Hanson Mcclain's Money Matters



For more than 20 years, Money Matters, Scott Hanson and Pat McClains weekly call-in talk radio program, has fielded thousands of questions from callers just like you.


  • Overseas stock sales, delaying Social Security, and the ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF.

    06/11/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat advise a caller from Columbia about paying capital gains taxes on an overseas stock sale. A California man with $3.5 million saved wants to know about delaying Social Security and refinancing his home. Scott and Pat then discuss the ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF. A caller from Woodland, California wants to know where to invest money from his former company’s profit-sharing program. They then advise a risk-adverse 67-year-old woman who has 63 percent of her $2.2 million savings in cash. Finally, a man in his late 50s with money to invest wants to know about Bitcoin.          Ask a question by clicking here, or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com.   Download and rate our podcast here.

  • Low interest rates, Tesla at $1 trillion, and a Trump SPAC

    30/10/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat discuss how long-term investors can invest during this unusual inflationary environment. Scott and Pat advise a caller with $1.2 million in retirement savings about becoming a more passive investor. A caller with an income of $114,000 asks if he should take Social Security early. A bicycle racer asks how he can fund his hobby in retirement. Scott and Pat speak with a woman in California who is concerned what will happen to her bond investments if interest rates rise. Finally, a father in Virginia asks how he can prepare for a future financial collapse.   Ask a question by clicking here, or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com. Download and rate our podcast here.

  • Questions for a global minimum tax

    23/10/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat discuss the potential implications of a global minimum tax. Scott and Pat advise a caller looking for a check-up on his plan to move to Portugal during retirement. A caller asks how her stock options will be impacted when her company goes public. Scott and Pat speak with a woman looking to invest the money in her revocable trust. A Michigan man with a family income of $250,000 a year asks if he’s on track to retire early. Finally, a retired caller with a $1 million inheritance asks how she should invest the money. Ask a question by calling 1-833-999-6784 or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com. Download and rate our podcast here.

  • The shadow inflation problem

    16/10/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat discuss the surprising reasons why inflation is higher than the news indicates. Scott and Pat advise a new father making $300,000 a year about saving for his child’s future. A Massachusetts caller asks how to develop a more thoughtful Roth conversion strategy for his $1.8 million in retirement savings. A federal employee with $1.2 million in a Thrift Savings Plan asks if he can afford to retire comfortably. A California caller asks if he should pay down his $115,000 mortgage balance with his 401(k). Finally, Scott and Pat advise a saver about how he should handle his multiple life insurance policies. Ask a question by calling 1-833-999-6784 or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com.

  • The cheap debt conundrum

    09/10/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat explain how low interest rates impact equities, the housing market, and the strange investment trends of 2021. Scott and Pat advise a father in Kansas City about how he can leave his $4 million IRA to his children in a tax-smart way. A caller with $800,000 in her 401(k) asks how she should pay for her vacations during retirement. Ask a question by clicking here, or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com. Download and rate our podcast here.

  • Expect rising insurance costs

    02/10/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat discuss the two key reasons they expect insurance costs to rise. Scott and Pat advise a New Jersey woman about handling $100,000 in a union retirement savings plan. A West Virginia man asks if he should invest $600,000 with a financial advisor who picks stocks. Finally, a caller planning to sell a house for $1.5 million asks what tax-write offs he should include in the sale. Ask a question by clicking here, or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com. Download and rate our podcast here.

  • Gold versus inflation

    25/09/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat break down the myth linking gold prices with high inflation. Scott and Pat advise a caller from New Zealand about transferring $34,000 from her home country to a bank in the United States. A father asks how he can help his son invest the $40,000 he’s carefully saved. A Colorado man asks how to invest $475,000 before his new home is completed next year. Finally, a caller who saved physical gold bullion asks how much he should keep as he diversifies into other investments. Ask a question by clicking here, or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com. Download and rate our podcast here.

  • Tax increases and your changing financial plans

    18/09/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat discuss which tax changes may result from the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill and how savers can prepare. Scott and Pat advise a retired Army officer about how to handle three different life insurance policies. A caller asks if he should save money in Swiss bank accounts for added diversification. A man in California asks how he should invest $850,000 to ensure a comfortable retirement. Finally, Scott and Pat speak with a small business owner who wants to know when she should take Social Security. Ask a question by clicking here, or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com. Download and rate our podcast here.

  • A new home with no proof of income.

    11/09/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat discuss their concerns about higher home prices and why young savers should utilize Roth 401(k)s. Scott and Pat advise a father about the best way to save for his children’s college education. A caller expecting $1 million from her mother’s estate asks how she should handle the windfall. Finally, a Colorado man asks if he should use the cash in his Roth IRA to pay off his $172,000 mortgage balance. Ask a question by clicking here, or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com. Download and rate our podcast here.

  • There’s no such thing as a “Free Lunch.”

    04/09/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat invite Allworth Financial’s Chief Investment Officer Andy Stout on the show to discuss the markets, inflation, unemployment, and how the Federal Reserve’s easing monetary policy might affect the overall economy. Scott and Pat advise a long-time listener with a complicated CalPERS Long-Term Care Policy decision to help ensure his choice makes the most financial sense for his needs. Another California man asks how to determine the right amount of umbrella insurance to be sufficiently covered from any number of incidents from a dog bite, car accident, or an unexpected injury to someone else. Ask a question by clicking here, or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com.

  • Annuities inside 401(k)s

    28/08/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat discuss the soaring used car market and speak with a caller who is considering buying a $100,000 annuity inside her 401(k) plan. Scott and Pat advise a San Francisco man on his plan to retire to North Carolina. A caller who is just starting out in his career asks how he should save for a house. A Pennsylvania man asks if he should turn his duplex into a rental that could net $1,400 a month. A California caller asks if she should buy a deferred fixed annuity. Ask a question by clicking here, or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com. Download and rate our podcast here.

  • Planning for future tax changes.

    21/08/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat discuss the challenges of making a Roth conversion decision and why some online retirement calculators may not give you the correct answer for your situation. Scott and Pat advise a caller with three rental properties about whether he should pay down his mortgages early. A father wants to know if his son, who makes $75,000 a year, is making eligible Roth contributions. A caller with more than $2 million in savings asks if he should do a Roth conversion. Finally, a caller nearing retirement asks what he should look for in a financial advisor. Ask a question by clicking here, or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com. Download and rate our podcast here.

  • Rolling a truck through a loophole.

    14/08/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat discuss the reasons why Special Purpose Acquisition Companies can be ripe for fraud, and why one electric vehicle maker is now charged with defrauding investors. Scott and Pat advise a daughter, who is the executor of her parents’ trust, about how to invest $350,000 of their savings. A mother asks how future legislation could affect her son’s ability to inherit her $1 million home. Scott and Pat speak with a caller who owes the IRS $100,000 in back taxes and wants to know how to make a “compromise offer.” A retired caller asks how to invest $500,000 before the next stock market crash. Finally, a recent college graduate asks about the difference between ETFs and mutual funds. Ask a question by clicking here, or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com. Download and rate our podcast here.  

  • A half-trillion-dollar wipeout

    07/08/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat discuss China’s crackdown on technology and education companies and how that hurts American investors.  Scott and Pat advise a caller inheriting $600,000 who wants to know how he should invest the money to help his grandchildren and a favored ministry. A man with $2.5 million in savings asks if he can afford to retire comfortably and still maintain his standard of living. A retired caller who saved $1 million in traditional IRAs asks if a Roth conversion is a smart move. Finally, a saver who is helping his mother and sister financially asks when he should take Social Security. Ask a question by emailing Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com.

  • Buy, borrow, die

    31/07/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat discuss how company founders borrow against their stock to live tax-free, why some ordinary investors attempt something similar, and the reason these strategies often go awry. Scott and Pat advise a caller selling a property worth $550,000 and looking to save on taxes. A caller asks if she should sell a rental worth $400,000 because the real estate market is hot. A grandmother asks if a 529 Plan is the best way to save for her grandchildren’s education. Scott and Pat speak with a 49-year-old man if he wants to retire at age 55. Finally, a caller nearing retirement asks if cashing in his paid time off will trigger significant tax consequences.  Ask a question by clicking here, or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com. Download and rate our podcast here.

  • The 2% plummet

    24/07/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat discuss the stock market’s recent turbulence and how the media can sensationalize minor price swings. Scott and Pat advise a man on how to handle 401(k)s worth $125,000 that were awarded to him from a divorce settlement. A caller is the executor of her brother’s estate and asks how she can access his Thrift Savings Plan with little documentation. A caller leaving California asks how he can avoid capital gains taxes on the sale of a home worth $550,000. A man asks how he can recover a 401(k), worth $40,000, that he lost track of decades ago. Finally, Scott and Pat advise a caller with $2.5 million in cash on what questions he should ask a financial advisor. Ask a question by clicking here, or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com. Download and rate our podcast here.

  • Deciding when to sell an asset.

    17/07/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat discuss the one question to ask yourself if you’re struggling to decide whether to hold or sell an asset. Scott and Pat advise a retired caller in Florida, with $4.1 million in savings, about how he can determine a safe withdrawal rate. A California man asks if he should pay down his $148,000 mortgage balance with his 401(k) money. A caller asks how he should invest $1.1 million for his daughters. Finally, Scott and Pat speak with a woman in Texas who asks if she can collect Social Security based on her ex-husband’s record. Ask a question by clicking here, or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com. Download and rate our podcast here.

  • Learning from your investment history

    10/07/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat discuss how your experience investing during the pandemic can help guide future financial decisions. Scott and Pat advise a pilot with $1.6 million in savings about whether he can retire comfortably at age 65. A father in his late 50s asks how he should save for his son’s private high school education. A young man in Argentina asks if he owes taxes after taking early Roth IRA distributions. Finally, Scott and Pat speak with a caller looking to lower his mortgage rate. Ask a question by clicking here, or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com. Download and rate our podcast here.

  • The myth of “unleashing” home equity

    03/07/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat answer why using your home’s equity for other investments can come back to bite you. Scott and Pat advise a 64-year-old caller with $3.3 million in savings who wants to know if he should do a Roth conversion to save on his future tax bill. A re-married man who is selling his house asks how he should invest the $100,000 expected from the sale. A retired man wants to know if he should use dividend stocks to make payments on a $330,000 mortgage. Finally, a woman who recently moved to San Diego wonders how she should pay for a home worth $800,000.  Ask a question by clicking here, or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com. Download and rate our podcast here.

  • Quantitative easing and interest rates

    26/06/2021 Duración: 52min

    On this week’s Money Matters, Scott and Pat revisit some of the best calls from the year before moving on to discuss the long-term impact of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing program.   Scott and Pat advise a 401(k) saver who is considering reducing her investment risk because of high stock valuations. A soon-to-be retiree asks if she should cancel her life insurance policy. A caller asks if he can afford a condo in Thailand. Scott and Pat advise a caller with $760,000 in retirement savings about how to pay home improvement expenses. A military service member wants to know if she should purchase four years of airtime on her pension. Finally, Scott and Pat speak with a caller who put the home of his 103-year-old mother-in-law in his name and wants to know if he’s on the hook for capital gains.   Ask a question by clicking here, or email Scott and Pat at questions@moneymatters.com.   Download and rate our podcast here.

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