Dnv Gl Talks Energy



Welcome to the DNV GL Talks Energy podcast series. Electrification, rise of renewables and new technologies - supported by more data and IT systems, are transforming the power system. Join us each week as we discuss these changes with guests from around the industry.


  • Building back better: Post-pandemic community resilience

    03/06/2020 Duración: 30min

    With COVID-19 having a huge impact on communities around the world, will our basic instinct to stay safe have a lasting effect on our energy consumption choices? Jennifer Layke, Global Director for Energy at the World Resources Institute (WRI), explores the societal impact of the pandemic and how governments and policymakers should be taking a community-level approach to building smarter systems for the future. With the pandemic seeing billions of people confined at home, Jennifer discusses why individuals should rethink their consumption habits following COVID-19 and how we can work together in order to accelerate the transition towards a clean energy future. This includes investing in clean energy solutions, such as electric vehicle charging stations and upgrading energy efficiency within the public sector. To find out more or read the transcription, please visit www.dnvgl.com/talksenergy

  • COVID-19 + Clean Energy: Powering our economic recovery

    27/05/2020 Duración: 33min

    How can economies recover from the COVID-19 pandemic whilst also ensuring that they meet clean energy goals? Dave Turk, Acting Deputy Executive and Head of the Strategic Initiatives Office at the International Energy Agency (IEA), discusses the importance of including renewables in economic stimulus packages and why clean energy technologies are showing resilience in these unprecedented times. In this first episode of our new series, Dave explores the impact COVID-19 has had on global energy consumption, with the IEA’s Global Energy Review 2020 finding that, despite a predicted 6% overall drop in global energy demand in 2020, renewable energy use will actually increase following the pandemic. He then discusses what learnings can be taken from the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic in order to transition faster together towards a clean energy future. To find out more or read the transcription, please visit www.dnvgl.com/talksenergy

  • The energy transition: Fast, but not fast enough?

    19/02/2020 Duración: 11min

    According to DNV GL’s recent Energy Transition Outlook 2019 report, the world needs five times more wind power, ten times more solar power and fifty times more battery storage if we are going to limit global warming by 2030. In this last episode of the current series, Lucy Craig, Vice President of Technology & Innovation at DNV Energy Systems looks back at some of the topics discussed during series 8 to determine what the future really holds for the renewable energy sector. Concluding that we already have the technologies required for change, Lucy explains that the focus should now be on scaling-up existing technologies, as well as introducing the extraordinary policy action needed to support their uptake. With ten years left to prevent the catastrophic impact of climate change, now is the time to act by ensuring that we accelerate the changes that we are already seeing today. To find out more or read the transcription, please visit www.dnvgl.com/talksenergy

  • Blockchain: revolutionizing the energy mix

    12/02/2020 Duración: 21min

    According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), we have just a decade left to get climate change under control, with technology innovation expected to play a major role in the efforts to keep temperatures at 1.5C. Brianna Welsh, Vice President and Head of Asia at Sindicatum Blockchain Technologies, discusses the impact of new technologies on the energy sector, specifically how blockchain is being used to encourage more sustainable consumption practices around the world. While consumers have traditionally had little influence over how they use energy, Brianna explains that blockchain and other digital technologies are helping to pave the way for a decentralized energy system and new business models within the renewables space. This includes the rise of peer-to-peer microgrids and the concept of ‘prosumers’, where individuals can power their own consumption and sell energy back to the grid. To find out more or read the transcription, please visit www.dnvgl.com/talksenergy

  • Legislating for the age of renewables

    05/02/2020 Duración: 14min

    With climate change now a global issue, legislation is increasingly being introduced to ensure countries remain committed to lowering their carbon footprint. In this episode, Dr Matthias Lang, Partner at Bird & Bird LLP, explores the role the legal sector is playing in the global energy transition, including how regulation can act as a technology innovation enabler. As outlined in DNV's Energy Transition Outlook 2019 report, the world needs to see “extraordinary policy action” if we are going to meet The Paris Agreement goals by 2030. Matthias explores why lawyers and policymakers should be supporting public and private sector businesses in understanding that change can be introduced efficiently at the same time as delivering positive results. To find out more or read the transcription, please visit www.dnvgl.com/talksenergy

  • The energy efficiency conversation

    29/01/2020 Duración: 15min

    Today’s consumers are increasingly aware of the issues around energy efficiency, as well as the impact of their footprint on the planet. Dr Phyllis Yoshida, Senior Fellow for Energy and Technology at the Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA, looks at how the energy efficiency conversation is moving on and what is needed to help the world commit to making sustainable choices in the long-term. While prices are coming down for renewable energies, Phyllis argues that incentives from governments, regulators and consumers will still be required in developing markets if utility companies are going to make the cultural shift towards clean energy, at the same time as remaining profitable. To find out more or read the transcription, please visit www.dnvgl.com/talksenergy

  • Securing our renewable energy future

    22/01/2020 Duración: 12min

    In 2019, the Saudi Arabia oil facility attacks raised huge questions about energy security - with the incident wiping out nearly half of the country’s estimated output and 5% of global production. Keisuke Sadamori, Director of Energy and Security Markets at the International Energy Agency (IEA), explores energy security in the age of renewables. He explains that incidents of extreme weather are destabilizing renewable energy systems and infrastructures around the world, and this will likely become a major energy security concern in future. In addition, Keisuke also examines how digital technologies may be opening the door to a new mix of cyber threats, which could impact on the renewable energy industry and the rate of its adoption. To find out more or read the transcription, please visit www.dnvgl.com/talksenergy

  • Traditional to Alternative: the evolving business model

    15/01/2020 Duración: 17min

    According to DNV’s Energy Transition Outlook 2019 report, the world needs ten times more solar power to limit global warming by 2030. In this episode, Gavin Adda, CEO of Distributed Generation at Total, explores the changing role of traditional energy companies, with many now diversifying and looking at renewables to help them reduce their carbon emissions, meet changing consumer demands and address new government policies on climate change. With solar power playing a major role in this transition, Gavin explains that global corporates such as Google and Apple are recognizing the benefits to clean energy and starting to put pressure on their wider supply chain. This, alongside cheaper prices for energy such as solar, is helping developing markets to transition more quickly than ever before. To find out more or read the transcription, please visit www.dnvgl.com/talksenergy

  • Transitioning to a wind-powered world

    08/01/2020 Duración: 16min

    Global wind power capacity is estimated to grow by 60% in the next five years, with emerging markets such as Asia expected to play a major role in this transition. Clive Turton, President and Chief Executive Officer, Asia Pacific, at Vestas, discusses the rise in wind power and what more needs to be done to ensure a faster decarbonization of the global energy market. With DNV’s Energy Transition Outlook 2019 finding that five times more wind power is needed to close the emissions gap by 2030, Clive explains why education on clean energy is still needed to ensure that policymakers around the world are making the required investment to help slow climate change. To find out more or read the transcription, please visit www.dnvgl.com/talksenergy

  • The future of green investment

    18/12/2019 Duración: 13min

    Technological innovation has resulted in the cost of renewable energies such as wind and solar continuing to fall, with wide-scale deployment seen over the last two decades. Jon Moore, CEO of BloombergNEF, explores the future of investment behaviour, including the impact of consumer uptake rates, and why transparency is critical to moving the industry forward. With DNV’s Energy Transition Outlook 2019 report calling for $1.5 trillion in annual investment by 2030, Jon explains how initiatives such as the Taskforce for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) are helping businesses and investors to better understand their exposure to climate risk, opening the door to significant levels of investment in future. To find out more or read the transcription, please visit www.dnvgl.com/talksenergy

  • Rethinking climate policy: a holistic approach

    11/12/2019 Duración: 23min

    The energy industry is widely recognised for its role in addressing climate change. However, it’s important to remember that other sectors – from agriculture and transportation to manufacturing – must equally evolve to ensure a faster transition towards renewables. Dr Lawrence Jones, Vice President, International Programs, at the Edison Electric Institute (EEI), discusses the importance of taking a holistic approach to this global issue, including the need for more inclusive policy change. With billions of people in the world still lacking basic access to electricity, Lawrence explores the complexities around the idea of “inclusive transition” and how developing economies will require ongoing support and empathy from the rest of the world if they are to access cheaper renewable energy systems in future. To find out more or read the transcription, please visit www.dnvgl.com/talksenergy

  • Accelerating the energy transition

    04/12/2019 Duración: 13min

    What role is technology playing when it comes to closing the global emissions gap? Remi Eriksen, Group President and CEO of DNV Energy Systems, explores the key findings from the 2019 Energy Transition Outlook (ETO) report and discusses what more can be done globally to accelerate the energy transition. In this first episode of our new series, Remi explores why “extraordinary policy action” is needed to meet the Paris Agreement climate goals. Finding that $1.5 trillion of annual investment is required by 2030, governments must act now to benefit from the continued innovation in renewables, including wind, solar PV and energy storage. While the focus should be on the scaling-up of existing technologies, Remi explains what DNV is doing to harness the new, collective focus on climate emergency in order to progress the energy transition. To find out more or read the transcription, please visit www.dnvgl.com/talksenergy

  • FACE THE FACTS: Electric Vehicles: Closing the emissions gap

    11/09/2019 Duración: 11min

    The electric car industry is growing, with half of all light vehicle sales worldwide expected to be electric by 2032. In this last episode of the series, Lucy Craig, Vice President of Technology and Innovation at DNV Energy Systems, looks at the not-too-distant electric future, the benefits and challenges of large-scale electric vehicle adoption and what this means for renewable energy generation moving forwards. While recent news revealed that combined European sales of both battery and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles totalled 259,000 in the first six months of 2019, growth is also being seen in developing countries. For example, India recently announced a new policy to foster greater demand for electric vehicles in a bid to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, particularly in urban centres. But how close are we to an electric future and what impact will it have on the wider fight against climate change? To find our more or read the transcription, please visit: https://www.dnvgl.com/energy/publ

  • FACE THE FACTS: Solar PV: Generating a brighter energy future

    04/09/2019 Duración: 08min

    Despite the challenges that faced large-scale solar deployment several years ago – mostly due to the need for a more ambitious price target – the industry is now booming. In this episode, Dana Olson, Global Solar Segment Leader at DNV, explores the coming of age in solar power, the benefits already being seen and how advancements in technology are pushing it towards an even brighter future. Recent research has found that the solar market is going from strength to strength, with global solar installations set to reach a record high of 114.5 gigawatts in 2019, up 17.5 per cent from 2018. But what does this mean moving forward? And what technologies must providers embrace to keep up with our changing energy ecosystem? To find out more or read the transcription, please visit: https://www.dnvgl.com/energy/publications/podcast/solar-pv.html

  • FACE THE FACTS: The regenerative business

    28/08/2019 Duración: 11min

    Corporate action on climate change is steadily gathering pace, with global retailer PUMA recently committing to a 35 per cent reduction in its carbon emissions by 2030. In this episode, Juliet Davenport, Founder and CEO of Good Energy, looks at what it means to be a regenerative business, and what companies need to do to not only operate sustainably themselves, but to give back and support others in the fight against climate change. In recent news, Chief Executives from the non-profit association Business Roundtable – which includes senior leadership from the likes of JPMorgan, Amazon and Apple – have pledged to look beyond shareholder value and redefine the role of business in society, including a need to protect the environment. With this renewed sense of urgency, what should organizations’ next step be in futureproofing both their business and the planet? To find our more or read the transcription, please visit: https://www.dnvgl.com/energy/publications/podcast/regenerative-business.html

  • FACE THE FACTS: Artificial Intelligence: Keeping the lights on

    21/08/2019 Duración: 10min

    The energy transition is picking up pace, with up to 80 per cent of the global electricity expected to be generated from renewable sources by 2050. In this episode, Michael Wilkinson, Global Segment Leader – Energy Digitalization at DNV, explores how digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and advanced analytics can streamline the move towards a Decentralized and Decarbonized energy system. In recent news, a significant power outage was recorded in the UK, as two of National Grid’s large power generators, a gas-fired power station and an offshore wind farm failed simultaneously and left nearly one million people without electricity. With the race towards renewables continuing, how can energy businesses ensure they’re embracing the opportunities digital technologies have to offer? To find our more or read the transcription, please visit: https://www.dnvgl.com/energy/publications/podcast/artificial-intelligence.html

  • FACE THE FACTS: The climate change puzzle

    14/08/2019 Duración: 09min

    Climate change is becoming more and more tangible – every day we are seeing the devastating consequences of a warmer world in the news. Amy Harder, Energy Reporter at Axios and formerly The Wall Street Journal, discusses her take on the eight pieces of the climate change puzzle and what she looks for when writing a story on this hugely topical, yet still divisive, issue. In recent news, global movements like the School Strike 4 Climate are taking centre stage, while policymakers and business leaders continue to pull in different directions on the issues at the heart of the climate change emergency. But with so many parties to please, is the conversation around climate ever going to ignite real change? To find our more or read the transcription, please visit: https://www.dnvgl.com/energy/publications/podcast/the-climate-change-puzzle.html

  • FACE THE FACTS: Energy finance: the future is digital

    07/08/2019 Duración: 07min

    In 2018, global investment in energy totalled US $1.8 trillion, with investment in renewable energy exceeding US $332 billion. Carlos Albero, Global Finance Segment Leader at DNV Energy Systems, explores how embracing digitalization and embedding it in decision-making can enable businesses to become more profitable. While recent news has shown countries around the world setting ambitious new targets to help combat climate change, renewable energy investors and developers are increasingly turning to new forms of financing and digital technology to build effective investment strategies. But how is digitalization really transforming the energy finance sector? To find our more or read the transcription, please visit: https://www.dnvgl.com/energy/publications/podcast/energy-finance-the-future-is-digital.html

  • FACE THE FACTS: Energizing the diversity debate

    31/07/2019 Duración: 10min

    The renewable energy sector is undoubtedly modern. It’s powered by the latest technology and good for the planet. It’s also a source of a significant number of jobs. But, how is it performing in terms of diversity? Katy Briggs, Global Service Area Leader for Renewable Advisory Services at DNV Energy Systems, energizes the diversity debate by discussing her own experiences in the industry – casting an expert eye over the opportunities for women working in, or trying to get into, the renewable energy sector. In the latest episode of this new series, Face the Facts, Katy shares her opinion and insight on the most recent major global news stories about diversity and the energy transition. In Africa and Asia, new census data shows that rural electrification using distributed renewable energy is going to create a significant number of new jobs by 2023. However, women are filling just one-fourth of these jobs, while in the US, women make up only 13% of the non-fossil power sector workforce. With the issue of diversi

  • FACE THE FACTS: The road to resilience

    24/07/2019 Duración: 10min

    Michael Liebreich, Chairman and CEO of Liebreich Associates, and Founder of Bloomberg New Energy Finance, explores why businesses, investors, communities and individuals need to “act now” to prevent global warming from reaching dangerous levels and to create resilient industries, infrastructure and cities. In the run up to Storm Barry, there was huge disruption around the Gulf of Mexico, with people facing heavy rains and winds, damage to property and loss of power. Oil production in the region was cut by a third, causing prices to rise by 4.5%. This is just one example of how natural disasters are impacting our world today. What do businesses, societies and governments need to do to become more resilient against the climate change emergency? To find our more or read the transcription, please visit: https://www.dnvgl.com/energy/publications/podcast/road-to-resilience.html

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