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  • Fruit of the Spirit (10)


    Today's topic covers the last remaining form of spiritual fruit-the fruit of self-control. In some versions of the Bible, the word used is temperance, but that word is over 350 years old. In contemporary English today, "temperance" is often associated with abstinence from alcohol. However, the Greek word includes abstinence in every area of our lives. It not merely prohibits excessive indulgence in alcohol but just as much excessive indulgence in food, that is, gluttony or overeating.

  • Fruit of the Spirit (9)


    Today's fruit of the Spirit Derek is speaking about is the fruit of gentleness. The word in the original Greek can equally well be translated as meekness. Some versions use one word, some the other. We need to bear in mind that gentleness includes meekness and meekness includes gentleness. But meekness is not weakness, as many people think. But, the exact opposite is the true: meekness is the demonstration of strength.

  • Fruit of the Spirit (8)


    Today Derek will speak about the fruit of faith or faithfulness. There are three types of faith: faith to live by, the gift of faith, and the fruit of faith, which is an aspect of character, something that must be carefully cultivated. In some versions of the Bible this is translated "faith," in others it's translated "faithfulness." These are like the two sides of one coin. On one side is depending-that's faith. On the other side being dependable-that's faithfulness.

  • Fruit of the Spirit (7)


    Today Derek Prince will be talking about the fruit of goodness. To understand this fruit, Derek first looks at the word good itself. One of the most common words in the English language, we have watered down this word by using it very cheaply and carelessly. In Scripture, however, the word denotes excellence, especially moral excellence. And in its strictest use, it applies only to God Himself.

  • Fruit of the Spirit (6)


    The fruit of kindness is the first fruit of the Spirit Derek will speak about today. The essential nature of kindness is treating other people the way we would wish them to treat us. That makes kindness practical, easy to comprehend and, in a certain sense, easy to apply, because we usually know how we would like other people to treat us. In fact, we're very clear about that in our minds.

  • Fruit of the Spirit (5)


    The fruit of patience includes two distinct, but related aspects of character. These are: steadfastness in enduring troubles and also slowness in avenging wrongs. Without both of these aspects, patience is incomplete. To have true, scriptural patience, you must combine both of these.

  • Fruit of the Spirit (4)


    The third form of the fruit of the Spirit is the fruit of peace. From the negative point of view, peace implies the absence of conflict. Certainly, there can be no peace where there is conflict. But to end conflict requires reconciliation. It is important to see that. True peace only comes, however, when two who are at opposition have been reconciled. Peace is made possible only through reconciliation.

  • Fruit of the Spirit (3)


    Today Derek tackles the second form of fruit, the fruit of joy. Joy is a beautiful word. When God blesses parents with a beautiful baby girl, a name they might choose for her is "Joy." Altogether, there is something beautiful about joy. However, in order to experience its beauty in our lives, we need to understand the real nature of joy. And, in order to understand that, we must know something about human personality.

  • Fruit of the Spirit (2)


    Today Derek will deal with the first form of fruit of the Holy Spirit, which is love. First of all, love is primary in the Christian faith. It occupies a place of importance that it shares with nothing else. Ultimately, all that really matters in the Christian life, Paul says, is faith expressing itself through love. External ordinances and rituals are of secondary importance. The center of your whole faith is expressed through love

  • Fruit of the Spirit (1)


    The fruit of the Spirit in nine forms is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. In speaking about how fruit comes, Derek tells us that we need to bear in mind that both fruit and gifts are equally from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives the gifts; the Holy Spirit also brings forth fruit. Both are equally the will of God

  • Door Only You Can Open, The (5)


    Derek closes this week’s study with the assurance that if we have given all we have to the Lord, He will share all that is His with us. We are joint heirs with Jesus, and have the Holy Spirit within us testifying that we are God’s children. As we share in Christ’s sufferings, as well as His glory, we know He will be with us through it all.

  • Door Only You Can Open, The (4)


    In today’s study Derek looks at the story of Elijah and the widow who was called upon to bake him a cake using all the meal and oil that she had left. As she did so, her provision was miraculously multiplied. In this illustration, we can see that as we give up all we have to the Lord in faith, He will return back to us far more than we had.

  • Door Only You Can Open, The (3)


    Derek explains just what opening the door means. When you hear Jesus knocking, you must respond in some way. To not respond is to leave the door closed to Him. Derek shares with us how to respond—to receive and open the door for the new birth.

  • Door Only You Can Open, The (2)


    Today Derek looks at ways God speaks to us—whether it comes by the voice of the Holy Spirit, an illumination of Scripture, through other people, or through God’s creation. God is not limited in how He speaks to us, we just need to have our senses tuned to hear Him.

  • Door Only You Can Open, The (1)


    Derek begins this week’s study from Revelation 3 by highlighting the fact that Jesus is speaking. He points out that whoever hears His voice must be the one to open the door for Him. Jesus said that His sheep hear His voice, so those who hear Him knocking are part of His fold. They need to respond with action.

  • Fatherhood (5)


    If a father fails, what happens to his family? Or, suppose that the fathers in a nation fail? What happens to that nation? It will be the decision of the fathers that determines the destiny of the nation. God requires the fathers to turn to the children, then He promises the children will return to their father.

  • Fatherhood (4)


    The function of a king is to rule or to govern. This requires that the father rule his household on behalf of God. Paul presents the responsibility of fatherhood in 1 Timothy, where he describes the qualifications of an elder.

  • Fatherhood (3)


    The father's second main responsibility, as prophet for his family, is to represent God to his family. Inevitably a father represents God to his family, whether he intends to or not. He may do it well. He may do it badly. But, almost inevitably, he does it.

  • Fatherhood (2)


    Three main ministries of Christ are to be associated with fatherhood: those of priest, prophet and king. As a priest, the father represents his family to God-who is representing his family to God in intercession and prayer.

  • Fatherhood (1)


    The fatherhood of God is the great fact behind the universe. There is a Father who is our God, a Father who created the universe as a Father-as such He has left the imprint of His fatherhood on every aspect of the entire universe.

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