Listen to interviews, features and community stories from the SBS Radio Hindi program, including news from Australia and around the world. - SBS , , .
SBS Newsflash 28 June 2024: Safety of politicians in spotlight following alleged threats
28/06/2024 Duración: 03minListen to the top News from Australia in Hindi.
India report : Indian President mentions 1975 emergency in her Parliament address, opposition criticises
28/06/2024 Duración: 07minListen to the latest SBS news from India. 28/06/2024
International medical graduates face challenges in getting their qualifications recognised
28/06/2024 Duración: 08minNew official figures show a jump in the number of overseas doctors, nurses, and health professionals working in Australia's health care system. However, medical groups say thousands of international medical graduates are already here and need help for their qualifications to be recognised.
SBS Newsflash 27 June 2024: PM's call to Julian Assange welcoming him home is wrong: The Liberals
27/06/2024 Duración: 05minListen to the top News from Australia in Hindi.
फ़िल्मी डायरी : जया भादुड़ी बच्चन
27/06/2024 Duración: 06minबॉलीवुड सिनेमा की प्रसिद्ध अभिनेत्री जया भादुड़ी बच्चन से जुड़ी कुछ ख़ास बातें।
एसबीएस बॉलीवुड टाइम : 27 जून 2024
27/06/2024 Duración: 06minएसबीएस हिन्दी की प्रस्तुति: बॉलीवुड टाइम
SBS Newsflash 26 June 2024: Julian Assange walks as a free man after plea deal in US
26/06/2024 Duración: 05minListen to the top News from Australia in Hindi.
India report : Elections for Lok Sabha speaker to be held today
26/06/2024 Duración: 07minListen to the latest SBS Hindi news from India. 26/06/2024
डॉ लॉरी आज़ाद की वजह से मिल रहा है भारत की कवियित्रियोँ को वैश्विक मंच
26/06/2024 Duración: 13minबीते दो दशकों में डॉ लॉरी आज़ाद ने भारत में कवियित्रीयों को बड़ावा देने के लिए बहुत काम किया है। विश्व के बहुत से देशों में वो कवियित्रीयों का समागम करवा चुके हैं। इस कदम के चलते आज बहुत सी महिलाओं को पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया जा चूका है और यही नहीं इन महिलाओं की लिखी कविताएं और रचनायें प्रकाशित भी हो चुकीं हैं। डॉ लॉरी ने एक दिव्यांकर कवियित्री को भी मंच पर स्थान उपलब्ध कराया है और एक घर में काम करने वाली लड़की को यूरोप तक लेकर जा चूके हैं जहाँ उसकी रचनायें प्रस्तुत की गयीं थीं। इनमें से बहुत सी कवियित्रीयां ऐसी भी थीं जो पहली बार घर से बहार निकलीं, या पहली बार विदेश यात्रा को गईं या फिर पहली बार विमान में बैठीं थीं।
If migration becomes a prominent election issue, the debate should be conducted with civility
26/06/2024 Duración: 07minIs Australia's grand multicultural experiment coming to an end? That’s the question raised by two experts on immigration and international relations in their address to the National Press Club in Canberra. They are calling for a fresh perspective on net migration and the role of international students, essential steps to potentially revive the project.
New report suggests three days per week free childcare in Australia
26/06/2024 Duración: 10minA new report by the Centre for Policy Development recommends three days of free childcare per week for some families, with a small fee for others. The report suggests that childcare should be regarded in the same way as public education and Medicare, which are available to all Australians.
SBS Newsflash 25 June 2024: Julian Assange's wife releases video thanking supporters after his prison release
25/06/2024 Duración: 04minListen to the top News from Australia and India in Hindi.
Which Australian city ranks fifth best in the world for international students?
25/06/2024 Duración: 09minIn a recent ranking by global higher education specialist Quacquarelli Symonds, Melbourne has been designated as the fifth top city worldwide for international students. This recognition is attributed to its affordability, quality of life, university standards, and cultural diversity. In this podcast episode, Tushar Joshi, a student at the University of Melbourne, talks with Itee Dewan about the factors he believes contributed to this achievement.