Ashworth Road Baptist Church - West Des Moines



The weekly teaching of Ashworth Church in West Des Moines, Iowa featuring pastors Brent Clark, Ryan Lenerz and Amy Becker. Ashworth exists to connect families to Jesus, one another and our community.


  • I’ve Got Talent (and That Makes Me Significant)

    13/08/2023 Duración: 33min

    Pastor Brent examines reality talent TV shows as a mirror to our search for significance. He observes how these shows reflect our innate desire for validation in a world where recognition is often paramount. Brent redirects the focus by highlighting that genuine significance rests in our relationship with God rather than external acclaim. He reinforces this idea through biblical parallels, emphasizing that our worth is rooted in our identity as cherished creations of God. The sermon’s pivotal point is the The post I’ve Got Talent (and That Makes Me Significant) appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • True Crime Junkies

    06/08/2023 Duración: 31min

    Welcome to “In Plain Sight: Theology All Around Us.” In this sermon, Pastor Amy Becker dives into the world of true crime podcasts, exploring how they offer an escape and satisfy our justice-seeking hearts. Join us as Pastor Amy unveils the allure of true crime narratives, delving into why we’re drawn to these stories as a break from our own lives and our innate desire for justice. While these stories provide a taste of justice, the ultimate justice lies in The post True Crime Junkies appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • Watching for Love in All the Wrong Places

    30/07/2023 Duración: 57min

    Pastor Brent takes a deep dive into our relentless search for love, using modern reality TV shows as a cautionary backdrop. He shows how these shows often lead us astray, presenting love as a mere spectacle rather than a genuine connection. Drawing from biblical teachings, Pastor Brent guides us toward recognizing the pitfalls of seeking love in superficial pursuits and encourages us to turn our gaze toward the perfect love demonstrated by God through Jesus Christ as we learn to The post Watching for Love in All the Wrong Places appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • In Plain Sight – Jesus Revolution

    24/07/2023 Duración: 38min

    In the late 60s and early 70s, something started happening among the hippies, druggies and that society rejected. Their quest for meaning and purpose that involved drug trips and LCD left them searching for more. Enter the Jesus Revolution of the late 60s, where hippies and drug addicts found hope and purpose by following Jesus. Witness the powerful journey of love and redemption as these souls were touched by His message, leading them to a path of faith and salvation. The post In Plain Sight – Jesus Revolution appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • God and Social Media

    16/07/2023 Duración: 37min

    Social media makes great promises and claims of connections and friends yet leaves many feeling empty and wanting more. More and more studies highlight the dangers of this technology on kids’ and adults’ mental health. Where is God in social media? And how can those who follow Jesus use social media to see and help meet our human desire for connection? The post God and Social Media appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • God’s Story in a Movie About Aliens

    09/07/2023 Duración: 36min

    Sometimes movies are only about the entertainment they can bring. We watch that show or movie and enjoy our time with little to no impact on us going forward. But every once in a while, there’s a movie or show that gives us a glimpse of the story of God. Pastor Brent shares how the 2016 movie Arrival caught him off guard with a beautiful, 21st-century, science fiction-based picture of the love of God. The post God’s Story in a Movie About Aliens appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • The Desire for the Spiritual

    03/07/2023 Duración: 35min

    With a resurgence of tarot, horoscopes, and astrology, many people are looking for something beyond what can be seen. What do these desires teach us about how we were made, and where should we look for the satisfaction of our spiritual needs? The post The Desire for the Spiritual appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • In a Fret Over Nothing

    19/06/2023 Duración: 38min

    As children, The Wizard of Oz can be quite frightening as we watch the evil Wicked Witch of the West go after sweet Dorothy and her misfit friends. And even Dorothy’s encounter with the great and powerful Oz can be disconcerting. As adults, we can still be tempted to allow our fears of what’s behind the curtain to shape our lives and behavior. Join Steve Rogers as he looks into this classic movie and helps us discover we are often The post In a Fret Over Nothing appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • The Power of Words

    12/06/2023 Duración: 36min

    The game and cultural phenomenon “Worldle” took the world by storm in 2022 and continues to demonstrate the power of words in our society. Why are words so powerful? And how can we use them to bring life and encouragement rather than disunity and despair? The post The Power of Words appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • Seeing God All Around Us

    05/06/2023 Duración: 34min

    Jesus is always speaking, but are we listening? God longs for us to know him both intellectually and experientially. This summer, join us as we take a look at various movies, TV shows, podcasts, and cultural phenomenons. God may have something to say, even in the least expected of places! The post Seeing God All Around Us appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • Soul Check Sunday

    31/05/2023 Duración: 48min

    Journey through Psalm 23, reflecting on the image of the Shepherd while resting in the goodness of God. How is it with your soul? The post Soul Check Sunday appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • Living in the Kingdom

    22/05/2023 Duración: 33min

    As we conclude our Heaven on Earth series, we explore what it looks like to live in the Kingdom on a practical, daily basis. Pastors Brent and Steve share candidly about the ever-present tensions followers of Jesus face while embracing the values and lifestyles of the Kingdom of God. The post Living in the Kingdom appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • The Now & Not Yet Kingdom

    15/05/2023 Duración: 33min

    God’s Kingdom has been established on Earth as it is in heaven. However, it hasn’t been consummated fully yet. Pastor Amy explores the tension of the “now and not yet Kingdom,” bringing hope for the restoration and renewal of all things. The post The Now & Not Yet Kingdom appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • The Value of the Kingdom

    08/05/2023 Duración: 32min

    Lots of ideas and motivations clamor for our undivided attention in our world. But what is truly worth our time? Is there something worth dedicating ourselves to and reorienting our lives around? In some of the parables Jesus told, we see what he believed to be the value of his kingdom and why it is worth giving everything for. The post The Value of the Kingdom appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • How Do We Live

    01/05/2023 Duración: 26min

    It’s one thing to know and understand the values of the Kingdom of God, but it’s another thing to actually live them out on a daily basis. Pastor Amy takes a look at some of keys values we see in Scripture – love, hospitality, generosity, and humility – in order to demonstrate what it looks like to embody them with our minds, hearts, and bodies. The post How Do We Live appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • Values of the Kingdom

    24/04/2023 Duración: 33min

    As we see in stories of Jesus in Scripture, values of His Kingdom are caught rather than taught. Pastor Steve Rogers continues our Heaven on Earth series by highlighting the values of God’s Kingdom. Those values are birthed from the Holy Spirit, ultimately propelling us to be more like Jesus in our heart, mind, and actions. The post Values of the Kingdom appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • Entering the Kingdom

    17/04/2023 Duración: 36min

    The things we may think get us into the Kingdom of God are often the things that pull us further away. Pastor Brent continues our series on the Kingdom by sharing what entrance should look like according to Scripture. Are we more interested in visiting the Kingdom of God or becoming citizens? The post Entering the Kingdom appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • The Resurrection & the Kingdom of God

    10/04/2023 Duración: 32min

    The message of Jesus is bigger than we think. This Easter Sunday, Pastor Brent begins a new series about the Kingdom of God. The resurrection isn’t just a key catalyst of establishing God’s Kingdom; it validates everything Jesus said and did. The post The Resurrection & the Kingdom of God appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • Save Us

    04/04/2023 Duración: 31min

    The contrasts we see in Jesus on Palm Sunday are numerous. As described in the book of Matthew, Jesus did not see His kingship as others did. What Jesus came to Earth to bring – humility, servanthood, healing, sacrifice, and peace – is what eventually killed Him. The post Save Us appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

  • Come Alive

    27/03/2023 Duración: 35min

    Even when death and despair surround us, it’s never too late for Jesus to resurrect the dead things in our lives. Pastor Brent explores the book of Ezekiel, demonstrating the hope we can still hold when everything seems lost. Can dry bones still live? The post Come Alive appeared first on Ashworth Church - West Des Moines.

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