Quiet Confidence With Dr Tess Crawley

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 78:05:50
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Welcome to Quiet Confidence with Australian psychologist Dr Tess Crawley. I'm the owner of a large private psychology practice in Tasmania (the little heart-shaped island at the bottom of Australia). I'm a mentor to mental health professionals, especially those approaching leadership roles. I write a blog called The Stigma Rebellion and maintain an active social media presence. I'm also the only female in a household including a husband, two sons, and a male dog, cat, and goldfish. Let me share with you my tips on how you can gain your Quiet Confidence.


  • Crawley & Drager: Centre of Attention Session: Business Fatigue, Decision Fatigue, & Lockdown

    29/05/2020 Duración: 01h03min

    Great chat with Mark Drager this morning about business owners’ experiences of lockdown fatigue, decision fatigue, and anxiety around restrictions lifting.  #CentreOfAttentionSessions #Podcast

  • Ep. 177 What does BRAVE mean to you?

    28/05/2020 Duración: 06min

    What does BRAVE mean to you?   I’m regularly challenging my business coaching clients to step outside their comfort zones and put as much faith in their abilities as I do.   Needless to say, I often push my own comfort boundaries too.  What’s scary to you might not be scary to me, and vice versa. But it’s important to remember. WE DO SCARY THINGS!   p.s. Sorry about the audio quality!

  • Ep. 176 Have You Misunderstood What We Mean by “Authentic”?

    20/05/2020 Duración: 12min

    Be your “authentic” self. Show up in “authenticity”. What does this even mean?   Too often I see professionals showing up on social media putting their best professional foot forward, but looking terrified.   If you’re afraid to be you, if you’re afraid to drop the facade and just be, how will we ever get to know you?   And if we can’t get to know you, how will we ever get to trust you?   As I make some pizza dough tonight, let me share with you my thoughts on authenticity.  p.s. Come join my free group in FB for small business owners and entrepreneurs in ANY sector. It’s called “The Brave”, because that’s what you are! https://www.facebook.com/groups/BraveNewNormal/?ref=share #businessowner #entrepreneur #psychologist #businesscoach #businessmentor #privatepractice #mentor #business #burnout #businesswoman

  • Ep. 175 Steady As She Goes

    18/05/2020 Duración: 08min

    Steady as she goes. In the face of so much community anxiety, we need to remember our roles as “captains”. As we navigate these choppy seas, we have ways to do so safely. We might not know how long our journey will be. The navigational charts may not be clearly plotted. But we have sails to help us move forward. We have a rudder to hold us steady. And we have an anchor to hold us safely in harbour when needed. As leaders and business owners we are captains. We can help ease the anxiety around sudden changes being foisted upon us ... by holding our own ships steady, staying our own course, being responsive not reactive, and maintaining our own wellbeing to stay for duty. Hold steady, Captain!   Much love, Tess x   p.s. Today I’m launching a new free group for small business owners and entrepreneurs in ANY sector. It’s called “The Brave”, because that’s what you are!  Please come join our crew here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/BraveNewNormal/?ref=share

  • Ep. 174 If You Won't Trust Yourself, Why Should Anyone Else?

    15/05/2020 Duración: 11min

    Two years ago today I embarked on a solo journey to Las Vegas. It was a seemingly crazy decision to travel to the other side of the world for what was ultimately a three-hour event.   The lead up to me taking this journey was just as powerful as what followed … and what followed was incredible.   If I had not trusted my own inner voice telling me I HAD to take that journey, not only would I have missed out on all the good stuff that followed, I may never again have had the opportunity to prove to myself so resoundingly that my instincts are trustworthy.   Sometimes our inner wisdom screams and shouts, trying to get our attention. But we don’t listen. Instead we override that inner voice and defer to “rational” thought instead. Lists of pros and cons. Advice from others. Ignoring our own instincts because we couldn’t possibly be right, right?  When was the last time you trusted yourself enough to do something that seemed crazy or irrational? Because sometimes that crazy irrational thing is

  • Ep. 173 Supporting Small Business

    13/05/2020 Duración: 09min

    Supporting small business. Supporting your business. Supporting you. It’s all one and the same, when you think about it.   #SmallBusiness #entrepreneur #supportlocalbusiness #businesscoach #psychologist

  • A Conversation with Evan Carmichael - Making Your Days More Intentional

    12/05/2020 Duración: 01h14min

    In this conversation, Tess and Evan discuss strategies for becoming more intentional with your time, and how to structure your day in ways that better reflect what works for you ... and debate whether or not other people's strategies will actually work for you.

  • The G&T Sessions - Fatigue, juggling, and walking through wet cement. Are you feeling it too?

    07/05/2020 Duración: 46min

    In this episode of The G&T Sessions, Tess and Gerda talk about the levels of fatigue and the struggles with motivation that so many are feeling at the moment. It's been getting to us too! We talk about business innovation and how isolation has challenged us all to do things differently rather than insisting on "the way things have always been done". Everyone is doing big days amid lots of stress and LOTS of juggling, so recognising the need for taking downtime is so important right now. Be kind to yourself. No judgement! Keep in mind what's reasonable to expect of yourself in these strange times that have no clear end in sight. #businessowner #entrepreneur #psychologist #businesscoach #businessmentor #privatepractice #mentor #business #burnout #businesswoman

  • Ep. 172 Are you expecting too much of yourself?

    01/05/2020 Duración: 12min

    When you’re used to being progress-focussed and conscientious, it takes a lot to pull your foot off the accelerator pedal. But sometimes that’s your smartest next move.   In isolation, we’re all juggling. Juggling working from home and educating from home. Juggling the desire to go out with the need to stay in. Juggling the sense of overwhelm with the desire to just say “fuck it”! Juggling exhaustion with peddling faster to keep our businesses afloat.   The most common thread of conversations I’ve been having with business owners lately is about this juggle.   The first month of lockdown was met with panic in the small business community. How can I pay my staff?  How can I stay open?  Will this destroy me?   And then we started seeing some of the fanciest footwork I’ve seen in a long time.  Small businesses weren’t just pivoting, they were pirouetting!   And now we’re starting to hit a wall. That constant push forward has been equal parts exciting and draining, as has t

  • Crawley & Drager: The Centre of Attention Session: IT TAKES COURAGE TO PIVOT!

    01/05/2020 Duración: 01h02min

    In this episode of the Crawley & Drager Sessions, Mark and I talk about how we’re all adapting to these times of isolation and social distancing, what we’re noticing others do well, and how it’s working out for our own businesses.    We talked about the courage it takes to pivot your business, including putting our ego in our back pockets for the sake of adding revenue to our businesses shout out to award-winning seafood restaurant Bacash, humbly pivoting to offer to take away fish and chips.    There are some other gems in this conversation including Mark’s very clever recruitment strategy for his business, and how the Canadian education system allows parents to juggle educating from home with working from home in a really sensible way, shout out to homeschoolers who already know this ;-)    Overall a great discussion. We hope you’ll enjoy it.

  • Ep. 171 Brilliant minds and connection.

    29/04/2020 Duración: 07min

    Brilliant minds and connection.  How are getting your intellectual stimulation during these challenging and unique times?   #ZoombieApocalypse  p.s. I’d love you to join my Better Access & Beyond: Private Practice Essentials. For a $97 registration fee and just $5 a month ongoing subscription, I provide training, support, and resources for private practitioners. Here’s the link for more information:  https://bit.ly/BeyondBetterAccess  p.p.s. If you’re a business owner (even if you’re a solopreneur!), you’re a CEO. Here are my three keys to building your influence as a CEO within your business, outside your business, and within the broader market. It’s called CEO Creator:  https://bit.ly/CEOCreator  #businessowner #entrepreneur #psychologist #businesscoach #businessmentor #privatepractice #mentor #business #burnout #businesswoman

  • Ep. 170 Have you considered the role of nostalgia in your social media and marketing?

    28/04/2020 Duración: 04min

    Have you considered the role of nostalgia in your social media and marketing?  p.s. I’d love you to join my Better Access & Beyond: Private Practice Essentials. For a $97 registration fee and just $5 a month ongoing subscription, I provide training, support, and resources for private practitioners. Here’s the link for more information: https://bit.ly/BeyondBetterAccess  p.p.s. If you’re a business owner (even if you’re a solopreneur!), you’re a CEO. Here are my three keys to building your influence as a CEO within your business, outside your business, and within the broader market. It’s called CEO Creator: https://bit.ly/CEOCreator

  • Ep. 169 Stuck For Inspiration? Try This!

    27/04/2020 Duración: 08min

    Today I’ve been working closely with a couple of business owner, talking about how they’re generating brave new ideas for their businesses. So proud of them!   Then I was dictating the third chapter of my new book (can dictating the next chapter count as procrastination from editing the previous one?), and was talking through a homework idea for readers.   So, sneaky you get’s to hear it first! It’s not a secret, but it’s a simple strategy that works for me every single time!  Walking mindfully within my “local village”.   There’s a bit more to it, but I’ll let you watch the video to find out more.   Have a wonderful weekend.   Rest assured I’ll still be working on my book and aim to have chapter 5 dictated and edited by Monday!  Now that’s a goal!!!   Much love, Tess x  p.s. I’d love you to join my Better Access & Beyond: Private Practice Essentials. For a $97 registration fee and just $5 a month ongoing subscription, I provide training, support, and resources

  • Ep. 168 Business is A Roller Coaster, Not A Merry Go Round!

    24/04/2020 Duración: 06min

    Business is a roller coaster, not a merry go round . Here’s the lesson from today’s book chapter-writing exercise:   You must think ahead, even in times of change. You must have some sort of vision for the future. You must accept that business is full of ups and downs.   When you accept these things, and step into a CEO-style way of thinking, instead of being frustratingly stuck in daily operations, you’ll embrace the opportunity for innovation that has inspired so many creative small business owners during this time of Covid19.   Challenge your own assumptions about how your business can function. Look outside your industry for inspiration. Celebrate ingenuity.  And above all, #SupportSmallBusiness   Much love, Tess x   p.s. I’d love you to join my Better Access & Beyond: Private Practice Essentials. For a $97 registration fee and just $5 a month ongoing subscription, I provide training, support, and resources for private practitioners. Here’s the link for more information:

  • ANNOUNCEMENT... And it’s super exciting!

    22/04/2020 Duración: 04min

    ANNOUNCEMENT... And it’s super exciting!  p.s. I’d love you to join my Better Access & Beyond: Private Practice Essentials. For a $97 registration fee and just $5 a month ongoing subscription, I provide training, support, and resources for private practitioners. Here’s the link for more information:  https://bit.ly/BeyondBetterAccess  p.p.s. If you’re a business owner (even if you’re a solopreneur!), you’re a CEO. Here are my three keys to building your influence as a CEO within your business, outside your business, and within the broader market. It’s called CEO Creator:  https://bit.ly/CEOCreator  #businessowner #entrepreneur #psychologist #businesscoach #businessmentor #privatepractice #mentor #business #burnout #businesswoman

  • The G&T Sessions: Bees in Our Bonnets

    21/04/2020 Duración: 45min

    In this episode, Gerda and Tess talk about the criticism that some business owners face when making big business decisions. In these crazy times of Covid19, the need for business owners to be creative and to determine what works best for THEIR business has never been more crucial. Many businesses are doing an amazing job of this, and it's exciting to see just how creative small business owners really are. Unfortunately, we also see many business owners being criticised for making decisions that others might not agree with. We talk about how "playing the ethics card" doesn't make your stance right and someone else's wrong. At the end of the day, compassion and understanding and support for each other are more important now than ever before.

  • Ep. 167 It Takes Courage to do What You Do!

    20/04/2020 Duración: 04min

    It takes courage to do what you do.   Being a business owner means living with risk. Risking your finances, risking your time with family, risking criticism and judgement.   So why do we do it?  Sometimes it’s passion, sometimes it’s “genetic”, sometimes it’s the thrill of the ride.  Underneath it all, it’s because we believe in our mission (even if we can’t always articulate that well).   And just as it takes courage to BE in business, it takes guts to STAY in business during tough times.   So here’s to all of the business owners doing it tough, being brave enough to innovate, and putting it all on the line to keep going.   I’m your biggest fan!  p.s. I’d love you to join my Better Access & Beyond: Private Practice Essentials. For a $97 registration fee and just $5 a month ongoing subscription, I provide training, support, and resources for private practitioners. Here’s the link for more information: https://bit.ly/BeyondBetterAccess  p.p.s. If you’re a busine

  • Ep. 167 Let’s Talk About Business Ownership and Mental Health

    17/04/2020 Duración: 06min

    So we’re beginning to get used to being cooped up at home with the whole fam, movements restricted to only a few essential outings. Perhaps you’re still working in an essential role, perhaps you’re in hibernation.   Let’s pause for a minute and ask “how’s your mood been?”   It struck me yesterday when one of my kids dropped his bundle over the start of the new school term here in Melbourne (which, let’s admit, was a total shitshow) that he had been carrying a lot of stress, worrying about how school was going to look.   All I can say is he’s still in his pajamas... 24 hours later (mother of the year!).  But what about YOU?   If our kids are exploding with emotion, what are you holding in?   I noticed in myself the other day that I just COULDN’T.  I couldn’t listen to messages on my phone.  I couldn’t look at my email inbox.  I couldn’t look at comments or questions on my social media posts.   I. Just. Couldn’t.  That night I had a teary outburst of my own

  • Ep. 166 YES, YOUR YEAR 12 WILL BE DIFFERENT to what you planned! (And why that might not be so bad.)

    09/04/2020 Duración: 12min

    YES, YOUR YEAR 12 WILL BE DIFFERENT to what you planned. But that doesn’t mean your life will be worse.  (And why your parents shouldn’t worry as much about your results.)

  • Conversations with Evan Carmichael: Connect with Your Audience

    08/04/2020 Duración: 59min

    In this conversation, Tess and Evan drill down on what it means to connect with your audience during these challenging times of Coronavirus. How you connect should be authentic to you, but should also come from a place of empathy towards where your audience as at right now. Tess grills Evan on how he can up his game on this score! #businessowner #entrepreneur #psychologist #businesscoach #businessmentor #privatepractice #mentor #business #burnout #businesswoman

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