Heidi Harris Show



Covering topics that matter and doing interviews with people who matter.


  • Heidi Harris Podcast #123: Kavanaugh confirmed and global warming update


    Kavanaugh finally confirmed, and global warming alarmists are at it again. The post Heidi Harris Podcast #123: Kavanaugh confirmed and global warming update appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #122: Kavanaugh explains his anger


    Judge Brett Kavanaugh, in an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, explained his angry testimony last week when he defended himself against ridiculous, unprovable allegations. I’d call it righteous indignation, and I think it was more than warranted. The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #122: Kavanaugh explains his anger appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #121: Thoughts on the 1 October massacre. We are #VegasStronger

    01/10/2018 Duración: 15s

    1 October 2017 was a day that Las Vegas and our nation will remember forever. While we may never understand  what motivated Stephen Paddock, we know what motivated US as a city. We were there for each other, and will move on, stronger than ever. We are #VegasStronger. The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #121: Thoughts on the 1 October massacre. We are #VegasStronger appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #120: Ford/Kavanaugh hearing and where it leaves America


    After all is said and done, I believe Brett. Dr. Ford was fuzzy on details, which anyone would be after 36 yeas, but Judge Kavanaugh was far more convincing in his denial. He also has a track record of treating women well in his profession, and has had many women who’ve worked for him or […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #120: Ford/Kavanaugh hearing and where it leaves America appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #119: Kavanaugh second drunken accuser?


    This Kavanaugh case has gotten scarier by the day. No man in America will be safe from decades-old allegations destroying his life if these women are allowed to get away with this. The GOP members of the Senate Judiciary have to hold their ground and vote to confirm him. This man by all accounts has […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #119: Kavanaugh second drunken accuser? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #118: Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser and the burden of proof


    Suprem Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is terrifying the left, so much so that they are determined to stop his confirmation at any cost. The last thing they want is a judge who will interpret the constitution as our Founders intended, without allowing politics to sway him. His accuser has provided zero proof of her claims […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #118: Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser and the burden of proof appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #117: Government’s role vs. YOUR role in hurricanes


    Bottom line, in a natural disaster, government can only do so much. They get the power back on and clear the roads, but they cannot be expected to show up at your house with a town car because you choose to ignore warnings or evacuation orders. The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #117: Government’s role vs. YOUR role in hurricanes appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #116: Ann Coulter interview


    Ann Coulter joined me recently when I was in DC! She has a new book out, and is as spunky as ever. She weighed in in Trump, the Brett Kavanaugh Hearings, and much more! The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #116: Ann Coulter interview appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #115: Keeping social media friendly


    Social media has become more of a time suck than ever before. Not that there’s no value in some of what social media has to offer, but you have to get control of it, or it will run your life. You can take advantage of the benefits without losing your mind. In today’s podcast, I […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #115: Keeping social media friendly appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #114: Serena Williams’ controversy is deeper than tennis


    Serena Williams, who, along with her sister Venus, will go down in history as among the best tennis players, had a meltdown at the U.S.Open which has created controversy. She has been portrayed as a sore loser, and at the very least, her outburst took away some of the joy her opponent should have had […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #114: Serena Williams’ controversy is deeper than tennis appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #113: Jacky Rosen waffles on Min Wage


    Congresswoman Jacky Rosen who wants to be our next Senator, was recently schooled by small business owners on the REAL impact of raising the minimum wage. Of course her campaign’s official stance is that she wants people to have “dignity” at work. I have news for you, Jacky: there’s dignity in ANY honorable work. Big […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #113: Jacky Rosen waffles on Min Wage appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #112: McCain Memorial Fiasco


    Whatever happened to Rest in Peace? The McCain memorial was a fiasco, without the least shred of dignity. There’s more to life than settling scores, and after you die, trust me, that will be the last thing you’re thinking about in Heaven (or elsewhere). I have lost all respect for the McCain family for allowing […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #112: McCain Memorial Fiasco appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #111: Conservatives abandoning Facebook?


    Yes, it’s true. Conservatives are leaving Facebook, and now there have been two more lawsuits against Facebook for selling users’ date to outside companies without permission. As long as people like to present a “highlight reel” of their lives to the world, Facebook or something like it will exist, but between the continuing conservative censorship and […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #111: Conservatives abandoning Facebook? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #110: New CCSD “School Justice Partnership”


    The CCSD has now voted to implement a new system, the “School Justice Partnership” to keep kids out of trouble, which in reality does nothing to improve anyone’s behavior. Allowing offenses like destroying property or larceny to be handled with “intervention” and “support” leaves out the well-behaved kids and the taxpayers, who have a right […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #110: New CCSD “School Justice Partnership” appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #109: Steven Long, POW/hero who passed away, and thoughts on John McCain


    I recently attended the Memorial service for a true hero, Major Steven Long, who had a lifetime of distinguished service in our Air Force, and was held captive in Southeast Asia for five years. It was a room full of amazing people, the likes of which this country will never see again. It was truly […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #109: Steven Long, POW/hero who passed away, and thoughts on John McCain appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #108: If you’re Dying, take care of business


    Most of us don’t know when we’ll die, but if you do know about your impending death, take care of business. It’s a kindness to those you leave behind. The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #108: If you’re Dying, take care of business appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #107: WHY is there poop in SF streets?


    Why IS there so much poop on the sidewalks of San Francisco? The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #107: WHY is there poop in SF streets? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #106: Finding a balance in your life


    I juste read about yet another talk how host who died suddenly in his 60’s. This has happened to many people I know, (some of whom aren’t in radio), but it seems to happening with greater frequency. We all need to strike a balance in our lives, and too few people people today are doing […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #106: Finding a balance in your life appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #105: Transgenders demand favorable treatment from Hollywood


    Recently, 45 groups, sympathetic to the LGBTQ community, signed a letter demanding to be included in Hollywood movies. They want favorable story lines written about trans people, as if it’s someone else’s job to make anyone feel “safe”. If you don’t like the way your group or ethnicity is portrayed, take a hint from the […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #105: Transgenders demand favorable treatment from Hollywood appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

  • Heidi Harris Show Podcast #104: Who are you calling a LIBERAL?


    Lately a few posters to my Facebook page have been calling me a liberal, which is laughable, considering that I haven’t waffled, wavered or backed down from my conservative values one inch. My refusal to go with the flow has cost me money and jobs, but I haven’t budged. I am accountable to God, not […] The post Heidi Harris Show Podcast #104: Who are you calling a LIBERAL? appeared first on Heidi Harris Show.

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