Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 74:36:57
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Are you doing all the right things and success still eludes you? Are your relationships or health a struggle? Are you building a coaching or healing business and dont understand why your conversations with people are not as productive as they should be? Transitioning from research physicist to healer was prompted by dysfunctional relationships and failing health. On the Scientific Healing Healing, you will hear about people just like you that struggled with their health and relationships then succeeded. You will hear my best tips for getting yourself healthy, happy, and magnetically attractive to others. Listen in to get those tips and visit my website for more tips and free gifts at or


  • The Truth Behind the Myths of Self-Healing for Energy Healers

    12/10/2018 Duración: 44min

    Who has ever heard that you can’t heal yourself or your family members? There are several myths out there that you healers can’t heal yourselves: you need help from other healers of you can’t heal your family members, even.Not only can you, but you must. In today’s show, you’ll get clear tips on how to do this for yourself or your family members. You’ll also discover when it doesn’t work and what to do about it.Powerful evidence for self-healingThe inability to self-heal is refuted by a lot of evidence. As simple as what happens when you get a cold or are scratched on the skin are two pieces of evidence.In terms of energy healing, daily habits done with the right mindset gives your body the signal to heal or not.Today’s conversationListen in as Dr. Anastasia Chopelas and Gwen Lepard break down this pervasive myth and show you what you can do about it.You’ll even hear perspectives on addictive behavior and some of the easiest tips to implement to start you on the path to self-healing to a vibrant, successful a

  • Live Full Out In Your Purpose with Baeth Davis

    05/10/2018 Duración: 34min

    Baeth Davis is known as the “Palm Pilot for the Soul of Your Business™,” and “The Intuitive Business Catalyst™.” for more information.Baeth is the secret sage to global leaders, including celebrities, scientists and entrepreneurs. Using her intuition, extensive shamanic experience, 15 years in business and expertise in scientific hand analysis, she helps you discover your life purpose, reclaim your shadow and step into the passionate leader you know you are.She has recently been asked to be on the advisory board of the Unstoppable Foundation and is committed to bringing the consciousness of Life Purpose to the educational system globally.Scientific Hand Analysis Can Work for YouI’ve been to two of her events and done a program with her, as well as had my palms read. When I first heard about palm reading and human design, I as a scientist admit I was very skeptical. It has proven to be spot o

  • Keep getting sick even though YOU are doing all the right things? Discover the steps to changing that!

    16/08/2018 Duración: 51min

    Are you still getting sick and not feeling well even though you are doing all the RIGHT things? You eat well, exercise, sleep right, drink your water, and so on?This isn’t a guarantee to wellness, but it is foundational. But despite doing all this, you can be constantly getting colds, be sick all the time, or worse get a big disease that really curtails your lifestyle.Do we never get sick again? Unlikely. But recovery is faster and the problems are rare.Listen in to the conversation between Dr. Anastasia and guest host Gwen Lepard as they explore their experiences as well as those of their thousands of clients.You are affected by the energy of those around youThe crux of it is that you adapt the attitudes of the people around you and carry on with it in yourself. Anger, frustration, and resentment. But you don’t even realize you’re doing it.Discover how you can start taking great care of yourself without spending much more time than you already do. In fact, you might find you spend less time. Find out the fir

  • Everyone Can Heal With Energy, You can too

    19/07/2018 Duración: 55min

    Everyone, including you, can heal with energy, from simple processes to the more complex. In today’s broadcast, you’ll hear about people that never knew they could work with energy and how it has transformed their lives afterwards. The word here is empowerment.  So many people feel stuck and helpless and left to the whims and moods of others. And that is one of the clues that we have that you need to learn the real basics of energy medicine, to take care of yourself and claim back the power over your own life.Who can do energy healing?I’ve been asked many times, who can heal or work with energy, and my answer is as long as you have a living, breathing body, you can. Today in conversation again with me is my cohost Gwen Lepard. Both Gwen and I fit into that category, not realizing that we are powerful healers until late in life. Today, you are going to hear some stories of people using energy healing for the first time and their powerful results.  These are people you would have never guessed from their career

  • Success Follows Starting Your Day Right with Cyndi Padilla

    12/07/2018 Duración: 42min

    Cyndi Padilla has a long history with raging success in the corporate world but yet taps into her spiritual side to get her day started on the right track. I immediately wanted to get to know her especially because she left that lucrative corporate job without a plan in place and needed to replace her 6-figure income quickly.  In a very short amount of time, she’s done that and more.  She knows it’s because of how she starts her day. Cyndi disguises herself as a go-to solution for big companies when they need a sales team.  Who better to motivate a sales team than someone who understands what it takes to be successful?Cyndi started with a bachelor’s degree in Business Management and a Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership. She then went on to a corporate job with over 20 years’ experience building and leading teams for retail giants like Target and Gap.From a leap of faith to raging successThen about 5 years ago, she said goodbye to the corporate world; quitting her 6-figure J.O.B. without a plan, but

  • Freeing Time for Yourself in Your Business and Life with the Right Systems with Karen Fritz

    06/07/2018 Duración: 51min

    In this show, you’ll hear how you can systematize and organize your home and business to save you time, money, and your personal energy. This will to free you up to a less stressful life.My guest, Karen Fritz author of bestseller “Purposetivity: The Feminine Face of Productivity,” has a superpower to see patterns in chaos. She’s a master at taking an ecosystem view to maximize your ROI (return on investment).Karen applies big concepts in actionable steps and systems. This helps get busy coaches and creatives out of overwhelm and into sustainable success.Her fascinating exuberance about integrating diverse fields – tech and psych; quantum physics and cultural anthropology; motorcycles and motherhood – brings ancient wisdom to post-modern business.Connecting with Karen to systematize your business to free your timeKaren takes a stand for transforming the fabric of our economic society through business as a force for good at the solo/service level through sustainable integration of strategy, systems, and self ev

  • Living Your Sweetest Life Without Sugar With Sherry Strong, Former Sugar Addict

    29/06/2018 Duración: 52min

    Meet Sherry Strong, former sugar addict. She has a lot to say about the sugar consumption epidemic in this country and the problem it causes.According to various reports, Americans consume between 150 and 170 lbs of sugar per year. This is like a half a pound a day per person!Sherry can help you kick a habit that is just as powerful as cocaine. Let me tell you about her: Sherry Strong is an award-winning Speaker, Chef, Nutritionist, Food Philosopher. She was the Victorian Chair of Nutrition Australia, Melbourne President of Slow Food and the Co-Founder of the World Wellness Summit.She has worked with elite athletes, billionaires, celebrities, CEO’s and everyday folk like herself to transform the way they relate to food and their body.Some Of Sherry’s Startling Facts About Sugar and Other SweetenersScience shows us that sugar lights up the brain’s dopamine receptors eight times more than cocaine.   Furthermore, it lights them up not just it brighter but more parts of the brain.Half a packet of Splenda can lite

  • Helping the Highly Sensitive Person Succeed with Debbie Lynn Grace

    20/06/2018 Duración: 48min

    As a highly sensitive person, you've heard these words, I am sure: "you are too sensitive," "stop crying and get busy," or "hold it together already".  Debbie Lynn Grace describes the empathic or intuitive or the highly sensitive person as someone who does not have a built-in buffer to withstand the normal outside energies that we all experience.  While the scientific definition of the Highly Sensitive Person is more complex, her definition is simple: you could be sensitive to sound, light, criticism, angry people and other such things that most people seem to ignore as if they weren't there. Help is on the way for the Highly Sensitive PersonIf this describes you, then listen in: Debbie Lynn Grace helps people like us.  In this insightful interview, Debbie delivers tips and strategies for highly sensitive people to be able to navigate a world full of those that aren't.  The usual coping strategies of withdrawal and isolation don't work.  In fact, they backfire

  • Are you a healer and don’t know it? Success and intuition go hand in hand

    24/05/2018 Duración: 43min

    Today, you’ll hear about how people you meet everywhere and in all walks of life are energy healers. It’s one of the things that makes them extremely likable and successful in their chosen careers. They have the same skills that I and many others out of the closet healers have, like my wonderful co-host, Gwen Lepard.Too Many People are Unaware of Their Healing SkillsIt’s just that they are not aware of how talented they really are. In this show, Gwen and I explore common characteristics and some case studies from people we’ve met who became successful, often rapidly.It all started when I was enchanted by one of my recent interviews for the show. Her show will be coming out shortly.She’s a physical therapist, yes, a conventional one. Not an energy healer. As I spoke with her, she was utterly effusive about how she had helped some of her clients out of pain and how she was so invested in their well-being.The processes that she employs have a lot of variables, but yet she was able to instinctively know which mov

  • The high cost of poor health with Alli Ferguson

    03/05/2018 Duración: 30min

    Are you aware of how much poor health can cost you? Not just in feeling bad, but really money. My next guest Alli Ferguson knows exactly those numbers. Her scientific curiosity and her background encompasses a unique, empowering, and purposeful approach to building a healthy, productive and balanced lifestyle.She has a passion for physical fitness and nutrition and with that has created the most comprehensive and uniquely customizable online fitness program. Whatever your goals may be, whatever shape you’re currently in, this program will design a routine to match your needs, and at a comfortable, yet challenging pace. Additionally, utilizing proven psychological tools that provide the necessary encouragement, discipline and drive you’ll need to hit and exceed your goals, these programs have your total success in mind.Your health is your wealth literallyLife balance is more than just health. It’s also includes wealth. By managing your health early in life, you can also provide for you and your family for fina

  • How does understanding The Science of All Energy Healing show YOU how to be healthy?

    26/04/2018 Duración: 57min

    Today’s broadcast is a deeper dive into the science of energy healing. You’ll hear about the causes of internal conflict or stresses and how that plays out in the body. There’s a large body of scientific evidence that supports these assertions, and there are ongoing research breakthroughs every day. What you’ll hear here is the practical ways of thinking about it.You’ll hear answers to questions on energy healing like, “Why doesn’t doing affirmations and creating vision boards always work?”; “Why is there no such thing as negative emotions and negative energy?”; ” How does having more than one set of emotions running through your body affect your overall health and frequency?”; And, “Why doing the same protocols on everyone improves whatever ails them, whether it’s their kidney disease, dementia or cancer?” to name a few.What’s the energy healing solution to these issues?In the latter half of the program, you’ll hear what you can do about it right now to get onto the right track. These include simple energy h

  • My Top Success Tip and Strategy for Entrepreneurs, Healers, and Business Owners

    17/04/2018 Duración: 19min

    In this program, I go over my top strategy for success in any endeavor, especially as an entrepreneur or business owner. You will also hear how you can implement it to suit your personality, especially if you are intuitive, empathic or an introvert.Here’s what inspired me to share this idea.Over the weekend, I gave a 1 minute and 20 second speech to a room of 200 people. You might think that’s easy. You say to yourself, “what, it’s only a minute?!”But here is the tough part. It was to convince 40 high level podcasters to book me on their show. So, each word had to count, it had to intrigue them, and the aim was to attract the business world and business podcasters.In crafting this speech, which took several hours, there had to be elements from my past that would be really exciting for them to hear. I wanted to introduce the results that so many business people that work with me experience, that is, rapid success in their businesses. It’s not just about the healing. While writing this speech over and over (and

  • 5 Tips for Dealing with Difficult Family Members, Coworkers and Clients for Empaths and Sensitive People

    10/04/2018 Duración: 14min

    In today’s program, you’ll see five highly effective tips for empaths and sensitive people to navigate or handle difficult family members, coworkers or clients.These methods are strategies that I as a sensitive, empathic healer has had to develop in order to help as many people as possible by empowering them to take charge of their own life and health.These include self-care ideas, tips for releasing other people’s energy, what to do before you arrive in a crowded situation or a family party, and how to handle conversations with your needy friends, clients or family members without getting pulled in to their issues while still being able to help them.Standout Quotes:“The intention is always the key. So when you're going amongst people, you go in there and you have all this stuff coming at you doesn't match your intention, just go for what it is that’s interesting.”“Establish your morning rituals so you can get centered, you can get focused, and you can take care of yourself.”Key Takeaways:It takes a

  • Avoid 2 Major Mistakes when starting and building a healing/coaching business

    03/04/2018 Duración: 17min

    In this broadcast, you’ll hear about the two biggest mistakes you could make while starting or building a healing/coaching practice.These issues can occur whether you are just starting out or even with a mature practice. And both issues will diminish your capacity to help people. You will take on fewer clients and take in less money, putting you in struggle and out of thriving.Mistakes in your healing/coaching businessThe first mistake has to do with misguided efforts to help your clients by doing too much for them, taking their issues on for yourself, energetically or otherwise.The second has to with an equitable exchange of energy. If this doesn’t occur, change for your client can’t happen. The universe loves an equitable exchange of energy and stops the flow once exchange is stopped. You waste your time and your client’s time and money.The bonus tip has to do with what happens when someone asks you for a single session.Standout Quotes:“You can’t help as many people when you let yourself get drained.”“The e

  • Is muscle testing dangerous or evil? How to muscle test….

    27/03/2018 Duración: 19min

    In this broadcast you’ll discover what cautions need to be taken when using muscle testing to determine an outcome.For many people it doesn’t work and it is often used incorrectly. Muscle testing is mis-understood as a physiological response, it is often assigned qualities that it doesn’t deserve.Listen in as I describe exactly what muscle testing is, the way I use it in my work (as confirmation, not determination), and when it shouldn’t be used.There are many things to be aware of when using a muscle test to determine things such as allergies or courses of action to take. These are all addressed here.It was inspired by many of the negative comments made on an earlier video. This included comments about there being evidence that it doesn’t work. I don’t address that here. Why?I spent 40 years reading through piles of publications in scholarly journals that were also filled with proof of things that “didn’t work”. There’s a lot of dubious work out there in legitimate places. All experiments need to be conducte

  • The Congruence Code: Freeing yourself from what is holding you back with Debbie Lichter

    22/03/2018 Duración: 46min

    Are you a high achiever on the outside but have feelings on the inside that aren’t congruent with that? Such as feeling lost, insecure or disconnected from yourself. Debbie Lichter was that too.Since graduating Summa Cum Laude from UCLA, Debbie Lichter metamorphosed many times. She started out as a marketer for Cosmopolitan running big marketing campaigns for well known companies. She then morphed into a pilates instructor and later owned her own gym, helping people get comfortable in their bodies. Then morphed again, as she dug deeper into the reasons that she get out of shape in the first place, it has evolved her business significantly. She started helping people get free from their addictions and then from a higher perspective, get congruent with themselves.The reason is one I’m familiar with, that is, as the things that got in my way, such as addictions, including food addictions, self sabotaging patterns, and obsessions dropped away from my world, then a new perspective opened up for me.Standout Quotes:

  • Your life as a hologram improves your health by Dr. Deb Schreibman: Be free from incurable conditions at last

    15/03/2018 Duración: 42min

    Are you on some sort of prescription medication that your conventional doctor has told you have to take the rest of your life? There are a variety of solutions including functional medicine, something that my guest, Dr. Debra Schreibman, practices. She has a diverse and deep education in the healing arts, including occupational therapy, chiropractic, functional medicine, and neuromuscular therapy.Her desire to help people started long before she went to college: even at a young age, she was helping others.As it is with many of us, myself included, that have been called to help with health, we have a deeply personal story about certain topics and how to help. She, too, had an incurable condition that was not acceptable to her and sought solutions. Discover hers by listening in.How to Connect with Dr. Deb’s Functional Medicine ClinicHer clinic Lake Pointe Wellness has been open for over 13 years and helps hundreds of people every month with a variety of issues including back pain, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes

  • Self-care strategies and quick tips for healers and coaches

    13/03/2018 Duración: 16min

    Today’s topic on self-care ideas and strategies for coaches and healers originates from a number of my clients and students that get tired and worn out in the course of helping others.  This is a reminder of taking the time out for self-care. In this broadcast, I focus on tips other than the usual: get enough sleep, eat right and exercise.  You have already heard these until the cows come home.  It goes without saying that in order to be of the best service to others, taking care of yourself is paramount.Today, you’ll hear about scheduling time for yourself, creating mini-gaps in the day to be able to stretch and do a pattern interrupt to get you out of stress.  You’ll also hear some ideas for releasing the energy of the person you’ve been helping whether it is in person or on the phone. After working with others, you as a caring healer or coach will want to release their energy.  I offer a few simple tips that anyone can do even if you are not an energy healer.Products mentioned in this program:Aura Smudge J

  • The Magic of Frequency: How to use frequency to open your psychic abilities, increase your wealth, balance your health and more with Dr. Kimberly McGeorge

    09/03/2018 Duración: 45min

    Have you been a little depressed, then listened to some music, and you were uplifted in a heartbeat? That’s an example of the power of using frequency to change your state, whether it’s your emotions, your health or your mindset.Today’s guest, Dr. Kimberly McGeorge is an expert at that. She is a cutting-edge, internationally known Naturopathic Healer. She has a client list of some of the world’s most talented healers, as well as thousands of clients in person and remotely around the world.Dr. Kimberly has practiced alternative and naturopathic medicine for over 25 years. She began as an herbalist and wrote as an herbal columnist for an international magazine, Open Arms. She created and distributed her own line of herbal organic products through an international mail order company.Furthermore, she maintained multiple clinical practices in Columbus, Ohio before she began teaching all over the country.How to connect with Dr. Kimberly McGeorge:In 2010, she began the Secret to Everything radio podcast and the bran

  • How functional medicine can help diabetes and thyroid disease with Dr. Stephen Wander

    02/03/2018 Duración: 36min

    Today’s show is about functional medicine with the talented and dedicated Dr. Stephen Wander. He has a multifaceted approach to solving your chronic issues, such as diabetes and thyroid disease, that most conventional medicine practitioners can’t treat without plying you with numerous prescriptions often leaving you feeling worse than when you started.As Dr. Stephen was growing up, he watched his grandmother suffer and die of diabetes and thyroid issues. He watched her being fed more and more medications, making matters worse, not better. As he watched conventional treatments fail, he was inspired to study nutrition and chiropractic, then functional medicine to solve chronic problems that Western medicine does not do well with.His work is well-known nationally and has been featured in popular magazines and television shows and is the author of "Reverse Your Diabetes, Change Your Life" and "Secrets to Weight Loss Success."He runs a successful clinic in Rockville MD where people are waiting

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