Omc: Family Chapel



OMC: Family Chapel featuring speaker Pastor Joshua Lim


  • The Curse of the Law

    01/03/2020 Duración: 42min

    After the Apostle Paul argues that justification is by faith alone, he addresses the issue of justification through the works of the Law. Paul makes clear that all those who seek to live by the Law will need to perfectly do all of the Law. If not, they will die by the Law. The Law is inflexible and uncompromising. The Law demands perfection. And all those who don't measure up fall under its curse. But the good news of the Gospel is that Christ has taken on the curse of the Law on our behalf. And so instead of being cursed, all those who put their faith in Christ, are blessed and receive the promise of the Holy Spirit.

  • Saving Faith

    23/02/2020 Duración: 30min

    In the book of Galatians, the Apostle Paul hammers home the heart of the Gospel: justification by faith. We are justified not by means of our works, but by means of faith in Christ. However, we can find ourselves functionally living out of justification by works. Paul points to our experience of conversion and the example of Abraham to encourage us to hold on to justification by faith alone.

  • Justification by Faith

    16/02/2020 Duración: 30min

    Previously, we saw Paul presenting the issue at hand regarding a false gospel. Then he defends his position for the true gospel and also confirms that it is in accordance with the Jewish leaders. And so this week, we get to the heart of what that true gospel is. The true gospel says that we are justified by faith and faith alone. It is not Christ + something else. It is Christ alone. To the Galatians, they were tempted to make the gospel about Christ + circumcision (law). To us, we are tempted to make the gospel about Christ + our own efforts (good works, self-justification). But justification is by faith alone. This does not lead into loose sinning, rather it leads to a life of power and freedom through our union with Christ. The world thinks good works precedes justification, but the true gospel says justification precedes good works. And we discover this to be true because love is the greatest motivator and "Christ in me" the ultimate power.

  • Unity in the Gospel

    09/02/2020 Duración: 29min

    Having persuasively defended the authenticity of his gospel and his apostleship, the question that now lingers in the heads of the Galatians is: “Okay, Paul, if you’re right, then does that mean the Jerusalem leaders are wrong? Is there division in the Church?” Paul responds by showing how he and the Jerusalem leaders share unity in the Gospel. They are in fundamental agreement that it is faith in Christ alone, and not obedience to the Law, that is needed for salvation. And maintaining this unity in the Gospel is of the utmost importance for Paul because if we want to get the Gospel out, we need to first get the Gospel right.

  • The Gospel From God

    02/02/2020 Duración: 29min

    After calling out the false teachers for their false gospel, the question that naturally comes up is: "Okay, Paul, but what makes your gospel the true Gospel? How can we trust that what you're saying is true?" Paul anticipates that question and he responds by sharing about how he came to receive the Gospel. And he makes it very clear that he received the Gospel, not through any man, but through God Himself, who chose him, saved him, and commissioned him to preach that Gospel. We too can rest assured that the true Gospel about God has come from God!

  • Good News in a Fake News World

    26/01/2020 Duración: 38min

    Paul addresses the problem of a false gospel. And he shows us that a false gospel is not just fake news, it's bad news. Unlike the true Gospel, which comes from God, centers on the person and work of Jesus Christ, and provides new life, a false gospel only leads to destruction. We have to faithfully hold on to the Good News in a fake news world because there is no other Gospel.

  • In Progress

    19/01/2020 Duración: 35min

    God is committed to our change, but the Christian's transformation is progressive in nature. Sanctification is God's work and often includes pain and suffering, but He has also given us the most amazing gift to cooperate with that work, and that is the gift of the Holy Spirit.

  • How to Thrive

    12/01/2020 Duración: 30min

    Psalm 1 describes a person who is thriving as a healthy tree that is well planted and bears much fruit. But thriving does not happen by accident. Rather, thriving requires intentional cultivation. If we want to truly grow in the life we have received in Christ, we need to prune away our sin and we need to be rooted in God's Word.

  • The Thriving Life

    05/01/2020 Duración: 38min

    With a new year, we do have a new theme for OMC: Family Chapel: "Thrive". We want to be healthy disciples that holistically follow Jesus in every arena of our lives. But so often, our lives don’t look like they’re thriving. Instead, we envision following Jesus to be one long, miserable march of just barely scraping by. But we see in Scripture that Jesus offers us a holistically, abundant life. Instead of trying to make life work on our own terms, would we receive the life that Jesus offers? It is a far better life. It is an abundant life, an overflowing life, a joyful life. This is life in Christ. This is the life that thrives!

  • The Gifts of the Spirit

    29/12/2019 Duración: 33min

    As we close our series on the Person of the Holy Spirit, we will end by looking at the gifts of the Spirit. Just as it is the Holy Spirit who empowers us to live the Kingdom Life, it is Him who provides the gifts/abilities to build up His Kingdom. All believers in Christ are gifted by the Spirit, and we are called to use these gifts for the building of the church and the faith of those around us.

  • Filled with the Spirit

    22/12/2019 Duración: 32min

    We have the death-defeating, sin-crushing, life-giving power of the Holy Spirit residing in us, but so often, we seek to handle life by our own strength. How are we able to tap into the power that is available to us through the Holy Spirit? That happens as we are filled with the Spirit. To be filled with the Spirit is to be empowered by the Spirit. And we are filled with the Spirit's power to fulfill the Spirit's purpose in magnifying Christ through our faithful witness.

  • Made Holy by the Spirit

    15/12/2019 Duración: 33min

    Upon giving us new life, the Holy Spirit seeks to make us holy – to look more like Jesus. The new birth gives way to new growth as the Spirit carries out His work of sanctification in us. The work of sanctification is carried out in our lives by our effort through the Spirit's power, in having us behold Jesus to become more like Jesus.

  • Made Alive by the Spirit

    08/12/2019 Duración: 33min

    Now that we’ve seen who the Holy Spirit is, over the next few weeks, we’ll be looking at what the Holy Spirit does. And the first work of the Spirit that we’ll be looking at is what theologians call “regeneration”. Regeneration is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in which He gives new spiritual life to those who are spiritually dead. We are made alive by the Spirit to live the Kingdom life!

  • The Holy Spirit

    01/12/2019 Duración: 26min

    For the past year, Family Chapel's theme has been "The Kingdom Life", and while we have seen what it looks like to live the Kingdom Life, we have not specifically addressed where the power to live it comes from. If we as believers want to live out the Kingdom Life, we need to know the One from whom the power comes from: the Holy Spirit. This week we will see who the Holy Spirit is and His relationship with us. The Holy Spirit is a full-fledged Person within the triune Godhead, and experiencing His presence means walking in relationship with Him.

  • The Kingdom Life

    24/11/2019 Duración: 32min

    As we close our 1-2 Samuel series, we see that in the end, David is successful as Israel’s king, not because he is great, but because he knows the One who is truly great. For all of his flaws and mistakes, David consistently comes back to this central truth that the true King is Yahweh. The key to successfully living the Kingdom Life is found in living for the King.

  • Praise the Lord - 2 Samuel 22-23

    17/11/2019 Duración: 28min

    In looking back on his life, David sees the grace of God protecting him from life's difficulties and granting him life's victories. Our lives in God's Kingdom are truly marked by God's grace and faithfulness. And the only appropriate response to what God has done in our lives is to praise Him.

  • Atonement

    10/11/2019 Duración: 34min

    Here in chapter 21, we see that Saul has massacred Gibeonites. In doing so, he broke a 400 year old covenant with them (see Joshua 9:15-18). Because of this breaking of covenant, God sends the curse of famine on Israel. In order to remedy the curse, David has to make atonement by offering up 7 sons of Saul as a sacrifice. While this story may seem culturally strange to us, we see the need for atonement in our own lives as we have broken covenant with God because of our sin. Thankfully, we have a better Son, who shed His blood to secure atonement for us.

  • Peacemaker

    03/11/2019 Duración: 33min

    In the aftermath of the civil war between David and Absalom, we’re faced with the broader fallout of the national consequences of David’s sins. The nation is splintered, and broken relationships need to be mended. In these two chapters, we see the need for David to take responsibility and do the agonizing work of reconciliation and restoration. But the subsequent revolt by Sheba points to the sobering reality that reconciliation is often messy. So in the midst of the shortcomings of David, the anointed King of Israel, we hear the cry for a better Messiah King to come. Jesus our true Messiah King not only grants us reconciliation, but also gifts us with the ministry of reconciliation. Through Jesus, we can not only break the generational sins, but also have hope and power to bring reconciliation as well.

  • Generational Sins

    27/10/2019 Duración: 40min

    While the punishment for David's sins was covered by God's mercy, the consequences of David's sins remain. And we see that when sins are not dealt with by the older generation, those same sins are repeated in the younger generation. In these 6 chapters, we see the sad unraveling of David's family, as they engage in the same sins of David: lust, deception, and murder. Generational sins impact every family and require both generations to address them. Thankfully, in Christ, we have one who redeems us out of the cycle of our "earthly father's" sins and brings us to be like our Heavenly Father. Jesus ends the curse of generational sins by bringing us into a new family.

  • Great Sin, Greater Mercy

    20/10/2019 Duración: 39min

    After securing great success and enjoying the heights of his kingship, David falls to an all-time low as he engages in great sin. Through David committing adultery and murder, we see the anatomy of sin. But the greater truth of this passage is that when we repent, our great sin is met with greater mercy. And in Christ, we see the greatest expression of God's greater mercy.

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