Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 187:38:42
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In this show, Dr. Shannon and her guest experts share actionable strategies and practical steps to master your life and business so you achieve Epic Success! From proven systems to achieve big goals, master productivity and time management shortcuts, to achieving mindset and habit mastery, leadership prowess, motivation strategies, and believing God for dreams for your Epic life and Business. Grow Smarter, stronger, happier, more integrated, faith filled, and build an Epic Life and Business that you LOVE!


  • Entrepreneur Separation Season with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    16/02/2023 Duración: 26min

    We are in a separation season. Can you feel it?   Rarely does there come a time in your business life when you have such a clear path to get in front of the pack as you have right now. But are you using it to get on the slipstream directly to the front of the crowd?   We are in a fear economy right now. The news is projecting the negative, and we’re surrounded by an energy of fear, unknowing, and uncertainty. Watch your brain because it will likely try to hook into the fear as a way of keeping you safe, and if you do you’ll miss the opportunity to stand out.   In this episode of Epic Success Podcast, I’m sharing the 3 components you need to come out on top during the separation season we are in. Listen to discover how you can bring your mission to the forefront and succeed in the new economy.   Big takeaways from today’s episode: How you THINK matters more than ever. Comfort with change is absolutely critical because change is an inevitable part of today’s new economy. Intimacy with your cli

  • 3 Keys to Building Your Audience of Raving Fans FAST

    08/02/2023 Duración: 20min

    God put a calling on your heart to help people. How are you taking action on it? If you really want to deeply serve others, you must meet and connect with people. Because if you’re talking to just yourself, you’re not really making an impact. Building an audience is one of the ways you can do this in the online marketing world. The old “drive-by” way of selling to people without connecting with them and assuming you can build a passive income empire while you’re off sipping drinks on a beach does NOT work anymore. We are in a separation season. What may have worked a few years ago no longer works now, and only those coaches who learn to adapt will succeed at launching or scaling their businesses. In this episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I want to share three key things that are different about building an audience now than it was even 5 years ago. The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: Intimacy is VITAL. Creating intimacy as an online business owner is not easy. Still, it can be simple when you

  • Growing an Engaged Group of Buyers in the New Economy with Christina Jandali

    02/02/2023 Duración: 38min

    The economy is shifting. Can you feel it? We are in an economy of speed, AI has come onto the scene, and the marketplace has changed in our post-pandemic world. At the same time, the market is getting more sophisticated. There are more options, and people spend more time scrutinizing where they will spend their time and energy. How do you capture attention and separate yourself from the crowd? In today’s episode, I’m joined by my business bestie Christina Jandali, Business Growth Strategist and community engagement expert, to discuss what has changed in the last 5 years and, more importantly, share some simple, tangible strategies you can use to stand out and lead the pack this year. As the world is moving away from human connection with artificial intelligence gaining popularity, companies using robots to deliver packages or entire stores running without a single human cashier, people are craving connection in other ways. Those entrepreneurs who find ways to create community, connection, and intimacy with th

  • 3 Biblical Brain-Based Secrets for Success with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    26/01/2023 Duración: 18min

    If you’re here, you’re likely a business owner who wants to scale to 6, 7, or 8 figures of revenue, and you have other goals too… You want a 10 out of 10 marriage, or maybe you’re overweight and want to get fit, or you’re sick of fighting with your kids. Whatever the case, what I share in this episode will be super powerful for you. This episode will give you the tool to help you create a 10 out of 10 in every area of your life. One of the most important actions you can take to create success is to take control of your thoughts. I’m not just saying this because I’m an expert in the brain science of success, and I’m not simply repeating it from a manifestation, woo woo, or new age perspective either.  The God of the universe created you and your brain with the full potential to have the life you want, and the Bible tells us what we can do to unlock that potential. It all comes down to 3 keys, and I will share them with you today. The biggest takeaways from today’s episode are: Mind Renewal as a Daily Practice

  • Create Habits in 24 hours, NOT 21 days! with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    19/01/2023 Duración: 15min

    Everything the market offers on goal setting and habits works against how your brain allows results. Let that settle in for a minute. The good news is that trouble hitting your goals is NOT your fault.  I know it can feel like a daily tug of war where you move one step forward and two steps back, leading to conversations in your mind about being tired or overwhelmed. In this episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I’m sharing a brain-based method to create new habits in 24 hours. Listen in to discover a simple system that can make a giant impact on your results this year. But let’s be real, it’s not like you’re sitting on the couch watching Netflix 24/7, hoping your goals come to pass with no effort from you. You’re actively chasing down your to-do list and still not getting there. You aren’t missing the mark because you aren’t working hard enough, trying hard enough, or not keeping habits. You continue to miss your goals because you’re following systems and structures that work against how your brain is wired t

  • Goal Setting works AGAINST how your BRAIN allows RESULTS with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    09/01/2023 Duración: 16min

    Have you ever set goals for the new year, only to find yourself missing the mark by March (or sooner)? I have some news for you… it’s not your fault! The problem is the system you’ve been using to set goals is broken and doesn’t align with how your brain is wired. Traditional goal-setting is based on an antiquated system designed for the industrial age. It’s focused on producing more output (i.e. widgets) and making you a good employee rather than helping you achieve the freedom and success you desire. This is why you feel inspired in January but frustrated by March… and once your motivation wanes, you’re likely to shrink your goals to be more “manageable.” This is a logical course of action but one that puts your brain in fight or flight mode and bathes your brain in neurochemicals that allow you to feel ok about it BUT also stops clarity and forward momentum.What if I told you there is a better way? Because there is! Your brain is powerful, and you can create a year’s worth of goals in 67 days when you set

  • The Neuroscience of Success - Unwavering Faith with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    28/12/2022 Duración: 13min

     Do you ever fall into what seems like a never-ending cycle with your business goals? You hope and wish for success in your business, but never really gain the traction needed for the success you envision? Yep. It happens, and I’ve been there… Did you know there is an actual science-based process that can help you go from planning to action, and ultimately to success? If you’re an entrepreneur who wants to be successful but just haven’t reached the point of success that you know you’re capable of, then I want to share some science-based secrets that will help you unlock and unleash the success that you already have inside of you. I had the pleasure of having my friend Hal Elrod, bestselling author of The Miracle Morning and top-rated keynote speaker, on the Epic Success Podcast a little while ago (you can listen to his interview here). We are so aligned with his formula for the Miracle Equation and how it relates to what I teach with the brain science of success. True transformation takes place in our brains

  • The Mindset Myth with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    21/12/2022 Duración: 15min

    Want to know something I know about you? You have incredible plans. You have big dreams. And I love that about you! So out of love, I’m here to tell you, you’re being sold something that doesn’t serve you.  The idea of mindset has become polluted and overused in the marketplace. The reality is, if you want to be successful in your business & life, you must understand that it’s not about “working on your mindset” with wishing & hoping and trying harder while sitting in the lotus position. Instead, it’s vital that you start to understand that it’s all about the way you think. You must purposefully step in to train your brain to think. In this episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I go into a bit of a rant. All for your benefit. I’ve been watching common messaging around mindset online and it gets me impassioned. Mindset relies too much on willpower, which will fatigue like any other overused muscle. If you’re ready to step into the empowered position of training your brain instead of wishing and hoping o

  • The Anti-Pitch: The One Strategy That WILL Open the Floodgates to Sales with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    14/12/2022 Duración: 07min

    As an entrepreneur, you must train your brain that your services are in demand. You don't have to wait until you have reached a certain number of followers or make a certain amount of income. It is not fake it until you make it. It’s about training your brain to believe people are lining up to be coached by you right now, exactly how you are.  So what is holding you back from serving them at the highest level possible?  Is it all those unconscious thoughts your brain fires off when you think about sales? The thoughts that you may not be the right person for the job, or your clients need more time or money to move forward with you.  The anti-pitch is the thoughts you tell yourself between serving your clients and asking for a sale. It is the pitch that is happening underneath your sales pitch.  If you want to create the sales volume you desire and leave a legacy, you need to neutralize and remove the anti-pitch from your brain. You are the creator of your thoughts. Start creating your future.  This week's epis

  • Hacking Scarcity: Build Brain-Based Abundance with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    08/12/2022 Duración: 15min

    You want more for your business, but there is that small voice inside that keeps you playing small. That voice is driven by fear and it says you aren't good enough or your ideas will never work.  Fear indicates that you have a belief or a thought pattern in your mind that doesn't align with your vision. When you allow those thoughts to take root, they become the only thoughts you can hear, stopping you dead in your tracks.  But you don't have to allow fear to keep you in a life of scarcity because God created the universal law of abundance.  The scripture says, “For whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” This law applies to your business, health, relationships, and all domains in your life.  Unfortunately, most of the world has that law backward and focuses only on the money aspect – how to get it, and how to use it. People don’t understand why money becomes harder and harder to get.  You will reap the rewards (money) when you focus on sowing your time and God-given talent to others.   This week's epis

  • The Less I Do... The More I Make with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    30/11/2022 Duración: 05min

    You have heard the key to success is hard work. But if that were true, you would already have all the success you desire.    STOP buying the lie that the more you hustle, the more success you will have.    News flash! Working harder is holding you back from success.    The constant hustle activates your fight or flight system to always be on. It doesn’t shut down, which leads to adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue throws off your focus and ability to trust your intuition to gain the clarity you need to move the needle in your business.   If you are starting a business or growing your current one, the best way to achieve your desired success is to do less. I know that sounds scary. How could you do less and make more? That goes against everything you have ever been told.    Stop the hustle and give your mind a rest. Clarity and focus come when you quiet your mind. In that space, you can think clearly and see the answers that will lead you to success.     If you want to elevate your success, I challenge you to set

  • Flip the Brain Switch on FEAR: The Dream Killer with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    23/11/2022 Duración: 13min

    Fear is a human emotion that alerts you to danger and activates your flight or flight system. It’s designed to keep you safe, but when fear overwhelms you, it crushes your dreams and leaves you dead in your tracks.    Anytime you want to step out of your comfort zone into something new, fear gives you all the reasons you aren’t good enough and the reasons you will fail.   The negative results fear manifests in your mind become the thoughts your mind defaults to. Those thoughts keep you playing small and safe. It’s like pouring water on a fire.    Fear the four-letter word created by YOUR thoughts. Do YOU want to live a life of fear?    What if I told you that you can flip the switch in your brain, allowing yourself to harness the power of that fear and use it to scale your business?    The key is in your thoughts. You can harness the energy to choose your future and purposefully catapult those thoughts toward your future while bringing them into the present.     This week's episode of the Epic Success Podcast

  • Too Much Noise in the Market is Killing Your Results with Dr. Shannon

    17/11/2022 Duración: 09min

    When building a business, you want to gain as much knowledge as possible to build the business of your dreams. So, where do you turn?  You most likely head to the internet seeking answers to your questions. The problem is, once you dive into everything related to your business, you’re left with more questions than answers. That’s because there is too much noise in the marketplace. An overabundance of information leaves you feeling confused and exhausted. A million different people say the same thing but in their own way. That leaves you on your own to try to decide what works and what doesn’t. How do you decipher what YOU need to build your business from the massive sea of advice? It is time to weed out those not speaking in authority and truth. It's time to get down to the roots and find the thing that will create a shift and cause transformation in your business RIGHT NOW.  Put down the mouse and STOP wasting your precious time scrolling through things that aren't moving the needle in your business.  If you

  • 3 Skills You NEED to Become a Great Coach (and Go From Unknown to Sold Out) with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    28/09/2022 Duración: 11min

    Have you ever found yourself dreaming about using your talents to impact the lives of other people?  You may question your skill in creating a business, if you will be good at it, or if your personality is suitable for the job. Perhaps the state of the economy is holding you back with the inflation and housing issues so many face. But times of crisis can be the most significant time of growth for people who help others transform their lives.  The coaching industry is growing at a monumental pace, and IT NEEDS YOU!  You need three key components to become an amazing coach who gets results for people and creates sold-out programs.  EXPERIENCE, if you have gone through something and come out the other side, you can coach others who are going through it.  A HEART OF SERVICE, if you have a drive and desire to help other people succeed, you have the second skill needed to be a great coach. A DESIRE TO HELP PEOPLE SUCCEED FASTER is a must. Coaching could be your calling if you have gone through an experience that yo

  • What Mindset You MUST Have to Grow a Successful Business! with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    22/09/2022 Duración: 27min

    When you want to increase your muscle mass, you work out to train your muscles, so they grow. The same concept goes for your brain. To achieve success, you need to train your brain to neutralize and remove blocks that stand in the way of success. The subconscious automation in your brain runs 90% of your day.  It is time to STOP giving the automation permission and START permitting yourself to grow the mindset you need to succeed.  To create change in your reality, your brain needs to believe it first!  So how do you remove the limiting beliefs that hold you back? Dr. Shannon unlocks the secrets of overcoming the voices telling you that you are not good enough, collapsing time, and achieving your dreams faster than you imagined. Her three brain-based mental hacks will help you uplevel your mindset so you can grow the business of your dreams.  If you want to hack your brain and learn how to create consistency, banish limiting beliefs, and create a brain-based vision, this Epic Success Podcast, lays out the thr

  • How Your Environment Affects Your Goals with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    14/09/2022 Duración: 29min

    Do you surround yourself with people who encourage you to reach your goals, or are they just along for the ride? Who you let into your environment is essential to how you will reach your goals. Likeminded individuals can see your vision even when you can't see it. Find people who hold you accountable for your goals and encourage you to reach for the stars.  The lone wolf syndrome can be hard to overcome. As an entrepreneur, you do everything to move the needle but never get closer to your goal. You’re too close to the situation to realize the roadblocks are holding you back. It takes other people to come into the fold and say, “This is what I see in you. You are capable, but you must let go of the thing weighing you down and holding you back.” Put yourself in an environment that allows you to see your blind spots! Everyone alive will face some sort of obstacle at some point in life. It might be a heartbroken teenager or a work or family issue, but you can't let those obstacles be the chains that hold you back

  • Get UNSTUCK! Eliminate the Hidden Blocks Stopping You From Achieving Your Goals with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    01/09/2022 Duración: 27min

    Sometimes trying to reach the goals you set for yourself feels like walking in quicksand. You keep repeating the process but don't get anywhere. You take action, but it's slow, and you feel stuck.  If you feel stuck, the good news is that there is a way to get UNSTUCK from everything holding you back from achieving your goals.  If you want to speed up time and move the needle in the direction of your dreams, stop listing to the world around you. Ninety-nine percent of DNA shared by humans is the same, but you have that one percent that is unequivocally yours. Stop comparing yourself to others, hoping you can have what they have or do what they do. Put your one percent on the stage meant for you and share it with the world.  Trust your intuition!   You are not taught the skills to trust and cultivate your intuition. You are taught to ask others when you don’t understand instead of trying to figure out a solution. The voice telling you to start a business or take a leap of faith is the same voice questioning yo

  • Why You Haven't Accomplished Your Goals … Yet (And What to Do About It) With Dr. Shannon Irvine

    25/08/2022 Duración: 12min

    Are you still trying to chase down and accomplish the goals you set for yourself back in January? The end of the year is quickly approaching, and your plans may feel light years away, but the good news is YOUR GOALS ARE REACHABLE!  The traditional method of setting goals and working hard to achieve them is NOT working. You aren’t accomplishing your goals because you haven't learned to map the plans out in a way to help you accomplish them. Time is one resource you can't get back. There are many ways to recreate income and wealth, but once your time is gone, it's gone. There is a better way. My method will help you accelerates time.  September 6-9, 2022 is a can’t-miss opportunity. Join me for my Fast Forward Your Future workshop. This FREE 4-day event will teach you my proven, brain-based process of collapsing a year of visions into 67 days, enabling you to power through the end of the year. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to map out goals, collapse time, and maximize your momentum so you can achieve your

  • Eliminate Self Doubt: How This One Upgrade Will Usher in Success with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    18/08/2022 Duración: 01h03min

    Do you think of yourself as someone who is motivated and driven but find your hopes and dreams stuck on pause? Self-judgment and self-doubt are the number one roadblocks to success. But YOU can OVERCOME self-doubt and stop self-judgment.  It starts with a shift in your thinking.  Self-doubt is an automated thought you didn't choose. It’s been repeated so much that it is the pattern your brain sees any new change through. When you do something you’ve never done before, the design running in your subconscious equals doubt. Self-doubt keeps you playing small. You get fewer results toward your visions and dreams when you play small. It is the enemy of success.  Self-doubt questions HOW you are going to do something. Overcoming self-doubt starts with reframing the question of HOW by asking WHAT STEPS you need to take to make your vision a reality. The quicker you realize self-doubt and self-judgment are a lie, the easier it is to separate from those thoughts.  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, yo

  • 67 Days to Success: Create Mind-Blowing Results in the Second Half of the Year with Shannon Irvine

    11/08/2022 Duración: 12min

    Are you reaching the goals you set for yourself back in January? We are halfway through the year, and you may find yourself shrinking your goals to fit what’s happening in the world around you. But you don't have to sacrifice your dreams just because you aren't there yet. Utilizing a mid-year reflection allows you to collapse time and accomplish what you wanted to do all year in the year's second half! Start by revisiting your vision from January, but in a way that allows your brain to achieve it.  You have to CREATE a VISION so your brain can SEE what you want.  See it. Say it. Become it.  Create in your mind the visual representation of what you want, build the desire for it, formulate a concrete plan on how you will achieve your desired results, and then work on that plan.  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, Dr. Shannon will show you how to tap into the incredible power your mind holds to get your goals back on track for the second half of the year. The biggest take-aways from today’s epis

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