Good Shepherd Community Church



The latest feed from Good Shepherd Community Church on


  • Isaiah's Introduction of the Gospel

    17/10/2023 Duración: 50min

    The second section of the prophecy of Isaiah begins with a word of comfort to God's people. Their exile and severe punishment under the curse of the Mosaic covenant -Deut. 28-63ff- has ended and God is restoring his people. Israel knows that from their history restorations have occurred but they went back into sin and punishment. Who is this God who can bring about the reality of the gospel-- Yahweh himself in his faithful love promises to come among them and rule them as the Shepherd King. Because he is sovereign Creator, they can have confidence that He has the power to fulfill his promises as they trust in him. Yahweh is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.

  • The Furniture Speaks

    14/10/2023 Duración: 13min

    God was very careful in the Old Covenant to have special furniture constructed and placed in the Holy Place of the Tabernacle and later Temple. There were three pieces or items. The Table of Showbread, the branched Candlestick and the Altar of Incense. The items carry theological meaning. Are there principles here that should impact our current worship space in our assemblies--

  • What's the Big Deal About History?

    06/10/2023 Duración: 14min

    Do you read history-- A related question is do you value history especially the actions of God in the history of the Hebrew people and in the Christian churches.-This podcast considers God's attitude toward the history of his actions, his deeds and events that involve his people. This would include biblical history and historical Christian movement. An exhortation to take history seriously by reading and studying God's dealings with his people.

  • Isaiah's God Encounter: Isaiah 6 as Worship Paradigm

    27/09/2023 Duración: 08min

    When Isaiah received his inaugural call as Prophet of Yahweh he encounter God in the temple following the death of the King of Judah. Isaiah saw the real KIng, the Sovereign Yah, on the throne of heaven. becoming conscious of being as witness of God's heavenly worship he is overcome with a sense of panic and awe. He cries out his awareness of his sin and God in grace fits him for worship and for hearing God call for Prophet Herald. Isaiah's experience is a Biblical patter for worship of God by his people.--How should we approach God in worship-- Hebrew 12- 28 tells us, Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.-Isaiah 6 shows us a true example. Isaiah saw the Lord. The sequence of events function as a paradigm for Biblical Christian worship.

  • The Call of Isaiah the Prophet

    26/09/2023 Duración: 18min

    This message is based on Isaiah 6 and is a consideration of the call of Isaiah to be God's prophet, with a reading and explanation of the text. We see Isaiah's personal experience of encountering God in his holiness as Sovereign King of the universe resulting in his conviction of guilt and need for divine cleansing. Then from a position of a provided atonement he hears and answers the call of God to be his special prophet. What kind of commission is this when he is informed that people will not listen and repent so judgment is decreed-- But in the midst of wrath and judgment God remembers mercy in accord with his covenant promises to send the Seed who is Jesus the Messiah..

  • Shepherd Comes to His Flock

    23/09/2023 Duración: 31min

    The main idea presented here is that -Yahweh himself is coming to his people.- This coming...-I. Is to be boldly announced.-II. Will be with power and authority.-III. Will be as the tender Shepherd of his flock.

  • A Called Preacher

    23/09/2023 Duración: 16min

    erhaps you have heard the expression a call to preach or a call to the ministry. Exactly what does this mean-- How does it work---This podcast looks at a few examples of men called in the New Testament time and to two quotes of statements from Paul on the called ministry of the Word. It begins with Paul's account of his own call to preach God's truth to the Gentiles. Then to his younger friend Timothy who has also been called to the work of an Overseer, bishop, pastor, teacher elder. These are all synonymously to refer to men called to preach-teach-exhort the Word, the inspired writings of the Old and New Testament to people especially within the assemblies, congregations to enable God's people for the work of ministry.

  • God Has a Question for You!

    18/09/2023 Duración: 15min

    The God of the Bible is very skillful in asking questions. He does not ask to learn something from us but he asks in order for us to learn. His questions reveal our heart and they can spur us to a proper response to him. This podcast looks at several questions God asked people beginning in Eden with Adam.

  • Prophet for Hire

    11/09/2023 Duración: 21min

    One of the most interesting characters in the first section of the Bible know as the Law is Balaam. He is a prophet of God who on his way to try and curse the children of Israel enroute to Canaan had an actual conversation with his donkey- This was God's supernatural intervention to press upon Balaam his absolute need to speak over the Hebrews only the words he would put in his mouth. -Numbers 22-24- Even after Balaams blessing not cursing the people he found a way to get the money from Balak by advising him how to lure the men of Israel into idolatry by using the women of Moab. Numbers 25-1-3.-Numbers 31-16 --Behold, these, on Balaam's advice, caused the people of Israel to act treacherously against the Lord in the incident of Peor, and so the plague came among the congregation of the Lord.--2 Peter 2-15-16 --Forsaking the right way, they have gone astray. They have followed the way of Balaam, the son of Beor, who loved gain from wrongdoing, but was rebuked for his own transgression- a speechless donkey spok

  • Consolation after Judgment

    04/09/2023 Duración: 20min

    The prophet Isaiah open the two sections of his prophecies with a prologue. These prologues are found in chapter 1 verse 1 through 9 and chapter 40 verses 1 through 11. This message considers the contrasting messages and tone of the prophets words.--The prologue to the first half of Isaiah's prophecy in chapter one brings forth the strict indictment of Yahweh God against his people for their flagrant, rebellious sins. These persistent sins led to God's hand of judgment which finally fell in the ravaging of Jerusalem, the temple, and the people by the Babylonian army. -Yet when the 70 years of captivity in Babylon were completed, God extends great comfort and consolation to his people, assuring them of his never-failing covenant love and mercy. -The basis of his forgiveness of their iniquity lay in the future at the cross of Calvary, where Judah's sins were paid for and removed by Jesus' death and resurrection.

  • Baptism Now Saves You

    29/08/2023 Duración: 01h05min

    A Bible study teaching sermon on this section of 1 Peter 3-17-4-2. A reading with commentary on the text. The central assertion is Baptism now saves you. Peter relates baptism to the broad meaning of salvation. How does Noah's flood experience and the waters of the flood rfelate to Christian baptism--

  • Reading Scripture in Worship

    29/08/2023 Duración: 12min

    When the church last gathered for worship was the public reading of the Scripture in the assembly a part of the worship service-- I do not refer to a minister reading a verse or two and then preaching on it. Was a significant section of the Bible or portions of the Bible read aloud as an act of worship-- We are commanded to worship God with his Word read as well as taught. We need to read significant sections fromm all its parts in context. By means of his Word read God speaks to his people.

  • Our Approach to God in Public Worship

    22/08/2023 Duración: 17min

    A continuation of a previous podcast on a Biblical Philosophy of Christian Worship. This podcast uses the example of recent service to illustrate how we approach the Holy God through his grace. We are called to worship by God and in recognition of his holiness. Thus we humbly confess our sins with joyful assurance through our Great High Priest and only Mediator, Jesus Christ. --Copy of Service Entry is the written Transcript as the example read

  • A Biblical Philosophy of Corporate Worship

    21/08/2023 Duración: 10min

    Edit Delete-My Biblical Philosophy of Corporate Worship-WAYNE A CONRAD--Description-What underlying principles should guide us as we engage in public worship-- This is a satement of my personal philosophy that guides me as I construct an order of service. In other words shapes the structure of the liturgy. It is based on the whole of the Bible primarily guide by the New Testament especially the book of Acts and the apostolic epistles which fleshed out how the early disciples of Christ Jesus followed Jesus instruction in his commission.-Scriptures- Matthew 28-18-20- Acts 2-42- John 4-23-24- Philippians 3-3- Ephesians 2-18- Hebrews 10-19-25

  • Christ's Suffering for Our Sins

    21/08/2023 Duración: 34min

    This key verse in the NT tells us that Christ's suffering for our sins was--I. Sufficient to secure our salvation-II. Substitutionary in behalf of God's people-III. Effectual to bring us unfailingly to God

  • Sanctifying Christ as Lord in Our Hearts

    16/08/2023 Duración: 39min

    How can we be true and faithful Christians-- Two main ways are seen in this text- --by sanctifying or honoring Christ as Lord in our hearts.--by always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.

  • Why Christians Suffer

    13/08/2023 Duración: 12min

    Suffering to common to all humans. The sufferings of this world take various forms. They exist because we live in a fallen world. Christians are not exempt from suffering. In fact they can suffer for simply being believer in God and follower of Jesus Christ. Peter addresses his letter to Christians who are experiencing various trials. He gives at least three reasons why Christians suffer.

  • Righteousness-Yes! Evil-No!

    09/08/2023 Duración: 42min

    The context here is interpersonal relationships in the church. There are certain attitudes and behaviors we should exemplify towards one another, but sometimes we fail - we may say something that was not loving, that was hurtful - or any number of sinful actions common to humanity. But in the church we must bear with one another's' weaknesses and sins, we must forgive one another, and support and uphold one another in our various struggles. -In every aspect of our lives we must embrace righteousness and reject evil - thus glorifying God before our pagan neighbors.

  • Christians and Trials

    08/08/2023 Duración: 09min

    Peter's first letter is addressed to the Christian assemblies in Asia Minor who are undergoing trials because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Why do trials come-- What is there connection to Jesus and his own suffering as the Messiah for the salvation of God's elect-- What is the purpose of such trials, such sufferings--

  • In Times Like These

    01/08/2023 Duración: 16min

    Where should we turn when times of loss, of sorrow and grief or times of doubt and confusion and fear confront us-- My good friend once share with me how the words of the preacher at his grandmother's funeral impacted him. These are the words that were spoken, -In times like these we need to turn to the Bible.- They have also impacted me. In times like these I invite you to turn to the Bible with me.

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