Profitable Farmer



This show is all about increasing the profitability of your farm so you work smarter and not harder. Your host, Andrew Roberts from the Farm Owners Academy reveals the best farming business tips for more leverage in your farm business.


  • Episode 104 – What is it to be RESILIENT

    19/09/2022 Duración: 45min

    With R U OK Day taking place last week, I wanted to take a few moments to share a business coaching principle that changed my life.   In my younger years, I constantly struggled with poor self-esteem, low confidence, anxiety and, at times, depression. In addition, I was plagued by an active mindset of sabotaging my own sense of self.   Left unchecked, I hate to think where life might have taken me and where I might be right now.   One of the greatest gifts in my life has been to learn how to do ‘the deeper work’. Focusing on changing my psychology, strengthening my resolve and building my resilience has been an active process that has helped me immensely for over 20 years. In this episode, I share the concept of the IDENTITY ICEBERG and (hopefully) provide you with a model and process that you can work through to help build your resilience and be at your best.   I talk about the self-development work we need to do around the skills, values, priorities, beliefs and identity that define who we are and who we s

  • Episode 103 - A Global And Local View On Our Current Reality

    30/08/2022 Duración: 01h06min

    Hi [First Name], In leadership, sometimes it pays to take the highest perspective possible. Today, as we find ourselves navigating global political unrest, war, pandemic recovery, disease threat, rising interest rates, inflation and significant seasonal volatility, this has never been more important. For an incredibly insightful global perspective and a highly considered and passionate interpretation tailored just for us – as Australian Farmers – it gives me great pleasure to introduce one of the most brilliant individuals I have ever met! Simon Kuestenmacher is the Co-founder and Director of The Demographics Group based in Melbourne, Australia. Simon holds degrees in geography from leading universities in Berlin and Melbourne and has worked as a business consultant with KPMG Australia for several years. In 2017 Simon, with Bernard Salt, co-founded The Demographics Group. The group provides specialist advice on demographic, consumer and social trends for business. Simon has presented to numerous corporate

  • Episode 102 - Navigating A Major Market Correction

    14/08/2022 Duración: 45min

    As our world continues to change, our commodity and investment markets continue to be impacted by an ongoing series of externalities. To help us understand the current market conditions and to offer direction on navigating a significant recent market correction, I invite our resident investment specialist, Terry Tran, back to the Profitable Farmer Podcast. As always, it is great to connect with Terry and, importantly, understand: what’s happening in the equities markets at present; how best to navigate a current market correction; what’s driving this, political pressures from major global players; and how to make the most of the opportunities presented. As leaders, business owners, investors and exporters, it is important to take a global perspective and understand the new dynamics at play. From Ukraine & Russia to Taiwan, China & the USA, increasing interest rates, inflation, currency and COVID, as always, Terry, it is so valuable to get your insight across all things impacting the investm

  • Episode 101 - Another Look Into Successful Succession

    27/07/2022 Duración: 01h02min

    Succession is often described as a complex, challenging, confronting, highly emotional and intense process.   At its worst, succession can tear families apart, damage relationships and be the demise of significant farming dynasties. We have all seen this.   In this podcast, I interview succession specialist and ProAgtive Co-Founder Isobel Knight, for another look at this important topic.   “Done well, and applying sound business management fundamentals, succession can be a very positive and creative problem-solving process… one that creates very real and significant opportunities for all involved.”   This is how succession should be.   Over the past 18 years, I have always admired Isobel and the quiet determination she has extended in making a difference for Australian farming families around succession.   I love Isobel’s perspective on succession and how she reminds us to focus on the future and create new opportunities for all involved - finding a way to be respectful, empathetic and grateful in how we arri

  • Episode 100 - Leadership lessons from a Wallaby Great

    15/07/2022 Duración: 41min

    Growing up, like most kids, I had three heroes: Mel Gibson, Greg Norman, and Phil Kearns.   All Aussies. All champions in their own way in their chosen field.   To celebrate our 100th Profitable Farmer Podcast episode, it gives me great pleasure to introduce Wallaby great Phil Kearns (OAM).   Phil is without question one of Australia’s greatest ever Rugby Union players. With 67 tests as #2 for the Australian Wallabies,10 as Captain and 73 games for the NSW Waratahs, Phil was a key contributor to 3 successful Rugby World Cup campaigns, including the memorable 1991 and 1999 victories over England and New Zealand, respectively.   Beyond Rugby, Phil is a thoughtful, composed and genuine leader. A true gentleman of sport, business and philanthropy.   I was lucky enough to meet Phil recently when he opened the new clubhouse at the local Cootamundra Rugby grounds. The time he openly shared with my family, the kids of the Club and their families was incredible.   His passion for Australian Rugby, grass-roots footy,

  • Episode 99 - Reflecting on the Farm Owners Academy Story...

    30/06/2022 Duración: 01h02min

    Eight years ago, Farm Owners Academy (FOA) was just an idea shared by two incredible visionaries, Greg & Deb Johnsson.   Six months later, and following some time with Business Coach Andrew Roberts, the business we see and cherish today was born.   And the rest, as they say, is history.   As this is our 99th Profitable Farmer Podcast, I thought it appropriate to reflect on this journey with FOA Co-Founders Greg Johnsson & Andrew Roberts.   From that initial idea, now to an incredible community of over 500 farm businesses progressing through our various programs and a team of 20 dedicated business coaches and highly professional support personnel, the FOA Story is one worthy of sharing.   As a team and community, we can all be proud of what we have together created. I personally feel this project will make an impact of significance on our industry, as it has for the hundreds of farming families who have already completed our various programs.   I’d like to dedicate this interview to Greg, Deb and Robbo

  • Episode 98 - Average business decisions at tax time

    15/06/2022 Duración: 01h17min

    Let me be straight for a moment.   Many of us are making tax ‘minimisation’ decisions at tax time that constrict our growth.   Many of us are expecting more of our Accountants than they are equipped to offer.   Finally, many of us do not have the people around us that can truly support our professional and business advancement.   These three things, especially at tax time, can be costing us a fortune.   In this episode, I welcome farm finance specialist Jeff McDonald, Executive Director at RLS Agribusiness, back to the show. I also speak with two FOA Platinum Mastermind graduates and leading farm financial controllers, Emma Strong and Mel Crockett. They share how investing in their financial development has forever changed their farm business performance.   In this important conversation, we explore:   how Super, FMD’s and spending money at tax time can, in fact, impede your progress; how to turning a profit and paying tax is a good thing (that should be celebrated); how as farm owners, WE need to TAKE RESPON

  • Episode 97 - Finance, Farming and Family

    30/05/2022 Duración: 48min

    It is always a pleasure to catch up, shoot the breeze and reflect on all things finance, farming and family with Tony Catt, Director at Catapult Wealth.   Tony and the team at Catapult Wealth specialise in accounting, wealth creation and succession planning for Australian farming families. As one of FOA’s referral partners AND as our resident succession planning specialist, we recommend Tony and his team highly.   In this podcast, Tony and I take the opportunity to re-connect and reflect on a range of important topics impacting farming families, including:   the current state of our economy, interest rate expectations & inflation, property prices & land value, financing, funding & the banks, professionalism in farming, families in farming, and Tony’s latest thoughts & insights on navigating succession in this new climate.   Tony is a rare and engaging individual with a deep passion for helping farming families create wealth and thrive!   It’s always a lot of fun and incredibly insightful shar

  • Episode 96 - A Vision for Australian Agriculture

    14/05/2022 Duración: 54min

    For a vision to be compelling AND create meaningful change, it has to enrol and inspire. Well-designed, a compelling vision can align people from all walks of life, diverse backgrounds, varying persuasions, and even competing preferences. To me, it seems that for Australian Agriculture, this has been achieved thanks to Tony Mahar and the National Farmers Federation (NFF). In 2018, NFF sought to prepare a shared vision for Australian Agriculture. A sixth-month consultation process with the industry, some deep thinking, a host of critical conversations and input from key players, and a supporting roadmap to 2030 was born. Within it, an overview of important mega-trends to impact us all, five pillars to focus their effort, and a shortlist of major projects to initiate and impact. NFF’s 2030 Vision and Roadmap can be found by clicking here. I speak with Tony Mahar, CEO of National Farmers Federation in this podcast. We explore what is unique about the economic climate of today and the vision and roadmap t

  • Episode 95 - Time Management and Personal Productivity

    29/04/2022 Duración: 55min

    You will have heard me say this before: Time is our greatest asset.   So many of us feel SO BUSY. We operate in CHAOS. We are REACTIVE rather than proactive.   There is just not enough time in the day!   Putting it simply, I believe that farmers (as a rule) DO NOT VALUE THEIR TIME.   So many of us are STUCK in our business - ‘saving a wage’ by doing the LOW-VALUE tasks on our farm. And this is ‘costing us a fortune.’   In this podcast, I speak with two of the most professional and highly effective individuals I know – FOA’s General Manager, Sam Johnsson and FOA’s Business & Administration Manager, Michaela Malicki.   In this podcast, we explore how they manage their time and the tips & tactics they recommend to help you become more effective. We discuss email management, diary management, scheduling, planning, to-do lists, meeting management and quarterly planning.   In life, no one (necessarily) has any more time than anyone else. We all experience time the same way.   The key to TAKING CONTROL and b

  • Episode 94 – Navigating high input prices in this new season.

    14/04/2022 Duración: 41min

    Once again, we are reminded that no two seasons are the same.   Distinct from prior seasons, we find ourselves in a new business environment where, like diesel prices, the cost of many farm inputs has increased by 30% plus.   The result of COVID and fuel prices on freight, combined with the Russia - Ukraine conflict, we may be looking at a situation where some inputs are in short supply at the farm gate.   In this podcast, and on the back of a local meeting with a buying group I am part of, I invite local Cootamundra Nutrien Branch Manager, Timothy Callan, to join Greg Johnsson and me to discuss this issue.   In this, we explore: what Nutrien are seeing in terms of input pricing and availability; what is causing these issues; where the problems are (Urea in particular); what is the outlook for this, and how long might it last; and what to do about it.   In addition, I ask FOA Co-Founder Greg Johnsson to discuss: the mindset we need to have around this; the need to keep perspective and see the whole picture w

  • Episode 93 - Men, who do you have in your corner?

    30/03/2022 Duración: 57min

    Let’s be real for a moment; business ownership is one of the world's toughest assignments. Even more so is farm business ownership, with its numerous complexities and subtleties. At the same time, business ownership AND farming can be very lonely places.   In our roles on-farm, and as we all know, we have “ups and downs”.   And so, my question is:   who do you have in your corner?   … who do you have around you helping you be at your best? … who do you call on to ensure you are resilient, confident and competent?   Engaging a psychologist was a turning point for me - one of the greatest choices and changes I have made. Truly a life-or-death decision. A very real ‘sliding doors moment’ for me.   As a result of my decision to seek professional help and get my head right, my life now is beyond my wildest dreams.   Given this, it gives me great pleasure to welcome Dr Dave Anthony to our podcast.   Dave is a registered psychologist with an impressive list of qualifications, affiliations and experience under his

  • Episode 92 - A global shift to the economy...

    15/03/2022 Duración: 45min

    Once again, our world has taken a surprising and unprecedented turn - on the back of fires, COVID, floods… and now war.    After a period of economic expansion and optimism, we now find ourselves experiencing a global shift to the market we operate in.    To explain and explore this highly significant shift, I am delighted to welcome back our resident investment specialist Terry Tran, founder of The Freedom Trader.    In this episode, we explore the likely combined impacts of: inflation, interest rates, recent government stimulus, gross indebtedness, corporate earnings activities, and the liquidity cycle.   Importantly, and as Terry does so well, we unpack what this means for you as an investor in the stock market. How to be proactive in reviewing and re-shaping your off-farm investment portfolio, and how to position yourself to take advantage of the very real opportunities that now present.    For those wanting more in-depth insight and training on this topic, as well as strategies for crea

  • Episode 91 - Modern Day Pioneering

    28/02/2022 Duración: 54min

    In this Podcast, I am delighted to interview my good friend and FOA Business Coach Sam Pincott, sharing with you the story of Holbrook Paddock Eggs.   With so many emerging businesses, especially those that dare to be different, we face a multitude of headwinds, challenges and even criticism. In their careers, Sam and his wife Prue have faced their fair share of all of these. I have genuinely admired the true commitment, determination and persistence they have shown over their 13-year journey.   It is an absolute credit to them to now see their business is really hitting its straps. With a dedicated and loyal team, a strong brand and client base, a scalable business model supported by strong systems, Holbrook Paddock Eggs is now firmly placed as a great example of the ‘paddock to plate’ concept we so often hear about.   With over 15,000 free-range chooks and leading a team of 10, Sam and Prue are a great example of a farming family who have dared to be different while remaining true to their values and

  • Episode 90 - Success starts from within !

    16/02/2022 Duración: 55min

    Some important constructs that have changed my life:  “A business will never out-grow its owner”; “If you do what you have always done, you will get what you’ve always got”; “For things to change, FIRST I must change”; “The hardest part to learning is letting go of what you think you know”; “Thoughts are things, and it is in taking control of our mind, that personal transformation can occur”; and “Work harder on yourself, than you do on your ‘JOB’”  This morning I arrive back to my farm and office, having had a week away, at a resort on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, hosting both our 2 Day TOP Producers Workshop, and then one of FOA’s Deep Dive Conferences with over 300 of our Platinum Mastermind Members.    What an event! What an incredible community. What a life-changing experience for so many farming families.    To see so many farm owners so completely engaged, so committed to their own growth, and so open to personal development and a focus on mindset mastery, was incredible.    To all o

  • Episode 89 - An example of Excellence Part 2 - Ben Taylor

    31/01/2022 Duración: 55min

    Every business needs a CEO - including our farm businesses! As Part II of our Take Control Client spotlight, in this episode, I am delighted to share an interview with Farm Owners Academy (FOA) Member Ben Taylor.   Ben is a valued Take Control Program Graduate and now, a genuine high performer within the FOA Platinum Mastermind Program. Along with his wife Kate, his parents and brother Sam, Ben runs an extensive fourth-generation cropping operation at Condamine in southern Queensland, focusing on wheat & chickpeas in winter and sorghum & cotton in summer. When Ben & his family started the Take Control Program, they had no shared focus and no real plan. Family members were not always ‘on the same page’, and succession was a real challenge.   Today is a very different story.   Three years on from committing to their Take Control journey, Ben (along with Kate) has lead the charge of applying professional business management practice to their farm. They now operate a very strong plan and are

  • Episode 88 - An example of Excellence Part 1 - Jack Owen

    16/01/2022 Duración: 50min

    Happy New Year, and may 2022 be your best year yet!   Up to 85% of our success is determined by the QUALITY of our plan and our ability to implement it consistently – It has been proven!   In this episode, I am delighted to share an interview with Farm Owners Academy (FOA) Member Jack Owen. Jack is a valued Take Control Program Graduate and a current FOA Platinum Mastermind Program member. He runs a high-rainfall, meat sheep operation at Smythes Creek (west of Ballarat) in Victoria with his partner Bonnie.   Jack’s story is a compelling one. From a standing start and with a trade background, Jack has embraced the principles and methods taught by the Take Control Program and is now an incredible example of what can be achieved – currently enjoying a highly profitable, well systemised, organised and focused farm with a very bright future.   Thank you, Jack, for sharing your story so openly. You have added immense value to those moving through their Take Control Program and business development journey.

  • Episode 87 - Creating VALUE in business

    14/12/2021 Duración: 47min

    So much of our focus AND the advice we receive is centred around optimising our Farm Businesses.    When we think about off-farm investing, we look to shares and real estate as our primary options.    Remember the small business. Often, the small business we run as a ‘side-hustle’ beside our farms get little attention and are often left to play ‘second fiddle’.    In this podcast, I propose that perhaps our greatest opportunity is in the small business that sits beside our farm business – perhaps there is MORE value to create there? Perhaps your small business may hold the key to helping you achieve expansion, bolster cash flow and move you to the next level!    Do not underestimate the importance and power of a cash-rich business that complements the farm business you have. AND, as farmers, don’t underestimate your business acumen and your entrepreneurial ability.    The business principles and entrepreneurial skills we teach at Farm Owners Academy – when applied to your farm AND non-farm businesse

  • Episode 86 - Meet ‘Our Cow’ - an incredible Aussie success story!

    30/11/2021 Duración: 01h05min

    In this episode, I welcome Andrew Roberts back for an interview he coordinated with Bianca & David McGiveron, Founders of ‘Our Cow’. This is a genuinely inspiring Australian success story. Just three years ago, David and Bianca were engulfed by prolonged droughts AND wiped out by fires. They were broke, tired, and forced to do something else… to think ‘outside the box’. They asked themselves: how can we re-invent to make our small farm viable long-term? And from a standing start… ‘Our Cow’ was born. Just three years on, Dave & Bianca now employ over 25 people in Casino, in a business currently grossing $8m plus per year. Last month, they delivered over 2,800 boxes to almost every part of Australia. Their monthly recurring revenue for their meat subscription alone is now over $650k per month. Their passion now is to scale, and for ‘Our Cow’ to see hard-working Aussie Farmers get a fair and stable price for their livestock. Remember: doing the same thing over and again and expecting a different r

  • Episode 85 - Collaborate Farming and all its advantages

    14/11/2021 Duración: 01h32s

    Land Prices are through the roof, bank lending policies continue to tighten, and the red tape is getting thicker for all across our industry.   If we are serious about farm expansion, inter-generational transition and driving new & improved operating performance, we need to be looking and thinking ‘outside the box’ now more than ever.   With these realities in mind, I call on Collaborative Farming Expert, Jeff McDonald, to explore the benefits of this Farming option.   Jeff is the Founder & Managing Director of Riverland Lending Services and Collaborative Farming Australia. He is also the Chair of many highly successful collaborative farming ventures across Australia – including Bulla Burra, Sherwood Estate and River Wine Collaboratives.   In this discussion, I expected to explore what underpins successful collaborative farming; to learn about some compelling case studies of farming families doing it well and the benefits of this approach to farming... what I didn’t expect, and thoroughly appr

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