Tanner-price Ame Church



Tanner-Price AME Church


  • Don't Forget to Remember - Audio

    19/02/2012 Duración: 2275h00s

    The reason we have a Black History Month in the first place is because of our inability (largely because of being displaced from our motherland) to preserve our story over the generations and communicate our greatness to younger generations. When we know not where we've come from, we have no idea where we're going, and the same principle applies with Christian living. We need to know how God has delivered our family members in generations past so we'll remember how good God has been to us and serve God even the more. We must not forget to remember, lest we perish.

  • It's Not as Hard as You Think - Audio

    12/02/2012 Duración: 1347h00s

    We make our walk with Christ more difficult than it needs to be because we really don't want to obey Him in all things. Also, when spreading the love of Christ with others, especially our loved ones, we make the Christian walk more difficult because we put ourselves in the position of God, rather than simply striving to be like God, meaning that we feel we must always have all the answers to people's needs. We put undue pressure on ourselves in this way, forgetting that one's salvation, whether ours or anyone else's, has everything to do with God and nothing to do with us. (2 Kings 5:1-14)

  • What Shall I Give? - Audio

    05/02/2012 Duración: 2340h00s

    So many times, we come to the house of God, to the altar with our hands out, asking, "What can you do for me, Lord?" rather than what we should really be asking: "What, Lord, can I do for you?" In this selfish, consumer-driven society in which we live, we must never forget that, contrary to popular belief, this Christian walk, first and foremost, is about sacrifice. For all the sacrifices Jesus made for us and still makes today, the least we can do is posture ourselves to be service-minded and people-driven. Although we have freedom through the blood of Jesus, that freedom is subjected to whatever is necessary for us to do to glorify God. In everything, we must always ask, "What can I give?" (1 Corinthians 9:19-23)

  • Food - Audio

    29/01/2012 Duración: 1500h00s

    Rev. Tracey Thomas

  • Don't Forget Where You Came From - Audio

    22/01/2012 Duración: 1919h00s

    If we truly desire to minister effectively to the people we want to see saved, we must not forget where we came from. In order for people to see the Christ in you, they must first see a change in you, and in order for people to see that change, you must embrace your past and be honest about what the Lord has done in your life. Don't forget where you came from because your testimony may be exactly what's needed to spark transformation in their lives.

  • Building Community - Audio

    15/01/2012 Duración: 1817h00s

    Christianity, contrary to popular belief, is not an individualistic faith. We can't walk this journey by ourselves; we can't be concerned with just ourselves; we can't just minister to ourselves. This faith is about how we relate to others and reflect the love of Christ with other people. We must build community.

  • Get Your Mind Right! - Audio

    08/01/2012 Duración: 2792h00s

    The single biggest factor determining your success in this new year is your attitude. Though it may take some time for your situation to change, if your attitude and outlook on life changes, then everything and everyone around you has to change, too. God has already given us the victory; it's up to us to have the right mindset in order to receive it.

  • Your Righteousness Will Pay Off! - Audio

    01/01/2012 Duración: 2260h00s

    If you've been living holy for a long time without compromise; if you've been toiling for years with integrity and honesty; if you've been doing your absolute best to be an accurate representation of Christ, only to see the unrighteous seemingly garnering all the blessings, promotions, accolades, and the things you've been working toward, be encouraged because your time is coming! In 2012, God is poised to bless His people because in this dying world where so many have lost hope, God knows His people prospering will only bring Him more glory. If that is you, then be encouraged because your righteousness will pay off!

  • The Gift of Christ at Christmas - Audio

    25/12/2011 Duración: 1230h00s

    Today's secular gift-giving culture is one that emphasizes what you have in your bank account far more than what is in your heart. It is for this reason that Christmas, a holiday that is supposed to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the ultimate unifier, is actually the most divisive holiday of the year. When everyone is focused so much on giving to be seen, rather than giving to be a blessing, those not receiving anything or not able to give very much are left out, rendered unable to fully participate in the joy of the season. It is thus important that we remember the gift of Christ during this Christmas season and all that gift has meant for us. (Matthew 2:1-12)

  • Has Anybody Seen Jesus? - Audio

    24/12/2011 Duración: 1040h00s

    In all of the hustle and bustle of the Christmas holiday season, it's easy to get caught up in yourself and get your priorities mixed up. It is imperative during every holiday season that we we keep our hearts and minds focused on Christ because hurt, hopelessness, and depression are magnified at this time of year, and people all over the world are asking, "Has anybody seen Jesus?" When that question is asked of you, prayerfully you have an answer.

  • A New Christmas Paradigm - Audio

    11/12/2011 Duración: 2056h00s

    It's time to adopt a new Christmas paradigm and graduate from the idea of giving to be seen to that of giving to glorify God.

  • Stay Focused - Audio

    04/12/2011 Duración: 1596h00s

    It's been said countless times that the trials and tribulations of life are designed by God to draw us closer to God, and that's all well and good, but God desires more. It's one thing to pray fervently when everything is going wrong, but we must seek God even more fervently when everything seems to be going right, lest we find ourselves unprepared for the next test. In this holiday season of gift giving and receiving and other superfluous things distract us from our relationship with Christ, let us not lose sight of the true gift of this season. 3We must stay focused. (2 Peter 3:1-15)

  • Struggling for Forgiveness - Audio

    27/11/2011 Duración: 1630h00s

    Rev. Tracey teaches on the spiritual growth process we must endure to be perfected in forgiveness. (Matthew 6:9-15)

  • You Reap What You Sow - Audio

    20/11/2011 Duración: 2570h00s

    Sowing and reaping applies not just to money but to every area of our lives. In everything we do, we expect to get out what we put in, and the same is the case in the kingdom of God. Understanding why we must be faithful in tithing is central to understanding how the kingdom is impacted by our gifts, financial or otherwise. When we realize that the principle of sowing and reaping affects every area of our lives, we will work so much harder and give so much more to the areas of our lives that help build us. (Galatians 6:1-10)

  • Permission to be Free - Audio

    13/11/2011 Duración: 1393h00s

    The Spirit of the Lord has given us access to heavenly places, to revelations, and to new levels of anointing we cannot attain by our own human effort and volition. As human beings, we depend so much on our senses and our own wisdom that we miss what God has for us, ever afraid to surrender to God and give God full control over our lives. The more we submit to God, the more freedom we have in God, and with more freedom comes more access to that which we've never experienced before. You have permission to be free!

  • How Desperate Are You? - Audio

    06/11/2011 Duración: 2040h00s

    Desperation is the necessary impetus to move you from the place of complacency (no longer desiring continuous improvement) and insanity (doing the same thing and expecting a different result) to that of total surrender and of doing that which you've never done before to get what you've never gotten. Are you ready to be humbled to an uncomfortable position to receive God's best? How desperate are you?

  • What's Your Role - Audio

    30/10/2011 Duración: 2542h00s

    For the body of Christ to function properly and effectively, each of its parts must also be functioning properly and effectively. If you're a part of the body, your excuses about what you neither have the time, talent, nor resources to do does not absolve you from your responsibility to the body. The most effective ministries are ones wherein everyone is contributing equally to the vision and doing so in such a way that even when leadership transitions, the ministry still functions at a high level. Two people does not a ministry make; it takes everyone doing his/her part. What's your role? (1 Corinthians 12:12-27)

  • An Awesome Task - Audio

    23/10/2011 Duración: 2130h00s

    We enter many tasks not knowing whether we can do them and sometimes wavering in our confidence because of our lack of knowledge. We can derive much encouragement reading Jeremiah and witnessing how he was able to handle the difficult commission of prophesying a word of judgment from God against the Israelites. Just as God empowered His prophet to speak truth to power in a potentially perilous situation, God will do the same for us.

  • Bible Study - Romans 1:1-2:16 - Audio

    20/10/2011 Duración: 4651h00s

    Part 1 of the series, "The Purpose & Power of the Church," exploring the challenges the Christian church experiences in its founding and formation in various places in the 1st century. By looking at how Paul addressed the individual issues each of these churches had, we can see how we can address our own issues, make improvements, discover our purpose as a local and universal body, and walk in it, all for the glory of God. Part 2 examines chapters 1 and 2, where Paul condemns the Romans' godlessness and warns against their spirit of judgment.

  • Is Your Life an Offering? - Audio

    16/10/2011 Duración: 1932h00s

    An offering should be neither out of obligation nor compulsion, but out of the abundance of one's heart. When we give, we are to do it cheerfully and sacrificially, like we're giving something that matters to us. When we begin to pray and ask God to take away our sometimes negative spirit with regard to money, our eyes will be opened and we can begin to see that our entire lives are to be an offering unto God, and in realizing that, we'll discover that our monetary giving is but a small portion of our life's offering to this earth. (Matthew 22:15-22)

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