New Dimensions



New Dimensions is an original and powerful forum for inspired and inspiring voices and views on a wide range of timely and timeless topics. Activism, art, education, science, psychology, philosophy, health, spirituality, global transformation, cross-cultural traditions, the interconnectedness of all life All these and more are featured in this award-winning one-hour interview program that has been broadcast on public radio since 1973. For more information and over a thousand hours of downloadable programs visit


  • Bringing Unconditional Love to Ourselves - Robyn Posin - ND3474


    This dialogue with Robyn Posin, Ph.D. explores how we may become more consistently gentle, more kind, and more tender with ourselves in this mad-paced world. How may we develop the habit of listening to that little voice inside that is so often ignored in the name of expediency?  She suggests some words we may use to coax this “little one” to come out and be heard.Tags: Robyn Posin, abandoning ourselves, anger, gentle with ourselves, rush, belly wisdom, safe container, grief, gut feeling, listening, little voices inside, Paul Rebillot, personal Altar, portable altar, nurture, sadness, procrastination, efficiency, effectiveness, efficient, effective, caretaking, deep listening, re-parenting, inner voice, Psychology, Health, Healing, Self Help, Personal Transformation

  • The Public Purpose of Art - Arlene Goldbard - ND3473


    We are on the cusp of a radical paradigm shift in worldviews. It is as if two tectonic plates are rubbing up against one another. One is called “Datastan” – the paradigm that quantifies, counts, measures, and commoditizes everything. The other is “The Republic of Stories” where diversity, the artist, individual stories, and every contribution matters. Tags: Arlene Goldbard, datastan, Republic of Story, Corporate Nation, No Child Left Behind, prisons, unemployment, Move to Amend, hope, Story Teller, Trash Dance, graffiti, billboards, customer service, storytelling, Katherine Boo, poverty, confirmation bias, art, artist, music, occupy movement, Roadside Theater, Augusto Boal, Social Change, Politics, Art & Creativity, Business, Community

  • Finding A God That Is Real - Nancy Ellen Abrams, J.D. - ND3595


    In this deep dialogue we look at a new theory of God based on science. Abrams suggests that we need a God that can connect us spiritually to the “real” universe and can guide our now globally conscious species toward a long-term and honorable civilization. She describes emergent phenomena as well as the effectiveness of prayer.Tags: Nancy Abrams, God, atheist, double dark theory, a higher power, Genesis, Torah,Babylonians, Babylonia, supernatural God, cosmic congress, theory of emergence, emerging God, ants, emergent phenomenon, emergent phenomena, the emergent economy, the emergent market, aspirations, self-reflection, prayer, mindmeld, R. Buckminster Fuller, Bucky Fuller, Sunrise, Sunset, origin stories, creation stories, global civilization, Golden Rule, Honor your father and mother, stardust, truth box, Newtonian physics, Einstein, quantum physics.  Science, Religion, Spirituality, 

  • Helping Teenagers to Find Their Inner Guide - Kelly & Tom Shelstad - ND3592


    When messages abound that tell a young person they are not enough, they tend to concentrate their energies on being prettier, smarter, or more popular. Kelly and Tom Shelstad offer wilderness programs that have proven to be of help to teenagers as they traverse the treacherous waters from childhood to adulthood in a way that supports self-esteem and self-knowledge.Tags: Kelly Shelstad, Tom Shelstad, Kelly and Tom Shelstad, backpacking, wilderness, teenagers, classroom design, daydreaming, phosphorescent algae, Facebook, social media, boredom, circle, authenticity, guide councils, circle stamina, deep listening, intuition, attention, Ecology, Nature ,Environment, Personal Transformation, Relationship , Partnership, Sexuality, Travel, Parenting

  • Boost your Joy with Technology, Gadgets, Cognitive Enhancers - Jonathan Robinson - ND3588


    Technology can enhance our lives or it can detract from our good health and well-being. Through the wise use of technology, gadgets, cognitive enhancers and supplements, we may receive help to have more peace, love, and joy in our lives. Robinson’s advice is to use the technology that opens our heart, makes us feel peaceful, and connects us more deeply with each other.Tags: Jonathan Robinson, Peace Chair, video games, PTSD, Heartmath, Slide Show app, heart coherence device, kindness, Marty Seligman, widgets of mass distraction, supplements, smart drugs, neutropics, coffee, tingle, gratitude, Steve Jobs, virtual reality, Thync, Sedona Method, 5 Rhythms Dancing

  • Protecting the Sacred White Lions - Linda Tucker - ND3472


    The white lions of Africa are considered sacred and they have been trophy hunted until they no longer live in the wild. Tucker has taken on the assignment to reintroduce them into their traditional hunting lands. This is the story of her decades long battle with the government and with breeders who charge huge fees to hunters to kill the recently caged lions.Tags: Linda Tucker, white lions, canned hunting, trophy hunting, big game hunting, apartheid, Lion Queen of Timbavati, Timbavati, Global White Lion Protection Trust, Maria Khosa, Egyptian mythology, Muriel Vince, Corelight, Leslie Temple-Thurston, Brad Laughlin

  • The Journey of Losing a Soulmate to Cancer - Karla Malden - ND3449


    You will be inspired by Malden’s candor and clarity as she speaks about her experience of living through the debilitating disease and death of her husband and work partner. She likens this time in her life to being strapped in a roller coaster that you never bought a ticket for.

  • Digging a Deep Well to Our Spiritual Waters - Mirabai Starr - ND3444


    Delving into many different spiritual paths can be thought of as digging many shallow wells with the hope of reaching water. However, Mirabai Starr’s experience tells her that she is using many different tools to dig a single deep well.

  • The Great Turning or the Great Unraveling; It's Our Choice - Joanna Macy - ND3446


    Macy points out, “Our earth is alive. It’s not a supply house or a sewer, it is our larger living body with vast evolving intelligence that we are totally a part of and we can draw on.” She encourages us to face the facts of our immense planetary challenges. However, rather than allowing these realities to shut us down, we can choose the practice of active hope.

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