Busy Moms Survival Guide With Pj Jonas



Work Hard. Get Dirty. Use Good Soap.


  • Parent Your Children as Individuals

    16/01/2014 Duración: 30min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 057. Over the years of parenting 8 children, I have discovered that to be a truly effective parent, you have to modify your parenting style to account for the uniqueness of each of your individual children. Because our kids do not learn the same, think the same, behave the […]

  • How Am I Smart with Dr. Kathy Koch II

    09/01/2014 Duración: 31min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 056.On last week’s episode, I discussed the concept of multiple intelligences with  Dr. Kathy Koch, author of the book “How Am I Smart? A Parent’s Guide to Multiple Intelligences*” and the website www.CelebrateKids.com. If you missed that episode, the concept is that there are 8 basic ways that people learn.  Every person […]

  • How Am I Smart with Dr. Kathy Koch I

    02/01/2014 Duración: 31min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 055.My husband got his Master’s Degree in Teaching.  One of the things I remember him studying was “Multiple Intelligences” and “Learning Styles”.  I admit, I didn’t really pay much attention to it back then, but I picked up enough to learn that different children learn differently.  That seemed like […]

  • How to Teach Your Children to Work

    26/12/2013 Duración: 28min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 054.During the previous two episodes I discussed work ethic with Eric Chester, author of the book Reviving Work Ethic.*  Those episodes sparked some good conversations, but it also resulted in several questions from parents asking how I actually taught my toddlers and young children to work. During this episode, I […]

  • Teach Your Children Work Ethic with Eric Chester II

    19/12/2013 Duración: 32min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 053.Today we’re going to finish the conversation I started last week with Eric Chester.  Eric is the author of the book Reviving Work Ethic* and as an author and speaker he has visited over 1500 schools.  Eric is not just aware of how important a strong work ethic is, […]

  • Teach Your Children Work Ethic With Eric Chester I

    12/12/2013 Duración: 32min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 052. I’ve seen two trends concerning children and work ethic that disturb me.  The first is that many parents treat work as a punishment.  The second is that many parents indulge their children and then expect them to all of a sudden magically develop a work ethic when they […]

  • Feeding Your Family VIII – Picky Eaters II

    05/12/2013 Duración: 39min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 051. Some children naturally outgrow being a picky eater.  Unfortunately, without intervention, many children who are picky eaters become adults who are picky eaters. While it is difficult having children who are picky eaters, it is also difficulty being married to one. I know this because I married a […]

  • Feeding Your Family VII – Picky Eaters I

    28/11/2013 Duración: 35min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 050. I have spent many years teaching my children how to eat a wide range of foods.  That doesn’t mean that they love everything, but they do try new foods, even if they do so reluctantly at times. During this episode I share why I think it is important […]

  • Feeding Your Family VI – Teach Children to Cook III

    21/11/2013 Duración: 25min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 049. Being able to put together a meal is a valuable life skill that I start teaching my children when they are as young as two years old (depending on the child).  During the early years they work beside me or their father or one of their older siblings […]

  • Feeding Your Family V – Teach Children to Cook II

    14/11/2013 Duración: 29min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 048. It is important to me that my children learn how to cook.  But that is not enough.  I also desire for them to love (or at least to enjoy) cooking. So during this episode, I am joined by my son, Emery, who is now 13.  Emery has been […]

  • Feeding Your Family IV – Teach Children to Cook I

    07/11/2013 Duración: 31min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 047. My children all learn from a very early age how to cook.  I teach them based on their individual maturity levels and abilities more than I do their calendar age. By the time they are pre-teens, they are fully capable of following a recipe and making most meals. […]

  • Feeding Your Family III – Food Shopping on a Budget

    31/10/2013 Duración: 34min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 046. My food budget is never as big as I want it to be.  I would love to buy only organic items or the most expensive and healthiest cuts of meat.  But like most moms I have to make some tough choices as to what food to buy for […]

  • Saving Lives

    24/10/2013 Duración: 39min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 045. Our family had a life changing event this weekend when we arrived on the scene of a fatal accident. In this episode, Jim joins me and we discuss what we witnessed, how we helped, and what we learned.  We saw many “everyday heroes” this weekend – people who […]

  • Feeding Your Family II – Meal Planning

    17/10/2013 Duración: 37min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 044. Meal planning can be a very time consuming job for busy moms.  Not only are we trying to figure out what to feed our family, but we are also try to make healthy meals that everybody will actually eat. In this episode, I talk about how to set […]

  • Feeding Your Family Part I – Your Pantry & Shopping List

    10/10/2013 Duración: 29min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 043. Food and meal time are a major part of motherhood.  It often seems that the moment we make a meal and finish cleaning up, somebody is announcing that they’re hungry.  Having enough food on hand to provide your family with healthy meals is always a challenge. In this […]

  • Simplify and Organize Your Holidays II

    03/10/2013 Duración: 23min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 042. Many busy moms don’t get to fully enjoy the holiday season because they are stressed out from living the holiday season.  During this episode I share how I completely revamped our holiday experience.  I share with you some practical changes that we made and give you some things to think […]

  • Simplify and Organize Your Holidays I

    26/09/2013 Duración: 28min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 041. Many busy moms don’t get to fully enjoy the holiday season because they are stressed out from living the holiday season.  During this episode I share how I completely revamped our holiday experience.  I share with you some practical changes that we made and give you some ideas […]

  • Multitasking

    08/02/2013 Duración: 31min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 040. As busy moms, we often believe that we can be more productive if we multitask more.  But this is not necessarily true.  Multitasking is defined as “the performance of multiple tasks at one time.”    Because our brains are not wired to multitask, attempting to do so can […]

  • Being Polite

    01/02/2013 Duración: 24min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 039. One of the compliments I hear most often about my children is how polite they are.   I find that very comforting and very sad at the same time.  Don’t get me wrong.  I’m very pleased that my children are polite to other people.  That is how we’ve […]

  • Be Prepared

    25/01/2013 Duración: 37min

    Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 038. As a mom of 8, there are lots of people depending on me to meet their needs.  I not only take care of them on normal days, but I plan ahead and get prepared for how I will take care of them if disaster strikes. This can be […]

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