Evangelical Community Church (ecc)



Evangelical Community Church (ECC)


  • We're on a Mission from God - Audio

    07/09/2014 Duración: 33min

    Together, in community, we are called by God to care for each other and our community. Don't stay on the fringe--you were made for community! Our lives together, our bearing of each others burdens, communal worship, and our witness to the world are all part of God's purpose for us. Let us be good stewards of this community and God's call to be missional people.

  • A Framework for Faith - Audio

    07/09/2014 Duración: 27min

    The message explores the topic of how we are are to approach our lives and circumstances when the path before us is unclear or difficult.

  • Words to Live By - Audio

    31/08/2014 Duración: 22min

    Josiah explored the nature and value of Godly wisdom and looked at the process through which followers of Christ can pursue growth in wisdom.

  • Bigger Than Your Life Now - Audio

    31/08/2014 Duración: 36min

    We all have a longing to connect with something bigger than ourselves, and there is nothing bigger than God’s mission in this world. Our primary source for understanding how we can connect to God’s mission is to look at the early church in the Book of Acts. Come explore with us how God connects us to something bigger and more eternal than our best life now.

  • Connexion: The Beginning of Knowledge - Audio

    24/08/2014 Duración: 20min

    Josiah kicks off the new school year and a new series called The Path to Life: Explorations in Wisdom from the Old and New Testaments.

  • Grace and Truth - Audio

    24/08/2014 Duración: 32min

    One of the descriptions the Apostle John gives us of Jesus is that he was "full of grace and truth." These two words could be opposites, but Jesus demonstrated their complementary relationship by bringing them together in perfect harmony. Let's consider how Jesus established his kingdom through grace and truth and how we might reflect them to our world.

  • Dealing With Opposition - Audio

    17/08/2014 Duración: 32min

    Sometimes, we experience opposition when we are doing the wrong thing...or even when we're doing the right thing! Nehemiah faced serious opposition simply because he was doing what God had called him to do. What is the proper approach to handling opposition and what can we learn from it?

  • Live in the Moment - Audio

    10/08/2014 Duración: 41min

    The phrase "live in the moment" is often associated with impulsive or even thoughtless behavior; in the context of this passage, it speaks of Nehemiah's spiritual alertness and readiness to act when God provides an opportunity. Are you ready to live that way – in the moment?

  • Preparation for a Mission - Audio

    03/08/2014 Duración: 30min

    Pastor Bob is back in the pulpit this week to begin a three-part series, "Lessons from the Exile," that will wrap up our summer series, Characters of the Bible. Consider with us how important it was for Nehemiah to prepare for a mission through an honest prayer and what we can take away from this as we together wait for the coming of the new age.

  • Three Hotshots - Audio

    27/07/2014 Duración: 30min

    A look at the wisdom and faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and the power of God to save, from Daniel 3:1-18. As provincial officials over Babylon, they faced daily choices between faith and compromise. Where in your life are your faith and courage being tested?

  • That One Is Mine - Audio

    20/07/2014 Duración: 25min

    Our own Jim Goodson took the pulpit this week to touch on themes of grace, identification, and the humility of Christ

  • Esther: An Unlikely Hero - Audio

    13/07/2014 Duración: 34min

    God is not mentioned in the book of Esther, but he seems to be weaving in his story, nevertheless. Esther and her people were in the lowest social class of this era of the Persian empire, yet she was eventually chosen to be queen. Esther's access to the king, whom she approaches with the request to save her people, may have been the last part in God's plan to redeem his people from impending annihilation by Haman. Whether or not we choose to play our part, God is writing his story. Find the YouTube video summary of the book of Esther here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGQ3oSJ_xbc.

  • The Apple Can Fall Far from the Tree - Audio

    06/07/2014 Duración: 33min

    King Hezekiah of Judah chose to dismantle the idol worship that Ahaz, his father, had set up. Hezekiah's son, Manasseh, undid what his father had done and led the people of Judah astray into idol worship again, leading to their overthrow by the Assyrians. Both of these kings forgot for a time to humble themselves before the Lord, and that sin had consequences. Neither king was perfect, but they point to the One who was.

  • Some Trust in Chariots - Audio

    29/06/2014 Duración: 29min

    Rob Girvin, ECC's Youth Director, carries forward our summer message series with the story of Deborah. It's easy in times of trial to forget God's promises and trust our own abilities and resources. This story gives us encouragement and instruction in trusting God amidst the chaos of life.

  • Faith or Idolatry, Your Choice - Audio

    22/06/2014 Duración: 40min

    Pastor Bob reminds us that the challenge to ancient Israel wasn't an easy one - let go of the gods you can see and touch and follow in faith the invisible God.

  • Waiting on God - Audio

    15/06/2014 Duración: 43min

    Bob looks into the great story of Ruth and Naomi, looking at three key characters: Ruth, Naomi, and God.

  • Joseph: God in the Chaos - Audio

    08/06/2014 Duración: 33min

    A look at the story of Joseph and the way God used the tragic and winding events of his life to bless Israel and the nations, fulfilling the promises of the Abrahamic covenant.

  • Proactive Faith - Audio

    01/06/2014 Duración: 37min

    Statements like “patiently wait on the Lord” and “we live by faith, not by sight” are good advice, but may lead us to believe that faith is essentially passive. The biblical narrative, however, demonstrates that faith is active, diligent, and obedient. In this message, Pastor Bob helps us consider the theme of proactive faith by looking at the lives of two people – Jochebed and Miriam.

  • God's Forgiveness: In Spite of Us, Not Because of Us - Audio

    25/05/2014 Duración: 41min

    Pastor Bob begins a new sermon series on "Characters of the Bible". This week, we'll look at the story of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar, noting not only Abraham's remarkable faith but also God's faithfulness to his promises in spite of Abraham.

  • A Mission Bigger than Life - Audio

    18/05/2014 Duración: 31min

    In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus began his ministry with an invitation to be part of the Kingdom of God, to see and live differently. Following his resurrection, the invitation is to join the mission of God to all people. Let’s consider the largeness of God’s mission in the world and how we are part of it in this summary of the Rediscovering God message series.

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