Create U | Personal Growth Podcast



CREATE U is a personal growth and development podcast that will help you breakthrough to better results in your life, work and relationships. Life Coach and Author of Your Best Is Next", Jeremy Flagg, will share with you his best tips and strategies for self-improvement and bring you breakthrough conversations with listeners, coaches, and other experts that will give you what you need to take every area of your life to the next level.Jeremy's own breakthrough came on the heels of a massive breakdown when he was fired from his dream job and left without any idea of what he might do next. Refusing to allow his history to define his destiny, he overcame the pain of his past and took control of his lifes direction by applying the principles of personal development he learned from the Bible, Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Brendon Burchard, John Maxwell, Brene Brown, James Allen, Rob Bell, Paulo Coelho, Napoleon Hill, Myles Munroe, Dr. Robert Anthony and Darren Hardy (just to name a few) and now is overjoyed to offer that same opportunity to others who refuse to settle for a life less than theyre capable of leading.Jeremy powerfully combines spiritual guidance with time-tested psychological tactics and proven practical strategies to create breakthrough results in the lives of his listeners. His intensity is infectious and his illuminating style of communication will help you gain clarity in the quickest and most orderly way possible. If youre ready to create the life you desire and deserve, then listen to CREATE U and take control of your lifes direction today!


  • Episode 43 - 5 Ways To Rekindle The Romance In Your Relationship

    09/02/2016 Duración: 25min

    Valentine’s Day is this week and romance is in the air! But do we really know what true romance is anymore? Or have we given ourselves a definition that limits romance to exaggerated gestures and expensive gifts that lead to hot and passionate sexual intimacy? Is true romance only meant for those who can afford it? Or is passion something simpler that can be created between you and your partner? Well, I believe that it is. And today I’m going to be sharing 5 ways to rekindle the romance in your relationship. So, whether you’re in a new relationship and hoping to keep that chemistry going strong or are in a long-standing relationship and wondering how to get the spark back that you once had, then listen as I share with you some simple tips for reigniting the passion between you and your partner. Find this episode's show notes and leave a comment here: Please rate and review the show in iTunes here: If you'd like to submit a question to be answered in a

  • Episode 42 - Communication 101: It Starts Before You Speak

    04/02/2016 Duración: 33min

    According to 2014 statistics from the CDC, in America there is one divorce approximately every 36 seconds. And much of the most reliable research tells us that almost every single issue in relationships — whether it’s finances, intimacy, or even infidelity — finds its root in poor communication. In fact, poor communication is the #1 reason divorced couples cite for breaking up, and that’s truly a shame, because it’s not that difficult a skill a master. That’s why today I’ll be starting a 4-part series on how to create better communication in your relationships. So, if you’ve ever experienced the pain of having a well-meaning conversation turn into a massive conflict or have ever had trouble getting your partner to open up and share their soul with you, then you’ll want to listen closely as I begin our series by sharing with you the 3 necessary shifts for having successful conversations before they begin. Find this episode's show notes and leave a comment here: Please rate a

  • Episode 41 - The #1 Predictor Of Your Relationship's Success Or Failure

    02/02/2016 Duración: 20min

    Are you interested in how to make love last? Would you like to know if your relationship is going to stand the test of time? Then you’ll be very interested to know what one relationship researcher has found to be the #1 predictor of relationship life or death with an accuracy rate of 91% — and I know it works because its the tool I use when I first meet a couple that wants my help. In today’s show I’ll be talking about how your love story forecasts the triumph or tragedy of your relationship and how you can give yourself an easy one question test to see of you have a good chance at succeeding in having a lifetime love. If you’ve ever wanted to know with a high degree of certainty whether or not your relationship is on the path to sustained success, then listen as I share with you the #1 predictor of your relationship’s success or failure. Find this episode's show notes and leave a comment here: Please rate and review the show in iTunes here: If you'd

  • Episode 40 - Motivated By The Impossible With Ceitci Demirkova

    28/01/2016 Duración: 01h16min

    Do you have a dream in your heart that you want to fulfill? Have you come up against any opposition in your life that has you second-guessing whether or not you’ll be able to make it happen? If so, then my guest today will inspire you to transform those challenges into opportunities! I’m joined today by my very special guest and friend of over 14 years, Ceitci Demirkova. Ceitci grew up in communist Bulgaria and arrived in America at the age of 19 with only $100 and only knowing 100 words of English. Since then, she’s developed her passion for helping people become their best into a platform with worldwide reach. As a motivational speaker and author of 4 books, she helps people discover their God-given power and optimize their true potential. And as the founder and CEO of her nonprofit organization, Changing A Generation, she is dedicated to the social and spiritual empowerment of orphans, children and youth in Bulgaria, Ghana, and Uganda. I’m very excited to introduce you to her today and hope you find some

  • Episode 39 - How To Be Happy (No Matter What)

    26/01/2016 Duración: 22min

    Do you want to be more happy? Do you want to experience more joy and fulfillment in your everyday life? If so, then you’re not alone. Many of us say we want to feel happier every single day, but not many of us know that there’s a key missing from unlocking that door. As a result, happiness eludes us and leaves us feeling powerless to create it. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. Today, I’ll be sharing with you a proven formula for personal contentment and how to apply it in every circumstance. So, if you want to experience more joy and satisfaction in the midst of any and every circumstance then listen to today’s episode as I teach you how to be happy (no matter what). Find this episode's show notes and leave a comment here: Please rate and review the show in iTunes here: Grab a copy of my book "Your Best Is Next" to create a more fulfilling future with all the happiness you want: If you'd like to submit a question to be answ

  • Episode 38 - Honor Your Dream

    19/01/2016 Duración: 15min

    This week in the U.S. we celebrate the life and legacy of the great civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And even if you’re only vaguely familiar with his work you know that famous line in his speech that told us, “I have a dream.” If we allow his work to inspire us today then we might ask ourselves what is my dream? Today, I’ll be talking about the importance of honoring your dream and how to ensure you lead a fulfilling life like Martin Luther King. So, if you feel a little stuck and unsure where you should be headed but know that you’ve got so much more in your heart that needs to come to life, then listen as I challenge you to honor your dream. Find this episode's show notes and leave a comment here: Please rate and review the show in iTunes here: Grab a copy of my book "Your Best Is Next" to help you honor your dream and bring it to life: If you'd like to submit a question to be answered in an upcoming podcast or

  • Episode 37 - Ask The Coach - How Do I Get My Sh*t Together?

    14/01/2016 Duración: 30min

    Have you ever felt like your life just wasn't where you thought it should be? Like your life was spinning out of control but you didn’t know how to stop it? That if you could just “get yourself together” then everything would be fine? If so, then today’s Ask The Coach episode is for you. Today, I’ll be answering a listener’s question about what she can do to get her life together and feel less frustrated. And I’ll be sharing 3 areas that need your attention when you’re feeling like you need a change. So, if you’re dissatisfied with the direction of your life and feel frustrated because you’re not where you want to be then listen in for some simple strategies you can use to get your life on track. Find this episode's show notes and leave a comment here: Please rate and review the show in iTunes here: Grab a copy of my book "Your Best Is Next" to get a proven plan for creating the life you want: If you'd like to submit a question

  • Episode 36 - Failure To Launch

    12/01/2016 Duración: 22min

    Many of us use the New Year to decide where we want our lives to go in the year ahead. But not long after we’ve resolved where we want be, something happens. We get bogged down in our heads about what we want and we begin to wonder if we really have all the information necessary to make an informed and proper decision about how we can make our dreams a reality. In today’s episode, I’ll be sharing with you the #1 excuse people use to put off their dreams and what you can do about it right now. So, if you’ve ever had a change you wanted to make or a goal you wanted to achieve but feel like there’s something missing that’s stopping you from being successful then listen as I help you avoid the failure to launch. For this episode's show notes and visit: Please rate and review the show in iTunes here: Grab a copy of my book "Your Best Is Next" to get a proven plan for creating the life you want: If you'd like to submit a question to

  • Episode 35 - New Year, New Story

    07/01/2016 Duración: 23min

    According to recent research 25% of people who make resolutions in the New Year abandon them in the first week. If we want to create changes in our lives that last we have to go beyond the traditional goal-setting mentality and look deeper for the underlying causes of our success or failure. In today’s episode, I’ll be sharing with you the change you must make if you want to reach your goals and achieve success this year. So, if you’ve ever given up on a goal that you wanted to achieve or neglected to make your New Year’s resolutions stick then it’s time to learn what myself and my clients already know to be true about having a successful year — your New Year needs a New Story. For this episode's show notes and visit: Please rate and review the show in iTunes here: Grab a copy of my book "Your Best Is Next" to get a proven plan for creating the life you want: If you'd like to submit a question to be answered in an upcoming podc

  • Episode 34 - Begin From Within

    05/01/2016 Duración: 15min

    Have you identified any areas you want to improve and change this year? Have you set some goals for yourself that echo resolutions from years past? If so, then you’re not alone. The unfortunate truth, though, is that an estimated 92% of people who make goals in January never reach their target. With so many people desiring change but not making them last there has to be something they’re missing in the process to true achievement. In today’s episode, I’m sharing with you the key ingredient to ensure you meet your goals and make the changes you want this year. So, if you’ve got areas you want to improve this year and you want to be a part of the 8% that makes their mark, then listen as I help you to begin from within. For this episode's show notes and visit: Please rate and review the show in iTunes here: If you'd like to submit a question to be answered in an upcoming podcast or would like to be considered for your very own Breakthrough Conversation o

  • Episode 33 - One Important Thing To Do Before You Start The New Year

    31/12/2015 Duración: 14min

    Was your 2015 one you’d like to leave behind? Are you wondering if this year will be any different for you? Do you want to make some massive progress towards your dreams in 2016? If so, then there’s one important thing you’ve got to do before you start the New Year. In today’s episode, I’ll be sharing with you the one question you must ask yourself if you want to make progress in 2016. So, if you’ve ever wanted to completely forget what’s happened to you in favor of making your dreams come true then listen up for the one thing you must do before you start the New Year. For this episode's show notes and visit: Please rate and review the show in iTunes here: If you'd like to submit a question to be answered in an upcoming podcast or would like to be considered for your very own Breakthrough Conversation on a future show, please visit: Thanks for listening! Subscribe in iTunes here: Subsc

  • Episode 32 - The Precious Present

    24/12/2015 Duración: 19min

    It’s Christmastime again and everyone is bustling with lots of holiday plans. It’s possibly the busiest time of the year for all of us. The parties, the shopping, the family functions, the road trips, the decorations: you begin to wonder if you’ll get it all done! With all this busy-ness it’s easy to forget what really matters. That’s why it’s so important to not forget to open the one gift that will make your holiday (and every other season) worthwhile. If you’ve ever struggled to remember what’s most important in this busy season, then listen to today’s episode as I focus you on the precious present. For this episode's show notes and visit: Please rate and review the show in iTunes here: If you'd like to submit a question to be answered in an upcoming podcast or would like to be considered for your very own Breakthrough Conversation on a future show, please visit: Thanks for listening! Subscribe in iTunes he

  • Episode 31 - The Greatest Gift You Can Give

    22/12/2015 Duración: 17min

    There’s nothing quite like giving a great gift to someone you love. All the thought and effort you put into planning it and executing it payoff in that moment when they finally get a chance to open it and enjoy it. But what if every material gift you could dream of paled in comparison to the greatest gift that you could give the ones you love? In today’s episode, we’ll be taking about the greatest gift you can give and how it will create enormous value in someone’s life and get the biggest returns in your own. So, if you’d love to see the smile on your loved one’s faces when you give them something that will make their life better then listen as I share with you exactly how to make that happen. For this episode's show notes and visit: Schedule your complimentary 30-minute Breakthrough To Better Results Coaching Strategy Session today: Grab a copy of my book "Your Best Is Next" on Amazon: Please rate and review the show in

  • Episode 30 - Listen To Your Wife With Lisa Flagg

    17/12/2015 Duración: 57min

    It seems harder than ever to make a relationship last. With so many marriages ending in divorce and many couples opting just to live together instead of tie the knot it seems like it’s harder than ever to enjoy a partnership that not only stands the test of time but also fulfills the desires of both parties. In today’s episode, I’m joined by my wife Lisa for a very special conversation about the lessons we’ve learned from our 20+ happy years together. So, if you’ve ever wondered how to make love last in a world where relationship longevity is rare then listen to our conversation for some tips and strategies that will help you enjoy the healthy and happy relationship that you desire. For this episode's show notes and the opportunity to ask us more questions for an upcoming podcast please visit: Please rate and review the show in iTunes here: If you'd like to submit a question to be answered in an upcoming podcast or would like to be considered for your

  • Episode 29 - The Secret To Feeling More Fulfilled

    15/12/2015 Duración: 30min

    If you’re like most people, then as the year comes to a close, you’re naturally examining your life and wondering what you’d like to see more of and less of in the coming year. And you’re realizing that you want more fulfillment from your everyday life and less frustration because you’re not where you want to be. In today’s episode, I’m sharing a secret I’ve learned from my own struggles to make a better life that has helped me to feel happier and more fulfilled everyday since it was first revealed to me. So, if you’re struggling to feel content and satisfied and you want to make everyday count, then listen as I share with you the secret to feeling more fulfilled. For this episode's show notes and visit: Schedule your complimentary 30-minute Breakthrough To Better Results Coaching Strategy Session today: Grab a copy of my book "Your Best Is Next" on Amazon: Please rate and review the show in iTunes here:

  • Episode 28 - Ask The Coach - How Do You Make A Relationship Work When You're Opposites?

    10/12/2015 Duración: 21min

    You’ve heard the old phrase “opposites attract” when it comes to relationships, right? Well, what happens when these opposing forces drive each other nuts? Is there any hope for making love last when it feels like there’s always conflict? In today’s Ask The Coach episode, I’m answering a question from one of my listeners about the conflict she’s having with her spouse because she’s a dreamer and he’s a planner. If you’ve ever struggled to find common ground in your relationship because of the opposite ways you both think, then listen in as I give her some winning strategies that will help her love last. For this episode's show notes and visit: Grab a copy of my book "Your Best Is Next" on Amazon: Please rate and review the show in iTunes here: If you'd like to submit a question to be answered in an upcoming podcast or would like to be considered for your very own Breakthrough Conversation on a future show, please visit: http://

  • Episode 27 - Finish Your Year Strong

    08/12/2015 Duración: 23min

    Finishing has become an art that most of us don’t dedicate enough time to. Sure, we like to start things — new goals, diets, workout plans, relationships, & jobs — but we’re not much for seeing them through to their completion. Why is that? Why is it that we can enjoy the beginning of something so much only to give up before it’s finished? It shouldn’t have to be this way. In today’s episode we’re taking about how to finish your year strong. So, if you’ve struggled to make your goals a reality this year and you want to create a massive amount of momentum that will help you have a successful 2016, then listen as I share with you 4 ways to finish your year strong and get a head start on your New Year’s goals. For this episode's show notes and visit: Grab a copy of my book "Your Best Is Next" on Amazon: Please rate and review the show in iTunes here: If you'd like to submit a question to be answered in an upcoming podcast or would

  • Episode 26 - 3 Ways To Avoid Unnecessary Relationship Drama

    03/12/2015 Duración: 27min

    Resolving relationship drama is probably one of the most asked about areas in the lives of my clients and its one that I’m more than happy to help with because when your relationships aren’t going well, then nothing in your life is going well. They take up your time, energy, and brain space when they’re in conflict and sap the strength that you would normally be able to give to other activities. You might even lose sleep over them! The truth is, almost all of that drama is completely unnecessary. By following just a few guiding principles then your relationships would be easier to enjoy. So, how do you avoid the drama that seems to inevitably arise when you’re sharing space with the people you love? Listen to today’s episode and I’ll share 3 ways to help you do just that. For this episode's show notes and visit: Grab a copy of my book "Your Best Is Next" on Amazon: Please rate and review the show in iTunes here: If you'd like t

  • Episode 25 - Life's Too Short To Settle

    01/12/2015 Duración: 19min

    It seems that so many people in our world are settling. They want more, but they don’t think they can have it, so they settle for whatever life throws their way. But is that how you were meant to live? To live out your short days on this planet without exploring what your heart truly desires? If you want to grab hold of more and let go of less then there’s just one thing you’ve got to do. In today’s episode I’m going to reveal to you what that one thing is and give you a proven pathway to ensure you succeed in applying it to your own life. Because, the truth is, life’s too short to settle. So listen carefully as I share with you the one thing you must do if you’re living with less and wanting more. For this episode's show notes and visit: Grab a copy of my book "Your Best Is Next" on Amazon: Please rate and review the show in iTunes here: If you'd like to submit a question to be answered in an upcoming podcast or would like to

  • Episode 24 - The Benefits Of Being Thankful

    24/11/2015 Duración: 24min

    Our society is kind of screwed up. With all the stories of violence, terrorism, and crazy stuff people do it’s easy to become cynical and discouraged. But science tells us that negative attitudes are bad for you and that having an attitude of gratitude can make you healthier and happier. Today’s episode is about the benefits of being thankful. In a world that seems to always express what’s going wrong, going against the emotional current of fear and negativity to focus on what you appreciate can seem difficult. But if you want to experience more happiness in your life and increase your general wellbeing, then listen to these 3 scientifically proven ways gratitude will increase the quality of your life. For this episode's show notes and visit: Grab a copy of my book "Your Best Is Next" on Amazon: Please rate and review the show in iTunes here: If you'd like to submit a question to be answered in an upcoming podcast or would like

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