MG Podcast es el podcast oficial de la revista videojuegos especializada Noticias, juegos de actualidad, debates y nuestros desvarios habituales se dan cita en mas de dos horas repletas de informacion y critica sobre el mundo de los videojuegos.
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19/12/2019Xbox Series X, Life is Strange 2, Disco Elysium, Hellblade 2, A Short Hike, SuperEpic
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12/12/2019Resident Evil 3 Remake, Nintendo Indie World, The Touryst, Microsoft Rewards, Halo Reach
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25/11/2019Pokemon Espada y Escudo, Google Stadia, The Game Awards, Death Stranding, Half Life VR
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17/11/2019Death Stranding, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, Mario & Sonic JJOO Tokyo 2020, Tell me Why, Age of Empires 4
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08/11/2019Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Medievil, Nioh 2, Need for Speed Heat, Citadel Forged with Fire
MGPodcast 9x08
25/10/2019The Outer Worlds, Legends of Runeterra, Batman Arkham Legacy, Disgaea 4 Complete, Death Stranding
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17/10/2019Luigi's Mansion 3, Fortnite y el agujero negro, Riot, Diez años de Uncharted 2, Pine
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03/10/2019Debate PS Now y suscripciones, Destiny 2 Shadowkeep, Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair, Regreso a Red Dead Redemption 2, Sayonara Wild Hearts
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20/09/2019Zelda Link's Awakening, Borderlands 3, Blasphemous, PES 2020, Tokyo Game Show