Messianic Messages With Izzy



Izzy tells the story about how his family went from not caring about Yeshua's command to make disciples to going through crisis and paradigm shift, being challenged by Scripture, and experimenting with new times, venues, and styles of gathering.


  • Izzy's New Style - Telling Stories & Asking Four Questions About Yeshua, Kingdom, Gospel, Following


    Heads up on Izzy's new teaching style. Understanding the holy book as a long string of holy stories about real life messed up people and dysfunctional families, sometimes even sorded and R-rated. Yeshua always spoke to crowds with stories. We related to stories and remember them. Our culture is increasingly nonliterate and prefers to learn through visual and alternative means. The four questions Izzy will be asking and answering in his talks. What does this story tell us about Yeshua of Nazareth? What does this story tell us about his Kingdom and its culture? What does this story tell us about the Gospel, the good news about him? What does this story tell us about how we can follow Yeshua as disciples?

  • Story - Strict Religious Snob & Sorry Crooked Taxman - Acharei Mot Kedoshim Luke 18-20


    Yeshua's story about the strict religious snob and the sorry crooked taxman. God pays attention to prayer, accepts dirty hurting messed-up broken people when they apologize and ask for help. Poetry from a prophet about God being way up there and way down there with the guy in the gutter. God does takedowns on proud people. God offers a helping hand to the low. What we do in Yeshua's countercultural kingdom. Overview of Leviticus 16-20 and Luke 18-20. Lessons from Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. How is this faith different than all other faiths? Deep need in human psyche to be covered and cleansed. Paul and his apostolic team observed the Day of Atonement. How our culture worships. Banned sexual practices including incest, bestiality, and homosexuality. The practice of, the principle under, and the person behind the mitzvot. What, why, and who of Bible commands. Death penalties of the theocracy and the only good man who took your place.

  • Story - Blinged Dudes & Threadbare Widow - Emor Luke 21-22


    True story about some blinged up rich dudes and a poverty stricken threadbare widow, both giving money for a good cause. Teaching from Luke 21-22 and Leviticus 21-24, parashat Emor. What Yeshua thought. Yeshua is a people watcher. Some are haves, some havenots. Some are cheap, some are generous. You have to look deeper then dollar figures and clothing styles. Yeshua is a social commentator and he'll talk to you if you hang out with him. Sacrificial giving gets his attention. Yeshua sacrificially gave everything including comfort in paradise with his Father, his mom and brothers, his hometown, his reputation, his privacy to the ancient version of paparazzi, his time and emotional energy, and his life, and his Holy Spirit. Our response. Yeshua wants all your stuff. Overview of readings. Luke, Yeshua the prophet and the destruction of Jerusalem. Watching mouse traps on YouTube. Praying for strength to stand. Fruit of the vine, pri ha gafen. But a sword, the theological basis for gun ownership haha. Standing by t

  • Story - One Man's 38 Year Struggle For Change - John 5


    The gripping story of one man's thirty eight year struggle for change and the day it finally happened. Straight out of the Gospel of John, chapter 5.

  • Story - Yeshua's Audacious Invitation - John 7


    Story about Yeshua's conflict with his brothers after being misunderstood and subsequent clandestine road trip. Crowds arguing about Yeshua and he almost gets arrested by the Temple Police. Yeshua's audacious invitation and wild claim on the biggest day of the party. True story from Yochanan John 7.

  • Story - Yeshua Brings Four Day Dead Cadaver Alive! - John 11


    Story about three siblings living in the burbs of Jerusalem, how one of them gets sick and died, and how Yeshua comes and brings him back to life. Picture of Jewish burial and mourning customs from Talmud and Midrash, quoting John Lightfoot, John Gill, and Alfred Edersheim.

  • Story - Humble Rabbi Washes Camel Poop Off Disciples Feet! - John 13


    Story about Yeshua breaking a social taboo and watching the dirty camel-poop-encrusted feet of his disciples. Practical applications and challenges. Story from Yochanan 13.

  • Story - Old Leader Chooses Young Leader - Numbers 27


    Story of Moses praying for a new leader and comissioning Joshua in front of the nation. Lessons in mentoring, leadership, vision, and influence. Snapshot of Mashiach from life of Yehoshua. Story from Numbers 27, parashat Pinchas.

  • Story - Barbequed Fish And Toast Breakfast With Yeshua - John 21


    True story about Yeshua's disciples enjoying a barbequed breakfast of fish and toast with him after he was raised from the dead. Eating and drinking together as social ritual. Yeshua is playful, mysterious, smiling, and optimistic when he looks at his people. Asking the tough missional questions. What does it look like to throw our nets on the other side of the boat as we reach out to our city?

  • Story - Yeshua's Final Instructions & Liftoff From Planet Earth - Acts 1


    True story about Yeshua's last meal with his disciples and final instructions to them before being taken up. Forty day romance. The man who can fly. Short time with loved one. Unanswered questions. Tips on conversational. Unhealthy obsession with instant success, chronologies, and timing in general. The law of growing influence. We need to be empowered to accomplish the mission. Yeshua is alive! He talks about God's Kingdom, not Christianity. He is returning physically. He's restoring the kingdom to Israel and answering the prayers of the Jewish people. Quotes from the Rambam and Talmud Bavli. Yeshua is returning as an ethnic Jew and the leader of national Israel. Yeshua will do what Yeshua did, including go to synagogue on Saturday and read from the Torah, rest on Shabbat, celebrate Festivals such as Passover, Booths, and Chanukah, wear tzitzit, and speak Hebrew. Don't stare into the sky or wait for the end, you have a mission. Pray for the Holy Spirit. Witness to Yeshua's cause and tell his stories.

  • Story - Couple Drop Dead For Messing With God - Acts 5


    True story about God killing a husband and wife for lying to his face. People getting along, sharing, happy, Sesame Street would be so proud. Like an action film or thriller. Ad hoc solutions. Partners in crime. Esp from God. Awe. Human capacity for selflessness or selfishness. Good deeds with a bad heart. Satan can fill the hearts of believers. Christians and Messianics can be demonically influenced. Warning, in a community of recovering sinners you will be wronged and hurt at times. God's watching and listening to everyone because he delights in them. God's plan A is mercy, plan B is justice. He gives changes but his patience and tolerance have a limit. God can be tried and doesn't take kindly to being messed with. God judges and kills people in the New Covenant era, church age, dispensation of grace, whatever you want to call it, both believers and nonbelievers.

  • Story - Diverse Community Develops Creative Solution Instead Of Folding - Acts 6


    True story of diverse multilingual Yeshua community developing creative solution with consensus support instead of splintering. From Acts of the Apostles, chapter 6. Imagine a country with no welfare system, pension plans, and life insurance. Plight of widows. Care of widows in the Torah and the early Yeshua movement. Negative spindoctors. Relate to needs not being met, marginalization as a minority, specializing in strenths, delegating tasks, new job. Embracing diversity. Growth pains and psychological preparation for it. Engaging instead of walking away when your needs aren't being met. Knowing each other, doing life together as community. Survival, maintenance, and growth mindsets. Need for administrators and fulltime prayer and Bible guys. Difference between the apostle Paul and most men. Yeshua not mentioned explicitly. He leads through leaders. He calls men to prayer and the ministry of the Word. Honoured when his people hang together.

  • Story - Admin Leaps Wall Into Adventure, Ex-Wizard And Apostle Clash - Acts 8


    True story of an administrator jumping a cultural barrier and starting a revolution, and a clash between an ex-wizard and apostle. Crises, trouble, and opposition can be your best friends if responded to correctly, force you to grow, break out, change. Don't pigeonhole people. You're bigger than your job. The adventure is over the wall. People are watchers and followers. Our mission is to get people watching and following Yeshua. We have a hard time receiving something for free. Pray for yourself. Yeshua is the Messiah, proved by the healing of paraglegics and quadriplegics. Yeshua's message is for all ethnicities, religions, socioeconomic stati, does your life declare that? Quandary of receiving the Ruach. Ask, believe, obey. Why Catholic apostolic succession is false.

  • How To Start A Revolution & Change A Culture - Lessons From Firebuilding - Acts 13-14


    What lessons does starting a campfire offer for starting a movement and changing the world? Gather small dry sticks, bring them together but don't crowd them, introduce the fire into the group but don't breathe too hard on it, allow it to start naturally, as the fire grows add larger and larger sticks and logs. Shaul and Barnaba travelled through Asia Minor in modern day Turkey as firestarters, going into synagogues with the fire of the message of Mashiach.

  • How To Topple A System & Change The World - Lessons From A Nalgene Water Bottle - Acts 16-18


    What a wind undermining the sand granules under a water bottle until it tips has to teach you about how to change the world. Foundational undermining and the sudden gradual shift. Sapping, strategic digging under wall in medieval castles and bulwarks until collapse. In Jeremiah's prophetic call, plucking up breaking down destroying and overthrowing prededed building and planting. Yeshua taught that a person must be emptied before they can be filled. Applies individually, social, politically, and corporately. Succumbing to temptation until sudden collapse. Izzy's crisis in how we gather. End of the gladiatorial sports. How Yeshua flipped the Roman Empire. The grassroots movement that broke the power of Roman Catholicism. Abolition of slavery. How to take down abortion not through political process, legislation, the courts, and mass media campaigns, through invididual relationships and transformation. Dissolution of Communism in Russia. Back to Jerusalem movement in China, pest strategy of operating as ants, te

  • Story Revolution, 1 - Red & Viv's Tribe, Yeshua's Movement, How Stories Changed The World


    First revolutionary talk in a string on the power of telling the stories of Scripture word of mouth to change the world. True story of Red and Viv, i.e. Adam and Eve, and the tribe they started and how they would stop every seven days to tell the stories of how they got there, why there was evil in the world, and why weeds grew in the fields. True story of a virgin teenager having a baby boy that grew up to start a movement by sending his disciples to tell his stories to the world. Historical overview of how you got the Torah and Gospels.

  • Starts & Stops Toward A Perfect World - Shemini Atzeret Talk


    Starts & Stops Toward A Perfect World - Shemini Atzeret Talk

  • Story Revolution, 2 - What About All The People Who Don't Read Books? Reaching Nonliterate People


    Half of North Americans don't read books. Not that they can't, they don't. Two-third of people around the world don't read books. How are you going to communicate Yeshua's story to them? How are you going to disciple them? Story from Truth that Sticks by Avery Willis about Scott the Stonemason.

  • Story Revolution, 3 - Frankenstein Bible! Verses Chopped And Sewn From The Stories of Scripture!


    Over half of Scripture is written in story form. And the other sections have stories behind them. Do you read, discuss, and teach them in context, or chop and sew them into a horrifying Frankensteinish theological monster? What Sesame Street and the children's blurb before the sermon has to teach you. Surprising statistics concerning Biblical illiteracy in North America and what to do about it.

  • Story Revolution, 4 - Make Your Message Sticky! Why The Entertainment Industry Is Beating You.


    How do you get God's word to stick in people's minds and change their lives? Shocking statistics from the Barna Group: roughly half of people claiming to be Christians believe that Satan doesn't exist, Jesus sinned, and the Holy Spirit isn't real. Third of people say that the Bible is true, and the Quran and book of Mormon. People are bombarded with truth claims, everybody's preaching to them through the media. How do we punch through the clutter? Malcolm Gladwell in The Tipping Point says, by making your message sticky. Entertainment industry greatest influence on Western World, why? Sticky stories. Why be smart, strategic, cunning? Answers from Chip and Dan Heath, professor at Stanford and researcher at Harvard, respectively, on how to make your message stick. Story about little boy who got it.

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