Activist Radio: The Mark Harrington Show



Your marching orders for battling the culture of death in America! Listen to Created Equal's weekly pro-life current events podcast with your host and long-time front-line activist, Mark Harrington!


  • BREAKING: ACLU drops lawsuit against 7 Texas Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn | The Mark Harrington Show | 5-28-20

    28/05/2020 Duración: 25min

    The ACLU has withdrawn its lawsuit against seven cities in Texas that have enacted ordinances outlawing abortion within city limits. Each of these seven cities has also proclaimed itself a Sanctuary City for the Unborn, joining a movement that is spreading across the state of Texas. The ACLU’s decision to withdraw its lawsuit comes less than three months after it sued these cities over their decision to ban abortion within city borders. On Today’s show Mark interviews Mark Lee Dickson of Right to Life of East Texas, who drafted the ordinances and is leading the Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn movement. As expected, these strong and enforceable ordinances have successfully withstood legal scrutiny. Dickson says that the ACLU’s decision to withdraw its lawsuit means that other cities can enact these ordinances without fear of an adverse court ruling.  Dickson promises that more cities will enact sanctuary ordinances in the months ahead. If you would like to see your city pass an ordinance outlawing abortion

  • Lies, Lies, and more Lies: FX’s AKA Jane Roe is revisionist history – Interview with Fr. Frank Pavone | Mark Harrington Show | 5-21-20

    21/05/2020 Duración: 26min

    Lies, Lies, and more Lies: FX’s AKA Jane Roe is revisionist history – Interview with Fr. Frank Pavone | Mark Harrington Show | 5-21-20 "There is no way her Christian faith or her pro-life beliefs were false. The makers of 'AKA Jane Roe' should be ashamed that they took advantage of Norma in the vulnerable last days of her life, then released their spurious movie after she passed away when she could not defend herself." These are the words of Troy Newman of Operation Rescue in response to the new documentary called AKA Jane Roe which focuses on the life of Norma McCorvey. Additionally, dozens of anti-abortion leaders have signed onto a letter refuting the spurious claims made in the film. • Read the joint letter here: Norma McCorvey lived a difficult life and experienced many hardships. She struggled, but she never sought or committed an abortion despite her pro-abortion handlers. She regretted being manipulated in the case that ultimately carried her name. We know this because she s

  • Planned Parenthood is essential. Churches are not. How COVID 19 exposes the irrelevancy of the church | The Mark Harrington Show | 5-14-20

    14/05/2020 Duración: 25min

    Planned Parenthood is essential. Churches are not. How COVID 19 exposes the irrelevancy of the church | The Mark Harrington Show | 5-14-20 Heb 10:24-25 reads, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Despite that clear admonition from scripture, most churches across America remain closed due to the corona virus because of concerns over the health of their congregants. However, a few churches have been meeting despite direct orders in some states and recommendations not to in others. All the while Planned Parenthood, marijuana dispensaries, liquor stores, big box stores, and other retail establishments where large numbers of people gather and assemble remain open. Why are most churches unwilling to meet? On Today’s episode, Mark speaks with pastor Bill Dunfee of New Beginnings Ministries in Warsaw, Ohio whose congregation

  • Believe Women? How Roe v. Wade killed the #MeToo Movement | The Mark Harrington Show | 5-7-20

    07/05/2020 Duración: 25min

    Believe Women? How Roe v. Wade killed the #MeToo Movement | The Mark Harrington Show | 5-7-20 BREAKING NEWS: Legislature limits Ohio Health Director in issuing orders. Joe Biden’s accuser Tara Reade is facing the former vice president’s presidential campaign and the Democratic establishment without the type of pro-bono legal and public relations support that Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford received. Reade has accused Biden of kissing her, touching her and penetrating her with his fingers without her consent when she worked for him as a Senate staffer in 1993. Both Biden and his campaign have denied Reade’s allegations several times, and Biden issued a request last Friday to Secretary of the Senate Julie Adams to locate and make public any complaint that Reade may have filed. Question: Why aren’t the media, and the Democrats treating Tara Reade’s accusation as they did Christine Blasey Ford? Answer: One word - abortion On today’s episode, Mark demonstrates why the #Me

  • Bill Gates: COVID 19 savior or merchant of death? How the pandemic is being used to advance a globalists population control effort | The Mark Harrington Show | 4-30-20

    30/04/2020 Duración: 25min

    Bill Gates is considered an expert on the COVID 19 pandemic because his foundation helps fund globalists health policies, and organizations. Gates is also working to help create a vaccination against the Coronavirus.  Too most, for good reason, Bill Gates is considered a humanitarian. But the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also a known financier of pro-abortion organizations and is also funding an international “family planning” organization which distributes pill abortions worldwide. DKT International operates “offices in 24 countries” and boasts that it is “one of the world’s largest providers of family planning.” Mark interviews Carole Novielli, Research Fellow for Live Action and contributing writer at Live Action News about her research regarding global population control and how the abortion cartel is moving a light speed to make abortions available via TelAbortion and “no test” abortions. Here are some of the questions Mark will ask: Question #1: What is the difference between Telemedicine/Te

  • America Under House Arrest: Why the cure is now worse than the disease - An interview with Scott Klusendorf | The Mark Harrington Show | 4-23-20

    23/04/2020 Duración: 26min

    America Under House Arrest: Why the cure is now worse than the disease - An interview with Scott Klusendorf | The Mark Harrington Show | 4-23-20 America is rapidly approaching 1 million cases of COVID 19. Thus far, 47,000 Americans have died from COVID-19. Just how much worse remains to be seen. There are too many unknowns. Some medical experts predict millions of deaths worldwide unless we continue to lockdown society and enforce strict social distancing for 12 to 18 months.  Others say those projections are not only wrong, they are overstated “by orders of magnitude.”  The problem is existing figures may not tell us to what extent COVID-19 causes death. Today, Mark interviews Scott Klusendorf, President of Life Training Institute about his recent article published in the Christian Research Journal entitled Covid-19 Do Pro-life Principles Require A Sustained Shut Down of the Economy? Who Decides? Read Scott’s article HERE: Russell Moore of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Council

  • 4 reasons we need to open the economy now | The Mark Harrington Show | 4-16-20

    16/04/2020 Duración: 26min

    4 reasons we need to open the economy now | The Mark Harrington Show | 4-16-20 The Associated Press published a crucially important story yesterday – but not for the reasons it may have intended. While the report focuses on the effects of COVID-19 on pregnant women, who are being frightened into abortions, and the abortion facilities that service them, it lays out a compelling case for reopening the economy as soon as possible. Today, Mark discusses with Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, why opening the economy is pro-life for the vulnerable unborn, and best to fight the COVID 19 virus. Troy says there are four important reasons why reopening the country would save lives by reducing abortions: • More women are likely to go through with their abortion decisions than before the pandemic. • Women who otherwise would not consider abortions are having them out of fear. • State orders to halt surgical abortions have been largely unsuccessful. • Abortion facilities are using the pandemic to expand web

  • Criminalizing Christianity and the arrest of David Benham: How the COVID 19 crisis is being used to crush our liberties | The Mark Harrington Show | 4-9-20

    09/04/2020 Duración: 26min

    Criminalizing Christianity and the arrest of David Benham: How the COVID 19 crisis is being used to crush our liberties | The Mark Harrington Show | 4-9-20 In the past few days, pro-lifers have been threatened and arrested in Detroit, Milwaukee, and Charlotte. All the while Planned Parenthood continues to defy orders to cease committing abortions in dozens of states. What is happening to our country? Is the cure becoming worse than the disease? Are we slipping into a police state? Today, Mark interviews David Benham, Chairman of the Board of Cities for Life, about his arrest for peacefully counseling in front of a Charlotte, NC abortion facility. Since 1998, David has served in the pro-life movement in areas such as sidewalk counseling, community awareness, fundraising, church life networking, political support, and establishing the Cities4Life movement. David, whose father is a national pro-life leader, has witnessed everything that works and doesn’t work in the pro-life movement. • To view the arrest of

  • The Do’s and Don’ts of Activism: Navigating Police Overreach During the COVID 19 Pandemic | The Mark Harrington Show | 4-2-20

    02/04/2020 Duración: 25min

    The Do’s and Don’ts of Activism: Navigating Police Overreach During the COVID 19 Pandemic | The Mark Harrington Show | 4-2-20 Pastors are getting jailed. Pro-lifers are being arrested. And Churches are being threatened with permanent closure. All the while Planned Parenthood continues to get away with murder by violating governor’s orders in 28 states.  Unequal enforcement of these governors’ orders is sowing confusion and making law abiding citizens wonder if the cure is now becoming worse than the disease. Question: How can pro-life activists continue to be a voice for our unborn brothers and sisters during these difficult times? Today, Mark interviews Peter Breen, Vice President and Senior Counsel of the Thomas More Society on the do’s and don’ts of pro-life activism during the COVID 19 crisis. To find out how to rightly navigate these troubled waters, go to: Also, please continue to ask these state's Attorney Generals to enforce their governor's orders to

  • Essential or non-essential? That is the question | The Mark Harrington Show | 3-26-20

    26/03/2020 Duración: 26min

    Essential or non-essential? That is the question | The Mark Harrington Show | 3-26-20 Ohio abortion centers are continuing to perform surgical abortion in defiance to Attorney General Dave Yost orders. Planned Parenthood claims that abortion is essential. • Call Health Director Amy Acton at (614) 466-3543 and tell her to take action to #StopTheSpread at all Ohio facilities. Calls to all the abortion facilities in Texas verified that they are not currently performing abortions. However, Planned Parenthood is now suing the state of Texas to keep killing babies and infecting clients with COVID 19. During this crisis, the abortion industry continues to kill babies and risk the health and safety of the American people. But they don’t care. They only care about killing babies. • Video: TX Abortions Halted Due to Coronavirus - Here is a brief summary of the current status of #StopTheSpread in various states (the situation is developing, so the status changes daily): All or at least surg

  • Corona Virus Silver Lining | The Mark Harrington Show | 3-19-20

    19/03/2020 Duración: 25min

    Corona Virus Silver Lining | The Mark Harrington Show | 3-19-20   Is abortion an elective or non-essential medical procedure? If so, then why do abortion mills remain open? During the Trump Corona Virus press conference yesterday government officials asked health care providers to cease performing all elective medical procedures. Obviously, this should include abortion providers. But will it? If abortion is health care, as the abortion industry claims, this is an opportunity for them to act like it and close. Of course, we know that they will want to have it both ways We need to force the federal and state governments to be consistent and not treat abortion facilities differently than other health centers. They say that abortion is health care. They say abortion clinics are health centers. However, when they are held to the basic health standards, they fight those regulations. There could be a silver lining for the preborn in the Corona Virus tragedy. Here is some good news reported by the HuffPost: htt

  • Interview with the Justice Riders: How the next generation is winning! | The Mark Harrington Show | 3.5.2020

    06/03/2020 Duración: 25min

    Interview with the Justice Riders: How the next generation is winning! | The Mark Harrington Show | 3.5.2020 Young people are looking for cause. Sadly, the pro-life movement isn’t providing the direction they need. We are a movement not just a cause. So, what’s the difference? • Cause (noun) ˈkȯz - a reason for an action. • Movement (noun) ˈmüv-mənt - an organized effort to attain an end. There are lots of causes. Facebook lists 500 million causes. There is even a cause to end all Facebook causes. But how many become bona fide movements? Not many. Why? Because there is a difference between a movement and a cause. Ending abortion is the cause many of us fight for. A movement is a type of group action that gathers like-minded people together into a cohesive force to end a practice or behavior. On today’s show, Mark interviews two of Created Equal’s activists. Mark shares how our youth are the hope of the next generation. You can watch The Mark Harrington Show on Mark’s Facebook, Twitter and YouTube ac

  • “Kill it!”- Presidential candidates are getting away with murder | The Mark Harrington Show | 2-27-20

    27/02/2020 Duración: 25min

    You can’t make this stuff up! On the same day Elizabeth Warren criticized Democrat presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg for allegedly telling a pregnant Bloomberg News employee to “kill it,” Warren skipped a vote to protect born alive infants after a failed abortion attempt. The duplicity is astounding. Watch the clip HERE: When every single Democrat running for President supports abortion up to the very moment of birth and even after birth, why are Bloomberg’s alleged comments such a big deal? Bloomberg was simply espousing the Democrat platform of abortion on demand. Warren has no credibility. If Warren thinks Bloomberg can’t recommend abortion to an employee, then why does she defend abortion? Also, this week Sen. Ben Sasse gave an impassioned speech on the Senate floor regarding the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act in which he called out the savagery of abortion advocates. Watch Sen. Ben Sasse HERE: Are we really talking about this? Can’t

  • Cultural Schizophrenia: How campus bullying and DIY abortions prove that Americans are losing their minds | The Mark Harrington Show | 2-20-20

    20/02/2020 Duración: 25min

    Cultural Schizophrenia: How campus bullying and DIY abortions prove that Americans are losing their minds | The Mark Harrington Show| 2-20-20   Schizophrenia is defined is a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.   The fact is liberal extremism and support for child killing is a metal disorder.   To make this point Created Equal recently released a video of our staff being harassed by a school administrator while trying to reach students at Briggs High School (Columbus, OH). John Kuijper, the 9th Grade Administrator at Briggs High School, harasses Lexie Hall, a young Created Equal representative.   • Watch the video HERE:   Columbus City Schools "stands behind its administrator" who harassed our team. The district m

  • The Moral Revolution at Light Speed: How Bernie, Buttigieg, and progressive left are destroying America| The Mark Harrington Show| 2-14-20

    14/02/2020 Duración: 25min

    The Moral Revolution at Light Speed: How Bernie, Buttigieg, and progressive left are destroying America | The Mark Harrington Show | 2-14-20 On today’s show, Mark discusses the rise of Mayor Pete and Senator Bernie Sanders as frontrunners for the Democrat nomination for president. Mark points to their candidacies as an indication of how quickly we are losing our culture. Mark takes on Mayor Pete’s use of scripture defending late-term abortion. Buttigieg says that life begins at first breath. What the Mayor doesn’t understand is any human God creates directly out of dirt (Adam) isn't alive until he breathes air directly through their lungs. Hey Pete, “Did you begin that way?” In defending infanticide and abortion, Buttigieg begs the question. He assumes the preborn are not persons by comparing abortion to any other elective medical procedure. • Pete Buttigieg Explains Why He’s Pro-Choice: Additionally, Mark shares a tragic case in Ohio where a couple was indicted on charges that th

  • “Tore-Losers!” How Impeachment, SOTU, and the Hate are Helping Trump | The Mark Harrington Show | 2-7-20

    06/02/2020 Duración: 25min

    “Tore-Losers!” How Impeachment, SOTU, and Hate are Helping Trump's Re-Election | The Mark Harrington Show| 2-7-20 Wow! What a week. The Super (Porno) Bowl, the Iowa Caucus fiasco, the SOTU, and impeachment took place all in a few days! For political junkies I was in hog heaven. Today, Mark discusses these topics and shares how they are helping the re-election of President Trump. Reason 1: Smut People are sick and tired of having trash forced own their throats. When I tune into the Super Bowl, I expect to see football not a strip show. Where are all the feminists decrying the objectification of women? Mom’s and Dad’s have had enough of the exploitation of women. We are our sister’s keepers! Those who care about children are outraged and want some sanity to return to our culture. Reason 2: Ineptitude The Dems can’t seem to get their act together. Exemplified by the inability to deliver a timely vote in the Iowa Caucus, weak candidates, and extremism, the Democrat party is in chaos. I predict Bernie Sande

  • “Get out!” Pro-life Dems need to flee the party of death | The Mark Harrington Show | 1-30-20

    30/01/2020 Duración: 25min

    “Get out!” Pro-life Dems need to flee the party of death | The Mark Harrington Show| 1-30-20 It’s now abundantly clear that the Democrat Party has no room at the inn for pro-life advocates. Mayor Pete just told them to find another party.  The party of inclusion has become the party of death. There was a time that there were pro-life Democrats.  There was a time that they believed abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare.” There was a time that the party platform protected against federal funding of abortion. There was a time that “blue dog” Democrats were included in the democrat party. There was a time that Democrats were opposed to late term abortion and infanticide. Sadly, those days are long gone. The Democrat Party is the party of unrestricted abortion on demand paid for by tax dollars. The Democrat Party is the party of death, and no one who claims Christ can vote for their candidates. Today, on The Mark Harrington Show, Mark dissects the Fox News town hall meeting where Mayor Pete Buttigieg, a ca

  • Winning or losing: How the Gospel matters in the culture war | The Mark Harrington Show| 1-23-20

    23/01/2020 Duración: 25min

    Tomorrow marks the annual March for Life remembering the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. As we mourn another year of legal baby-killing, it is incumbent on us to review the past and prepare for the future. Some say the pro-life movement is winning the battle and are predicting the imminent demise of Roe v. Wade. Others have a more sober assessment. In the cultural battle, we need to ask hard questions. For example, what does evangelism have to do with witnessing against the evil of abortion? Can anti-abortion advocates share the Gospel and effectively fight child-killing at the same time? How do we REALLY win, and can we win without the church? Find the answers today on the Mark Harrington Show. Also, Operation Rescue just released their annual report on the state of abortion in America. See the report here: Here are a few of the findings: Since 2013, 367 surgical abortion facilities have permanently closed. This year’s closures represent a staggering 79 percent dr

  • Environmental personhood, the Heartbeat movement, and the fall of Roe | The Mark Harrington Show | 1.16.2020

    16/01/2020 Duración: 26min

    Environmental personhood, the Heartbeat movement, and the fall of Roe | The Mark Harrington Show| 1-16-20 As we approach the 47th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision America is as divided as ever. Despite extremists in the Democrat party, there are concrete signs of the public moving ever so slowly to the pro-life side. On today’s show, Mark interviews the activist behind the Heartbeat Bills that are sweeping across the country (and now internationally). Heartbeat LAWS have now passed in 9 states, including Ohio, where it all began. Janet Porter, of Faith2Action, shares how the Heartbeat movement is taking Michigan and other states by storm. In the weird and whacky file Mark shares a story about climate extremists who have successfully conferred rights of personhood to Lake Erie! That’s not a misprint. Remember the saying, “Be a hero save a whale, save a baby go to jail.” Well, a referendum that recently passed in the city of Toledo has gone one step further. In Toledo, preborn babies lack legal protec

  • Golden Globes, Iran and Planned Parenthood: What they have in common | The Mark Harrington Show | 1-9-20

    09/01/2020 Duración: 26min

    Golden Globes, Iran and Planned Parenthood: What they have in common | The Mark Harrington Show| 1-9-20 Sixty years ago, Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness. We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love…” Three events made the news this week and few people have drawn the connection between them. They are: • At the Golden Globe awards, actress Michelle Williams delivered a stomach-churning acceptance speech that credited the murder of her baby for her success. Watch the video here: • Iran bombed an American base in Iraq in retribution for the killing of Qassem Suleimani, the commander of Iran’s Quds Force, an elite unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). • And Planned Parenthood just released their annual report. According to this giant of the abortion industry, they committed 345,672 abortions in one year’s time. That means 28,806 babies were killed each month, 947 denied life every

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