Lessons From The Universe With Jennifer Hall



The Lessons from the Universe podcast is your guide along the spiritual path to awareness and awakening. The lessons here strive to develop interconnectedness, gratitude, peacefulness, and ultimately the manifestation of a life you truly want to live and love. © 2018 psychicjenniferhall.com


  • Podcast 155 – The Age of Aquarius

    09/01/2021 Duración: 20min

    The Aquarian shift is not only a shift in planetary alignment and societal behaviors, it is a blueprint for individual awakening and alchemy.  For the globe as a collective and for each awakening individual, the shift is two-sided.  It reveals the best and the worst in us simultaneously.  For society, it is the release of 2,000 years of conditioning in which we were programed to follow authority and exist without questioning.  For the individual, it is the release of all that lays contrary to our deep inner knowing that all the wisdom in the Universe lays within us, that the hierarchy of power is no longer spiritual slavery, and that any darkness we see only reveals itself to be purified and released.  © 2021 Universal Lessons LLC, psychicjenniferhall.com

  • Podcast 154 - Befriending Your Brain

    03/01/2021 Duración: 25min

    We have the innate power to overcome our human limitations, fears, and worries.  We have brain waves called theta that are both measurable scientifically and capable of helping us transcend beyond the beta waves that default to overly human concerns.  Tapping into this part of our brains and way of thinking is required for peace of mind, and clarity of insight, as well as, the reception and interpretation of viable intuition.  In this lesson, we discuss this essential gateway to authentic living and spiritual enlightenment.   © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC, psychicjenniferhall.com

  • HOLIDAY REWIND - Metaphysical Story Telling Volume 4: The Three Wise Men

    25/12/2020 Duración: 18min

    Simply put, the study of Metaphysics is an exploration of the deeper meanings of life, experience, even myth and religious history.  It is a glimpse "beyond the physical" to the deeper esoteric messages that speak to the true nature of our existence and our relationship to higher self.   Metaphysics is a map to awakening.  In this special episode of Lessons from the Universe, we continue our series of metaphysical story telling with the story of the three wise men.  Join me now for a little history, some metaphysics, personal inspiration, and a Christmas story that goes more than just a little bit differently than most assume... © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC

  • Podcast 152 - Alexa is Listening

    18/12/2020 Duración: 11min

    Words matter, every single one of them.  The Universe is listening, every minute, all the time.  The same way that Alexa and Facebook and all the algorithms control what you see by examining what you click, search, and say, the Universe takes your every thought and displays before you the life you create.  It is based on the preponderance of thought, the conversation you cultivate within all day every day.  It is your responsibility to dissect your very nature and nourish the thoughts aligned with your true desires, because you are the cause, and no amount of prayer or mediation can make up for a mind set on chaos, loss, or self-destruction. © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com

  • Podcast 151 - Illuminating the Shadow

    12/12/2020 Duración: 22min

    Habitual reactions take many forms… defensiveness, anger, blame, jealousy, and other “shadows” that rob us of our peace.  Born of our internal dialogue, feed by our emotions, and grown fat in the dark, we hide these parts of ourselves instead of embracing, dissecting, and healing them.  Deep down it is fear.  Fear of how we perceive ourselves.  Fear that we will reveal that we are sad, wounded, weak, or in pain.  Fear that we are less than perfect and incapable of being everything to everyone all the time.  Freedom from this darkness is the key to enlightenment.  It requires self-examination and brutal honesty.  It requires the acceptance that life school is constant and that all challenges are to be embraced with gratitude and heighten expectation.  It requires self-discipline and rewards the release of indignance with peace, acceptance, and light. © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com

  • Podcast 150 - Unconditional Love

    05/12/2020 Duración: 21min

    Unconditional love has more to do with personal enlightenment than it does with other people.  Unconditional love is about awakening, self-validation, and changeability.  It is about taking personal responsibility while allowing the individuals we share life with to be exactly who they are and strive to achieve their own alignment to highest self in their own time, in their way, and at their own pace.   © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com

  • Podcast 149 – Indignance

    28/11/2020 Duración: 23min

    Indignance is the enemy of joy.  It roots us in an unfair world in which we are robbed of choice and stripped of power.  It is a lie.  It is fear shrouded in laziness; complacency disguised as entrapment.  When we recognize indignance as a warning call and embrace the truth buried in its entitlement, we remove the idea that life is unfair and find ourselves more able to trust the unfolding of life itself.  © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com

  • Podcast 148 - Gratitude, Contentment, & Satisfaction

    21/11/2020 Duración: 17min

    How do you define “enough”?  Does your ego get in the way?  Are you a human-being or a human-doing?  In Lesson 98, we delve into gratitude, satisfaction, contentment, and the human details we learn to embrace along the path to awakening.  © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com

  • Podcast 147 - Ready for the Shift

    13/11/2020 Duración: 21min

    It may look subtle from the outside, but every so often we each make some kind of dramatic shift.  It may be point of view, energetic, physical direction, emotional, or an exorbitant number of other changes.  What they all have in common is choice, trust, and progress.  What they all require is WILLINGNESS.  This week, Jennifer invites you to explore the shifts of others while you contemplate your own . © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC, LessonsFromTheUniverse.com

  • Podcast 146 - Knowledge vs. Wisdom

    06/11/2020 Duración: 25min

    Intelligence and knowledge may fail you, but wisdom will not.  Wisdom is built across a lifetime.  It is observation, experience, and reflection.  It is patience, clarity, and the marriage of personal growth and intrapersonal interaction.  Without a focused and intentional life built upon the continual pursuit of wisdom and the personal evolution it demands, life falls short, regret takes hold, and awakening is stifled.    “The primary difference between the two words is that wisdom involves a healthy dose of perspective and the ability to make sound judgments about a subject while knowledge is simply knowing. Anyone can become knowledgeable about a subject by reading, researching, and memorizing facts. ... Wisdom is knowing when to say it.” – dictionary.com   © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC, LESSONSFROMTHEUNIVERSE.com

  • Podcast 145 - Mercury Retrograde

    31/10/2020 Duración: 17min

    Mercury Retrograde is the most widely discussed planetary retrograde, because it happens most often.  Despite its “popularity”, it is widely misunderstood, often exaggerated, and rarely utilized to its full potential.  In this lesson, we discuss what to expect, how to deal with the challenges, and how to make the most of this retrograde’s targeted focus.  © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com

  • Podcast 144 - Let’s Go Swing on the Swings

    23/10/2020 Duración: 31min

    Time itself is a human construct.  It can be bent and stretched, and yet so many of us walk through this life controlled by, victim to, or even in fear of the passage time.  Do not allow yourself to buy in to anyone else’s misconceptions.   The truth is life is not too short, children do not grow too quickly, and there truly is enough time for everything you actually want to do. It is the release of control that gives us mastery, and in that mastery lies one of the most essential keys to our awakenings.  In “Let’s Go Swing on the Swings”, we discuss time… the passage of, the use of, the value, and the SLOWING of time.  We will explore strategies, attitudes, pitfalls, & the true rewards of time management as both a spiritual and truly human necessity.   Each of us has the ability to not just embrace, but to maximize and stretch time as well.  We truly can be present, experience, enjoy, get the job done, and still find the time to swing on the swings!  © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC, LessonsFromTheUniverse

  • Podcast 143 - Spiritual Self Reliance

    16/10/2020 Duración: 27min

    Each and everyone of us has innate access to all truth, all knowledge, and all wisdom.  While this excess may be muted upon our first breaths, it remains with us always waiting patiently to be accessed once again.  The key to this realignment is to untangle our conformist beliefs, release our dependence on false consistencies, and to instead reimagine ourselves and our realities as who we really are instead of who our families, educations, religions, and experiences have cast us to be. © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC, LESSONSFROMTHEUNIVERSE.com

  • Podcast142 - Highest Good

    09/10/2020 Duración: 16min

    Lesson 142 is a reminder that all things are constantly working together towards our Highest Good even when it is almost impossible to believe.  In this episode, Jennifer speaks candidly about our world, government, American History, and Covid with the spiritual message in the forefront and a genuine attempt to remain nonpartisan.  As always, the central message is hope. © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC, LESSONSFROMTHEUNIVERSE.com

  • Podcast 141 - Truth& Honesty

    03/10/2020 Duración: 23min

    Truth & Honesty are irreplaceable requirements along the path to awakening.  The truth is sourced from love and ignites change, while lies are rooted in fear.  It’s simple really... Lies deaden our connections, while truth ignites them. There may be pain, but it will never be as great as the harm caused by continued dishonesty.  The choice to be truthful and honest effects every single person, experience, and aspect of our lives, but above all others, we must first & foremost be honest with ourselves. After all, if you can’t trust you, you’ll never trust anyone else. © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC, psychicjenniferhall.com

  • Podcast 140 - Jenn on Joy

    25/09/2020 Duración: 20min

    Joy is an integral part of self-mastery.  Every time we allow ourselves to laugh, to smile, & to appreciate the humor of life, we change who we are on a deep, even cellular, level.  Joy allows us to rewrite the very structure of this human instrument and become something more beautiful than we were before.  Even if the world around us is crumbling, we can recognize that we are not the world…  We can focus on the beauty within, that was, and that remains.   We can allow that seed to grow from recognition, to observation, to JOY.  After all, if we can’t laugh at who we were and where we’ve been, we’re kind of missing the whole point. © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com Original air date:  11-9-18

  • Podcast 139 - Forgiveness

    18/09/2020 Duración: 30min

    To forgive is to release yourself from negative mental, emotional, and spiritual side effects. It is not condoning, accepting, or validating anything other than your own path and progress. It is personal freedom.  Forgiveness does not require confrontation.  It is, in fact, the release of the need for confrontation, because to forgive is to untie yourself from the very people, places, and circumstances that caused you harm.  This lesson is designed to set you free, not by magic, but by handing you the key to the cage and the skills to untie the very ropes that bind you.  No one holds two ends of the rope. Drop your end. Untwist. Untie. Be free. Join me as we delve into what it truly means to FORGIVE. © 2018 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com

  • Podcast 138 - Warming the Ice

    11/09/2020 Duración: 22min

    In Warming the Ice, we discuss an alternative technique for releasing our stress, strain, and depression while we set ourselves free from old stored worries, concerns, and experiences.  In this episode, Jennifer shares a client experience, as well as her own, leads us through the development of our own ice warming self-guided meditations, touches on hypnosis, and reminds us that while freedom does require patience, it is, without a doubt,  available to us all. © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC, LESSONSFROMTHEUNIVERSE.com

  • Podcast 137 - Health and the Awakening Soul

    04/09/2020 Duración: 22min

    We can’t grow spiritually without learning to understand our bodies.  We must heal them, care for them, and navigate the space between our new found awareness and our human paranoia.  Grab a pen. You may want to take notes.  “Health and the Awakening Soul” is all about health, awakening, & spiritual reception. Original Air Date 4/6/18 © 2018 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromtheuniverse.com

  • Podcast 136 - HAPPINESS

    28/08/2020 Duración: 30min

    What is happy?  Why are we obsessed with it and what exactly is it that led us to believe that anything less means that we have failed some imaginary test for which we are consequently punished with whatever it is we deem its opposite?  Why do we go to such extremes and how can the relabeling of our emotions and experiences free us from depression, anxiety, fear, and the like?  In Lesson 136, we get into what happy really means, why is can be grossly overrated, plus how and why we benefit from embracing blah, quiet, bored, slow, tired, numb, and even sad. © 2020 Universal Lessons LLC, LESSONSFROMTHEUNIVERSE.com

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