Clumsy Girls Guide To Greatness With ~ Carol Glover



Inspired Choices Network Do you ever feel like youre stumbling through life? Does it seem like sometimes youre the most brilliant creature on the planet, and sometimes youre a hot mess? Carol Glover


  • Let Life Amuse You


    Life getting you down? Do you listen or watch the news and dig yourself deeper into despair? Family, co-workers, friends making you crazy? Embrace the crazy and let life amuse you! Did you know that the Universe is constantly trying to show you magic, beauty and joy? … and you’re missing it! Join Carol for this amusing conversation about the many ways you can let life amuse you – if you’re willing to receive and allow it. Feel free to contact Carol – or on Facebook at

  • Your Business Your Way


    Just like your signature doesn’t define you, it simply tells the world who you are, your business doesn’t define you either; it is an expression of who you are. When you try to “do” your business someone else’s way, they way they say it should be done, it is clumsy and uncomfortable – just like trying to change your signature. Would you like to do Your Business Your Way? Business can be natural, in fact it must be to be efficient and effective. I’ve spent years trying to do business according to the experts; using templates for business models, learning methodologies that made my head hurt (Agile, Project Management and 6 Sigma to name a few). I’ve learned something valuable from all of those methods but could never truly make them work for me. They all seemed to suck the energy out of my work. I guess I’m just not a cookie cutter kind of girl! This means that I get to show you how to bend those old rules of business to work for you. The possibilities are endless when you do business your way and invite the w

  • Beyond Compassion with Guest Rioha Fortner


    Is compassion our kindest gift to another being? Compassion literally means to suffer with another.  The opposite of compassion, as defined by this reality, is meanness, mercilessness, cruelty… so if we refuse to suffer with another we are considered cruel or at least indifferent. This simply cannot be our only option! What else is possible here, beyond compassion? Join Carol with her guest co-host Rioha Fortner for this thought provoking conversation about compassion, allowance, empowerment and kindness. You can be kind without having to suffer with another. Find out more about Rioha at her website,, Facebook Connect with Carol at

  • Pondering the Spaces in Between


    It's surprising what can pop up when things don't go as planned. While my planned show & guest for this week isn't going to happen, I started to consider all those in-between spaces in my life. Have you ever stopped to notice the magic that can occur in those moments you don't know what you'll do or where you'll go or even what you'll be? Join me in this in between show and discover what awareness can come through and when we give ourselves just a little bit of space. I have a feeling this show could go anywhere, may go everywhere and will definitely more fun with you along for the ride! Connect with Carol at

  • I’m Being Me – Now What?


    You're diligently "doing your inner work." You're being your "most authentic self." You may have even chosen a new career "doing what you love." Life should be blissful now; money should be dropping into your pockets while you sleep, and your relationships should suddenly resolve. Right? Or are you just feeling like a different kind of fake? I bet you are thinking you're doing "it" wrong. I bet you're back to judging yourself because your life doesn't look like what you thought it would now that you're all "enlightened" and stuff. Do you feel like you've been tricked? YOU HAVE BEEN TRICKED! Now, make it work to your advantage. What if all of this meant that you were right on track and with a few simple tools you could really embrace and enjoy all of your life - even the sticky bits? Join me this week as we embrace the irony and get on with creating what you've really desired all along.

  • The Sweet & Sour of Surrender with Guest Esther Bartkiw


    Surrendering to a situation or to the Universe is sometimes a sweet and sometimes a sour concept. How do you surrender to something that you so desperately want or want to change? Does surrender mean you get to sit like a lump on the couch and do nothing? Is it giving up caring about that thing that you want so passionately? This is something we all struggle with from time to time; our Being parts love it but our Doing parts usually resist it. Join Carol with her guest Esther Bartkiw as they open some conscious awareness and other perspectives about surrendering as a way to be present in your life journey and actualizing your desires. Esther is a Facilitator of Change, Transformation and Consciousness. She is a Spiritual Mentor, Core Belief Engineering and Energy Vortex Practitioner, Channel, Speaker, Writer, Star Seed. Esther works with people around the globe helping them to awaken to release limitations, blocks and fear, open to all possibilities and awake to the Divine Love True Self. She is a featured gu

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