Prince Of Peace



Grow Deep. Reach Out. That's who we are. That's what we do. May this podcast remind you that you are a beloved child of God, and we have a lot of work to do together.


  • Invitation Only (Natalia Terfa 10/15/17)

    16/10/2017 Duración: 18min

    Ooof. This is not a text we hear in Sunday school. Who would turn down an invitation to dine with the King? And who would wear sweatpants to a wedding feast? In fact, both of the texts today feel like a call to worthiness. And that’s hard to hear. But what if we’re missing something? Is it really so dire? Scripture: Philippians 4:1-9; Matthew 22:1-14 Song: "Psalm 126 (come home with jubilation)" by Nate Bergengren; performed by the Prince of Peace worship band

  • Prize Fighter (Chad Brekke 10/8/17)

    09/10/2017 Duración: 19min

    Father Richard Rohr wrote that “religion either produces the very best people or the very worst.” In this passage, Paul continues arguing against the outward trappings of the religious system that he had devoted his life to, in favor of “the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” This deserves a closer look! Scripture: Philippians 3:4b-14 Song: "Lead Me To The Cross" written by Brooke Ligertwood; performed by the Prince of Peace worship band

  • Authority Issues (Natalia Terfa 10/1/17)

    03/10/2017 Duración: 19min

    Today’s Gospel begins a series of challenges to the authority of Jesus by those holding positions of power. What is it about this Jesus guy that is so threatening? What does it mean that Jesus is occupying the temple in these stories and what does it have to do with us and the places we occupy? Scripture: Philippians 2:1-13; Matthew 21:23-32 Song: "From The Inside Out" written by Joel Houston; performed by the Prince of Peace worship band

  • Dealing With God (Chad Brekke 9/24/17)

    25/09/2017 Duración: 19min

    Let’s be honest, sometimes the bible bugs us. Why should the lifetime criminal have a place in heaven right next to the lifetime active church member just because of some jailhouse conversion? Today we contend with the annoying reality that God occasionally does things without our permission! Scripture: Jonah 3:10-4:11; Matthew 20:1-16 Song: "One Thing Remains" by B. Johnson, et al.; performed by the Prince of Peace worship band VIDEO: Grace and Fear

  • As We Forgive (Natalia Terfa 9/17/17)

    18/09/2017 Duración: 19min

    The Gospel today reminds us just how similar we are to the disciples, when they ask Jesus just how often they are supposed to forgive someone. 7 times? Then can we stop? Jesus lays down quite the stunning answer to this question, one that we hate and love all at the same time. Scripture: Romans 14:1-12; Matthew 18:21-35 Song: "Mighty To Save" written by B. Fielding & R. Morgan; performed by the Prince of Peace worship band

  • Church (Chad Brekke 9/10/17)

    12/09/2017 Duración: 11min

    As we celebrate rally day and the kick off to our next season of ministry and outreach, we pause to consider what the church is really all about. Is this community of faith a tired remnant of generations past or are we being called together for just such a time as this? Scripture: Romans 13:8-14; Matthew 18:15-20 Song: "Be The Church" written by Stefan Van Voorst; performed by the Prince of Peace worship band

  • Cross Walk (Katie Rykal 9/3/17)

    06/09/2017 Duración: 13min

    Our Gospel today tells us that we are called to carry the cross. If you think about the cross that Jesus carried - it’s a pretty big one. What does it mean for us to have to pick up that cross and follow Jesus? Is it as difficult as it may seem, or is there an easier way? Scripture: Romans 12:9-21; Matthew 16:21-28 Song: "We Are Called (let us not forget)" written by Nate Bergengren; performed by the Prince of Peace worship band

  • Keys To The Kingdom (Natalia Terfa 8/27/17)

    28/08/2017 Duración: 21min

    There are a lot of announcements and pronouncements made in today’s Gospel. Peter announces that Jesus is the Son of God, and Jesus gives him the keys to the Kingdom. So strange. What does it mean that Peter says what he says and why does Jesus respond the way he does? And what does it have to do with us? Scripture: Isaiah 51:1-6; Matthew 16:13-20 Song: "The Solid Rock" re-done hymn by the Prince of Peace worship band

  • Put Peter Back In The Boat (Emmy Kegler 8/23/17)

    25/08/2017 Duración: 13min

    This one is a doozy! A traditional understanding of this story says that Peter stepped out of the boat in confidence, looked at Jesus and then was distracted by the storm and the crashing waves and thunder bolts all around him.  And then was when he began to sink like a "Rock". But was it Peter's zealous faith that kept him on top of the water, for a time? Was the faith-filled act to have stepped out of the boat? Maybe Peter could have also shown his faithfulness by staying in the boat... let's explore this "what if?" together. Scripture: Matthew 14:22-33 Song: "God Is Able" written by B. Fielding & R. Morgan; performed by the Prince of Peace worship band About our preacher: Emmy Kegler is the pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Northeast Minneapolis ( and the founder and editor of Queer Grace, an encyclopedia of online resources around LGBTQ life and faith ( Check out her bio for more info.

  • Demanding Mercy (Chad Brekke 8/20/17)

    21/08/2017 Duración: 25min

    The woman we meet in the gospel today had no business believing that Jesus would bother to help her in her time of need. Remember that humiliated woman who snuck up behind Jesus just to reach out and touch the hem of his garment? Yeah, this is not that woman! The Canaanite woman we meet today demands a blessing. The disciples are so annoyed they ask Jesus to send her away. But Jesus sees something in this foreign woman in need, something he has been searching for. Something he wants you to have as well. Scripture: Isaiah 56:1, 6-8; Matthew 15:10-28 VIDEO: Mark Heyer speaks about the memory of his daughter Song: "Shelter From The Storm" by Bob Dylan

  • Between Memory And Hope (Kathryn Schifferdecker 8/16/17)

    17/08/2017 Duración: 16min

    Living between memory and hope--it is a tough place to live, a diffcult tension to hold. We remember God's faithfulness in the past and we hope in God's faithfulness for the future. And at the same time we get to participate in God's work of redemption here and now... we sow seed in hopes that in time there will be a harvest. Scripture: Psalm 126 Song: "Psalm 126 (come home with jubilation)" written by Nate Bergengren; performed by the Prince of Peace worship band

  • Experiencing God (Natalia Terfa 8/13/17)

    14/08/2017 Duración: 18min

    We have all wondered what it sounds like when God interacts with us. Since we are kind of short on burning bushes and pillars of fire these days, how do we know what God’s voice sounds like? What does God look like or feel like? How can we be sure it’s God and not just our mind? Is there a test? And if and when God speaks to us, what does God say (especially now, in light of current events)? Both of our texts today share moments of experiencing God that give us some pretty great clues to how we experience our God who has promised to always be with us. Scripture:1 Kings 19:9-13; Matthew 14:22-33 Song: "It Is Well" written by H. G. Spafford & P. P. Bliss; performed by the Prince of Peace worship band

  • Contact (Sarah Kallies 8/9/17)

    11/08/2017 Duración: 40min

    Take the time to hear this powerful story of addiction, stubborn faith, grace and redemption... it might just change your life too! About our preacher/presenter: By 18 singer/songwriter and blogger, Sarah Kallies, had an ulcer for which she was given narcotic pain medication. And so began her long and secret relationship with pills that lasted until 2009 when she married her husband. Getting clean, sober and healthy is like having been blinded by a wet, heavy blanket... read more here. Song: "Your Grace Finds Me" written by J. Myrin & M. Redman; performed by the Prince of Peace worship band

  • Throwing The Match (Chad Brekke 8/6/17)

    07/08/2017 Duración: 15min

    There is something about the middle of the night that lends itself to magnifying our problems and concerns. There in the darkness our worries keep us from sleeping. At times, it is our own conscience that decides to do battle with us in the wee hours. Just ask Jacob. His entire past caught up with him one night and he found himself in a full-on battle with God. You may be surprised how the match turned out. Scripture: Genesis 32:22-31; Matthew 14:13-21 Song: "Savior's Arms" written by B. Fielding, J. Ingram & K. Stanfill; performed by the Prince of Peace worship band

  • Why I'm Not In It To Save People (Margaret Kelly 8/2/17)

    04/08/2017 Duración: 11min

    Shobi’s Table, baptism and transfiguration and why I'm not in it to save or change people... Text: Mark 1:9-11, Mark 9:2-7 About our preacher/presenter: Margaret Mary Kelly is the pastor and mission developer with Shobi's Table in St. Paul, MN. They serve the poorest section of the East Metro, on the streets... with their food truck. Read more here. Song: "You've Set Me Free" written by Nate Bergengren; performed by the Prince of Peace worship band

  • What The Kingdom Of God Is Like (Natalia Terfa 7/30/17)

    01/08/2017 Duración: 18min

    There’s an age that every kid goes through we like call the “question” stage. First at age 3 is the why’s, then, again around 9 or 10 the life questions are asked. Without fail, they will ask a complicated question… one without an easy answer. And as adults, it’s hard to explain the unexplainable. Jesus today is aware of how difficult it is to explain the Kingdom of God, so he uses a lot of quick and easy examples to help paint a larger picture. So will we! Scripture: Romans 8: 26-39; Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 Song: "One Thing Remains" written by B. Johnson, C. Black Gifford & J. Riddle; performed by the Prince of Peace worship band

  • Lament And Faithfulness (Natalia Terfa 7/23/17)

    24/07/2017 Duración: 21min

    We don't spend much time expressing our deep hurt and frustration. Certainly not to each other and certainly not in church. But God can handle it. In fact, taking time to sit in this space together is an essential part of our faith in God... Scripture: Lamentations 3:16-24; Romans 8:15-25 Song: "Lord I Need You" written by C. Nockels, D. Carson, et al.; performed by the Prince of Peace worship band

  • Luther's Radical God (Mark Tranvik 7/19/17)

    21/07/2017 Duración: 27min

    It's been 500 years since Martin Luther nailed a list of strongly-worded "reformations" to the front door of his local church, and inadvertently started the Reformation. And so far removed from 1517, we can sometimes forget how amazingly tranformational and radical his understanding of God's love truly was, and is. So let's dive into it together... About our presenter/preacher: Rev Dr. Mark Tranvik is a faculty member at Augsburg College in Minneapolis, MN, and an expert on Martin Luther and the Reformation... bio here.

  • Changing Conditions (Chad Brekke 7/16/17)

    17/07/2017 Duración: 18min

    This morning we take a fresh look at the familiar parable of the sower and the seed. You know, some fell on rocky soil, some in the thorns and some on good soil. So, what kind of soil are you? Is that even the right question to ask? Those of us who are not up at the lake this weekend will follow Jesus to the shore to listen again to this great old story. Scripture: Isaiah 55:10-13; Matthew 13:1-9 Song: "Here We Are" written by Nate Bergengren; performed by the Prince of Peace worship band

  • Ask The Pastors (summer edition)

    17/07/2017 Duración: 41min

    As we do from time to time at our 10:30am worship service, we devote our entire morning to hearing from you on issues of our faith/life together. This particular time in conversation is always a blessing! Use #PoPAskThePastors and we'll respond, even now.

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