Restoring Grace David Fournier



Welcome to the Online Radio home of Restoring Grace! Our lessons are available here and as always, free of charge. If you are interested in having Restoring Grace come to your church, retreat, seminar or Bible Study, please contact us at: Thanks and please let us know what show you have enjoyed with us..


  • Zohar in 15-The Path to Transformation

    15/05/2017 Duración: 26min

    With all the talk about "transforming" and "starting" on the spiritual path, how are we supposed to get the proccess going? Good Question!!! Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he explains a six-step process designed to get the journey started. David says, "While we must consider there are many ways to get spiritually underway, these six steps will help you start the dialogue. Take the ones that work and run with them.

  • Zohar in 15-Working With God

    09/05/2017 Duración: 16min

    How can we gain "affinity" with the Light of the Creator? Many of the amazing miracles and events recorded in the Bible are stories of people who have allowed the power and wisdom of God to work through them.  God states clearly through the Bible that He has plans for us, a loving plan for our lives and a future hope.  People often act like God is their "spiritual employer" instead of engaging Him. God, in His highest wisdom, has an adventure for all of us to participate in, one that will help Repair the World.  Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he continues his series on the Zohar in 15

  • Zohar in 15- Having Awe and Anticipation for God

    28/04/2017 Duración: 17min

    Zohar in 15-Do you have an awe for God? Do you wake up in the morning awaiting to see what adventures Hashem has for you? Is your religious experience getting dry, pre-recorded and uneventful?  We need to WAKE UP and see that God has a much more fulfilling plan for each of us. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he explores the ancient text of the Zohar for modern clues on how we can experience God daily.

  • Zohar in 15- Keeping our Contributions Alive

    03/02/2014 Duración: 15min

    From the Torah portion "Trumah", comes this amazing lesson about our contributions and how they live on past our own lifetimes.  Who we learn from, spend time with, has a huge impact on how we will contribute to others.. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier from Restoring Grace and he brings back this long awaited radio session.. The Zohar in 15!!

  • Zohar in 15-Looking Behind the Stories

    18/07/2013 Duración: 20min

    The Bible is full of stories, but the stories are not the end, they are the beginning.  Learning to really study and understand the Scriptures is a valuable tool for all students on the Bible.  This lesson will provide three practical steps for ensuring you are getting the most out of your study times Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches on these three perspectives and how to grow into a good student on the Scriptures.

  • Zohar in 15- Connecting through Our Actions

    30/06/2013 Duración: 16min

    Reading Scripture and following the commands of Jesus are designed to bring us closer to Him, not to a string of belief systems. We can see and feel our connection when we realize the importance of our actions. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he presents ways to be  powerfully and actively connected.  We don't need to get "re-charged" on Sunday if we live it during the week.

  • Zohar in 15- True Study-Destination Unknown

    17/06/2013 Duración: 16min

    There is a major difference between a Teacher and an Influencer.  Today we have many people teaching based on ageda or with a destination in mind.  Most church goers do not have the skill set to be able to define correct teaching from incorrect teachings. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches this segment on studying to go where God wants your study to go. (This segment was originally supposed to air at 7:00am this date)

  • Zohar in 15- Knowing a "Way" from The Path

    09/06/2013 Duración: 16min

    Many spiritual leaders claim to know the way.  The claim to know the way to heaven, untold riches and prosperity, even a way to endless wisdom.  The Scriptures have much to say on this subject Join Senior Instrcutor David Fournier as he teaches on implementing your purpose and consciousness in seeing the clear direction of your path.

  • Zohar in 15- Striving to Know the Master

    26/05/2013 Duración: 16min

    For many people on a spiritual journey, they are striving to be known instead of striving to know the Master of the Universe.  Scritpure and the Zohar have much to say about how we can know the will and desires of the Master (God) and how this can lead to a more fulfilling and rewarding spiritual life. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches on getting connected to God by striving to know Him better    

  • Zohar in 15- Out of the Darkness

    19/05/2013 Duración: 16min

    The Zohar's volumes are packed with the concept of Light and Darkness.  The Scriptures talk about Light and Darkness from the begining of the canon until the very last book. We often act like "darkness" is some foreign enemy we fight by how we vote, who we hang around and what petitons we sign.  The truth is darkness is what resides within us and our study of the Zohar portion will bring up the conversation that God gets His greatest glory not by what we stand against, but by the darkness we transform out of our lives. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier from Restoring Grace for this vital lesson.

  • Zohar in 15-That They Bring Me an Offering

    12/05/2013 Duración: 16min

    The Old Testament documents tell us of a Taberncale and a Temple constructed to specific standards given to Israel by God.  What was the purpose of the specific instructions?  Is there a message for us in this?  How can we stay connected to God through a Divine Appointment? Join Senior Instructor David Fournier of Restoring Grace as he teaches on the purpose of the Tabernacle/Temple and how it applies to us today  

  • Zohar in 15- God's Desire is that All Come to Repentance

    05/05/2013 Duración: 18min

    Does God truly want His creation to repent?  If so, why?  God accepts everyone and desires that all return to Him.  Are we as His faith group, His called, spreading the same message?   Join Senior Instructor David Fournier from Restoring Grace as he teaches on how we can connect even deeper with God.

  • Zohar in 15- Understanding the Appointed Times

    28/04/2013 Duración: 16min

    Are there times set aside for community worship?  Can we connect with God through repentance as a form of worship?  Why does God require worship if He already knows all history and outcomes? Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches on this subject and answers the tough questions about praises and worship to God

  • Zohar in 15- The Path of the Shepherd

    21/04/2013 Duración: 16min

    Today's Spiritual Leaders are often being asked to fill roles never intended for them.  What is our part in assisting our leaders?  What can make their rolews more meaning ful and fuliflling for all of us? Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he explores the misunderstandings and corrective actions we an take in establishing The Path of the Shepherd

  • Zohar in 15- Always Count the Cost

    14/04/2013 Duración: 16min

    For most things in life, there is a cost.  From getting married, starting a family, changing jobs, there is always a cost.  Even with the words we speak, there is a cost. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches this lesson on counting the cost and the ugly results when we don't.

  • Zohar in 15-What a Difference a Day Makes!

    07/04/2013 Duración: 16min

    How many days do you have?  Who knows?  Each day comes to us as a gift from the Creator, and returns at the end of the day to announce to tell the Creator how you spent His gift. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he presents this thoughful insight into "What a Difference a Day Makes!"

  • Zohar in 15-Understanding the Mystery of Time

    31/03/2013 Duración: 16min

    Ever wonder why good goes unrewarded and wickedness goes unpunished?  Is it possible our understanding of time may not be God's?  Is it possible the time is a currency that God uses for another purpose? Find out on this episode as Senior Instructor David Fournier shares his thoughts on time!!!

  • Zohar in 15- Creating Spiritual Balance

    24/03/2013 Duración: 16min

    For many people, the idea of spiritual growth and spiritual balance are two different things. Most churches have very different ideas as to what path spiritual balance and growth should take. The result is everyone growing in different directions and different outcomes. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he leads this dialogue about steps we can take to achieve balance and grow together

  • Zohar in 15- Proclaiming the God of Grace

    17/03/2013 Duración: 15min

    God is a God of grace, and we can find this throughout all the pages of Scriptures.  God's nature includes extending grace to all mankind, which should make it part of our nature. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches on how we need to understand the God of grace and how we can live our lives to show others how His grace works.

  • Zohar in 15-As it is Below, It is Above

    14/03/2013 Duración: 15min

    Do we really understand that our actions here on earth affect the actions above?  We are daily shaping the destiny of our afterlife with each decision we make.  We can all increase our fulfillment here by becoming partners with God on His mission to restoring this world. Join Senior Instructor David Fournier as he teaches on the impact our life decisions have on the spiritual realm and our future hopes.

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