Ivy Creek Baptist Church Sermons



Ivy Creek Baptist Church is located at 2500 Ivy Creek Road, Buford, GA 30519. We hope you enjoy hearing messages from our Senior Pastor Dr. Craig Dale and our Associate Pastor Ted Williams.


  • The Incredibly Forgiving Father


    Luke 15:11-32: Title: The Incredibly Forgiving Father, Sermon in a Sentence: The outstretched arms of our heavenly Father is a call to come into His embrace, no matter how far we have gone or how close we have stayed, His forgiveness and acceptance is for everyone.

  • A Postscript to Mark’s Gospel


    Sermon #64 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 16:9-20): Title: A Postscript to Mark’s Gospel, Sermon in a Sentence: The resurrection of Jesus necessitates our belief in the good news that we must faithfully proclaim and is the basis of our hope that we will one day be raised with Jesus to reign with Him.

  • The Resurrection of Jesus


    Sermon #63 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 16:1-8): Title: The Resurrection of Jesus, Sermon in a Sentence: The historical reality of the resurrection of Jesus brings joy out of despair, restoration out of failure, and faith out of fear.

  • The Burial of Jesus


    Sermon #62 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 15:40-47): Title: The Burial of Jesus, Sermon in a Sentence: The burial of Jesus proves that He truly died to pay the penalty of our sin and that His resurrection was not a hoax.

  • The Death of Jesus


    Sermon #61 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 15:33-39): Title: The Death of Jesus, Sermon in a Sentence: The God-forsaken death of Jesus opens access to God for all sinners who come to faith in Him.

  • The Majesty of the Cross


    Sermon #60 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 15:16-32): Title: On the cross, Jesus showed the world that He is worthy to be worshiped and adored as the King of Glory who took on the guilt of the sins of His people by dying in their place.

  • Rejection, Substitution, Redemption


    Sermon #59 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 15:1-15): Title: Rejection, Substitution, Redemption Sermon in a Sentence: To reject Jesus is to reject the redemption that He offers through His substitutionary atonement for sinners who deserve eternal death.

  • The Trials of Jesus and Peter


    Sermon #58 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 14:53-72): Title: The Trials of Jesus and Peter Sermon in a Sentence: Because our only hope is that Jesus suffered and died in our place, we must stand with Him or be judged by Him.

  • Be Filled with the Spirit


    Be Filled with the Spirit (Luke 5:15-21): Title: Be Filled with the Spirit Sermon in a Sentence: God’s will is for you to live a life of thanksgiving that is continually filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit so that you may live wisely and make the most of every opportunity that He has given to you.

  • The Garden of Gethsemane, Part 2


    Sermon #57 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 14:43-52): Title: The Garden of Gethsemane, Part 2 Sermon in a Sentence: Jesus understood what all the others did not – that His purpose was to die in the place of sinners, according to the revealed will of the Father.

  • The Garden of Gethsemane, Part 2


    Sermon #56 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 14:1-11): Title: The Sovereign Savior Sermon in a Sentence: The Lord’s Supper is a time of reflection that reminds us of His sovereignty over our circumstances, the absolute necessity of His sacrifice, and that His salvation is our only hope.

  • Failure is Not Fatal


    Sermon #55 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 14:27-31): Title: Failure is Not Fatal - Sermon in a Sentence: Your failure is not fatal because Christ forgives and restores those who repent and trust in Him.

  • Love is a Battle


    Title: Love is a Battle Sermon in a Sentence: In a constant war that is being waged by the enemy on our families we must remember that we are called to love as we have been loved and it is out of that love that we will overcome the battle in our hearts to win our families and show grace to our neighbors.

  • The Sovereign Savior


    Sermon #54 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 14:1-11): Title: The Sovereign Savior Sermon in a Sentence: The Lord’s Supper is a time of reflection that reminds us of His sovereignty over our circumstances, the absolute necessity of His sacrifice, and that His salvation is our only hope.

  • Extravagant Worship


    Sermon #53 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 14:1-11): Title: Extravagant Worship Sermon in a Sentence: Jesus endured rejection, betrayal, and ultimately death to save us from our sins, and is, therefore, worthy of our extravagant love, devotion, and worship.

  • People Get Ready!


    Sermon #52 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 13:1-37): Title: People Get Ready! Sermon in a Sentence: Because all of us will stand before Him to be judged, we must prepare and be ready for the return of Jesus.

  • Beware and Be Aware!


    Sermon #51 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 12:38-44): Title: Beware and Be Aware! Sermon in a Sentence: Regardless of how impressive or meager the externals may be, God looks at the inward qualities of a person and condemns the self-sufficient heart gripped by pride, greed, and hypocrisy, and commends the humble, sacrificial, and devoted heart of one who is fully dependent upon Him.

  • David’s Riddle: Whose Son is the Messiah?


    Sermon #50 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 12:35-37): Title: David’s Riddle: Whose Son is the Messiah? Sermon in a Sentence: As David’s Son and God’s Son (both human and divine), Jesus is the Messiah – sent to be our Savior – who must not only be David’s Lord, but yours and mine as well.

  • So Close and yet So Far!


    Sermon #49 from the Series The Gospel of Mark (Mark 12:28-34): Title: So Close and yet So Far! Sermon in a Sentence: To move from being “close” to the kingdom to being “in” it requires more than simply embracing the command to love God and others; we must respond to the gospel call of the Savior who has perfectly lived out that command..

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