Again With This: Beverly Hills, 90210



Need someone to share the joy, pain, and shoulder pads of your Beverly Hills, 90210 rewatch? The Tara Ariano and Sarah D. Bunting are here for you!


  • Special: We Take Your Calls V

    03/06/2024 Duración: 58min

    The 90s Melrose Place era has come to a close on Again With This, so before we leap into Dawson's Creek with ALL our feet, we're taking some questions and comments from our hotline. Listen to find out what your fellow listeners wanted to know, like what Kimberly could have gotten up to in Seasons 6 and 7, which props we would have bid on at the show's official auction, and whomst among our three shows' male leads is actually the most noxious. Plus: much more! We promise nothing will explode. JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • MP S07.E35: Asses To Ashes

    27/05/2024 Duración: 45min

    The rumors about what really went down the night Kent Damarr died simply cannot be contained. At first, it seems like Eve just wants the truth to come out. But pretty quickly, she changes her mind and hatches a plot for revenge that involves tying Lexi up and dropping her in the tub before stalking Amanda and Peter with murder on her mind. (Why did she have to remove Lexi's clothes first? Presumably so that Jamie Luner could give us all one last look at that bangin' bod, and who can blame her.) Terry's kidnapping plan is foiled by her own distracted driving, and everyone decides to let bygones be bygones -- there's no time for consequences! Jane tells Kyle about her pregnancy right before her doctor tells her a little news of her own, like when Jane actually conceived and whom she was sleeping with at the time. All this and more in our EXPLOSIVE podcast on the SERIES finale, "Asses To Ashes"! JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • DC S01.E11: The Scare

    20/05/2024 Duración: 38min

    For Mike White's second credited episode, it's Friday the 13th! Apparently, this is an occasion Dawson's friends have long known is one he likes to mark with scarifying pranks, and that telling him in so many words that they don't like it will not make him stop. Given her new status as Dawson's platonic friend, Jen assumes she will also be on the receiving end of some of this mischief, even though Dawson keeps telling her he actually had nothing planned. Cliff doesn't have anything planned either, beyond just asking Jen on a date and then immediately getting stressed out about it because he doesn't know if he'll be able to live up to the standard set by...Dawson? (Again we must ask if Cliff knows he's a character being played by Scott Foley.) Who will be at Dawson's Friday the 13th séance, and what will go down? Find out in our podcast on "The Scare"! JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • MP S07.E34: Dead Men Don't Shut Up

    13/05/2024 Duración: 33min

    You might think Lexi would decide she had enough on her plate dealing with Tony's corpse while also making sure she didn't lose the business he agreed to in his final moments. But, in fact, seeing Eve rapidly unraveling psychologically just convinces her to add a new scheme to her schedule: she can certainly take advantage of Eve's instability and use it against Amanda! Mark L. Taylor manages to cash another Melrose Place check as Dr. Visconti gets involved. Terry's feelings for Ryan continue to linger, such that she creates a seemingly awkward situation for Megan to walk in on and call off the engagement (again), but surely both McBros will close out the series deliriously happy with the blondes they were always destined to be with...right? Listen to us talk at length about all of this and more in our podcast on "Dead Men Don't Shut Up"! JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • DC S01.E10: Double Date

    06/05/2024 Duración: 36min

    Dawson is still being such a whiny little bitch about Jen dumping him that Pacey tells him how he could possibly lay the groundwork to get her back: take her up on her request that they be friends, and prove he means it by suggesting that they go on a double date! This involves asking out the cute and friendly Mary Beth and totally not telling her what his actual intention is. (Remember: this is a person we are constantly being told -- including in this episode -- is "one of the good ones.") After Pacey bombs his marine biology midterm, his teacher offers to let him make it up by doing an extra credit project with a student from another section. That student turns out to be Joey, who isn't thrilled that a grade she's trying to earn is going to depend in part on her least diligent friend. Finally: Gale and Mitch are still here, still struggling with her infidelity, and still boring as hell. Grab three friends to stay on theme while you listen to our podcast on "Double Date"! JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • MP S07.E33: Lexi Gets Stiffed

    29/04/2024 Duración: 33min

    Now that everyone's back from the cruise, it's time for a reckoning. Peter tells Eve he wants a divorce because of the way she maneuvered him off the ship for days so that she could bone Tony, but she yells that actually Amanda did that. So Peter confronts Amanda about that, not knowing she's coming straight from seeing the film Lexi ruined and is truly in no mood. Tony refuses to shell out for a reshoot, so Amanda assesses her life and next steps and ends up, where else, at the hospital to tell Peter that while she did scheme to keep him from getting on the launch off the island, sleeping with him wasn't part of her plan. Peter decides to end his marriage, Amanda decides to close her agency, and if Eve and Kyle aren't happy about having all their suspicions confirmed, that's their problem -- or it is until Eve seems determined to make it everyone's problem. The shuttering of Amanda's agency also clears a path for Lexi to go after Tony's business herself, and by "Tony's business," we mean...well, you know wha

  • DC S01.E09: Road Trip

    22/04/2024 Duración: 38min

    Dawson is being extremely annoying and maudlin about his first-ever breakup, and nothing Joey says can snap him out of it. But when Billy (somehow) hears about the split and reappears to try to get Jen back some more, she firmly shuts him down, forcing him to take the long way around: inviting Dawson to come with him to a bar in Providence where Billy knows the bouncer and thus can get his underage ass in. (Pacey comes too, because...they needed something for Pacey to do.) Back in Capeside, Joey accepts a lift to school from cool football player Warren (Eric Balfour!), immediately regretting it when he claims that he and Joey had sex. Then Jen gets an idea for a mother of a revenge plan. Get your motor running for our podcast on "Road Trip"! JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • MP S07.E32: Floral Knowledge

    15/04/2024 Duración: 36min

    It's time for the cruise! Tony is VERY annoyed to see that his would-be girlfriend brought her husband, and orders Amanda to run interference, which Amanda is happy enough to do, both because she wants to secure his account, and because -- as WE all know -- she enjoys spending time with Peter because he is her favorite. Meanwhile, Lexi's assistant Julie has heard all the gossip about Amanda's recent business moods, convincing Lexi to take a break from boning Michael to try to...compete with Amanda for Tony's account, which she almost has, rather than just try to scoop up all the clients Amanda just fired? Sure! Terry is furious that Ryan didn't send Sarah home as planned, and gets the authorities involved to make sure he returns her. Sarah then hatches her OWN plan to stay in California by falsely claiming she can't go back to New York because Terry is abusive. There's nothing for it but to bring Terry to town so she and Ryan can both clear her name. Jane finds out about Amanda and Kyle's divorce and heads st

  • DC S01.E08: Boyfriend

    08/04/2024 Duración: 46min

    After the extremely awkward events of "Detention," Dawson claims to Joey that things between him and Jen are just fine! Little does he know that Jen's ex Billy (Eion Bailey!) has come from New York to Capeside to try to get Jen back. It doesn't work immediately, so he contrives a reason to remain in town, but also cries poor, which leads to him getting billeted with...Dawson? Feels like a mistake. The addition of a crying baby to the Potter household has left Joey extremely sleep-deprived, so Dawson should be especially grateful that she has any energy to expend on his dumb whining. But when she finally hits the wall on her shift at work, Bessie orders her to go to a beach party with Pacey. Many beers are downed, and some track for one of the most memorable relationship endgame reversals in TV history is laid! Deep, DEEP in the background, Gale and Mitch are back, trying to get their relationship BACK on track. Could the answer be scuba diving?! Put on a t-shirt and boxers you stole from a beau in your past a

  • MP S07.E31: Bitter Homes And Guardians

    01/04/2024 Duración: 37min

    WELL, Sarah (McBride, to be clear) is still in Los Angeles. Immediately, she determines that the true Megan is meant to be with her dad, and is compliant with everything Ryan tells her to do, starting when he's still at her boarding school on the other side of the country, yelling at Terry about challenging her custody. Sarah ends up at the beach house where the uncle she never knew she had is imposing on his wife's employee; when Aunt Amanda comes home, she's not that interested in getting to know her new niece, but does notice that Sarah, Kyle, and Jane look a lot like a family. Lexi uses the trip back to L.A. to tell Ryan about all the scheming she and Michael have been doing to mess with Ryan and Megan, while Michael does the same for Megan back at the complex; Ryan and Megan are more determined than ever to forgive all their misunderstandings. Eve is still letting Amanda essentially pimp her out to Tony Marlin (non-sexually (so far)); Peter is suspicious about it, but still books that trip to Maui he and

  • DC S01.E07: Detention

    25/03/2024 Duración: 47min

    Four separate disciplinary incidents have, it seems, landed our four teen protagonists in all-day detention in the Capeside High library...but it wouldn't be a full Breakfast Club homage without a fifth, which is why we're meeting chaos agent Abby Morgan (Monica Keena)! What crimes did they each commit? What terrifying admissions and world-changing challenges occur in the course of Abby's game of Truth or Dare? What's Mrs. Tringle's favorite soap opera? And how much better is this first episode from future White Lotus creator Mike White than what has come before? You don't have to block out a full eight hours to enjoy our podcast on "Detention"! JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • MP S07.E30: The Daughterboy

    18/03/2024 Duración: 44min

    Megan still loves Ryan. Michael still loves Megan. Ryan's trying to convince himself Megan is a lost cause, but he still loves her too. NO ONE loves Lexi. Yet somehow these four idiots refuse to figure out their whole situation. Michael, at least, has the excuse of bigger fish to fry: having bought in as a board member at the hospital, Dr. Shulman is still bringing the draconian cost-cutting spirit to the new worker's co-op and driving everyone crazy. Michael gets the idea to redirect her with someone who can engage in a little sex-spionage. Who? The answer may surprise you! Amanda's pledge to cut back on work is a distant memory as she charges hard after Tony Marlin, whose cruise company could be a huge account for her. Amanda and Megan are both fine with him flirting hard at them both, but it seems like he's even more into brunettes: as soon as he gets one look at Eve, he's laser-focused on getting Amanda to deliver her to him, basically, and Amanda's determination to land the account -- to the exclusion of

  • DC S01.E06: Baby

    11/03/2024 Duración: 38min

    The more we hear everyone discussing Bessie's pregnancy due date in the relatively near future, the more we know this TV baby is coming even sooner than that, and sure enough, he chooses a day when Bodie's out of town, the Potter phone isn't connected, and the truck is likely to get stuck in mud. The upshot is that Bessie and Joey end up at Dawson's -- initially just to use the phone, but when the community ambulance isn't available to take Bessie to the nearest hospital, everyone has to swallow their pride so that Grams the registered nurse can come from next door to be Bessie's emergency midwife. Jen also comes, to be supremely unhelpful. (What's going on with Dawson's parents' foundering marriage? Great question, but they aren't in the episode or mentioned by anyone who is!) In the sex crime plot, Pacey gets so excited about possibly taking Tamara out of town for a date that he discusses it with Dawson in the bathroom, both of them using her name; Pacey also does a terrible job checking whether they're alo

  • MP S03.E04: McBride's Head Revisited

    04/03/2024 Duración: 53min

    Things are going badly enough for Megan that she decides to take Amanda up on that job offer after all: if Ryan no longer has any feelings for Megan, then Megan can turn her feelings for Ryan off too. That's fine with Amanda, since it means she can wring all of Lexi's business secrets out of Megan and gain a competitive advantage -- which is probably overestimating both how much Megan retained at her fake job, much was available for her even to try to learn about. Lexi isn't aware of all these machinations until much later, however, because she's still running her own schemes, now with Michael: rifling through Ryan's apartment together tips them to Poughkeepsie as the locus for Ryan's big secret, so off they go to investigate further in person. Eve and Peter have been so horny since all this surprise oil money came into their lives that Peter suggests they...not do anything with it and go back to their old jobs? That lasts about three hours until Kyle gives Eve the chance to buy into full partnershi

  • DC S01.E05: Hurricane

    26/02/2024 Duración: 44min

    Hurricane Chris is bearing down on Capeside, but it can't really compete with the shitstorm that drama queen Dawson's been living in since he found out about his mother's affair and his girlfriend's sexual experiences. When almost everyone ends up holing up at the Leery house, it becomes impossible for Dawson to escape all the women he's mad at, so he lefts Gale know he knows, and also ices out Jen. Meanwhile, Bessie and Bodie dodge possibly racist, definitely tactless comments from Grams about the baby Bessie's about to deliver, although at least that stops them loudly debating circumcision. Escaping all this mess but creating their own elsewhere: Tamara and Pacey, who end up riding out the storm at her place with Pacey's just-introduced brother, Deputy Doug. Board up the windows and listen to our podcast on "Hurricane"! JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • MP S07.E28: Ryan's Choice

    19/02/2024 Duración: 42min

    As soon as they got back together, Kyle and Amanda promised to step back from their high-pressure jobs and focus on each other. He had no problem doing that, so why can't Amanda?! And should we be worried that he and Jane -- whose back stairs he is taking forever to build -- have such an easy rapport? Peter is fighting two different wars: against Dr. Shulman's savage cuts at the hospital, and against consequences of Eve's many dumb decisions. Amanda comes through in the clutch on the latter, and an unexpected turn of events regarding the land Peter inherited from his hated father might change the calculus on the former. We are also all required to learn more about Ryan, very much against our will, and although the person he SHOULD be telling his secrets is Megan, he decides to confess sex with Lexi in Mexico and blow up their relationship instead. We hope you'll choose to join us for our podcast on "Ryan's Choice"! JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • DC S01.E04: Discovery

    12/02/2024 Duración: 40min

    Dawson has a lot of naïve ideas about love, and in this episode sees several of them destroyed. His parents' perfect marriage? Not perfect enough to keep his mother from making out with her co-anchor in the middle of their TV station, which Dawson witnesses. His wonderful friendship with Joey? Whoops, she knew about the affair and didn't tell him. Jen's purported virginity? Apparently a distant memory. Pacey's ineptitude with girls? Doesn't extend to grown-ass women, as Dawson learns when he watches Tamara have sex with a mystery partner on his b-roll, after which Pacey informs Dawson that said swain is Pacey himself. Discover all the discoveries of "Discovery" in our latest podcast! JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • MP S07.E27: Unpleasantville

    05/02/2024 Duración: 40min

    Kyle and Amanda are back together: yay! Kyle and Amanda's plans to move into their dream house and start a family might get postponed by Amanda getting forced into finally bringing her slum of an apartment complex up to code: noooooo, or something! Given the financial pinch Amanda is feeling, it's a wonder Eve is even bothering trying to repair their broken friendship -- but never mind, she's still got Jackie! But, before long, Jackie is in her own crisis, and Dr. Shulman overhears a conversation between her and Eve, which efficiently lays out their past association. This is exactly the ammunition that Dr. Shulman -- now working for the corporation that just bought Wilshire Memorial, and eager to make spending cuts no matter who may die as a consequence -- needs to overrule Peter and his...bleeding-heart do-gooding with uninsured patients? Okay, sure. Lexi's campaign to break up Megan and Ryan by smashing them together continues, and now incorporates Michael, whom we're now supposed to think has totally given

  • DC S01.E03: Kiss

    29/01/2024 Duración: 43min

    Since Dawson simply cannot shut up in the back of the film class he is very much not enrolled in, Mr. Gold finally tries to get him to shut up by letting him be a PA on Cliff's movie. Will Dawson's constitutional inability to keep his thoughts to himself ruin his chance to parlay the PA gig into full access to the class? At the same time, he's still very anxious to kiss Jen, going so far as to plan not just the music and setting but possibly also the dialogue, and refuses to hear Joey when she tells him THAT'S CREEPY. Joey, meanwhile, meets a preppie tourist named Anderson and decides to try on a whole new identity with him: Upper East Sider Deborah Kerr.......son. Deborah Carson! How far can she push her luck using the random facts she's gleaned about Manhattan, a place we may safely presume she's never been? Speaking of pushing her luck: Tamara. Pacey claims he strategically failed a quiz to try to weasel his way into having her tutor him and she agrees because she has a lot of issues she is refusing to ack

  • MP S07.E26: How Amanda Got Her Groove Back

    22/01/2024 Duración: 34min

    Amanda's one-story fall leads to medical consequences that are, for any soap opera viewer, extremely expected. Further consequences ripple through the group: Lexi takes advantage of Ryan's distress to get intel on his romantic past. Eve looks up an old prison pal for help fleeing her life. And Peter finally decides to try to run down the VA lab results to see if he can prove to Kyle that he did, in fact, father a child with Amanda. In the background of all this, Nurse Audrey takes her revenge on Michael with the help of her secret sex tape. We are going to get into all of this AND the extremely inappropriate episode title in our podcast on "How Amanda Got Her Groove Back"! JOIN THE AWT CLUB

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