Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer



LIVE WED 12 PM ET/11AM CT/10MT/9PT What if you really can have it all?  Noreally? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a starting point for the life you are truly capable of creating? On Love, Life, & All Things Weird, we playfully explore topics from money to magic, healing to wholeness, creation, relationship, business and more. Theres no place we wont go, nothing too wacky or weird in the quest to live as grand a life as possible. Hosts Megan Sillito and Suzanne Stauffer are the embodiment of opposites attract and the result is true synergistic power.  Partnered in love and in business, theyre taking co-creation to a whole new level. Join Megan and Suzanne for Love, Life, & All Things Weird, where we will talk about living a life thats inspired, overflowing, and completely awesome.   Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer


  • Memoirs Of An Underdog ~ Megan & Suzanne


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Most of us love a good underdog story. The coming from behind, against all odds kind of tale. Come on, you’ve watched that movie a hundred times! The runner who falls only to finish the race first. The kid who grows up in the ghetto only to one day own his own record label. And boy, do we have fun playing that out in our own lives; especially the phoenix rising out of the burned ashes. So the good news is we have been able to beat all the odds…but…what if that story has run its course? What if instead of being the underdog, we could now create from our potencies? What if we didn’t have to stage ourselves as coming from behind? What would we be capable of creating if we were truly willing to use the advantages we’ve been given and be the OVER-Dog instead of the underdog? Come play with us this Wednesday at 10am MST as we make a game board leap to a whole new world living. What if you really can have it all? No–really? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a st

  • Going Beyond Your Set Point ~ Megan & Suzanne


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Have you ever been in a place where you were about to take a big step forward in your life, perhaps step into an amazing new opportunity and somehow it fell to pieces, or another area of your life seemed to fall into disrepair? Gay and Katie Hendricks, the world’s foremost relationship coaches, say that there is really only one problem and everything else is just what we make up to rationalize what’s happening. What is that problem? It’s called the Upper Limits Problem. In a nutshell, we have a threshold for how good any area of our life can be and when we go past that unconscious limit, we create some type of sabotage to bring us back to the set point of how much we can excel or enjoy in that area. We think its time to raise the roof, so to speak, on those set points. Won’t you join us this Wednesday at 10am MST as we share with you how to raise your set points and really create your good, good life? ~ More About Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ What if you really can

  • The Seduction of Fitting In ~ Megan & Suzanne


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Fitting in can be so seductive; we feel like we belong while not actually expressing our full potential. In this scenario we have enough but NOT too much. We can get by but not be flying SO high that we are judged, singled out, or taken down. As coaches we’ve seen hundreds of people living a diluted version of themselves; creating a life that’s good enough with all the trappings of what this society tells us should make us happy; but still leaves us unsatisfied and secretly wanting more. But what if instead of fitting in you’re truly designed to stand out? What if you’re destined to make a splash? What if the reason you are here is to express everything inside of you and create the life that looks impossible? Join us this week on Love, Life and all Things Weird as we move through the seduction of fitting in and step into the freedom of standing out!! What if you really can have it all? No–really? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a starting point for the

  • Are You Royalty Living Like a Commoner? ~ Megan & Suzanne


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Did you know that it is our divine birthright to live abundantly; to receive ALL the riches the Universe has to offer? How many of us our unconsciously operating from a lack mentality, unable to receive the money, peak experiences and lusciousness the Universe is offering us every day?  Would you be willing to receive MORE? What if what you are calling extravagant or luxurious is really an experience your body and being are secretly calling for? What are you truly willing to receive? Would you be willing to say YES and risk be judged for it all? Join us as for another edgy conversation sure to challenge your points of view. ~ More About Love, Life & All Things Weird ~  What if you really can have it all? No–really? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a starting point for the life you are truly capable of creating? On Love, Life, & All Things Weird, we will explore topics from magic to practical step by step processes, and everything in between. There’s no p

  • Lean IN When You Want to Lean OUT ~ Megan & Suzanne


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show How many places in your life do you pull back, separate, avoid or lean OUT…thinking it will keep you safe, protected, and under the radar? What happens when we lean OUT with money, when we lean OUT with projects, when we lean OUT with relationships? Sometimes I (Megan talking) feel like I need a 12 step program when it comes to this topic, but I’m learning to lean IN one choice at a time and what is changing in my life is phenomenal. In truth, when we “lean out” we slow our lives down, we refuse the most potent magic wand of all; CHOICE! When we lean out, we suppress our creative life force on levels we can’t imagine. When we lean out our relationships suffer, our money flow slows down, and our projects are abandoned. So what will it take for you to lean up with all of you , with no hold back? Wanna find out? Join us for a powerful and vulnerable conversation this Wednesday at 10am MST ~ More of Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ What if you really can have it a

  • Something Wonderful is About to Happen… ~ Megan & Suzanne


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show What if instead of waiting for the other shoe to drop we could cultivate the ability to be at the ready for the best life has to offer? What if we could bring in joyful surprises and adventure simply by living as though something wonderful is always about to happen? After conducting an experiment in living this way we can report that more wonderful things are indeed happening all the time. And even the challenges don’t seem quite as…well challenging. Join us LIVE this Wednesday at 10 am MST as we share the tools to cultivate moving away from surviving and into thriving as an essential part of everyday life! What if life really could be wonderful every day? ~ More About Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ What if you really can have it all? No–really? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a starting point for the life you are truly capable of creating? On Love, Life, & All Things Weird, we will explore topics from magic to practical step by step processes, and eve

  • Got Problems? Create ~ Megan & Suzanne


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show No matter what problem we think we have it can be out created! All the energy we devote to spinning out in our problems is about survival, distraction and disassociation when we could simply choose to create instead.  We can out create money problems, relationship problems, worry, depression, competition, and anything else you may think of.  So why do we spin around in our crap if it’s as simple as that? The answer might just surprise you. We double dog dare you to join us this Wednesday at 10am MST and challenge us with a problem in your life that looks like you can’t out-create it. ~ More About Love, Life & All Things Weird ~  What if you really can have it all? No–really? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a starting point for the life you are truly capable of creating? On Love, Life, & All Things Weird, we will explore topics from magic to practical step by step processes, and everything in between. There’s no place we won’t go, nothing too ridiculous

  • Activate Your “Junk DNA” and Change Your Body ~ Megan & Suzanne


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Have you ever heard the phrase “junk DNA”? A term coined in the 70’s by scientists who were baffled by the 97 % of DNA that had no apparent function? Truth is, in the metaphysical world we have known that this “junk” holds the keys to hidden capacities, brilliance and magic we are tapping into to change our bodies and our lives. Are you ready to unlock, uncover and activate YOUR junk DNA and free up your body in new and miraculous ways? Join us for an edgy conversation and new metaphysical magic channeling that will activate your junk DNA and may just change your life this Wednesday at 10 am MST. ~ More About Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ What if you really can have it all? No–really? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a starting point for the life you are truly capable of creating? On Love, Life, & All Things Weird, we will explore topics from magic to practical step by step processes, and everything in between. There’s no place we won’t go, nothing too

  • Wanna Get Lucky? ~ Megan & Suzanne


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Don’t believe in Luck? Secretly you do but don’t want to tell anyone? Do you believe in luck but not know how to utilize it? Then this show is for you!! Luck is one of the most misunderstood energies. We use in so many weird ways from disqualifying success to begging the universe when we don’t feel powerful to dismissing it all together as not existing. But, what if its possible that luck is a bastardized energy that we could use in our favor? What might adding a dash or dollop of luck add to your life? Come get Lucky on our St. Patties day show this Wednesday at 10am MST. ~ More About Love, Life & All Things Weird ~  What if you really can have it all? No–really? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a starting point for the life you are truly capable of creating? On Love, Life, & All Things Weird, we will explore topics from magic to practical step by step processes, and everything in between. There’s no place we won’t go, nothing too ridiculous or weird in

  • Are You “Trying” to Control Your Future? ~ Manjit & Megan


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show So we all know the best way to kill a relationship is to try to control it. What if you are actually in relationship with our future? And if you are trying to control it…guess what? It’s probably resisting the crap out of you. What if we could get vulnerable with ourselves and our future and get intimate with it? And what if the very things that create intimacy in your life and relationships was profound new way to create the future of your dreams? Will you join us for a new kind of exploration into your future? Manjit and Megan are about to take you on another epic adventure into your FUTURE this Wednesday at 10 am MST On Love, Life and All Things Weird. You don’t want to miss this one!! Manjit ~ Miracle Worker, Empowerment Coach and Entrepreneur What if you really can have it all? No–really? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a starting point for the life you are truly capable of creating? On Love, Life, & All Things Weird, we will e

  • Turn Up The Real You, Bitches! ~ Megan & Suzanne


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show My tennis coach once asked me what I needed to do to win a match. I replied with a slew of weak answers to which he replied; “Megan you have to play your strengths. No athlete would ever walk on the field and choose to play from their weak points.” But how often in life do we show up and live and choose from our doubts our fears and our worry? We show up to the most important game of… with our energy turned all the way down or dangerously close to off. Isn’t it time to turn up the powerful you, the real you? Join us for a signature process that will turn the real YOU… in you that’s been dying to come out way the F up! ~ More About Love, Life & All Things Weird ~  What if you really can have it all? No–really? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a starting point for the life you are truly capable of creating? On Love, Life, & All Things Weird, we will explore topics from magic to practical step by step processes, and everything in between. There’s

  • Are you a People Pleaser or an Empath? ~ Megan & Suzanne


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Ever notice that you almost instantly change your behavior, what you do or say, when you perceive the person in front of you is disappointed, unsatisfied, or asking for something different? Ever notice what a toll that takes on your body and being when you go against YOUR truth and modify, morph, and box yourself in to cater to someone else? Where does this stem from? Is it really that you are a people pleaser or maybe you are being the gift of the empath you truly BE…and what if you could stop making all of this wrong, break free from using this talent against you, and truly be your gift in the world. ~ More About Love, Life & All Things Weird ~  Hosts Megan Sillito and Suzanne Stauffer are the embodiment of “opposites attract”. Collectively, they’re the summation of Megan’s big vision coupled with Suzanne’s knack for details. Partnered in love and in business for the last five years, they’re taking co-creation to a whole new level. Join Megan and Suzanne for Love, Li

  • Loving More ~ Megan & Suzanne


     Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show The very mention of Valentines Day brings up all kinds of responses from nostalgia and romance to resentment and fear. When we put love outside ourselves and make other people responsible for loving what we refuse to, we will always be at the effect of Love rather than the creator of it. What if our ability to generate love was 10x stronger than our need to consume it? What would be different? Join us this Wednesday (10am MST) for a very different type Valentines Day show, where will get real about love and what it takes to be a Love Generator beyond any conditions. What if you really can have it all? No–really? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a starting point for the life you are truly capable of creating? On Love, Life, & All Things Weird, we will explore topics from magic to practical step by step processes, and everything in between. There’s no place we won’t go, nothing too ridiculous or weird in the quest to live as grand a life as possible. Host

  • Clear The Curse Of The Empath & BE Your Gift ~ Megan & Suzanne


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Clear The Curse Of The Empath ~ You feel and absorb other people’s emotions, especially friends and loved ones, take on their pain and illnesses and feel the weight of the world’s tragedies as well as Mother Earth's… But what if there was another way? An interim space where you hold the greatest amount of compassion, you ARE the energy of clearing, healing, and love and it ripples out of your body to create the greatest impact in the world. Join us this Wednesday for a deep and thoughtful conversation about what it takes to move from feeling a roller coaster of emotions that can lead to anxiety and even depression, to stepping into the world as THE beam of light and love you ARE radiating it out for all to benefit from. Hosts Megan Sillito and Suzanne Stauffer are the embodiment of “opposites attract”. Collectively, they’re the summation of Megan’s big vision coupled with Suzanne’s knack for details. Partnered in love and in business for the last five years, they’re ta

  • Your True North Force ~ Megan & Suzanne


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Ever wonder why some people seem to have the universe as their bitch? That somehow synchronicity, flow and abundance just come to them like an invisible magnetic force? While others seem to always struggle to bring about the things they want? Have you noticed that sometimes your energy pulls seem to be more effective than at other times? Are you ready to learn the sneaky way the universe works and unlock that for yourself? Join us the Wednesday January 31st as we explore how the universe just may have a child proof clause. What if you really can have it all? No–really? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a starting point for the life you are truly capable of creating? On Love, Life, & All Things Weird, we will explore topics from magic to practical step by step processes, and everything in between. There’s no place we won’t go, nothing too ridiculous or weird in the quest to live as grand a life as possible. Hosts Megan Sillito and Suzanne Stauffer are the

  • Tap Your Muse! ~ Megan & Suzanne


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Tap Your Muse! ~ What if you could access the creative energy of all your most admired creators; Your favorite authors, the artist’s you admire, your adored musicians or inventors…and the entrepreneurs and change makers you’ve always looked up to? Join us Wednesday at 10 am MT/12 ET as we take you through a communion infusion to assist you in tapping, accessing and embodying these creative forces to jump start your creations in 2018. ~ More About Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ What if you really can have it all? No–really? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a starting point for the life you are truly capable of creating? On Love, Life, & All Things Weird, we will explore topics from magic to practical step by step processes, and everything in between. There’s no place we won’t go, nothing too ridiculous or weird in the quest to live as grand a life as possible. Hosts Megan Sillito and Suzanne Stauffer are the embodiment of “opposites attract”. Collectivel

  • Stop the Above Below Game ~ Megan & Suzanne


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Are you making yourself below other potent great creators here or who have ever been here? Or have you bought you are above the person next to you in your superior knowing? The above below game cuts off your creative possibilities. Join us Wed at 12 Eastern as we explore the communion that creation can truly be! ~ More about Love, Life & All Things Weird ~  What if you really can have it all? No–really? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a starting point for the life you are truly capable of creating? On Love, Life, & All Things Weird, we will explore topics from magic to practical step by step processes, and everything in between. There’s no place we won’t go, nothing too ridiculous or weird in the quest to live as grand a life as possible. Hosts Megan Sillito and Suzanne Stauffer are the embodiment of “opposites attract”. Collectively, they’re the summation of Megan’s big vision coupled with Suzanne’s knack for details. Partnered in love and in business

  • Shopping for Your Future ~ Guest Manjit Khalsa


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Shopping for Your Future I’m (Megan) back from Down Under and I’m fired up like never before, in part because of a shopping excursion. Say What? Those of you who know me know that shopping has always been one of my least favorite activities. Turns out I was using my shopping capacities against me. Who knew? Some of you may have seen my 0 to 60 in 3.5 seconds adventure in the back of an Infinity Q60 with Cory Michelle and Manjit Khalsa..That day with these women changed not only my financial future but opened up possibilities for a life I had never even fathomed. What if you could literally tap and seduce the energies of the future you wish to create and bring it into the now? Join my new friend and special guest Manjit Khalsa (extraordinary possibilities catalyst) and I as we explore the magic of what can change and open when you learn to shop for your future. This Wednesday at 10am MST Hold on to your bonnets folks you are in for a ride.. Miracle Worker, Empowerment C

  • Unleash: Your Majesty ~ Guest Natalie Vartanian


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Are you ready to connect to your majesty, your dignity, your beauty? Join Suzanne and guest Natalie for a powerful conversation about what it really means to be a queen. To live a life of luxury, fully own your deserving and worth, and truly receive the abundance all around you without shame or guilt. To claim your throne, to confidently stand in your role as a feminine leader, a change maker, and a guide for the people in your life, and the world at large. To serve and be served, knowing that everyone will be taken care of exquisitely, yourself included! Natalie Vartanian is a certified life coach, relationship expert, business strategist, writer, and speaker/teacher. Her mission is to inspire people to dream big and take the risks to have it all and live a turned on life. She has worked with women from across 5 continents to help them get the sex lives and the relationships they truly desire. She also loves supporting women in connecting to their passion work in the

  • The Sexually Open Woman: A Man’s Perspective ~ Guest Morris Kunz


    Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show As a sexually expressed woman, do you feel uncomfortable, judged, or misidentified as easy, a slut or even a whore? Guest Morris Kunz, aka Dr. Love, joins us again this week for a compelling conversation from a man’s perspective about women owning their sexuality. We’re diving in deep about the cultural stigmas and mixed messages a woman receives around her sexuality and what a woman can do to embody and own her true sexual expression. Hosts Megan Sillito and Suzanne Stauffer are the embodiment of “opposites attract”. Collectively, they’re the summation of Megan’s big vision coupled with Suzanne’s knack for details. Partnered in love and in business for the last five years, they’re taking co-creation to a whole new level. Join Megan and Suzanne for Love, Life, & All Things Weird, where we will talk about living a life that’s inspired, overflowing, and completely awesome. Together, they’re the embodiment of “opposites attract”, and the result is true synergistic power.

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