Constant Procession



The Constant Procession is a book, a personal memoir about the history of the Virgin Mary or the Madonna since she passed on.There will be forty contiguous installments that run approximately 7 minutes in length each. They will be published every Tuesday morning beginning in August 2016 and read by the author, Nikos Steves.In the first installment the author gives some background about himself and begins "at the beginning" of why he started traveling this roadway. The author values feedback through the comments section or via email at


  • 09 Constant Procession

    11/10/2016 Duración: 07min

    My curiosity peaked, what had become of this site? I decided to drive out to take a look now that twelve years had passed since that day when Nancy Fowler had spoken to the 100,000 on-lookers. What would I find? Who would I find? These thoughts came up as I pulled over and stopped next to the front gate that lead up a long dirt road. Assessing my situation, I reflected on the fact that I had traveled here alone. Should I enter these grounds? Almost before I realize it, adrenaline started pumping through my body. Instinctively my five senses had gone into high alert. As I started driving up this dirt road my sense of sight helped me re-establish my bearings. Opening the door of my van, a gentle breeze crossed my face. Before getting out, I listen hard for any sounds that could help. The leaves in the trees that surrounded the grounds rustled in the breeze and then I could distinguish a great variety of birds sounding off. Suddenly I realized how dry my mouth had become. Tentatively, I stepped out, feeling like

  • 08 Constant Procession

    04/10/2016 Duración: 07min

    It was a fall day in the late twentieth century when my family traveled through a pine forest to gather along with 100.000 of our closest friends at “The Farm” to hear the words received by an area seer, Nancy Fowler. Though controversial even to this day, people from all over the globe had come to hear this final message Ms. Fowler received from the Madonna.  In part her message, as revealed, requested people to “walk in faith, live in full union with God and be ready for heaven. ” Excitement and elation filled the air that day, though it got lost on the local public as TV news stories dutifully reported on the inconvenience of traffic jams for area residents.

  • 07 Constant Procession

    27/09/2016 Duración: 07min

    Within this installment, the concept of messages of hope and of love, of praying as a way to unite us falls more closely into the ways that divide us. Bernadette finds herself under the gun for stating her beliefs, a belief in the Madonna speaking to her. Though initially embraced as real events she experienced, and though miracles start to occur, her credibility takes hit after hit and she is brow beaten by her religious community, jailed and threatened by the government and taken advantage of by tricksters... And then, we're off to a recent undocumented apparition occurring in the United States of America, at the end of the twentieth century. I travel to attempt to witness the publicized final visitation for an area seer.

  • 06 Constant Procession

    20/09/2016 Duración: 06min

    In the installment, two intellectuals on the run during WW2 can't help but notice the constant procession of people who were at Our Lady of Lourdes apparition site. Why did they come? During their time in hiding they soon found out!   There are forty-nine contiguous installments that run 7 minutes in length each and read by the author, Nikos Steves.   The author values feedback through the comments section or via email at

  • 05 Constant Procession

    13/09/2016 Duración: 07min

    Previously in episode 4, I stumbled upon the film world embracing the Virgin Mary with an Academy Award! For that moment in war time the constant procession marched into Hollywood. The Constant Procession is a book, a personal memoir about the history of the Virgin Mary or the Madonna since she passed on.  There are forty contiguous installments that run between 5-7 minutes in length each. They will be published every Tuesday morning beginning in August 2016 and read by the author, Nikos Steves.  The author values feedback through the comments section or via email at

  • 04 Constant Procession

    06/09/2016 Duración: 07min

    Previously in installment 3, I began to consider why some people go to church more than just on Sunday. I started recalling how many churches are named after the Virgin Mary in some way and I sensed there is an ongoing line of people who come to church daily that are unnoticed in our fast paced day-to-day. In this episode I begin to discover some curious paradoxes in the recent history during World War 2 in relation to the Virgin Mary. The Constant Procession is a book, a personal memoir about the history of the Virgin Mary or the Madonna since she passed on. There are forty contiguous installments that run between 5-7 minutes in length each. They will be published every Tuesday morning beginning in August 2016 and read by the author, Nikos Steves.

  • 03 Constant Procession

    30/08/2016 Duración: 07min

    Installment 3 In this installment the author writes: "I interview the Priest, a church historian and a woman who donated one of the statues in the church. This statue is a replica of the Virgin Mary that this kindly woman purchased while overseas at the apparition sight of 'Our Lady of Fatima.'"   The Constant Procession is a book, a personal memoir about the history of the Virgin Mary or the Madonna since she passed on.   There are forty contiguous installments that run between 5-7 minutes in length each. They will be published every Tuesday morning beginning in August 2016 and read by the author, Nikos Steves.   The author values feedback through the comments section or via email at

  • 02 Constant Procession

    23/08/2016 Duración: 07min

    This is the 2nd installment from the book and continues with how the author stumbled onto this endless procession of people requesting the Virgin Mary to intercede on their behalf to her son Jesus Christ.   The Constant Procession is a book, a personal memoir about the history of the Virgin Mary or the Madonna since she passed on.   There are forty contiguous installments that run between 5-7 minutes in length each. They will be published every Tuesday morning beginning in August 2016 and read by the author, Nikos Steves.   The author values feedback through the blog comments section or via email at

  • 01 Constant Procession

    21/08/2016 Duración: 09min

    The Constant Procession is a book, a personal memoir about the history of the Virgin Mary or the Madonna since she passed on. In this first installment I give some background about myself and begin "at the beginning" of why I started traveling this path. There are forty-nine contiguous installments that run 7 minutes each and read by me, Nikos Steves. I value feedback through the comments section or via email at

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