Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques



Answers to the most common and uncommon questions about tapping and EFT


  • Pod #191: EFT For Getting Past Fear w/ Mary Ayers

    14/10/2015 Duración: 36min

    (At least here in America) one of the most common pieces of advice you’ll hear for overcoming fear is to "just grit your teeth and fight your way through it!" That advice is plain silly! Fear is not something we should simply muscle through. Instead, it is a primitive emotion that does everything it can to keep us safe. This week I have a conversation with Dr. Mary Ayers who was in exactly that situation. She had to do something that scared her and was told by those around her that she just had to overcome the fear and get on with it. She decided to take another path. She faced the fear head on, figured out why it was there, and removed it. Not only does Mary share her own experience of transforming fear, she shares how she did it AND how you can do it too. Guest: Dr. Mary Ayers Contact: web @ TapIntoAction.com; web radio @ The Chickenshits Guide to Success; facebook @ Tap Into Action About Mary: Dr. Mary Ayers knows how to get people un-stuck! With her years of experience as a therapist and a coach, you won'

  • Pod #190: Perfectionism, Self-Forgiveness, & EFT

    07/10/2015 Duración: 17min

    [This week's podcast is sponsored by Pain Relief Miracles. Receive 30% off your first purchase.] Perfectionism is tricky. At its core perfectionism is motivated by wanting everything to be just perfect, because when everything is perfect it becomes manageable. Making life manageable is great but the problem is that it will never be perfect. And when things are not perfect we can very easily fall into beating ourselves up for “failing” to meet impossible standards. This week I have a tap-along to help us be gentler with ourselves for not being perfect, and to forgive ourselves for being unable to reach unattainable goals.

  • Pod #189: EFT For The Burdens Of Others

    30/09/2015 Duración: 18min

    It is not uncommon for us to pick up the emotional beliefs or emotional burdens of our loved ones. In most cases we don't even realize we are doing it. Emotional beliefs are often formed when we are children because we are so impressionable at a young age. We usually shoulder the emotional burdens of loved ones out of the desire to care for or protect them. At a certain point we realize that we must let these go in order to be healthy. This week I have a tap-along to help you to release emotional burdens and beliefs that are not serving you. Even if you don't think you have experienced either of these I encourage you to tap through this audio because we often don't realize what we are carrying emotionally. I would love you to share your experience of this tap-along in the comments below.

  • Pod #188: EFT for Grief w/ Sherry O'Brian

    23/09/2015 Duración: 33min

    There two common misconceptions in understanding how grief affects us. First, many people believe that the 5 stages of grief as defined by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance) are the way humans always experience grief. Second, many people believe that grief is only experienced around extreme events, such as the death of a loved one. Grief is a much more complicated and subtle process than those two perceptions would lead us to believe. In this week's interview with Sherry O'Brian we talk about the many different ways that we may experience grief and how we process it. I am guessing if you haven't had a loved one die recently you are thinking that this podcast isn’t for you. But I encourage everyone to listen to this because more than likely grief is present in your life in an unexpected way and you will find this conversation very helpful. Guest: Sherry O’Brian Contact: web @ mindbodyspirit-innergrations.com About: Sherry O’Brian, LCSW, DCEP is a psychotherapist who ha

  • Pod #187: Clearing Space For Better Action

    16/09/2015 Duración: 14min

    Sometimes we get caught up in our emotions and make poor choices that we later regret. We want to make the best choice, we know what the best choice is, and we still let our emotions get in the way. We can know exactly what triggers us and even when we spend time tapping on an issue that triggers us emotionally, we can still find ourselves highly emotional in a moment when these issues come up again. This week I share how you can tap for these instances so that you will be happy with your choices as the emotions come up. Make sure you listen to see why I have chosen the artwork in this post.

  • Pod #186: Morning And Evening EFT w/ Wendy Merron

    09/09/2015 Duración: 21min

    My clients are always telling me that they would like to tap every day but have a hard time making it a habit. One of the reasons I think people struggle with creating a daily tapping habit is that they don't know what to tap for. And because they don't know where to start they feel silly or frustrated and so they don't do it. My friend Wendy Merron has created a wonderful tapping process for the beginning and ending of the day that she calls "AM/PM Tapping". I love its simplicity and find that it’s the perfect way to start and end a day. You can download a printout of the process here Below you can hear Wendy describing the process and also hear us tapping through it so you can tap along too. Contact: web @ TheCenterOfSuccess.com/ ; book @ Powerful Thinking on Purpose About: Wendy Merron is a Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH), Certified National Guild of Hypnotist Instructor, Adjunct NGH Faculty Member, and founder of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the National Guild of Hypnotists. She teaches the NGH Hyp

  • Pod #185: Information From The Physical Body That Aids Emotional Healing w/ Julie Schiffman

    02/09/2015 Duración: 32min

    Our physical bodies are constantly communicating information to our conscious minds to help us navigate our daily lives. Some of this information is obvious and direct. For example, feeling pressure on your shoulder lets you know someone is touching us trying to get our attention, or we feel pain when touching something hot. It also communicates is less obvious ways. We feel tension when we are stressed or heavy-hearted when we are sad. Most of us are not as in tune with our physical bodies as we could be. Because of this we could be missing valuable information that our body is trying to communicate. In this conversation with Julie Schiffman we talk about how to be more in tune with our physical body and how we can use this information to accelerate the healing process. Guest: Julie Schiffman Contact: web @ JulieSchiffman.com; e-mail @ julieschiffman@yahoo.com; phone @ 847-219-4754; facebook @ Julie Schiffman EFT; twitter @ Julieschiffman1 About: Julie Schiffman is an Expert EFT Practitioner with 20 years o

  • Pod #184: EFT For Shame (Part 2)

    26/08/2015 Duración: 18min

    Back in July I shared a tap-along audio for the shame of making a bad choice. I was overwhelmed by the positive response I received. This week we go a little bit deeper in responding to the emotion of shame. I hope you enjoy this tap-along audio.

  • Pod #183: EFT For Feeling Like You Will Be Judged For Being Different

    19/08/2015 Duración: 15min

    Much of my client work revolves around helping people to take action. Most of my clients are trying to find a way to use their gifts and talents to help those around them in some way, but for some reason are holding themselves back. This inability to act often stems from times in their childhood or more recent past where they were judged harshly by their loved ones for being different. When this happens it makes perfect sense that they wouldn't feel comfortable using their giftedness in the present. Today's podcast is a tap-along aimed at this exact issue. Even if you don't feel like this applies to you, you might be surprised how this type of experience may be impacting you subconsciously. Take a few moments to tap along.

  • Pod #182: Matrix Birth Reimprinting w/ Sharon King

    13/08/2015 Duración: 30min

    Even though we don't consciously remember coming into this world, we are fully conscious in utero and at the time of our birth. Because we are conscious, these experiences contribute to how we build models of the world that impact the way we live our daily lives. In this interview Sharon King shares how Matrix Reimprinting (a tool set that uses tapping) can be used to help clear these unconscious memories.

  • Pod #181: Returning To The State Before Illness And Trauma w/ Jacqui Crooks

    05/08/2015 Duración: 38min

    We we are tapping we are trying to clear the trauma, events, and emotions that have come up in our lives causing us discomfort, disease, and limiting beliefs. If it is true that we can find our way to the moments that causes these issues then it must also be true that we can find our way to a time in our system before these moments. Jacqui Crooks has developed a process which helps us to return to that original pre-issue state. Not only are we able to clear the issues but also reclaim that pre-issue state. In this interview she shares how we can access what she calls our original "blueprint". Even though there is a blueprint of the shining essence of me and I forgot that that is who I am, I deeply and completely love, accept and forgive myself. Even though I forgot, I now gratefully accept help from my guides, helpers, angels, source, my higher self and all parts of me, to help and support, while cleaning, clearing and repairing all damage to my chakras, aura or any of my bodies, so that I return wholly to t

  • Pod #180: How To Talk About The Science Around EFT w/ Craig Weiner

    22/07/2015 Duración: 24min

    When we introduce EFT to others it can catch them off guard. Most people have nothing to compare tapping to, which creates lots of questions. It can be frustrating to lack a clear and believable way to talk about tapping that is appropriate for newcomers. In this conversation Craig Weiner shares how we can explain EFT to others in a helpful and understandable manner. [Note: If you are interested the scientific research around EFT check out this interview with Dawson Church.]

  • Pod #179: EFT For The Shame Of Being Wrong

    15/07/2015 Duración: 15min

    I hate being wrong. I pride myself on making thoughtful choices and I work really hard to make sure I consider the best course of action and all the possible outcomes. That doesn't mean that I expect myself to be perfect before I act (which is a different issue), but that I am really hard on myself when I make a mistake. Especially a public mistake where others can see I messed up. This week's podcast is about what comes up when we are dealing with the shame of making mistakes. This is another example of me tapping for one of my own issues in real time. I hope you find it useful.

  • Pod #178: Trauma Busting Technique w/ Rehana Webster

    08/07/2015 Duración: 23min

    EFT is a powerful tool for clearing trauma, but just because you know how to tap it doesn't mean that you have a clear understanding of how to tap for trauma. Founding EFT Master Rehana Webster has created a systematic approach to tap for trauma. In this conversation she shares the simple steps behind what she calls TBT (Trauma Busting Technique).

  • Pod #177: Responding To Repressed Memories / w Sophia Cayer

    01/07/2015 Duración: 22min

    The human memory is incredibly complex. As our understanding of the workings of the brain grows it is increasingly evident that the human memory can be very unreliable. Even when we have total confidence in a memory we could be mistaken. On some level most people are aware that their memory is fallible. This can cause clients anxiety when what feels like a new memory shows up in a tapping session. These may have been repressed or they may also be false memories. In this conversation with Sophia Cayer we discuss the nature of memory and how to respond to a memory that might be false.

  • Pod #176: EFT For How Others React To Us When We Make A Major Change

    24/06/2015 Duración: 01min

    Over time we are going to change our minds. (At least, I hope I am changing my mind as I learn new things.) And in a vacuum that seems like a good thing. We are presented with new information and experiences. We re-evaluate the way we see the world and then we change our mind to think and act in a new way. The problem is that we don't live in a vacuum. When we change our mind it doesn't only impact the choices we make, it also impacts the other people in our lives. You might choose to leave a job, finish a relationship, or change the way you see God. When this happens the people in our lives may be impacted in practical or emotional ways. Our loved ones may struggle because they have to change their understanding of who we are and how we see the world. They might not like our new choices or they might feel challenged by them. In this week's podcast we tap for the difficulties around how others react to us when we make a significant change. This is also a great audio if you are struggling with a major change t

  • Being Busy Vs. Being Productive w/ Brad Yates (Pod #175)

    17/06/2015 Duración: 31min

    There is a difference between filling your time with tasks and doing the tasks that are most important. As a way of keeping ourselves from doing the things we don't want to do we often we find ways to fill our time with tasks to keep us busy. In the long term this is far from helpful! In this conversation with Brad Yates we discuss how we distract ourselves with busy tasks to keep us safe from might go wrong with the productive tasks. We also talk about how we can tap for this to change the way we work.

  • Pod #174: EFT For Professional Jealousy

    10/06/2015 Duración: 12min

    Last month I attended a conference as a delegate, which is not something I do often. I attend around 20 conferences a year as a speaker and only one or two as an audience member. I loved the conference and learned a lot, but there were a number of occasions when I found myself feeling jealous of speakers teaching things I already knew. I was jealous of the platform they had and the admiration they were receiving from the audience. I was jealous of their professional success. Jealousy is such an unproductive energy. We become obsessed with outside forces, we feel sorry for ourselves, and we don't take action. In this audio you will hear me tapping in real time for my jealousy of others and how I managed to shift it into a more positive frame of mind.

  • Scared of Change and Transformation Tap-Along

    09/06/2015 Duración: 06min

    This is a chance to tap along to be ready for change.

  • Pod #173: Working On Our Authority Figures Using EFT w/ Gary Williams

    03/06/2015 Duración: 15min

    Something interesting happens when families get together where the adult children fall right back into the roles they had when they were 13 years old. (At least that is what happens in my family.) This happens not only when a whole family comes together, but also within certain relationships. No matter how much growth we have gone through as an adult, we fall back into our old patterns. In this interview Gary Williams talks about the stress that can be caused by the dominant personalities which ruled our responses as children and how we can tap for them.

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