Saga Thing



A medieval history and literature podcast reviewing all the Sagas of the Icelanders by two professors with beards.


  • Episode 23a - The Saga of Droplaug's Sons

    14/07/2017 Duración: 01h25min

    In this episode, we continue our series of stories from the Northeast of Iceland.  This time around, Helgi Droplaugarson goes head to head with the powerful chieftain Helgi Asbjarnarson.  While Helgi D. makes life difficult for his rival by undercutting him at every chance he gets, Helgi A. takes it all with patience.  Does Helgi A. have a good reason for holding back?  Or is he just biding his time as he waits for the right moment to attack?  There's only one way to find out.  Listen, as Saga Thing presents The Saga of Droplaug's Sons! The first part of this episode provides a bit more information on family connections and genealogies than usual.  Please use Andy's handy genealogy to help you through it. Music Credits: Intro Music - "Prelude and Action" by Kevin MacLeod ( Episode Summary - "All This" by Kevin MacLeod ( Outro Music - "Stormfront" by Kevin MacLeod ( Selections from music by Kevin MacLeod licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

  • Episode 1 - Thattir Intro and The Tale of Thorstein Staff-Struck

    05/07/2017 Duración: 59min

    Welcome to the first episode of Saga Shorts, a side project of Saga Thing where John and Andy review the þættir of medieval Iceland.  In this episode, we provide a brief introduction to þættir and the difficulties one faces when trying to define the genre.  If you’re not interested in those technical details, just skip ahead to 10:10, where we begin our review of Þorsteins þáttr stangarhöggs (The Tale of Thorstein Staff-struck).  This fun little tale tells the story of an old Viking’s son named Thorstein who gets into some trouble with Bjarni Brodd-Helgisson, the local goði, after killing 3 of his farmhands.  Bibliography Harris, Joseph. “Genre and Narrative Structure in Some Íslendinga þættir.” Scandinavian Studies 44 (1972): 1-27. Harris, Joseph. “Þættir.” In Dictionary of the Middle Ages, vol. 12, edited by Joseph R. Strayer, 1-6. New York: Charles Scribner, 1989. Jakobsson, Ármann. “The Life and Death of the Medieval Icelandic Short Story.” Journal of English and Germanic Philology 112 (2013): 257-9

  • Episode 22b - The Saga of the People of Vopnafjord

    25/06/2017 Duración: 01h06min

    It's time to put the Saga of the People of Vopnafjord on trial.  Who will go home with the honor of Best Bloodshed?  Does this saga have the numbers to overtake the Saga of the Greenlanders in Body Count Density? Who has the best Nickname? Was anyone witty enough to earn the prize? Will Brodd-Helgi make it through Outlawry?  And who will be selected to join John and Andy as thingmen?   Along the way, we get into a few digressions (I know, you're shocked). Among the more interesting digressions is a brief follow up on our Viking spearheads discussion from Njal's Saga.  We delve into the terminology once again and review different types of spearheads as well as their appearances in the sagas, with special emphasis on Egil's Saga.  You can find lots of information out there on Viking spearheads if you look.  Most of it isn't terribly helpful in identifying what each of the original terms actually means.  We recommend Hurstwic's page on the subject as a good primer. They've got a great page on Viking spears an

  • Episode 22a - The Saga of the People of Vopnafjord

    12/06/2017 Duración: 01h43min

    The Saga of the People of Vopnafjord picks up where The Saga of Thorstein the White left off.  It tells the story of two friends, Brodd-Helgi Thorgilsson and Geitir Lytingsson, and their rise to power.  The two men share everything in the beginning, including a desire to have that which is not theirs.  Their friendship only deepens when Brodd-Helgi marries Geitir's sister, Halla.  Later, their son Bjarni is given to Geitir as foster-son.  Things really couldn't be better between the two leading men of Vopnafjord.  But things fall apart, as they do in these stories, after Brodd-Helgi and Geitir begin to mistrust one another after a plot to rob a hapless Norwegian merchant crumbles.  Their relationship suffers further when Halla becomes ill and Brodd-Helgi wastes no time arranging another marriage for himself, this time to Thorgerd Silver.  The resulting animosity between Geitir and Brodd-Helgi proves too much for the district to bear.  Men from both sides are drawn into the conflict and some even lose the

  • Episode 21 - The Saga of Thorstein the White

    19/05/2017 Duración: 01h16min

      Still full from the epic meal of Njal's Saga, John and Andy turn to lighter fare.  In this episode of Saga Thing, we follow Thorstein the White as he grows older and older and older.  Along the way, he has some children and loses his beloved wife.  To make matters worse, he also loses his eyesight, which makes running the farm a bit more difficult.  Fortunately, his son Thorgils is there to pick up the slack...until he's killed in a local disagreement between Thorstein the Fair and his rival Einar.  How will Thorstein the White get on without his trusted son?  Who will raise little Brodd-Helgi Thorgilsson?  And whose saga is this anyway?  Listeners will find a lot more here about Thorstein the Fair and Einar than they will Thorstein the White.  Nevertheless, join us as Saga Thing takes on The Saga of Thorstein the White! Music Credits: Intro Music - "Prelude and Action" by Kevin MacLeod ( Episode Summary - "Iron Horse" by Kevin MacLeod ( Outro Music - "Stormfront" by Kev

  • Saga Brief 8 - Interview with Dr. Ragnhild Ljosland on the History of Runes

    21/04/2017 Duración: 43min

    Over the past few years, listeners have often asked us to do something with runes.  And who doesn't love runes?  Whether it's a fascination with the runic inscription as a point of contact with another time or a sense that the runes themselves are more than a mere phonetic symbol, there's something magical about them.  Even the word, rúnar carries with it layers of meaning, at times denoting "secret, hidden lore, or wisdom" and others referring to the written characters themselves.  In this Saga Brief, John and Andy investigate the history, forms, and functions of runes with the help of Dr. Ragnhild Ljosland, linguist and runologist from the University of the Highlands and Islands' Centre for Nordic Studies in Orkney.   While you may think of runes as the alphabet of the Vikings, it's important to remember that runes come in many different forms and date back at least to the 2nd century CE.  In fact, some point to the inscription on the controversial Meldorf fibula, a kind of brooch for pinning clothes, as

  • Episode 20l - Njal's Saga (Judgments)

    10/04/2017 Duración: 01h38min

    At long last, it is time to put Njal's Saga on trial.   You've listened to the saga summary for nearly a year.  Now, find out who will take home the prestigious Best Bloodshed and Notable Witticism trophies. Discover exactly how many bodies hit the floor (give or take a few).  Learn interesting facts you never knew you needed to know, like who among the many candidates for Nicknames turns out to be related to Hamlet of Denmark.  Review the crimes of the saga's villains and consider along with the hosts who most deserves a sentence of outlawry. If you could only take one man or woman from the saga as your thingman, who would you choose and why?  Listen as John and Andy debate the question and finally select a new ally to join their formidable bands of thingmen. Is this, as many scholars agree, the very best of the Sagas of the Icelanders? Only John and Andy can decide.  Join us now for the epic judgments of Njal's Saga!

  • Episode 20k - Njal's Saga (Part 11)

    20/03/2017 Duración: 01h48min

    The epic journey through Njal's Saga finally comes to an end.  In this episode, we follow Kari Solmundarson on his quest to avenge the deaths of everyone he was forced to leave behind in the burning house.  His targets are Flosi and the Burners.  With so many against him, the odds aren't in his favor.  But Kari is known throughout Iceland for his unmatched bravery and fearlessness.  His pursuit of the burners carries him from Iceland to the British Isles and then on to Rome.  Along the way, we'll take a brief detour to Ireland for a glimpse at the historic Battle of Clontarf.  Though this may be the end for our little summer saga, there's plenty here for everyone to enjoy.  In addition to the revenge, the battles, and the blood, you'll want to keep listening for the world's strangest mathematics word problem and a brief discussion on Entish naming practices.  Enjoy! Promised References from this episode: The Icelandic Saga Map The Irish History Podcast - Episode 11: Brian Boru, The Battle of Clontarf, an

  • Episode 20j - Njal's Saga (Part 10)

    03/03/2017 Duración: 01h40min

      In this, the penultimate episode in the Njal's Saga summary, we follow Flosi and the Burners as they bounce around the region seeking support for the inevitable legal case against them.  Meanwhile, a slightly singed, but recovered Kari Salmundarson prepares his own case against the burners.  And who better to help him than Thorhall Asgrimsson, the young protégé of Njal himself.  Unfortunately, Thorhall’s got a nasty infection in his leg and the case falls to Morð Valgardsson.  The threat of violence permeates the proceedings as Morð and Eyjolf trade legal barbs and try to out maneuver one another.  Will justice be served as cooler heads prevail?  Or will the hallowed site of the Alþing be desecrated with the blood of those too slow to dodge an incoming spear?  Find out as Saga Thing takes on Njal’s Saga, chapters 133-145. This episode is full of interesting scholarly tidbits and legal minutiae.  We've also got the usual nonsense, like old movie references and bad jokes.   Thanks to George Hook for the pi

  • Episode 20i - Njal's Saga (Part 9)

    13/01/2017 Duración: 01h28min

    Saga Thing returns after a not so brief holiday hiatus.  When last we left you, the settlement for the slaying of Hoskuld Thrainsson had been disrupted by insults and threats of violence.  We pick the story up as Flosi gathers his forces to surprise the Njalssons at home.  When the surprise attack is spoiled by a wishy-washy conspirator, Flosi is left with the difficult task of finishing what he started regardless of the consequences.  In this episode, we finally discover how the Saga of Burnt Njal got its name. For an interesting read about the burning of Bergþórshváll, check out Emily Lethbridge's account of her visit to the site. Music Credits: Intro Music - "Prelude and Action" by Kevin MacLeod ( Previous Episode Review - Fletcher Henderson's "Down South Camp Meeting Episode Summary -  “Despair and Triumph” by Kevin MacLeod ( Poems - "Bittersweet" by Kevin MacLeod ( Outro Music - "Stormfront" by Kevin MacLeod ( Selections from music

  • Episode 20h - Njal's Saga (Part 8)

    20/11/2016 Duración: 01h43min

    In this episode, we leave the conversion behind and get back to Njal's Saga. Tensions are running high yet again thanks to the careful plotting of your favorite villain, Morð Valgardsson.  Despite their troubled history with Morð, the Njalssons accept his friendship and quickly find themselves on the wrong side of the law.  With a major lawsuit pending and most of Iceland turning against them, the Njalssons seek help from some of Iceland’s most powerful men, including such notable figures as Guðmund the Powerful, Thorkel the Bully, and the inestimable Snorri Goði.  Will Skarpheðin lead his brothers to glory? Or will fate finally catch up with Njal and his sons?  Find out as Saga Thing takes on Njal’s Saga (again). Music Credits: Intro Music - "Prelude and Action" by Kevin MacLeod ( Previous Episode Review -  “Don’t Be That Way” by Chick Webb Orchestra Episode Summary -  “Hitman” by Kevin MacLeod ( Outro Music - "Stormfront" by Kevin MacLeod ( Selections

  • Saga Brief 7 - The Conversion of Iceland (Part 2)

    09/10/2016 Duración: 01h12min

    In the second part of our Saga Brief on the conversion of Iceland, we discuss the conversion tactics of King Olaf Tryggvason, the Icelanders' controversial decision at the Althing of 1000, and the effects of Christianity on Icelandic culture.  You might notice that Andy is a bit more subdued than usual in this one. He was sick during recording.  Music:  Intro to Saga Brief - from Icelandic Folk Music: Tröllaslagur Poem Song - Moorland by Kevin MacLeod ( Outro - Ólafur Liljurós

  • Saga Brief 6 - The Conversion of Iceland (Part 1)

    01/10/2016 Duración: 01h08min

    In the first part of this Saga Brief, we look at the story behind the conversion of Iceland.   Music:  Opening -  “Rúnatal” by An Danzza with selections from History Channel's Vikings Intro to Saga Brief - from Icelandic Folk Music: Tröllaslagur Outro - Ólafur Liljurós

  • Episode 20g - Njal's Saga (Part 7)

    16/09/2016 Duración: 01h30min

    In this episode of Saga Thing, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in Iceland’s history as the fierce Thangbrand arrives on a mission from King Olaf Tryggvason to convert Iceland once and for all.  It turns out John and Andy aren't the only ones who love a good digression.  This section of the saga is book-ended by action and violence brought on by the slaying of Thrain Sigfusson, but it's mostly about Thangbrand's visit to Iceland and the resulting divide between the growing number of Christians and those who remain loyal to Odin.  This episode features its usual share of bloodshed and wit, but we've also got some blasphemous poetry for you, a bit of history, a miracle, and an important test for a berserk.  There's something for everyone! Music Credits: Intro Music - "Prelude and Action" by Kevin MacLeod ( Previous Episode Review - "Moten Swing" by Harry James and his Orchestra Episode Summary - "Crusade" by Kevin MacLeod ( and Deum Verum performed by Psallentes Poems - "H

  • Episode 20F - Njal's Saga (Part 6)

    02/09/2016 Duración: 01h48min

    In this episode, we travel to foreign lands with Thrain Sigfusson and two of the Njalssons.  Thrain will find things easy going, but the prophecy of hard times for the Njalssons proves true. We'll also introduce you to two new players in the saga, the heroic Kari Salmundarson and the villainous Killer-Hrapp.  This episode of Saga Thing is full of adventure, intrigue, and digressions. Join John and Andy as they discuss the politics of medieval Orkney, minor deities of the Norse pantheon, and the wonders of the Icelandic landscape.  There's something here for everyone! Music Credits: Intro Music - "Prelude and Action" by Kevin MacLeod ( Previous Episode Review - "Begin the Beguine" by Artie Shaw Episode Summary - "Clash Defiant" by Kevin MacLeod ( Outro Music - "Stormfront" by Kevin MacLeod ( Selections from music by Kevin MacLeod licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

  • Episode 20e - Njal's Saga (Part 5)

    19/08/2016 Duración: 01h13min

    This episode of Saga Thing is all about revenge. We conclude the Gunnar section of Njal’s Saga with a look into the aftermath of our hero’s death, the vengeance he demands, and the fate of his brother, Kolskeggi.  If Njal wants to avenge his friend and secure his position in the region, he'll have to act fast.  Fortunately, he's got his son, Skarphedin, and Gunnar's son, Hogni, as willing swords.  Gunnar's ghost helps get things moving.  While we don’t cover a lot of ground in the saga this time around, we do explore some important issues that inform our reading of the first half of the saga and give us something to look for as we embark on the saga’s dark second half.  We discuss Gunnar’s pride, the ethics of Njal’s behavior, and we finally tackle the “halberd” controversy.  Hallgerð gets her fair share of our attention as well.  Music Credits: Intro Music - Prelude and Action by Kevin MacLeod ( Previous Episode Review - "The Mooche" by Duke Ellington Episode Summary - "Enchanted Journ

  • Episode 20d - Njal's Saga (Part 4)

    22/07/2016 Duración: 01h03min

    Gunnar has been told that he will live to be anold man if he can avoid killing two men from the same bloodline and if he neverbreaks a settlement.  Achieving this is easier said than done,especially since Gunnar’s personal body count increases every time a challengerappears.  In this episode, Gunnar’spatience will be tested as Morð Valgardsson, Thorgeir Starkaðarson, andThorgeir Otkelsson plot to finish off their rival once and for all.  But will they have what it takes to bringdown Iceland’s champion?  Will Njal beable to rescue his friend once again? And will Hallgerð forgive Gunnar for the slap, or will she once againseek vengeance?  Find out in part 4 ofNjal’s Saga! If you’re interested incontributing to ourbibliography, please contact us at If you are interested inwriting about women in Njal’s Saga or any other saga for the Medieval Congress atWestern Michigan University, submit an abstract and paper proposal form forour panel "The Second Sex: Women and Power in Old Nors

  • Episode 20c - Njal's Saga (Part 3)

    19/07/2016 Duración: 01h16min

    In the third part of Njal's Saga, we find Gunnar suffering an identity crisis after being pulled into a series of feuds.  As Njal tells him, this is the beginning of Gunnar's career in killing.  In addition to a lot of fighting, this episode also features a discussion of saga-age masculinity, cheese theft, horse fighting, and famine survival.  Yes, that's right.  I said cheese theft.  Listen and learn, people.  Listen and learn.  Click here if you're interested in any of the bibliography we mention. Get in touch with us if you'd like to get involved in the bibliography and resource building for this or any other saga. If you're an academic type who wants to write about women in the sagas for our panel "The Second Sex: Women and Power in Old Norse-Icelandic Literature" at the Medieval Congress at Western Michigan University, submit an abstract and paper proposal form to Music Credits Intro Music Prelude and Action by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creati

  • Episode 20b - Njal's Saga (Part 2)

    08/07/2016 Duración: 01h27min

    In this episode, we introduce Gunnar Hamundarson and his wise friend Njal Thorgeirsson.  We'll follow Gunnar on a few adventures before he settles down with the lovely, but dangerous Hallgerd Hoskuldsdottir.  If you thought Hallgerd was harsh in Part 1 of our summer saga, just wait until you see what she's up to this time around.  Will the friendship of Njal and Gunnar survive the escalating violence spurred on by their wives, or will they be consumed by it and destroyed?  There's only one way to find out.   For anyone who's interested, we've put together a select bibliography for Njal's Saga.  We have mentioned a few of these, but there's plenty more here for your perusal. Obviously, you'll need a good library to access most of these. Music Credits: Intro Music Prelude and Action by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Previous Episode Review Iron Horse by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under

  • Episode 20a - Njal's Saga (Part 1)

    03/06/2016 Duración: 01h19min

    In this first part of our epic summer saga, we introduce Njal's Saga and the initial section where marriage, gender roles, and female independence are the central themes.  We begin with the story of Hrut Herjolfsson, who leaves his bride-to-be in Iceland to fetch an inheritance in Norway.  Along the way, the handsome young Hrut finds himself more involved in the royal family than is proper.  Scandal!  After getting ensnared in the web of the Norwegian queen mother, Gunnhild, Hrut will bring home a curse that will set the whole action of Njal's Saga into motion.  We also meet Hrut's lovely and dynamic niece, Hallgerd Hoskuldsdottir, a fiercely independent woman who will play a significant role in the development of this saga. When we first meet her, we learn that she has the eyes of a thief, which never bodes well.  This episode covers Hallgerd's first two marriages, both of which involve domestic violence followed by a visit from Hallgerd's vengeful foster-father Thjostolf.  Hallgerd may be beautiful, cunning

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