Spirit Source Connect: Infusing Spirit To Transform Your Life

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 44:00:46
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Providing inspiration, tools and support in the recognition that by aligning with Source and releasing resistance, all gifts of abundance, good health, fulfilling relationships and creativity begin to flow; that the sharing of our own Spiritual essence is what we came here to be, do and have.All content written, produced and narrated by Suzanne Goulet


  • EP. 21 From Chaos to Clarity Part 2

    19/07/2010 Duración: 11min

    From Chaos to Clarity Part 2: Keeping Up with Life's Changes I know that it can be a bit frustrating when several aspects of your life start to change. It may even be a bit scary to go through this transformation. I want to offer up a few ideas to help you search within and deal with all the changes that you're going through. Ultimately, these changes are a good thing, you just have to refocus your mindset.  In this episode, you are give the step by step tools you'll need to access great power within yourself to manage life's changes.  Not only will you remain in peace, but you'll have the opportunity to come out on the other side, living a life filled with enjoyment, fulfillment and promise. Enjoy! Originally broadcast on July 19, 2010 Visit my website to download your free resouce: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 20 From Chaos to Clarity Part 1

    05/07/2010 Duración: 23min

    If you've been following along with my previous broadcasts and working on the resistance aspects of your life, you may be experiences a series of positive changes in your life. While these changes are what you wanted, sometimes change can be unsettling, and you may be seeking an understanding of all the changes happening in your life. In this episode, we look closely at what happens when our lives are in the midst of change.  Are we ready for what's coming?  Have we been examining our lives and asking for something better?  Well, sometimes when that time comes, it's not exactly what you had planned. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on July 5, 2010 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 19 Interview with Author & Teacher Tina Crumpacker

    21/06/2010 Duración: 37min

    In this episode, I am joined by Tina Crumpacker, life coach, creator of several courses, and new author of "The Journey to You," a culmination of her 28 years of personal growth. Tina has studied metaphysics and has been in the personal growth field since 1982, so she has tons of experience she can share with you.  In this episode, you'll engage in a lively discussion between Suzanne Goulet and Tina Crumpacker as she discusses her book, "The Journey to You".  With 52 'Ground Rules for Life', Tina's book is designed to carry you through a year long transformation, guiding you each step of the way with principles, stories and exercises for you to practice on your own.  An inspirational podcast! Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on June 21, 2010 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html  

  • EP. 18 LOVE & The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, Part 4

    07/06/2010 Duración: 14min

    When I achieve a state of Oneness with Love, everything is beautiful and I am filled with nothing but joy and bliss. Everything is Love. When I follow the inner promptings of my heart, there is nothing left to do but trust. If you seek to find your own Oneness with the All That Is, use this meditation to help you on your journey. In this episode, you are invited experience the joy, peace and Love that is a state of Oneness with the All That Is.  After a brief explanation, you will be guided through a process, one that will bring you into a very high state, and extend miracles out into every area of your life.  This is the final episode in my Love: The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth series.  Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on Jun 7, 2010 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 17 LOVE & The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, Part 3

    24/05/2010 Duración: 12min

    It is only our own resistances that prevent the Love of All that Is from reaching all areas of our lives. These resistances are often caused by a little willingness to believe and a lack in faith. This podcast is meant to inspire you to know what is already out there. Every solution to any problem you could have is already out there. In this episode, you'll hear of my direct experience of being in a state of "All that Is", oneness with All Love.  It is difficult to describe in words, but a state of being all faiths and religions have spoken about. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on May 24, 2010 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 16 LOVE & the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, Part 2

    10/05/2010 Duración: 08min

    Instead of trying to fix our problems by looking from the outside, we have to look within and realize that we are a beautiful and positive aspect of a bigger whole. It is only through the recognition of your part in a greater whole that you can begin to receive the solutions you seek. In this episode, you'll be reminded of a teaching from A Course in Miracles: That it is useless to try to solve your problems by combating with them in this world.   Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on May 10, 2010 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 15 Love & the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, Part 1

    26/04/2010 Duración: 12min

    Since I was young, I have had communication with Spirit. I have come to rely on these communications, especially though journaling and writing, to receive the answers I seek. It's taught me that Spirit permeates all things, and it's important that we remember we can always being communicating. Sometimes we are so focused on the challenges we have in our daily lives that we forget to know that we're always being supported by a much greater All That Is.  In this episode, we are reminded that we always have access to that Divine force of Love that is the ultimate cause and propeller of all things. When things in our lives are not going as we would like them to, it is time to let go of trying to solve the problem on the outside, and turn within to find that Source of All Love, that will whisper to us new directions, new ways of seeing, and new inspirations on the pathway forward. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on April 26, 2010 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/

  • EP. 14 Personal Transformation & That of the World Pt. 3

    12/04/2010 Duración: 09min

    Using your spiritual connection to guide you in all of your activities and decision-making, and always searching for the highest and best decision you could be making is how you can continually be receiving messages on what steps to take. This is how you change the world, one conflict resolve at a time.  In this episode we are reminded that, by connecting to Source, and receiving guidance on any and all activities that we are engaged in, we are able to make smooth decisions, expand who we are, and overcome any difficulties. It also follows that, whatever area we are expanding in, we assist the rest of the world in expanding in that area as well. We are constantly called to expand ourselves, to expand the energy of God, and in so doing, we expand the evolution of the world, as well. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on April 12, 2010 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 13 Personal Transformation & That of the World Pt. 2

    29/03/2010 Duración: 17min

      From natural disasters to war, we can feel helpless when we see situations going on around the world. One of the things that we can do is look within ourselves. How do the devastating world events mirror our own personal situations? How are you at war within yourself? In this episode, we examine more closely the reflection that world catastrophes play in showing us places within ourselves that need healing.  By taking the steps necessary for healing ourselves, and releasing the resistance we are holding within, we open a greater pathway for others to do the same, and we are playing a greater role in healing the world at large. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on March 29, 2010 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 12 Personal Transformation & That of the World Pt. 1

    15/03/2010 Duración: 18min

    How is our own spiritual progress assisting with that of the rest of the world? I first started to think about this topic when the devastating earthquake struck the small country of Haiti, and I encourage you to look through my previous broadcasts to hear those discussions.  In this episode, we look at the role world catastrophes play in reflecting back to us an aspect within ourselves.  By looking within, and examining what that reflection is, and offering it healing and support, we can take the role of assisting in the healing and transforming of those specific global tragedies, and that of the world. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on March 15, 2010 Visit my website for your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 11 Guided Meditation: Connecting with Source

    01/03/2010 Duración: 10min

    Have you wanted to connect with Source, but have been unsure how? This broadcast brings you closer as the meditation from Spirit is channeled through me. Use this joyful guided meditation to bring you more in touch with your spirituality. In this episode, you'll be guided through a beautiful meditation that you'll be able to use over and over again, to create, and maintain, a connection with Source. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on March 1, 2010 Visit my website for a free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 10 Resistance & Awakening Part 4 - The Meditation

    21/02/2010 Duración: 13min

    Imagery is a powerful tool we can use. It is the way that your subconscious speaks and communicates through you. This podcast will walk you through a guided visualization to help explore your subconscious.  In this episode, you will be guided through a powerful step by step process to access, identify and transform the subconscious resistances you may have that are holding you back from reaching your highest potentials. With this process, you will be given the tools you will need for all future investigations into a deeper knowing of your consciousness, if you are not achieving the results you seek.  A timeless, effective process at transmuting your subconscious resistances. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on February 21, 2010 Visit my website for your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 9 Resistance & Awakening Part 3

    14/02/2010 Duración: 22min

    If you have found yourself unable to create the way you want, or not receiving the joy or the love or the good health you're looking for, there may be subconscious resistance blocking the way. This broadcast will give you the tools to help uncover this resistance.  In this episode, we discuss the power and impact of resistances, what they look like and how they can sabotage what you're trying to create for yourself.  By being able to uncover, communicate with, and evolve your resistances, your life can begin to enjoy a great deal more ease, flow and grace toward what you want to receive and experience in your life.   This episode is a prep for the upcoming guided visualization to follow. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on February 14, 2010 Visit my website for your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 8 Resistance & Awakening Part 2

    07/02/2010 Duración: 23min

    If you're on your spiritual path, you may have been exposed to materials surrounding the law of attraction. You may have even been exposed to visualization techniques or other manifesting techniques. These tools are great, but what happens when they don't seem to be working? In this episode, you'll get a better understanding around why sometimes your manifesting techniques aren't working like you want them to.  Is it taking too long to manifest what you want?  Are you finding that certain difficulties arise that you can't seem to get past?  The podcast completes with a guided visualization that will move you through all of your own, internal resistances, and provides for you guideposts along the way, that you can use for any aspect of your life. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on February 7, 2010 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 7 Post Haiti Reflections: Resistance & Awakening

    31/01/2010 Duración: 09min

    No matter what the time frame or the disaster, I believe holding a spiritual perspective on natural disasters and the effects they have on local populations can be very helpful. In this episode, we ask ourselves, "How is it that we resist receiving?"  Using Haiti's post aftermath of the earthquake, and how difficult it was to actually receive all the aid and donations that were given, we turn the mirror of reflection on ourselves in order to offer healing, compassion, and release resistance. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on January 31, 2010 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 6 Haiti - Part 2

    24/01/2010 Duración: 14min

    In this episode, we are reminded that, as a world, we are all one.  And when another part of the world experiences a natural catastrophe, such as the earthquake in Haiti, we are witnessing parts of ourselves having it's own experience as well. We are asked to examine how this is a reflection of our own inner wounds. A guided, visualized, prayer is conducted to heal and envision a bright future for all parts of Haiti. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on January 24, 2010 Visit my website to download your free resource! http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 5 Haiti: After the Earthquake

    17/01/2010 Duración: 27min

    On January 12, 2010. after a history of strength and struggle, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck the tiny country of Haiti, devastating the population.  What has been your reaction to this news? Have you been hungry to understand? Wanting to get involved and help? Your reaction may be an indication of the way you are willing to look at yourself. In this episode, the event, and our reactions to it, are discussed.  A brief history of Haiti covered, along with the current situation asking us to inquire, "Why?" A spiritual perspective is discussed. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on January 17, 2010 Visit my website to download your free resource! http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

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