Reason For Truth



This podcast serves to gives reasons for truth for the Christian faith. It is intended to train and equip anyone with a desire to know truth and share it with others.


  • PT1 Biblical Truth on Ball-Waxing Intolerance

    30/07/2019 Duración: 21min

    Canada human rights court is hearing a case of a transgender man who classifies himself as a woman and has filed complaints with the Canadian Human Rights Court in effort to punish 15 female therapists who refused to wax his mail genitals. The questions is two fold. First, is this intolerant? Second, how does the Bible tell us to respond to such a thing? Tune in to PT1 to find out!

  • PT2 What Makes Something Spiritually Unclean-When Religious Tradition Fails!

    25/07/2019 Duración: 30min

    What happens when religious traditions fail and God is placed second and religious religion first? Tune in to PT2 to hear the final conclusion!

  • PT1 When Religious Tradition Conflicts With God

    23/07/2019 Duración: 31min

    Where, when and what happens when religious leaders and religious laws conflict with Jesus Christ and the Bible? Tune in to find out!


    18/07/2019 Duración: 38min

    WHY BORDERS?-WHAT IS AN ILLEGAL ALIEN OR CITIZEN? Does the Bible condone borders or citizenship-or call for NO Borders or CITIZENSHIP? Tune in to hear what God's Word has to say about the issue!

  • Do You Have A Truly Loving Spirit?

    16/07/2019 Duración: 24min

    Do you have a truly loving spirit? God IS LOVE. Lack of God is lack of Love. Tune in to hear what the Bible says about God's love!


    12/07/2019 Duración: 23min

    What does God say about life and immortality? What would God to those who ordered Mr. Vincent Lambert be taken off life support leading to his death? If God IS life and possess life-what does that mean for the meaning of human life? Tune it for the answers to these questions and many more!

  • PT2-Of Two SES Alumni Suter & Garofalo Remember Dr. Norman Geisler

    09/07/2019 Duración: 22min

    As Ravi Zacharias said this weekend at Dr. Norman Geisler's funeral, "We lost a giant". Tune in today for Part 2-the final segment of two Southern Evangelical Seminary alumni, Kent Suter and Steven Garofalo as they wrap up some of their fondest memories in honoring their teacher, mentor and friend, the late Norman L. Geisler.

  • PT1-Two SES Alumn Remember Dr. Norman Geisler - 7:5:19, 2.45 PM

    05/07/2019 Duración: 32min

    Did you know you know that Dr. Norman Geisler was illiterate up until 17 years of age? Then God got ahold of him and used him to write close to 100 books! Tune in today with Pastor Kent Suter and Host of the Reason For Truth Podcast Steven Garofalo for Part1, TWO ALUMNI REMEMBER Dr. NORMAN GEISLER. This is a casual podcast what will make you laugh and make you cry. It will also tell you a few things about Norman Geisler that you may have not known before. Please tune again on Tuesday for Part 2-and keep the Geisler family in your prayers.

  • Independence Is For All Nations From God-4th of July - 7:4:19, 8.21 AM

    04/07/2019 Duración: 16min

    Faith and Freedom go hand in hand. King-Preacher Solomon tells us in Ecclesiastes chapter 4 about government and privledged elitist oppression on the average citizen. We see this played out in Washington D.C., Taiwan, Russia, the Middle East and throughout the United States of America. Ecclesiastes 4:1 tells us "I saw the tears of the oppressed-and they have no comforter; power was on the side of their oppressors . . . (Ecclesiastes 4:1). Later in chapter 4, Preacher Solomon goes onto tell us, "Better a poor but wise youth than an old foolish king who no longer knows how to heed warnings" (Ecclesiastes 4:13). In the United States and elsewhere, we find activists, politicians and wealthy elitists who forgot where their independence comes from. I am confident that the United States, Iran, China and many other countries will be claimed or reclaimed with Christian ethic and values in time. In the interim, God's word reminds us that independence is given to all people to be free. This is essential to a healthy nat

  • TRIBUTE To The Late Dr. Norman L. Geisler - 7:2:19, 5.44 PM

    02/07/2019 Duración: 10min

    Yesterday-as of this recording, July 1, 2019, Dr. Norman L. Geisler, friend, brother in Christ, personal mentor and advisor went to be with the Lord-he changed his address to his heavenly home in heaven. Dr. Geisler had a massive impact on me personally and inspired me to start ReasonForTruth.Org. I cut an unrehearsed short podcast to honor my good friend. I love him and I miss him. But, I know that I will see him again in eternity-and that I am grateful for. Please tune in to hear a few words from my heart-a simple tribute to my dear friend and brother in Christ, the late Norman L. Geisler

  • PT2-ARE YOU UNTO DEATH A CHRISTIAN? - 6:27:19, 5.59 PM

    27/06/2019 Duración: 23min

    This is a MUST HEAR! Part2 of what it means to truly be a Christian. The Iranian Church is now growing as fast if not faster than the Chinese church. WHY? Because of PERSECUTION! Tune in for Part to of ARE YOU UNTO DEATH A CHRISTIAN?...and please be PRAYING for the Iranian Church, the Chinese Church and that God would use persecution in all of our lives to continue to grow Christianity as well as grow Christians to be DEEP in their faith.


    25/06/2019 Duración: 34min

    We live in an era of Christian persecution on many levels. There are few if any safe havens for Christians in todays world-but is that a bad thing? Persecution grows the true church to grow deeper and wider. As C.S. Lewis said, God whispers to us in good times and speaks loudly to us in our pain (paraphrase). Tune in for Part1 of ARE YOU UNTO DEATH A CHRISTIAN?


    20/06/2019 Duración: 28min

    PARTII! Tune in to the second part of this series discussing the problem of exclusivity thinking WITHIN the church. I will state up front first that-Christianity IS EXCLUSIVE! Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"-JESUS (John 14:6). BUT, EXCLUSIVITY within the church-in the form of cliques, business deals or exclusive groups often cause harm within the body of Christ as well as ruins our witness to those outside of the church. Tune it today for Part2 of this two-part series on THE SIN of EXCLUSIVITY! (If you have no listed to Part I, download that part1 message!)


    18/06/2019 Duración: 30min

    Christianity IS EXCLUSIVE. Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"-JESUS (John 14:6). BUT, EXCLUSIVITY within the church-in the form of cliques, business deals or exclusive groups often cause harm within the body of Christ as well as ruins our witness to those outside of the church. Tune it today for Part1 of this two-part series on THE SIN of EXCLUSIVITY!


    13/06/2019 Duración: 20min

    WHY WOULD AN ISIS PRINCE trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? HINT: Because he saw the Truth as Jesus and cashed in all he had and bought the field-the great pearl of Christ! Tune in for PART2 of Why An ISIS Prince chose to follow Jesus.


    11/06/2019 Duración: 33min

    ISIS Prince Mohammad set out to murder a reporter by the name of Peter. In the process, Jesus met him along the way and this ISIS Prince Mohammad placed his trust in Jesus Christ! This is a MUST HEAR Podcast series. Today is Part1. Subscribe and tune in for Part2 this Thursday!


    06/06/2019 Duración: 25min

    Money, wealth, power and sexuality will not grant you long-term peace. OnDo you want to achieve a peace that surpasses all understanding? The One and Only place that you will find that is in Jesus Christ. "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7). Tune in for Part1 today and check out a great resource, "ALL ROADS DON'T LEAD TO HEAVEN, DISCOVERING GOD IN THE NEW AGE" by Steven Garofalo at:


    04/06/2019 Duración: 30min

    Do you want to achieve a peace that surpasses all understanding? The One and Only place that you will find that is in Jesus Christ. "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7). Tune in for Part1 today and check out a great resource, "ALL ROADS DON'T LEAD TO HEAVEN, DISCOVERING GOD IN THE NEW AGE" by Steven Garofalo at:

  • PT2 Faith Obstructed By Worries, Thorns & Vines?

    30/05/2019 Duración: 23min

    Is your faith free to fully complete all the Lord has given to you? If not, have the pressures and worries of this world-the thorns of life and the issue of worry, wealth and influence obstructed your ability to be all the Lord Jesus Christ has called you to be? Tune in for PART2 of "Faith Obstructed By Worries, Thorns and Vines.

  • PT1 Is YOUR Faith Obstructed By Worries, Thorns & Vines?

    28/05/2019 Duración: 28min

    Is your faith obstructed by the thorns, vines and worries of this world? Are the worries of this world or the decietfulness of wealth, comfort and recreation keeping you from trusting your life in the Truth? The true and only Security here on earth and in heaven? If you are a Christian, are you producing fruit 30,60 or 100 times-or are the thorns, vines and deceitfulness of riches, comfort and recreation interfering with you God given calling and purpose in life? Tune in to hear what Jesus himself says concerning these questions and more!

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