Reason For Truth



This podcast serves to gives reasons for truth for the Christian faith. It is intended to train and equip anyone with a desire to know truth and share it with others.


  • God's Silence Or I'm Not Listening? - 1:11:21, 9.06 PM

    12/01/2021 Duración: 16min

    What about GOD'S SILENCE? Is God silent or is that that we often aren't listening to Him? What about when it's so HARD to listen to Him? With all of the political stress and coved lock downs, so many are asking the question, "WHY IS GOD SILENT?" Tune in for PART 1 of GOD'S SILENCE or OUR FAILURE TO LISTEN! If you like this, please give us FIVE STARS in iTUNES and SUBSCRIBE!! --don't forget to tell ALL of your friends also:)

  • A Faith Not Hidden In A Global World - 1:6:21, 9.40 AM

    07/01/2021 Duración: 16min

    Despite the political winds, we all live in a connected global world. As Christians, we need to make sure that we heed the words of Jesus..."You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house" (Matthew 5:14-15). In other words, our global world gives us a global mission field. In as much as we have not gone been going out to make disciples of all the earth, God has brought the world to us. As such, there are creative ways in which we can share our faith. Today, we will look to Classical author Charles Dickens from the 1800's to give us ideas as to how we might share our faith in the 21st Century-global world! If you like this Episode, please LIKE this and give us FIVE STARS in iTUNES....Don't forget to tell your friends about us and SUBSCRIBE!

  • Christian Living In A Global World - 1:4:21, 6.40 PM

    05/01/2021 Duración: 14min

    Despite the results of the 2020 Presidential Election, as Christians, we have to better learn how to live in a global world. It doesn't mean that we have to adapt a globalists worldview but that we have to learn to adapt how we share the unchangeable Word of God in a multicultural, pluralistic world. Tune in today for Part 1 of Christians Living In A Global World! If you are enjoying this, please Give us FIVE STARS in iTunes, tell others about this channel and SUBSCRIBE!

  • New Year's Resolution or Illusion? - 12:29:20, 1.45 PM

    31/12/2020 Duración: 19min

    2020 has been difficult to say the least. Lock downs, COVID, unemployment, and the list goes on. With 2021 coming tomorrow, it's time to make our 2021 NEW YEAR'S resolutions! There are good reasons as to why people don't keep their New Year's Resolutions. Tune in for today's episode of Reason For Truth to find out! If you are enjoying this, please give us FIVE STARS in iTUNES and tell your friends about us. ALSO....DON'T FOR GET TO SUBSCRIBE and those forgetful moments will not overtake you!


    29/12/2020 Duración: 16min

    God's protection is REAL for those ASCENTING towards Him. Tune in to hear more about why this is. If you are like this channel, please give us a FIVE STARS in iTUNES and tell you friends about us. You want to SUBSCRIBE!

  • CHRISTMAS IS LOVE - 12:24:20, 3.38 PM

    24/12/2020 Duración: 12min

    CHRISTMAS "IS LOVE". God "IS" LOVE. While we can possess God's attribute of LOVE we are NOT Love. Christ-mass as the celebration of the Son of God, Jesus Christ is the greatest display of God's love for all eternity. Tune it for today's episode of Reason For Truth to hear Host Steven Garofalo make the truth claim showing that CHRISTMAS truly is LOVE! If you are enjoying this Podcast, please give us FIVE STARS in iTUNES and tell your friends about us. And don't forget to SUBSCRIBE!

  • Two Christmas Accounts-ONE TRUTH - 12:22:20, 12.49 PM

    22/12/2020 Duración: 18min

    The Bible tells the Christmas story of the birth of Jesus Christ primarily in two different letters (books) of the Bible. Those books are Matthew chapters 1 and 2 and Luke chapters 1 and 2. Do these two accounts of the birth of Christ conflict or compliment each other? They tell one SINGLE TRUTH about the birth of Christ and compliment one another. Tune in for "TWO CHRISTMAS ACCOUNTS-ONE STORY" with Reason For Truth Steven Garofalo. If you like this broadcast please give us FIVE STARS in iTUNES and Share this with your friends. It's Christmas and you want to SUBSCRIBE which will notify you when a new episode airs. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  • A Tribute To Ravi Zacharias - 12:16:20, 8.52 PM

    17/12/2020 Duración: 11min

    This tribute to Ravi Zacharias was done some time ago and in light of the Christmas season, we are releasing this today in remembrance of Ravi Zacharias in light of our celebration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ-who Ravi dedicated his life to serve. Please give us FIVE STARS in iTUNES, tell your FRIENDS about us and SUBSCRIBE!

  • Does God Promise Security & Protection? PT1 - 12:14:20, 7.55 PM

    15/12/2020 Duración: 21min

    Does God guarantee His people SECURITY and PROTECTION? This is a very real question with a very real answer. Tune in for today's episode of Reason for Truth with Host Steven Garofalo to hear more! If you are enjoying this, please tell others about us and give FIVE STARS in iTUMES. (Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE!

  • Tribulation & The Church - 12:9:20, 9.07 AM

    10/12/2020 Duración: 15min

    Join Steven Garofalo & Del Potter for a short discussion regarding Israel, the Tribulation and the Church. What happened and who goes through the Tribulation? Tune in with Steven and Del-Please tell Others about this Podcast and give us 5-STARS in iTunes! + SUBSCRIBE!

  • Obtaining God's Peace & DIrection - 12:6:20, 3.40 PM

    08/12/2020 Duración: 17min

    We live in VERY STRESSFUL times to say the least. The good news is that we serve a Supernatural God who is able to allow us to "OBTAIN GOD'S PEACE and DIRECTION" in and for life. No human being, government body, company or any other human authority can help you to OBTAIN GOD'S PEACE & DIRECTION. In this episode, Steven provides FOUR KEY things that will help you obtain God's peace and direction in your life. Tune in-Tell you Friends about us and give us FIVE STARS in iTUNES! Then SUBSCRIBE!

  • Do Nothing & Evil Prevails - 12:2:20, 8.38 PM

    03/12/2020 Duración: 13min

    Edmund Burke said those famous words, "The only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good men (and women) to do nothing". I recording this as President Trump ordered a forensic check on all mail in ballots. This does three things. 1) It insures the integrity of the voting process in America. 2) If wrong is found, it exposes evil. 3) It brings truth and calm to America and nations around the world as to the integrity, security and truth about a nation forged in God's name and the biblical moral principles of honesty, truth and goodness. Host Steven Garofalo recorded this string in a casual chair with a sweatshirt on as a last minute message. Please SUBSCRIBE and give us FIVE STARS in iTUNES!

  • GOD & The 2020 ELECTION - 11:30:20, 7.12 PM

    01/12/2020 Duración: 13min

    With all of the stress revolving around the 2020 Election, one thing is certain and that is that GOD is in control, despite who is president. The real issue is that biblical principles and Scripture is very clear that His ways are not our ways and God humbles the proud and raises up the humble. This election may yet surprise a lot of people. Tune in for the SPECIAL EDITION of Reason For Truth and be praying for our nation and for our leaders-on both side of the aisle-that they would seek God's wisdom and not their own. If you are enjoying this Podcast, please give us FIVE STARS in iTUNES, tell your friends about us and SUBSCRIBE!

  • PT2-Thanksgiving To God In All Circumstances - 11:25:20, 6.32 PM

    26/11/2020 Duración: 20min

    Thank you for tuning in once again. This is Part 2 of "THANKSGIVING IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES". Today we look at the only Two I-witness accounts of the actual first-original Thanksgiving celebration with the Pilgrims and Indians. In the end, God's Word tells us to "Give thanksgiving in all circumstances". Steven will takes us through a number of Scriptures that show that to be the truth about Thanksgiving in 1621 as well as for us in the 21st Century. If you are enjoying this please Share this with your friends and give us FIVE STARS in iTUNES. Oh yeah...don't forget to SUBSCRIBE!

  • THANKSGIVING In All Circumstances- The Truth About Thanksgiving - 11:23:20, 8.54 PM

    24/11/2020 Duración: 12min

    God tells us to "GIVE THANKS IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES". This includes good times and bad. The original Puritan Pilgrims came to America and almost half of them died the first winter. But they stayed strong and by the Autumn season, they gave thanks to God, Today' Host Steven Garofalo will give us the TRUTH ABOUT THANKSGIVING-Thanksgiving In All Circumstances. If you are enjoying this, please give us 5-STARS in iTUNES, LIKE and SUBSCRIBE so you miss NOTHING!

  • SOFT CLOTHING According to Jesus - 11:18:20, 7.34 PM

    19/11/2020 Duración: 11min

    One day while visiting my mom I met her Jewish neighbor who said that she was going home to get into her "SOFT CLOTHING". I asked her what "Soft Clothing" was and if it was in fact a thing. As it turns out, Jesus, a Jewish person Himself spoke about "Soft Clothing". Today we are going to look at what Jesus said about soft clothing, about Soft Christianity and about Soft Christians. You don't want to miss this episode...even if you are tuning in comfortably in your Soft Clothing! Whether you are in your soft clothing or not, if you will...please LIKE-SHARE This with your friends! ....And don't forget to subscribe!

  • Powe-Wealth & Influence - 11:16:20, 6.20 PM

    17/11/2020 Duración: 17min

    Romans 14:12 says, "So then each of us will give an account of himself to God". In this life time we all get to enjoy some level of power, wealth and influence-however small or large our amount maybe. The most important thing is what we do with the POWER, WEALTH and INFLUENCE the Lord lends us in this life time...because I can guarantee you that "...each of us will give an account of himself (and herself) to God. Tune in with Steven Garofalo ! If you are enjoying this please "LIKE" this...and SUBSCRIBE!

  • Living In An IMAGE Based Culture - 11:12:20, 8.36 AM

    12/11/2020 Duración: 08min

    God's Word shows us how to live according to His ways and Word as opposed to what we merely SEE with our physical eyes. As Christians, we are called to live according to what we read in God's Word as opposed to what we see in the media and on the internet and television. What we see is often not the truth, What we read in God's Word IS the TRUTH. How we as Christians are to live in an image based culture is essential to the Christian walk. Please give this a "LIKE" and and don't forget to tell your friends and SUBSCRIBE!

  • LAW and ORDER-What Would God Say To Mad Max? - 11:7:20, 2.39 PM

    10/11/2020 Duración: 17min

    The lack of LAW and ORDER is a real issue and today I asked the single question of: "What Would God Say To Mad Max?" In today's episode Steven take us through 1 Peter 13 and answers the question as to what God says to the lack of law and order. And from there, you will understand what God would say to Mad Max. Make sure LIKE-SUBSCRIBE!

  • ANXIETY In LIFE - 11:4:20, 6.37 PM

    05/11/2020 Duración: 36min

    With all of the political tension, economic stress and COVED, people are stressed out. Christians thankfully have the God of the universe on their side. That being said, we are still human and along with being human is the natural inclination to have ANXIETY. Join Host Steven Garofalo along with Licensed Counselor Ewina Reys as they address important questions about what anxiety is. Where it comes from. And how to manage it biblical through faith in Jesus Christ and Bible Scriptures as well as physically and mentally. PleaseSUBSCRIBE and give us FIVE STARS in iTUNES.

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