty and perfection.In today’s episode, Daeus, Mariposa, and Josiah wrestle with this tension of how to write about a home we long for but haven’t yet experienced. They also discuss how to be faithful with this life we’ve been given on earth, without wishing to ‘escape’ to heaven.Show notes:- Purchase 'The Shards of Elan' tetralogy by Laura VanArendonk Baugh here!- You can visit Laura VanArendonk Baugh's website by clicking here.- Comment on this episode on our blog!- Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more! ( credits:Po

  • Creating Nail-Biting Cliffhangers

    15/04/2024 Duración: 16min

    Cliffhangers keep us reading long into the night. But how do we write them in a way that thrills the reader? How do we avoid disappointment or boredom? What actually keeps us invested in a story when we read a cliffhanger?In today’s episode, Josiah, Mariposa, and Daeus show us how to create cliffhangers that keep the reader biting their nails, and still left smiling at the thrill of it even after the cliffhanger is resolved. Show notes:- Comment on this episode on our blog!- Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more! ( credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music ( Support the show

  • How Should Christian Writers View Fame and Success?

    18/03/2024 Duración: 24min

    We live in a world that’s become increasingly focused on fame, and “success” for a writer means having thousands of followers, signing with a large publisher, and hitting the bestseller list. The goal is to be in the spotlight and make a hefty income.But, as Christians, we write for God’s glory, not our own.Knowing this, we wrestle with moral questions about our dreams and ambitions. What if we want to be published by the Big Five? How do we grow an audience but not our pride? If we’re not seen, are we truly having an influence? In this episode, Josiah, Mariposa, and Daeus discuss serving God through writing—whether with a huge platform or a small one.Show notes:- Click here to purchase Lori Z. Scott's new book, Offsides!- Click to discover more about Lori Z. Scott on her website. - Comment on this episode on our blog!- Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more! ( credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music (https://

  • How to Become a Servant-Hearted Writer

    15/01/2024 Duración: 22min

    Jesus said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” As writers who intend for others to read our work, we desire to be leaders, and as Christians that means we must lay ourselves down and seek to serve our audiences. But what does the application of that look like?Listen as Josiah, Gabby, and Daeus unpack the motivations and actions of a servant-hearted writer, why it’s such an important mindset to have, and how building relationships with readers can be like inviting them into a warm house on a rainy day.Show notes:- Discover more about Traitor by Laurie Lucking here! - Comment on this episode on our blog!- Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more! ( credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music ( Support the show

  • Writing Stories That Celebrate Wholeness and Human Flourishing

    18/12/2023 Duración: 26min

    Like Tolkien’s depiction of The Shire, portraying moments of warmth and joy can be a powerful way to convey that Christ’s path is vastly different from the darkness in the world. How can showing characters’ potential to thrive give hope to readers? And how can writers do that while still being honest about sin and the hardships we all go through?Listen as Josiah, Gabby, and Daeus explore the concept of wholeness, its importance within fiction, and whether hope comes from waiting for heaven’s completeness or if we can experience it here on earth as well.Show notes:- Comment on this episode on our blog!- Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more! ( credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music ( Support the show

  • A Writer's Role in the Body of Christ

    20/11/2023 Duración: 32min

    What role does a person who writes play as a member of the Body of Christ? How do we honor others and the role they play in the Body, even when that role looks vastly different to ours? And how do we respond when we feel like our role is misunderstood by others?Listen as Josiah, Gabby, and Daeus tease out where our identity comes from as people who live within the Body of Christ, how our actions involve much more than simply the task of writing, and how we can be a blessing to others both within the Body of Christ and in the world around us.Show notes:- Comment on this episode on our blog!- Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more! ( credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music ( Support the show

  • Short Stories as Preparation for Writing Novels

    17/10/2023 Duración: 20min

    Famous writers throughout the ages attribute their growth to short stories. But is this literary form relevant to modern novelists?Listen as Lori, Mariposa, and Daeus discuss how short stories have (or haven’t) helped them, when a writer is ready to begin longer works, and how to hone your craft using short stories.Show notes:- Comment on this episode on our blog!- Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more! ( credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music ( Support the show

  • Who Is Your Story for?

    18/09/2023 Duración: 21min

    No matter what you’re writing, your book is meant for someone, whether yourself or a specific group of people. But at what point should you decide who your target audience is? And how does that choice affect your writing process? In today’s episode, Lori, Mariposa, and Daeus dive into these questions and discuss Christian vs. secular audiences, when writing for yourself is helpful, and more.Show notes:- Comment on this episode on our blog!- Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more! ( credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music ( Support the show

  • Finding Unique and Surprising Plots

    21/08/2023 Duración: 19min

    What keeps a reader turning page after page? Unique and surprising plot twists. But how do you pull them off? In today’s episode, Lori, Mariposa, and Daeus give practical and inspiring advice to superpower your ability to create plot twists that shock and delight again and again.Show notes:- Comment on this episode on our blog!- Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more! ( credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music ( Support the show

  • Creating Tragic Heroes

    17/07/2023 Duración: 18min

    Tragic heroes can be powerful. Some of the literature that has lasted the longest has portrayed tragic heroes and deep, powerful themes. So, how can we write tragic heroes and negative character arcs from a Christian perspective? In today’s episode Lori, Gabby, and Josiah continue our conversation on negative character arcs and give us some powerful advice on how to create the climax of a tragic arc.Show notes:- Comment on this episode on our blog!- Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more! ( credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music ( Support the show

  • Can Christians Fit into Genre Boxes?

    19/06/2023 Duración: 19min

    Human beings were created by God as unique individuals and have been given the ability to create. So where do we find the balance between creating something completely new and original, and fitting in with today’s publishing world? Genre expectations are deeply established, but if God has called us to explore new directions within our work, how can we navigate that and still have a publishing career? In today’s episode, Josiah, Lori, and Gabby share clear and practical thoughts that illuminate many sides of this issue.Show notes:- Comment on this episode on our blog!- Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more! ( credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music ( Support the show

  • Drawing Themes From Your Own Life

    15/05/2023 Duración: 20min

    Is it said that “someone who wants to write a great story must first live a great story”. But how do we tackle the questions and struggles we’ve faced within our characters and our stories? Where do we draw the line between fiction and reality? In today’s episode, Lori, Gabby, and Josiah discuss a big topic: how we as writers can find inspiration from our own personal stories within our fiction while still being servant-hearted.Show notes:- Comment on this episode on our blog!- Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more! ( credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music ( Support the show

  • Chapters, Scenes, and Pacing

    20/03/2023 Duración: 36min

    How do you structure a chapter? Where should a scene start and end? How do you pace a chapter well? In today’s episode, Gabby, Daeus, and Hope take us on a deep dive into the fundamentals of crafting chapters and scenes, and how to pace them in powerful, effective, and creative ways. Show notes:- Comment on this episode on our blog!- Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more!Music credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music ( Support the show

  • Sympathetic Villains and Antiheroes

    20/02/2023 Duración: 35min

    How can you tackle sympathetic villains and antiheroes from a Christian perspective, especially in our modern culture? In today’s episode, Gabby, Hope and Daeus give inspiring and thought-provoking advice on how to make a villain sympathetic in a godly way and how an exploration of antiheroes is needed just as much as heroes and villains (as the Apostle Peter demonstrates!). Show notes:- Comment on this episode on our blog!- Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more!Music credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music ( Support the show

  • Make Your Writing Goals for 2023

    16/01/2023 Duración: 34min

    Do you want to supercharge your writing habits during the new year? In today’s episode, Daeus, Hope, and Gabby give their top tips for setting writing goals that will help you maintain a consistent schedule no matter how busy your life is. Show notes:- Comment on this episode on our blog!- Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more! ( credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music ( Support the show

  • Reflecting on Advent and the Season of Hope

    19/12/2022 Duración: 30min

    In this special episode, we’re taking a step back to think about Christmas. Traditionally, this is a season of anticipation for the future and remembering the long wait for a Savior. Lori, Josiah, and Mariposa discuss how to cope with seasons of waiting as writers and how to find time to rest during the holidays.Show notes:- Comment on this episode on our blog! ( Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more! ( credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music ( Support the show ( the show

  • What Are You Consuming?

    21/11/2022 Duración: 30min

    How does the content we digest as writers affect our work? What are some ways we can be more intentional about what is influencing our stories? In today’s episode, Lori, Mariposa, and Josiah discuss practical ways we can use texts to deepen our own stories, as well as how to discover if something you’re consuming is negatively affecting your fiction. Show notes:- Comment on this episode on our blog! ( Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more! ( credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music ( Support the show ( the showSupport the show

  • How to Show and Not Tell the Gospel in Fiction

    17/10/2022 Duración: 30min

    It’s common advice for writers to ‘Show, don’t tell’ in their stories, but can this advice extend to how the Gospel influences our fiction? What are some practical ways that the Gospel can influence our stories in natural, thought-provoking ways, rather than preachy messages? In today’s episode, Mariposa, Josiah, and Lori discuss how characters’ actions can point to Christ, as well as the purpose of writers within the broader context of the Church. Listen to the conversation below!Show notes:- Comment on this episode on our blog! (SE Podcast #55: How to Show and Not Tell the Gospel in Fiction - Story Embers)- Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more! ( credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music ( Support the show ( the show

  • Why Sacrifice is Key to a Meaningful Story

    19/09/2022 Duración: 31min

    The most powerful stories we read end with a powerful sacrifice. But why does the theme of sacrifice resonate with us? Why does sacrifice make a story meaningful? In today’s episode, Martin, Lori, and Daeus discuss why sacrifice is so vital in the journey of a protagonist, and how you can craft impactful moments of sacrifice within your story. Listen to the conversation belowShow notes:- Comment on this episode on our blog! ( Become a supporter and get access to exclusive Story Embers updates, swag, and more! ( credits:Positive Motivation - Purple Planet Music ( Support the show ( the show

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