Fx Medicine Podcast Central



FX Medicine is at the forefront of ensuring functional and integrative medicine gains the recognition it deserves and ultimately establishes itself as an integral part of standard medical practice. Our podcasts are designed to promote research and evidence based therapeutic practises, acting as a progressive force for change and improvement in patient health and wellbeing.


  • Teenagers: Emotional Health and Wellbeing with Dr Elisa Song


    The health of today's teenagers is being eroded by a multitude of factors. Once upon a time adolescence was a passing phase of growth and development necessary to cross the threshold into adulthood. However, modern teenagers are dealing with much more than a change in body shape, hair and voice. Today's teens are navigating an unprecedented invasion of their psychosocial sphere with gaming and social media bringing forth a new dimension of bullying, harassment and body shaming. Furthermore dietary choices, recreational and pharmaceutical drugs, environmental pollutants and a lack of exercise, sunshine and fresh air are all playing a part in the assault to their microbiome, immunity and neurological systems. Ahead of her visit to Australia in August 2019 to present her seminar series 'Holistic Children's Health' we are joined today by Dr Elisa Song to share her expertise on the subtle nuances we need to be across when taking a functional medicine approach to working with adolescents. Find today's sho

  • Microbiome Diversity and Faecal Transplants with Dr Johan Van Den Bogaerde


    Science continues to unravel the mysteries of the microbiome and its deep connection with our overall wellbeing. Today we are joined by Dr Johan Van Den Bogaerde, a gastroenterologist and researcher who has a special interest in the microbiome and the emerging field of faecal microbial transplants. Dr Van Den Bogaerde shares with us the current scientific opinion on the influencers of gut microbial diversity and he shares his excitement about the research expanding the potential treatment avenues for faecal microbial transplants in areas such as ulcerative colitis and autism. Dr Van Den Bogaerde will be a key note speaker at the forthcoming ATMS GI Symposium in Sydney in September 2019. Find today's show notes and transcript here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/content/microbiome-diversity-and-faecal-transplants-dr-johan-van-den-bogaerde   *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provi

  • Hope for Health: Embracing Indigenous Wisdom and Healing


    Hope For Health is an indigenous charity, borne from a rich cross-cultural exchange of healing wisdom between trusted friends underpinned by the principles of "food is medicine”. Today we are speaking to Dr Kama Trudgen and Helen Padarin about how Hope For Health was formed and gain insight into the health challenges commonly faced by indigenous communities. Kama and Helen also share with us their newest endeavour, TOGETHER Retreats, a collaborative healing initiative developed in conjunction with the Yolngu people of Arnhem Land.Find today's show notes and transcript here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/content/hope-health-embracing-indigenous-wisdom-and-healing *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek the advice of a qualified health care professional in the event something you learn here raises questions or conc

  • The Alchemy of Amino Acids with Vanita Dahia


    How confident are you with personalising amino acid prescriptions based on a person's unique physiology and health needs? Today we are joined once again by pharmacist, naturopath, nutritionist and author, Vanita Dahia. Following on from her successful book, "Alchemy of the Mind," Vanita has gone on to develop resources for practitioners to better understand the alchemy behind amino acids. Vanita shares her amino acid expertise with us, giving some deeper insight into applying targeted amino acids for a range of conditions and cellular functions.Find today's transcript and show notes here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/content/alchemy-amino-acids-vanita-dahia *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek the advice of a qualified health care professional in the event something you learn here raises questions or c

  • Identifying Mitochondrial Dysfunction with Dr Christabelle Yeoh


    Mitochondria are the unseen and underrated warriors of energy production and immunity. We are usually oblivious to the complex biochemical processes taking place in our mitochondrial membranes to run the cellular machinery that keeps us alive. What are the intracellular thieves robbing us of optimal mitochondrial wellbeing and how can we combat these noxious agents? Today, Dr Christabelle Yeoh takes through the normal biochemical steps in energy production and why mitochondria are becoming increasingly compromised in modern life. She also teaches us how to assess mitochondrial dysfunction in our patients, how we can identify metabolic toxicants and how to approach the cellular resuscitation to restore patient vitality. Find today's show notes and transcript here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/content/identifying-mitochondrial-dysfunction-dr-christabelle-yeoh *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not

  • Blending Naturopathy and Yoga with Amy Mingin


    The brain-child of Amy Mingin, “Naturopathic Yoga” is a personalised, prescriptive-style yoga practice which forms a part of her naturopathic treatments. Amy developed this system to enable practitioners and yoga enthusiasts to access condition-specific yoga sequences to suit their unique health needs. Today she chats to Andrew about her 'light bulb moment' for connecting naturopathic care with yoga practice and some of the evidence that exists for yoga that easily lends itself to wholistic prescribing of movement as medicine.This podcast can be found on the FX Medicine website under "INDUSTRY INSIGHTS" or find the show notes here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/blog-post/blending-naturopathy-and-yoga-amy-mingin *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek the advice of a qualified health care professional in the ev

  • NAC for Ice Addiction with A/Prof. Olivia Dean


    In the 2016 National Drug Strategy Household Survey 1.3million Australians (6.3%) over the age of 14 reported having ever used methamphetamine, with 1.4% reporting recent use, within the previous twelve months. Worse still, of meth/amphetamine users, "ice" is fast becoming the preferred form of the drug, with increases in Australia from 22% to 57% in just 6 years. Ice addiction has been a growing problem in Australia both for users and the wider community impacted by the social and behavioural aspects brought about by the use of the drug. Today we're talking with Associate Prof. Olivia Dean who is part of the team conducting a world first study to determine if N-Acetyl-cysteine (NAC) can reduce the craving for ice and ultimately, help them overcome their addiction. Known as the N-ICE trial, it's taking place right now in centres in Wollongong, Geelong and Melbourne. Olivia shares why they're exploring NAC, how it's being administered and what they hope to achieve with the study. Find todays show notes and t

  • Insights into Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with Francesca Eldridge


    Those with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are often the victim of ill-informed stereotypes and lack of compassion for the internal agony they're suffering. Helping patients with OCD can mean peeling back the layers of guilt, shame, self-doubt and paranoiac behaviour that obstruct their ability to function in everyday life. In today's podcast we are joined by Francesca Eldridge, who shares her own journey of healing from OCD and how this ignited a passion within her to compassionately support others with this condition through natural medicine. Francesca shares the expertise she's gained as to what dietary, lifestyle, nutrient and herbal choices to consider for those living with OCD. Find today's transcript and show notes here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/content/insights-obsessive-compulsive-disorder-francesca-eldridge *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a

  • The Biochemistry of Pyrroles with Dr Bradley McEwen


    How well do you understand pyrroles? At a cellular level - what are they, how are they formed and does their presence always herald ill-health? Kryptopyrroles are still widely regarded in medicine as a disproven and irrelevant, yet emerging research is starting to make connections with high urinary pyrroles and mood disorders. Today we are joined by Dr Brad McEwen who seeks to bring clarity to practitioners to help their patients with mood stability issues by breaking down some of the controversies surrounding pyrrole disorder, working through what the research is telling us and what methods he uses clinically to assess patients in whom he suspects pyrroles might be an issue. Find today's podcast transcript and show notes here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/content/biochemistry-pyrroles-dr-bradley-mcewen *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for

  • Evolving an online business with Jules Galloway


    In this increasingly digital age, there are more opportunities than ever to diversify how you practice, or use your health care qualifications. In today's podcast, Naturopath Jules Galloway shares her journey of how a wayward, homeless teenager with a penchant for partying went on to become an entrepreneurial naturopath following her dreams. Jules discusses how she strategically took her business online after burning out in the corporate world and how embracing both her light and dark sides have made her a more empathetic and capable practitioner. Find today's show notes and transcript here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/blog-post/evolving-online-business-jules-galloway *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek the advice of a qualified health care professional in the event something you learn here raises questions

  • Problem Solving the Chronic Disease Crisis with Carla Wrenn


    Carla Wrenn is on a mission to change the face of chronic disease in Australia. Not only is Carla a passionate clinical detective and problem-solver of complex conditions but she has become a pioneer for rationalising chronic care through teaching a system she has developed called, Vitae Mosaic. Today Carla shares her passion for taking a functional medicine approach to care and breaking down cases that appear overwhelming and complex to drive results in her practice. Carla discusses how she prioritises and personalises her clinical approach, who she looks up to, and why having a peer support network is a key element to achieving success in practice. Find today's show notes and transcript here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/content/problem-solving-chronic-disease-crisis-carla-wrenn *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or car

  • The Lost Art of Mineral Therapy in Practice with Daniel Jones


    Once upon a time mineral therapy was an intrinsic part of naturopathic practice. In the modern curriculum it's offered primarily as an elective subject and, as a result, many of the practitioners from recent generations lack experience in applying this therapy clinically.  Today we're talking to Dan Jones who has a passion for educating his peers on how mineral therapy is a core element of his practice. With over three decades of clinical experience to draw from, and mentored by some of Australia's most prominent practitioners, Dan shares countless examples of when and how he's applied mineral therapy for optimal patient outcomes. Find today's show notes and transcript here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/content/lost-art-mineral-therapy-practice-daniel-jones *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek the advice o

  • Refreshing Naturopathic Examination Skills with Katie Barron


    Are you confident in the art of naturopathic physical examination techniques? Today we are talking to Naturopath, Katie Barron who has a passion for enhancing her peers' clinicals skills in the art of physical examination. Katie is touring Australia running workshops to help practitioners build confidence in naturopathic examination techniques to answer a need she identified amongst her professional peers. In this episode Katie shares how building examinations into the consultation process is a crucial element to establishing patient rapport and how to confidently refer patients on for further investigation to medical professionals when there's an identified need. Katie also discusses some of the differences in naturopathic vs. orthodox observations and how they further inform us on the patient's overall level of health and vitality. Find today's podcast transcript and show notes here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/content/refreshing-naturopathic-examination-skills-katie-barron ****

  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and Art Psychotherapy for Mental Health with Megan Shiell


    Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is often a poorly understood, stigmatised disorder and more common than you think, with between 1-3% of the population suffering a breakdown at some stage. BPD can encompass feelings of depression, hopelessness, obsessive behaviors, self harm, suicide, substance abuse and unstable relationships. Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is the new psychotherapy of choice in Australia for BPD. Today we're talking to Megan Shiell, an experienced DBT and Art Psychotherapy clinician and educator about how she combines DBT and art to help those with BPD and other mental illnesses. Megan takes us through some of the strategies in DBT that assist patients, through a mindfulness-style approach, to recognise and redirect their behaviours before they become an issue. She also shares her passion for educating both clients and health care professionals through affordable online programs she's developed. Find today's show notes and transcript here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/co

  • Integrative Dermatology for Psoriasis with Prof Michael Tirant


    Psoriasis is a challenging condition for both patients and practitioners. With multiple clinical presentations and a laundry list of triggers and exacerbating factors, what's clear, is that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to treatment. Today we are joined by integrative dermatologist Prof Michael Tirant who has a passion for sharing the knowledge he's amassed over three decades as a clinician and a researcher. Prof Tirant takes us through the many aetiological factors underlaying psoriasis and what guidance he gives to his patients about diet, lifestyle, nutritional and herbal considerations as part of a personalised, integrative approach to treatment. Find today's show notes and transcript here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/content/integrative-dermatology-psoriasis-prof-michael-tirant *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional

  • The Inflamed Brain with Dr Brandon Brock


    How well do you understand the inner workings of the brain? We're well aware of the effects that poor nutrition, lack of sleep, excessive or chronic stress and toxins can play on brain and cognitive health. But what are the actual mechanisms of damage to the brain? How does the brain clean away damaged cellular debris and what happens when our normal healing mechanisms don't work? Furthermore, how can we repair a brain damaged by chronic inflammation? Ahead of his travels down under for the 7th BioCeuticals Research Symposium, we welcome back Dr Brandon Brock, who has dedicated his career to caring for the brains of children, adults and indeed, military personnel. In today's podcast, we'll discuss how chronic, unremitting inflammation damages the minds of so many patients. He shares how to best assess what the real issue is with their neurology, and what we can do to either mitigate, or repair the inflamed brain. Find today's episode show notes and transcript here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/content/infla

  • Navigating Food Choices with Genes with Amanda Archibald


    What can genes tell us about our personal or cultural food choices? Ahead of her visit to Australia in May 2019 for the 7th BioCeuticals Research Symposium, Andrew talks to nutritionist and nutrigenomics expert, Amanda Archibald. Amanda is the mastermind behind The Genomic Kitchen and a founding pioneer in the field of culinary genomics. Today Amanda shares with us an insight into her career journey and how she has become a leader in actionable education delivering nutrigenomics to everyday consumers. Amanda is passionate about using genetic information as the road map to success in medicine when it comes to applying food or supplements therapeutically.Find today's transcript and show notes here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/content/navigating-food-choices-genes-amanda-archibald  *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek

  • Expanding Endometriosis Research with Dr Mike Armour


    Everyday too many women are enduring chronic pelvic pain from menstruation and endometriosis. What's more, sufferers often have to resist strong pain relief as it renders them unable to function in their occupation or to meet the needs of their family obligations. It's clear that more options need to be explored and that begins largely, with more research and this is where Dr Mike Armour comes in. He joins us today to share an insight into his career and how his passion for gynaecology, pregnancy and fertility, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) research evolved. Dr Armour takes us through some of the interesting findings from research so far, including the potential for cannabis, exercise, acupuncture and specific Chinese herbal medicines for managing this type of pain. Find today's transcript and show notes here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/content/expanding-endometriosis-research-dr-mike-armour *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purpo

  • BREAKING NEWS: Concerns over Complementary Medicine Suppression with Dr Penny Caldicott


    Today we are joined by Australasian Integrative Medicine Association (AIMA) president, Dr Penny Caldicott to draw attention to a recent public consultation paper released by the Medical Board of Australia in February 2019 and its potential for negative impact on the complementary medicine industry. Find today's show notes here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/blog-post/breaking-news-concerns-over-complementary-medicine-suppression-dr-penny-caldicott *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek the advice of a qualified health care professional in the event something you learn here raises questions or concerns regarding your health.*****

  • Naturopathic Research: The REAL Story with Prof Stephen Myers


    Are natural therapies being systematically targeted?  This seems to be the sentiment of many within the complementary medicine industry. Fringe groups and lobbyists are constantly citing that "there's no evidence for complementary and integrative medicine practices". But what are the facts and where can we find them? Prof Stephen Myers is both a respected academic and passionate advocate of the complementary and integrative medicine industry. Prof Myers has amassed an impressive portfolio of research over the past two decades. He joins us today to discuss the findings from his most recent publication in The Journal of Complementary Medicine; a world first study conducted out of Southern Cross University that shines the light on naturopathy as a clinically significant system of medicine for chronic conditions. Find today's show notes and transcript here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/content/naturopathic-research-real-story-prof-stephen-myers *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX M

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