Check Yes Check No



I like you. Do you like me too ? CHECK YES / CHECK NO. Thats exactly how the process of falling in and out of love started for many of us. And now, here we are! This show speaks to the trial and tribulations and successes we have all experienced in pursuit of love via our relationships with others. We welcome your thoughts an opinions on the wide ranging topics that we cover from that very first heartbreak to "is monogamy really natural for us?". This is a 4-6 weekly series hosted by MC Elixir ( who will be releasing a music project on February 14, 2018 under the same title. Each week the series will feature a special guest co-host. THE FORMAT: Each week we begin by listening to pre-recorded conversations (OBSCENE LANGUAGE) from a relationship forum comprised of friends (3 men and 3 women) discussing different topics. The hosts then chime in with their opinions while fielding phone calls on the topic.


  • I like you but your kids don't like me, what should we do?

    16/04/2020 Duración: 01h37min

    We would like to dive into the world of modern dating when a person already has a child to explore the complications and possible deal breakers involved. We are also curious to know whether or not the age of the children are a factor such as toddlers vs teenagers.  Have you ever dated someone with children who did not like you? Does your child(ren)'s attitude dictate who you will and will not date?   

  • Call in for some very bad relationship advice

    09/04/2020 Duración: 02h00s

    Call in for some very bad relationship advice!

  • When can you ask for money in a relationship

    02/04/2020 Duración: 39min

    My girlfriend of 6 months has been out of work for the past two weeks and she just got word that she will be laid off permanently. She asked me could she move in with me. I told her that I'm not ready to share my home with anyone. She offered to pay half the bills; I declined. She then proceeded to ask me could I pay her rent for next month. I told her that I'm uncomfortable doing things that a husband should do, for my girlfriend but I told her that she could borrow $300. She says that I'm wrong for not helping her out during her time of need but that isn't the case from my perspective. She says that she isn't sure that she will continue dating me. Am I in the wrong here or is this just another case of woman feeling entitled?  

  • At what point can you ask for money in a relationship?

    02/04/2020 Duración: 04min

    My girlfriend of 6 months has been out of work for the past two weeks and she just got word that she will be laid off permanently. She asked me could she move in with me. I told her that I'm not ready to share my home with anyone. She offered to pay half the bills; I declined. She then proceeded to ask me could I pay her rent for next month. I told her that I'm uncomfortable doing things that a husband should do, for my girlfriend but I told her that she could borrow $300. She says that I'm wrong for not helping her out during her time of need but that isn't the case from my perspective. She says that she isn't sure that she will continue dating me. Am I in the wrong here or is this just another case of woman feeling entitled?  

  • Is cheating inevitable?

    26/03/2020 Duración: 01h27min

    I saw this on someone’s page and thought it was interesting. What do y’all think? Just my thoughts but I think it's impossible for two ppl to be in a relationship and one of the two never cheats and cheating doesn't mean it has to be physical it can be anything from flirting, texting, phone conversation, or ANYTHING u can't do infront of my face. Random thought but I know I'm right

  • How has the "Rona" impacted your dating life or relationship?

    19/03/2020 Duración: 01h31min

    Now more than ever we have to be very mindful about with whom we choose to share our personal space. Corona virus is real and we are not exactly sure how it is spread. But as you are out there in search of someone to hold for the season, how do you go about it? What if youre cheating, do you really want to expose you main piece. And if he/she isnt answering the phone doesnt that mean that you are the odd man out ... lol. Lets talk about it!  

  • Do you have a break up story?

    12/03/2020 Duración: 01h01min

    On this episode we focus on discussing break up stories. Call in and lets discuss the circumstances behind why yall broke up and how it was diving back into the dating pool.

  • Check Yes Check No... Valentine's Day 2018

    14/02/2018 Duración: 01h56min

    Valentines edition.  

  • #CYCN - Ep. 8: Check Yes Check No the project

    17/01/2018 Duración: 02h00s

    Episode 8 of 8! We will speak to @oscrowley & @mcelixir and go through the process of what it took to create the #checkyescheckno project including the relationship panel discussion and mixtape. We will also speak to a few of the participants to see if they changed their minds about any of their recorded statements.   

  • #CYCN - Ep. 7: Do you have a secret lover?

    10/01/2018 Duración: 02h00s

    #checkyescheckno Ep: 7: Do you have that one person on standby, that one who hits all the right spots? Podcast epidsode 1-6 recap.

  • #CYCN - Ep. 6: What are your marriage deal breakers??

    03/01/2018 Duración: 02h01min

    #checkyescheckno Ep 6: You took a vow in marriage to endure for better or worse, however ?????  is a deal breaker. And is it possible to love more than one person at a time?    

  • #CYCN - Ep. 5: When was your first heartbreak ?

    27/12/2017 Duración: 01h59min

    #checkyescheckno Ep 5: When did you first fall in love or lust? And when was your first resulting heartbreak? And now that holiday season is almost over did you spend it with the one you wanted or the one whom was most convenient or no one? And lastly what do you have planned for your love life in 2018    

  • #CYCN - Ep. 4: Who is the head of your household ???

    20/12/2017 Duración: 02h01min

    Episode 4.  Who is the head of your household? How have the changes in traditional gender impacted your life and behaviors? How do you manage blended families           

  • #CYCN - Ep. 3: Why be monogamous?

    13/12/2017 Duración: 02h00s

    #checkyescheckno Episode 3.  Why be monogamous? There are plenty of fish in the sea. It could take several people combined to equal your ideal mate or to find the happiness for which you yearn. So why place that pressure or expectation upon one person. Is there a benefit. What are the pro and cons. Lets discuss! PLUS SOME ADVICE!      

  • #CYCN - Ep. 2: I like you but the sex is... HORRIBLE

    06/12/2017 Duración: 02h00s

      #CheckYesCheckNo Ep 2 Why cheat? Okay Okay, we know that it is wrong to do and we get it. Now lets hear some of the rationale behind why some of you have cheated in the past. Is there ever a scenario where it is okay to step up on your significant other?   Getting involved in other persons relationship can be a very dicey position. Your friend is blindly in love and their lover can do no wrong in their eyes but you see them cheating, what do you do?    Awesome person but the sex is horrible, now what? Everything about them is absolutely great. They have a great career, make good money, credit is awesome, personality is just fine ... BUT THE SEX IS THE WORST.   You call it LOVE but is it LUST? 

  • #CYCN - Ep. 1: I can't have sex when Im mad!

    29/11/2017 Duración: 01h59min

    On Episode 1, we want to know your response to the following questions:  How does manipulation play into a relationship? What happens when you love someone more than they love you? Its over between us but I still want to be friends, how can we make it work? What are the little things you need to keep you interested and your relationship going? Morning sex, anyone? I know you’re upset but what about some sex? What do you consider cheating? PLUS ... A PIECE OF ADVICE !!!

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