Watermark Audio: The Porch Channel



This podcast is a production of Watermark Community Church in Dallas, Texas, USA. Watermark exists to be and make more fully devoted followers of Christ, looking to God's Word as our only authority, conscience and guide.


  • What Do You Do If You’re Pregnant?


    When unexpected events occur the first question is usually, "what are my options?" When it comes to an unplanned pregnancy, the answer can seem a bit more complicated. This week we learn from King David the hard truths of how to keep one mistake from leading to another. If you find yourself in an unexpected pregnancy, check out Watermark's [unexpected pregnancy](https://www.watermark.org/ministries/unexpected-pregnancy/) ministry for resources and assistance.

  • What if Someone Has Doubts?


    As followers of Christ, we are all prone to experience doubts. Does having doubts mean our faith is not real? What should we do with our doubts? Is it possible to conquer our doubts and grow our faith? In this message, we address those questions and look to the three stories of people doubting in the Bible for answers.

  • What The Remnant Reads


    No book in history has ever been attacked, debated, or banned as much as the Bible…yet it’s still the bestselling book of all time. In this message we look at why the people of God are so devoted to Scripture, no matter how strong the opposition gets.

  • How The Remnant Resolves Conflict


    Conflict is inevitable and it's part of every healthy relationship. Unfortunately, conflict resolution is not something that is commonly taught and many people do not know how to do it well. For those who make up the people of God, resolving conflict is not an option but it is an opportunity to honor God, strengthen relationships, and grow. In this message, we discuss how The Remnant resolves conflict.

  • How The Remnant Lives Courageously


    Certain qualities have always marked The Remnant. In this message, we explore the courageous willingness they have to speak when others won’t, fight for those who can’t fight for themselves, stand for truth no matter the cost, and to give their lives for the good of others, our world, and the cause of Christ.

  • Why The Remnant Prays


    The Remnant has access to communicate with the One true God as their Heavenly Father. As remarkable as that is, we do not pray as if that is reality. Why? What keeps us from praying more? What are we believing or not believing about our Heavenly Father, about ourselves, or about prayer? In this message, we discuss prayer and why it’s so crucial to daily our lives.

  • Why The Remnant Gives


    Would you consider yourself a generous person? The Remnant has always been generous with not just their resources but their lives. What is it about The Remnant that makes them so generous? In this message, we look at the meaning of true generosity and how we can respond to God’s generosity towards us.

  • How The Remnant Loves


    Throughout history, The Remnant has always stood out by the way they love others. Not in a romantic "all the feels" kind of way but in an extraordinary “agapao” kind of way. What does that kind of love look like and how can we live it out? In this week's message, we uncover how The Remnant should love, and it may not be what you expect.

  • What The Remnant Knows


    We live in a world where we’re told truth is subjective. It’s widely accepted that each person can define what is true for them and what is right and wrong based on their own standards. God's people have always held to the fact that there is absolute truth defined by God which is laid out in His Word. In this message, we look at John 8:31-45 to see the role truth plays in our lives.

  • Why The Remnant Matters


    What would it look like if you removed the Christian presence from history? What does it mean to be Salt & Light? Join us as we dig into Matthew 5:13-16 to discover the answers to those questions and uncover the purpose of the Remnant.

  • Measuring Your Value


    Do you ever feel unwanted, unworthy, or wonder if you’re enough? The world tells us to look to job titles, possessions and relationships for our value, but God tells us to look to Him. Check out this week's message as we unpack Ephesians 2:10 to discover that our ultimate value is determined by the Artist… and you are His Masterpiece.

  • We are God’s Plan A


    In a world with so many evils, how are people supposed to know that God is good? That's where we come in. In this message, we hear from Gary Haugen about modern-day slavery and how we can seek justice until all are free. It’s very clear throughout the Bible that God is passionate about justice. The question is, are we passionate about what God is passionate about?

  • Preparing for Paradise


    We all want to prepare for the future, but how far ahead are you thinking? In this message, we take a look at what Jesus has to say about Heaven and how we should prepare for eternity in paradise. Are you storing up your treasures here on earth, or are you investing in forever where the implications and rewards are eternal?

  • Living for Eternity


    So, you believe the afterlife is real, but now what? This week, we take a look at what King Solomon had to say in Ecclesiastes about living a significant life here on earth. No Regrets. No turning back.

  • Homesick for Heaven


    In life we often look forward to the next thing and dream of the day we achieve true happiness. We all have things we want, but what if everything we’ve ever longed for was actually a longing for Heaven and to be with God. In this message, we look at Revelation 21 and 22 to see what the apostle John revealed to us about Heaven. What will heaven be like? Better than you can even imagine.

  • Eternal FOMO


    Is Hell even real? Who goes there? How bad could it be? In this message, we look at Luke 16:19-31 and talk through this place called Hell, what it would be like to spend eternity apart from God, and how you don’t have to.”

  • Your Results from Running


    When we run from God we become our own worst enemy. In the midst of our rebellion, we can lose sight of God’s goodness and start to think we know better. In chapter 4, the final chapter of Jonah, we see what happens when we follow our rebellious heart and how to course correct back to God’s best for our lives.

  • Your Story Is Not Over


    We’re not perfect. We’ve all messed up. We’ve all made bad choices. In Jonah chapter 3, we see that God is a God of second chances and your past is no problem for his grace, instead, it's a platform for His purpose.

  • Your Way Out


    Life is an adventure, but it definitely has its ups and downs. When you’re in those low moments it can feel like you are stuck in a pit or that life just hasn’t gone your way. In this message, we look at Jonah chapter 2 and learn from Jonah’s prayer to God when he was in a pit and a definite low point... like the bottom of the ocean low. The good news: there’s a way out, and the best is yet to come.

  • You’re A Runaway


    The way we run from God may not look as obvious as the way Jonah ran from God, but make no mistake, we are all Runaways. Whether you are chasing after things the world has to offer or it’s a slow drift one little decision at a time, you’re running. Are you exhausted yet? This week in Jonah 1, we see how far God is willing to go to bring us through our storms and back to Him, no matter what we’ve done.

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