Spark Cast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 380:28:54
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The podcast of Spark.Church in Palo Alto, CA


  • Fruit Of The Spirit | Love & The Root [Kevin Neuner] (with Craig Barker testimony)

    15/01/2023 Duración: 41min

    The ubiquity of the word “love” makes understanding difficult. Is love a “feeling,” a “commitment,” a “chemical neurotransmitter?” In trying to discern a definition of love, perhaps we ought to ask what this Galatians passage suggests about the "fruit" of love.

  • Fruit Of The Sprit | Introduction To Galatians [Kevin Neuner]

    10/01/2023 Duración: 46min

    The letter to the Galatians—in which the "fruit of the spirit" is found—addresses a serious threat to the good news of Jesus. That threat will have serious consequences, not least of which it will promote a wholly "different gospel," one that is at odds with the love and grace of God.

  • Beginnings [Danielle Parish]

    01/01/2023 Duración: 46min

    Beginnings feel fresh and new. There's joy. But let us also embrace sadness as necessary for new creation. GROUP QUESTIONS: 1. Are we addicted to "joy" and "happiness?" Why or why not? 2. Does Christianity promote one over the other? What emotional experiences does Christianity prioritize? 3. What would life look like if we embraced the full scope of human emotions?

  • Advent | Spark's Online Service

    26/12/2022 Duración: 35min

    This is the audio from our online liturgical service. Merry Christmas everyone, and a happy new year! We'll see you in 2023!

  • Advent | "EL" Is With Us

    18/12/2022 Duración: 20min

    This advent Sunday we are invited to pause to consider the “el” in the word “immanuEL.” As arrival is drawing near, we consider the long and deep history of what is understood as the presence of “God,” in Hebrew, “EL.”

  • Advent | The Kingdom of God Is On The Move [Danielle Parish]

    11/12/2022 Duración: 37min

    While we expect kings to be born in luxury, this king is born in a cave, and his announcement is to shepherds. GROUP QUESTIONS: 1. Compare and contrast the luxury of then to the luxury of now. Have things changed? What's different? What's the same? 2. When you think of "good news" what do you think of? What category, or area of life is that thought? What category is the good news of Jesus in? 3. If the kingdom is on the move, to where or whom is it moving? Where's it moving from? Where is it taking us?

  • Advent | The Keeper of the Songs [Danielle Parish]

    04/12/2022 Duración: 28min

    This is not a gospel of gain or wealth. This is a gospel of trust. Mary’s song is one of remembrance of God’s promises of mercy and faithfulness to Israel, to Abraham and his descendants. And Jesus is how God is going to continue this covenantal song. GROUP QUESTIONS: 1. What are the traditional ways "songs" have been understood in Christian practice? How does that compare with these biblical songs? 2. Discuss the different aspects of "trust" in this story. (To "believe" but also to be "entrusted with"…) 3. What are the songs that are needed today?

  • Advent | Shaky & Hopeful [Danielle Parish]

    27/11/2022 Duración: 33min

    This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent ... "Advent" means coming or arrival, and this is the time of year when we remember and anticipate Christ's coming into the world. GROUP QUESTIONS: 1. What expectations do you have for this advent season? 2. What does the "arrival" of Jesus mean? 3. Advent implies "not yet" but "is coming." What observations, feelings, or questions do you have in-between those two things?

  • John | What Was He Thinking? [Tom Arrington]

    20/11/2022 Duración: 33min

    The radical nature of God's love is a story of diversity and inclusion where everyone is welcomed and loved. It's a story of forgiveness with second chances and two hundredth chances where you don't ever lose your place and you are never finished. It's a story that reveals Jesus as Israel's long expected Messiah and that he indeed is the Son of God. GROUP QUESTIONS 1. What does "messiah" mean, both then, and now? 2. Why is "inclusion" so radical? What are the opposite forces of "inclusion"? 3. Israel had "expectations" which means there was a period of waiting. Consider what waiting means as a Christian, in spiritual practice. Have we grown impatient?

  • John | I Have Seen The Lord [Omair Akhtar]

    13/11/2022 Duración: 45min

    The climax of the gospel according to John are when women who followed Jesus find his tomb empty just days after the government oversaw his execution. What follows is a series of bizarre and unprecedented encounters with Jesus. Then the way Jesus' followers try to make sense of these encounters offers us ways to make sense of Jesus' resurrection too. GROUP QUESTIONS 1. Imagine yourself going to "anoint" the body and finding it empty. What would be YOUR immediate reactions? 2. Why would the gospel accounts put women at the center of the story? Why is that important? 3. What DOES it mean that "Jesus is alive?"

  • John | "We Have No King But Caesar" [Danielle Parish]

    06/11/2022 Duración: 29min

    The theme of kingship runs throughout our Scriptures. Every Sunday, we pray the words Jesus taught us, "Your kingdom come, your will be done." Who is our King? And where is this Kingdom? In whom do we place our trust and hope? Here we GROUP QUESTIONS 1. How do we translate ancient monarchies into modern democracies? How shall we think about "royal rule" in today's language and concepts? 2. In many ways this is also a question of allegiance. What demands does the Gospel of Jesus make upon our allegiances? 3. How can we know when we've compromised our allegiances? What signs should we look for that indicate we've lost our "Way?"

  • John | What Is Truth? [Kevin Neuner]

    30/10/2022 Duración: 42min

    In John 18, the trials and interrogations of Jesus intensify, and they culminate in a dialogue with Pontius Pilate, the governor of the Roman Province of Judea. But this trial, as it is told, is not simply about Jesus' violations against the Roman Empire. This is much more about a clash of kingdoms, of authorities, and of worldviews. At its most profound, this is an epistemological inquisition. In other words, this is a question of "truth." GROUP QUESTIONS: 1. What do the words "emet" and "aleithia" mean to you, in your own words? 2. Share some other examples of how one was emphasized over the other, and what it would look like to ensure both are equally expressed and valued. 3. Do you have a tendency to emphasize one over the other? (Perhaps in one area of your life you emphasize "emet" over aleithia," and in another area of your life it's the opposite?) 4. How can Jesus followers advanced this understanding of "truth" more into the world?

  • John | Judge, Lest Ye Not Be Judged [Mark Arevalo]

    23/10/2022 Duración: 44min

    In John 17, Jesus prays that his followers will be united, but it doesn't take much to recognize that the Church is very much divided along social, political, and theological lines. Why are we divided, and how can Jesus's teachings on the Kingdom of God provide insights into how we might find common ground once again?

  • John | Advocacy Is Comfort [Kevin Neuner]

    16/10/2022 Duración: 28min

    When Jesus speaks of sending the spirit when he departs, in addition to being a comfort, this spirit of truth is an Advocate, someone who will not just stand with you, but for you. Comfort, in this view is not mere sentimentality, but results from God's advocacy. GROUP QUESTIONS: 1. What kind of meaning does this teaching give to the "Trinity" in Christian understanding? 2. If God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is an Advocate, then what does that mean for those of us who are followers of this Way? 3. Why does this word "Advocate" (Greek: "paraklete") features so prominently in the writings of John? 4. Can you think of other stories in the Bible where advocacy changes the meaning and interpretation of the story?

  • John | He Is The Vine [Danielle Parish]

    09/10/2022 Duración: 29min

    Vines are a symbol of God's blessing and provision. What happens when vines do not grow or bear fruit? What about when they do bear fruit? In it all, the vinedresser works to ensure that the vine remains connected. GROUP QUESTIONS: 1. What is the difference between being "cut off" versus being "lifted up?" 2. How does this understanding change our Christian identity and life? 3. Can we see this kind of interpretation in other passages that seem to "condemn?" 4. What is our responsibility to others through this understanding of the vinedresser?

  • Spark's 10th Anniversary [Danielle Parish]

    02/10/2022 Duración: 27min

    Spark celebrates 10 years. We host Rabbi Chaim Koritzinsky and his welcome, and Pastor Danielle shares reflections of the past and exhortations for the future. (Videos can be seen at

  • John | In My Father's House [Danielle Parish]

    25/09/2022 Duración: 33min

    Jesus promises to prepare a place for us, for in his "Father's house are many rooms," a phrase to describe the expansive inclusivity of Jesus' call and welcome. GROUP QUESTIONS: 1. "The way," "the truth" and "the life" are abstract concepts. What does it mean that Jesus points to himself, as a human person who IS those things? What radical shifts in thinking is Jesus calling us toward? 2. Could it be that the "theological principle" is really more about belonging, and relational intimacy with God? How does that change the way we read and understand the Jesus story? 3. If Jesus IS the way, truth, and life, how does that address our very present concerns and troubles, be they personal, philosophical, or national?

  • John | Love One Another [Danielle Parish]

    18/09/2022 Duración: 34min

    Jesus is all about the love. Jesus loves us and calls us to love one another. GROUP QUESTIONS: 1. Pastor Danielle talked about "experiencing" vs. "knowing" love. What truly is the difference and does it matter? 2. In philosophy this is called a "phenomenology"; that is, an "experience." Do you think this kind of "experience" is central to being a Christian / Follower of Jesus or not? 3. Apply this kind of love to your circumstance and talk about what real outcomes might occur if you loved the way God loves us? 4. How do you live this kind of love when someone has experienced broken relationships that were supposed to be loving (parents, family, etc.)? [This question is connected to Pastor Danielle's reference to "Attached To God"]

  • John | Betrayal and Reconciliation From One Young Dreamer to Another [Tom Arrington]

    11/09/2022 Duración: 34min

    We live in a world that seems to be full of hate, greed and jealousy. We see lies and betrayal and it hurts. Something is messed up and broken. In fact, in many cases it is shattered and reconciliation can seem impossible. We want to set it right, but we can’t seem to get it right. With God, there is a hope of reconciliation that is bigger than human wisdom. GROUP QUESTIONS: 1. Is reconciliation a "moral" or an "ethic?" Does it matter? What difference does that make? 2. What are the elements necessary for reconciliation to happen? 3. Pastor Tom mentioned our hesitancy to reconciliation because we might ask if someone "deserves" to be included. Is reconciliation dependent upon someone "deserving it?" 4. What is the difference between "forgiveness" and "reconciliation?"

  • John | Truth Is The Judge. Jesus Is A Savior [Kevin Neuner

    04/09/2022 Duración: 43min

    We all have an innate impulse to assess and judge others. It is almost second nature. This may be part of the reason why the Way of Jesus is tremendously frustrating. Rather than accept any labeling, opinions, or condemnations, Jesus defers to observation, experience, and the “truth of the matter” as the judge, and focuses on what he (and we) can do, rather, to bring salvation, “rescue” to the cosmos.

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