Watermark Audio: The Porch Channel



This podcast is a production of Watermark Community Church in Dallas, Texas, USA. Watermark exists to be and make more fully devoted followers of Christ, looking to God's Word as our only authority, conscience and guide.


  • Prescription for Stress


    If you've ever felt stressed out, overwhelmed, or out of control, this is for you. In this message, we look at four key truths about dealing with stress from the scriptures. We learn that stress isn’t inevitable it is optional.

  • Prescription for Insecurity


    We all have insecurities, but many of us don’t realize how much they impact our lives. In this message, we look at 1 Samuel 17 and talk about what it means to not suppress our insecurities, but rather address them.

  • Prescription for Conflict


    Remember all the things you learned in school that you never used again? In this message, we discuss one subject that was never taught but is a crucial skill to succeeding in life - conflict resolution. Learn about 2 essential things you need to know to resolve conflict in a healthy way.

  • How to forgive


    Last week, we talked through reasons WHY you should forgive that person who wronged you. In this message, we talk through three practical steps to forgiving someone. Find freedom from past hurts, bitterness, anger, and resentment.

  • Why you should forgive them


    Is there anyone's name that brings anger or bitterness to mind? What about someone you avoid in public because of something that happened or someone you are waiting on to apologize? In this message, we read Matthew 18 and talk through 3 reasons you should forgive that someone.

  • Battling Sexual Sin


    One of the biggest lies the world tells us is that sexual freedom and exploration come at no cost. It’s no question that sexual sin is one of the greatest grips on young adults’ lives today. In this message, we look at 2 Samuel 11 and discuss five ways to battle sexual sin.

  • POV: You were ashamed, now you're set free


    In this message, we look at John 21 and see the POV of a man who was covered in shame and encountered Jesus.

  • POV: You were good, but not good enough


    In this message, we cover John 3 and see the POV of a man named Nicodemus who encountered Jesus. His encounter with Jesus answers the most important question that anyone could ask -- who will go to heaven and how do they get there?

  • POV: You were thirsty but now you're satisfied


    Where do you search for fulfillment? Do you look for validation from other people, seek temporary pleasures, or strive for success through what you achieve? In this message, we see the point of view of a thirsty woman who was chasing all the wrong things in life, but encountered Jesus and discovered how to have a life of full satisfaction.

  • POV: You were blind but now you see


    Many of us have a clear view of Jesus and still don't truly see Him. In this message, we look at the POV of a man in Mark 10 who was blind, yet saw Jesus clearly.

  • POV: You were rich and now you're richer


    In this message, we look at a moment when Zacchaeus, the wealthiest man in the New Testament, encounters Jesus.

  • POV: You were dead and now you're alive


    Do you ever wonder what it was like to be up close and personal with Jesus? In this message, we read Mark 5 and hear about Jesus removing demons and restoring daughters, all from the point of view of three disciples: Peter, James, and John.

  • Character vs Culture


    Your ability to be a solid friend, be a great coworker or boss, build a thriving marriage that is going to last the test of time, and become a good parent all rely on good character. So how do we become a man or woman of good character when the culture around us opposes us and is constantly changing?

  • It's Not About You


    We live in a world that encourages self-love, building success, and having it all. But, what if we told you that it's not all about you? In this message, we walk through Daniel 4 to learn the symptoms, side effects, and solutions for a sin that is at the root of all other sins.

  • Faith on Fire


    The only way to know if your faith is real is by seeing how you respond when you are tested with trials of life. In this message, we read Daniel 3 and learn what it means to have faith on fire. When things heat up and you face fires, will you have blazing faith despite the circumstances and outcomes?

  • God Confidence


    Have you ever doubted that God is fully in control? In this message, we look at Daniel 2 to see how Daniel interprets a dream for a powerful king that ends up predicting history and showing us that God's kingdom is the only kingdom that will last.

  • Standing Firm


    When you're faced with a moral dilemma, do you stand strong in your beliefs or compromise under pressure? In this message, we learn from Daniel 1 what it looks like to stand firm for your faith.

  • Why You Run From God


    When we have incorrect views of God, they cause us to run from Him. In this message, we unpack Luke 15 and learn who God really is.

  • RIP to Gossip


    We all know gossip is bad from an early age, so why do we still do it? In this message, we look at what the Bible says about gossip and talk through the reasons we gossip, the results of gossip, and the removal of gossip.

  • RIP to Loneliness


    You're not alone in feeling alone. A 2019 study found that three in five Americans reported being chronically lonely. In this message, we're joined by Jennie Allen to discuss how to find your people and create deeper, long-lasting friendships.

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