James Miller | Lifeology



James Miller | Lifeology is a 30-40 minute weekly podcast. It is an inspirational show that is dedicated to teaching life lessons. The concept of Lifeology (study of life) asserts that there is always a lesson to learn in life. We are all linked by our ability to express and feel emotion but the scenario in which it is experienced will be different for each person. James interviews guests who have had a significant situation in their life in which it changed them or taught them a valuable lesson. As a licensed psychotherapist, James creates a broad-spectrum life lesson and teach tools and techniques that you, the listener can practice to help simplify and transform your spirit, mind, and body.


  • Being normal is overrated: Guest - Joel Boggess

    22/05/2016 Duración: 33min

    Many of us go through life not realizing how special we are. Often we look at our peers and feel like we don't measure up, like we are normal. We all have something that is uniquely special, designed just for us. Some people's talent may be obvious, while another's may be part of their personality. When you conform to what society says is normal, you lose your individualization and often don't allow your personal gift to shine. Podcast and book launch expert, Joel Boggess, shares his own life story and how he was told he would never be a normal child. He shares how his life shaped him into being the broadcasting expert he is today. For more information about James Miller and to purchase his latest album, Restoration visit: JamesMillerLifeology.com.  Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. In this lesson you hear about the Academy course, Spirit, Mind, Body: The Perfect Triad, you may enroll in this class today! Be sure to subscribe to thi

  • The true meaning of a balanced Life: Guest - Dr. Joanny Liu

    15/05/2016 Duración: 40min

    We all strive to be a healthier person, but often fail to understand the true meaning of a healthy life. Symmetrical living is having all component of your spirit, mind, and body working in a fluid, synchronized fashion. Each part of this perfect triad allow you to overcome any of life's circumstances. This episode will help you understand how to balance this in your life. Dr. Joanny Liu is an expert in Chinese Sports Medicine. She shares her personal story of overcoming her own adversity. She also shares how this launched her into her calling as a physician. She shares how she instills hope in her clients by helping them understand how their psychology influences their healing. www.Facebook.com/DrJliu For more information about James Miller and to purchase his latest album, Restoration visit: JamesMillerLifeology.com.  Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. In this lesson you hear about the Academy course, Spirit, Mind, Body: The Perfect

  • The purpose of forgiveness: Guest - Marsha Barth

    08/05/2016 Duración: 39min

    Many people are told they should forgive someone for something they have done.  What many people may not understand is that yes, forgiveness can absolve perpetrators from what they have done to the victims, but it really releases the victims from the emotional bondage that permeates their lives. It is, in essence, an amazing gift they give themselves.  Author and Speaker, Marsha Barth shares her incredible story of how she overcame childhood sexual abuse. She shares her insight into helping people go from being a victim to a thriver. She gives practical tools in ways to move people through the stages of healing into a realm of forgiveness. www.MarshaBarth.com For more information about James Miller and to purchase his latest album, Restoration visit: JamesMillerLifeology.com.  Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. On the Lifeology website you may enroll in the Academy courses created specifically for successful people like you. Be sure

  • The importance of expressing your emotions: Guest - David Ingerson

    01/05/2016 Duración: 37min

    Many of us have been told we shouldn't feel a certain way, we should get over something and move on, or even that real men don't cry. I'm not sure the origin of this, but nonetheless it's what is often taught. One of the amazing things about being a human is experiencing the full spectrum of emotion. All emotions have their purpose, not only to express our thoughts and feelings, but an actual physiological purpose. Understanding the purpose of your feelings will give you insight into why you are much healthier when you express them appropriately. Author, David Ingerson shares his heart-wrenching story of how he and his family dealt with the loss of their toddler son. He shares his own struggles with emotional expression and how liberated he felt once he was able to express them in a healthy way. www.TheCalebYears.com. For more information about James Miller visit:  www.JamesMillerLifeology.com.  Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. At J

  • Identifying your errors in thinking: Guest - Kim Ades, M.B.A.

    24/04/2016 Duración: 40min

    Anytime we have internal or external conflict we are using a thinking errors. Thinking errors are the lens we use to create our perception. Our perception becomes our belief. Our belief causes us to have certain thoughts which then tell us how to feel. Our feelings in turn tell our body how to respond. Each person will have a specific version of their thinking error based on their core beliefs about how they fit in the world. You may be surprised at how often you use a thinking error in your day. Once you are aware of it it will reduce conflict in your life and allow you to focus on things that really matter. Kim Ades, M.B.A. is the president and founder of Frame of Mind Coaching and Journal Engine Software. She shares her personal struggle of overcoming adversity in her life as well as identifying areas of growth and development. She coaches her clients in ways to identify where their thinking is interfering with their ability to take action. FrameOfMindCoaching.com  For more information about James Miller

  • Finding hope in a season of crisis: Guest - Jim Palmer

    10/04/2016 Duración: 39min

    We will all go through a season of crisis in our life. Situations will happen in our life that we were not expecting. When we emotionally forecast our life, thinking that what we feel and are experiencing today is what we will always experience, it disempowers us and we become paralyzed. When you cling to the hope that what you are experiencing will eventually end it helps you change your perspective to focus on what you can change versus what you cannot change. You get to decide who you will become once this season of crisis ends. Marketing guru, Jim Palmer, shares his personal story of how he overcame unemployment and multiple diagnoses of skin cancer to eventually become the successful person he is today. He shares his insight into ways he overcame his season of crisis. www.GetJimPalmer.com For more information about James Miller visit:  www.JamesMillerLifeology.com.  Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. At JamesMillerLifeology.com y

  • Having a transformational mindset: Guest - Michael Tamez

    03/04/2016 Duración: 40min

    We often look at our life and are sometimes disappointed with certain habits we engage in. We have this idea of the person we'd like to become but often it seems unattainable. We've tried to make changes in our life but have become discouraged and we fall back into the mindset and belief that we can't overcome our current situation. if you don't believe within yourself that you are worthy of living a successful like then you will continually feel stuck and defeated. Transformation always starts in your thoughts before it shows on the outside.  Author and Health Coach, Michael Tamez shares his inspirational story of how he lost 100lbs. He offers his insight and personal struggles with using food as a coping mechanism after the fallout of a dysfunctional relationship. Michael offers hopes for those who may similar struggles. www.GoDoctorYourself.com For more information about James Miller visit:  www.JamesMillerLifeology.com.  Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you wi

  • Refuting mental health stereotypes: Guest - Shannon Love

    27/03/2016 Duración: 34min

    Mental health is, just as it sounds, the health of one's mind and emotions. We all experience things that cause us to experience mental health struggles. Like the physical body being ill, so too can our mental health become sick. Some people have chronic mental illness that is just as valid as someone who has a physical ailment. Unfortunately, the media and our own misguided perception of what mental health is can cause us to make incorrect and hurtful assumptions.  in Today's episode author, Shannon Love, courageously shares her story of how she overcame psychosis. She is transparent and honest about her struggles and the depth of her psychosis. Her husband and family unconditionally supported her and she is living a healthy, stable, successful life. www.loveskaleidoscope.com For more information about James Miller visit:  www.JamesMillerLifeology.com.  Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. At JamesMillerLifeology.com you may enroll in

  • Ignoring your negative inner "voices": Guest - Glenn Livingston Ph.D.

    20/03/2016 Duración: 36min

    The old cartoon photo of a little angel and devil sitting on our shoulder is a great analogy for when we allow certain attributes, actions or thought patterns to influence our life. It's important for us to be able to recognize our true voice versus the voice of the behavior or attribute that is not you. Often we think they are one in the same, but they are not. Learning to discern these difference gives you the ability to make healthy choices. Glenn Livingston, Ph.D. is a veteran psychologist and long time CEO of a multi-million dollar consulting firm which has serviced several Fortune 500 clients in the food industry. He shares his personal struggles with obesity and how he now has a healthy relationship with food. He shares straight forward strategies in ways to overcome food addictions.  www.NeverBingeAgain.com. For more information about James Miller visit:  www.JamesMillerLifeology.com.  Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. At Jam

  • Analyzing your core beliefs: Guest - Brenda Michaels

    13/03/2016 Duración: 42min

    The belief system we create as children becomes the template we use to navigate the world as adults. It's necessary for each of us to analyze what our core beliefs are to see if they are hindering us from becoming the person we desire to be. Today, you will learn tools and techniques to determine if your core beliefs are helping or hindering you in your life's journey. Brenda Michaels is an author, and radio and talk show host who shares her incredible story of how she battled and overcame cancer. She shares her struggles of her core beliefs as she sought answers through prayer as well as changing her outlook on life. For more information visit about Brenda please visit:  www.IntentionalShift.com www.ConsciousTalk.net For more information about James Miller visit:  www.JamesMillerLifeology.com.  Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. At JamesMillerLifeology.com you may enroll in the Lifeology Academy courses created specifically for succe

  • Living a serendipitous life: Guest - Michael Modzelewski

    06/03/2016 Duración: 39min

    Living a life of serendipity is not just for the movies. We all have times in our life when we are in the right place at the right time and fortuitous events happen. However, did you realize that if you train yourself to continually listen to your "gut" instinct, it will lead your life in a direction that is full of consistent, serendipitous events. Michael Modzelewski is an author and adventurer who shares his incredible life story full of wondrous events. He initially listened to his "gut" instinct and it lead him to a life full of adventure and happiness. http://MichaelModzelewski.com For more information about James Miller visit:  www.JamesMillerLifeology.com.  Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. At JamesMillerLifeology.com you may enroll in the Lifeology Academy courses created specifically for successful people like you. Consult with James to simplify and transform your life. Today’s episode is brought to you by Audible. Get you

  • Using your environment to change your mood: Guest - Alison Kero

    28/02/2016 Duración: 35min

    Your environment is often a good barometer for how you are feeling internally. If you are struggling to change your mood, tidy your environment. It will help you put your emotions back in order. Living a proactive life means you put processes in place before you need them. Maintaining your version of tidiness in your home environment will help you keep your internal self in order.  Alison Kero, an author and a professional organizer, shares her personal struggle with a chronic illness and how she used her organizational skills to not only purge her house of things that she did not need, but she also uses this methodology in all areas of her life. http://www.ackorganizing.com. For more information about James Miller visit:  www.JamesMillerLifeology.com.  Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. At JamesMillerLifeology.com you may enroll in the Lifeology Academy courses created specifically for successful people like you. Consult with James t

  • Healing through your grief - Guest: Cherie Rickard

    21/02/2016 Duración: 40min

    Grief is a profound sense of loss with emotional stages that we all experience. When we focus on the facts as they are, instead of the "why" of the event it helps us take that pain and move it externally. Once a person contemplates the final grief stage of acceptance (doesn't mean you aren't still grieving) it's imperative to connect with similar people and find a way to honor or create a legacy for that which was lost.   Cherie Rickard is an international published author/speaker with a powerful message on building confidence, overcoming tragedy, grief recovery and learning to live a life with passion and purpose. She shares her heartbreaking story of the death of her 17 year old son and how she and her family are honoring his legacy. www.CherieRickard.com. For more information about James Miller visit:  www.JamesMillerLifeology.com. Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. At JamesMillerLifeology.com you may enroll in the Lifeology Academ

  • Changing your perception: Guest - Heidi Siefkas

    14/02/2016 Duración: 37min

    Our belief or perception about a situation determines how we feel. Our feelings then determine what our reactions will be. If you were to view an event with a different frame of mind, or had more information, your feelings and actions would be different. Making a conscious decision to change your perception when you experience something will allow you to be proactive in how you overcome it. Heidi Siefkas is an author and an adventurer who shares her incredible story of when "all the balls dropped" in her life. She was forced to make painful changes in her life but she realized in order to be successful she had to have a perception shift. She is the author of two incredible books. Visit www.HeidiSiefkas.com. For more information about James Miller visit: www.JamesMillerLifeology.com. Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. At JamesMillerLifeology.com you may enroll in the Lifeology Academy courses created specifically for successful people

  • Finding your resilience - Guest: Mildred D. Muhammad

    07/02/2016 Duración: 40min

    Resilience is something we all have within us. However, allowing a situation or people to negatively influence us cripples our ability to find inner strength. You have the fortitude, strength and potential to overcome your current situation. You will learn specific skills in this episode to find your resilience. Mildred D. Muhammad is an Award-Winning Globally Recognized Keynote Speaker, International Expert Speaker for the US Dept of State, ?Certified Consultant w/Office on Victims of Crime, CNN Contributor, Domestic Abuse Survivor, Certified Advocate, Trainer/Educator, & Author of "Scared Silent...When the one you love, becomes the one you fear." She is also the ex-wife of John Allen Muhammad, "The DC Sniper" from 2002. You will hear her incredible story of resilience and how she is a pillar of hope and restoration for all who hear her story. www.MildredMuhammad.com For more information about James Miller visit: www.JamesMillerLifeology.com. Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMille

  • Self-validation in difficult times – Guest: Patty Blue Hayes

    31/01/2016 Duración: 41min

    When we are experiencing a difficult time in our life we often internalize the event in a negative way. We take on the identity of what people think about us and then we often make unhealthy decisions based on that new identity. Learning how to self-validate during these times allows you to make healthy decisions which leads towards a healthy future. Award winning author, Patty Blue Hayes shares her personal story of loss and the struggles she encountered as she started her healing process. She turned her heartache into many successful books and she continually influences the lives of her clients through life-coaching and other powerful services. www.PattyBlueHayes.com For more information about James Miller visit: www.JamesMillerLifeology.com. Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. At JamesMillerLifeology.com you may enroll in the Lifeology Academy courses created specifically for successful people like you. Consult with James to simplif

  • Having a restoration mentality - Guest: Linda Ruescher

    24/01/2016 Duración: 36min

    Situations in our life happen that can be paralyzing. Did you realize you have so much data in your past that you can use to overcome what you are currently facing? Your present situation may be different but you've experienced the same emotions, at less intensity, but overcame them. Your life is like a jigsaw puzzle, each piece, when isolated doesn't make sense. However, when they all come together it creates a phenomenal picture. Linda Ruescher, was diagnosed with Lupus 13 years ago. She shares her inspirational story of how she deals with chronic pain and how the diagnosis molded her into a writer, advocate, public speaker and many other incredible things. www.CopingwithChronicIllness.com. For more information about James Miller visit: www.JamesMillerLifeology.com. Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. At JamesMillerLifeology.com you may enroll in the Lifeology Academy courses created specifically for successful people like you. Consu

  • Radical Acceptance - facing the facts in any situation - Guest: Nancy Nelson

    17/01/2016 Duración: 36min

    In life we will always have situations that blindside us. When we are able to look at the facts and separate it from our emotions we can navigate our future. Your insecurities will often fill in the blanks for why something happened. Additionally, your future often looks bleak when you forecast it with the emotions you are currently experiencing. Radical Acceptance will help you find a foundation for moving through your current circumstances. Nancy Nelson is an author and an advocate who was diagnosed with Early-Onset Alzheimer's. She shares her inspirational story of how she is coping with her medical diagnosis. She also discusses her book Blue. River. Apple: An Exploration of Alzheimer's Through Poetry. www.BlueRiverApple.com. For more information about James Miller visit: www.JamesMillerLifeology.com. Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. At JamesMillerLifeology.com you may enroll in the Lifeology Academy courses created specifically

  • Laughter, it's the best medicine - Guest: Allen Klein, MA, CSP

    10/01/2016 Duración: 31min

    Laughter, it’s the best free medicine you could ever take. There are so many amazing benefits to laughter. People, historically, are known to live longer and look younger when their life is full of laughter. Our perception on any situation determines how we internalize it. It may be difficult to find, but humor is the key to overcome many situations in our life. My guest, Allen Klein, MA, CSP aka Mr. Jollytologist® is an award-winning professional keynote speaker and best selling author who shows audiences worldwide how humor can help them deal with ever day trials and tribulations as well as triumphing over tragedy. www.AllenKlein.com. For more information about James Miller visit: www.JamesMillerLifeology.com. Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. (As of the today there are over 120 episodes). At JamesMillerLifeology.com you may enroll in the Lifeology Academy courses created specifically for successful people like you. Consult with Ja

  • Why your New Year's Resolutions typically don't last - Guest: Jay Scott

    03/01/2016 Duración: 37min

    A new year has started and we often create our proverbial resolutions. Often the resolutions don't last and we revert back to our default behavior. I explain why resolutions typically fail and give you insight in ways to overcome these obstacles. To learn step by step instructions how to accomplish any goal listen to my earlier episode: Ways to create, measure, and achieve your goals for success - Guest: Alex Finley  http://tinyurl.com/npjw7gb. Jay Scott is a personal trainer who gives his expertise on the struggles people have with their exercise resolutions. For more information you may follow his podcast at FullDisclosureFitness.com or receive online personal training at iScienceFit.com. Visit: JamesMillerLifeology.com. Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. You may enroll in the Lifeology Academy courses created for successful people like you. Consult with James to simplify and transform your life. Today’s episode is brought to you by Audi

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